The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 11, 1897, Image 3

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    The Original.
x XcLlILLlvCI iJlllCl
Holiday Dreams Soon to be Fulfilled.
This store has proved its. advantages as a shopping place for Holiday
Gifts. What 37ou find in ; the various departments here, too, is priced on the
close margin plan. - . " i . :
Today we call your special attention to our display of Handkerchiefs,
Fans, Tray Cloths, Scarfs, Cushions, Cushion Covers and Table Cloths.
We will keep adding the good things that we have put away for the holiday
trade until they are all displayed.
Pure Linen Hemstitched . ioc
Initial Corner " , . 8 1-3C
Sheer Linen Embroidered 25c
We carry a beautiful assortment of Handkerchiefs up to $2.00 each.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
,r 1
ECEMBER 11, 1897
Let a woman wear blpbinera,
A hat like a man ;
A four-in-hand necktie.
And be "new" as she can.
But when she gets ready
To marry, she'll find
That the womanly woman's
The marrying kind.
McEweu tonight nt the Vogt.
Weather Tonight and Sunday, cooler.
Crgam of maize and minute tapioca at
Maier & Benton's. 11-15
Silver and gold articles sole by T. A.
Van Norden will be engraved free of
Notice: A young woman desires em
ployment in private family. Apply at
this office. v
Walter Norman is ready to serve fresh
oysters in every style at the Columbia
Candy Factory. 10-tf
Just received our second shipment of
Garland stoves for this fall. They are
beauties. Call and see them before
buying elsewhere. Maier & Benton.
Prof. McEwen will have among other
specialties tonight, the balloon ascen
sion, which will undoubtedly be quit
amusing and at the same time very
The Columbia Candy Factory has se
cured the services of an expert candv-
maker from Portland, and will be pre
pared to offer its patrons superior can
dies of all kinds at the lowest possible
rates. 10-tf.
Patrick and Thomas Bolton are in from
their farm on Tygh Ridge today. They
say that farmers are very anxious to be
gin plowing in that section, bat the con
tinual rains which they bave been hav
ing for the past week- has prevented
them from so doing.
Residents of Wallowa county report a
run of salmon which began within the
past week. A run of salmon this late
in the season is very unusual in that
county. The fish are large and have
deep red sides, and have other unusual
characteristics. They are headed for
Wallowa lake and are very plentiful.
F. S. Gunning, . secretary of
1857, Endowment Rank, K. of P., this
morning received a check for $2000 in
favor of Mrs. Carrie Johnston, widow of
Chas. W. Johnston, who was killed on
the O. R. A N. in November last. Sec
tion 1857 has been in existance for about
four years, and this is the first death
amongst the Dalles knights since that
section has been introduced.
This morning the Antelope arfd Prine'
ville stage did not leave until after 9
o'clock, owing to the large Amount of
mail which had to go to thse places.
There were in all tweaty-tiree sacks,
and the regular stage could hot be need,
they having to substitute 4 small farm
wagon. At present there should be four
horses on the stages on 'this line, and
much better service would be given.
Besides no passengers could -be carried
today on account of the poor accommodations.
Cedar Circle received a dispensation
from its grand guardian to admit appli
cants until January 1st for $1.50. It ac
cepts any lady of good character, or any
Woodman in good standing in his camp.
Is a beneficiary order that is able to pay
every death claim in full, having paid
for this year, insurance from $500 to
$2000; furnishes a $100 monument to
every deceased lady benefit member;
graded assessment plan, same as Wood
men have. It has nearly 5000 members ;
organized April 1, 1807. The Circle has
made rapid growth and is a substantial
Mr. Byers, whose flooring mill was
burned in Pendleton some time ago,
has made a proposition to the Commer
cial Association of Pendleton that it
Bhall take the matter in hand of dispos
ing of a quantity of his realty, and
thereby give him money sufficient to
pay for building his flouring mill. It is
the idea to sell $31,000 worth of land.
The matter is now in the hands of a
committee. Colonel Boyd, of the com
mittee, has written to people at Portland
relative to the proposition of forming a
stock company to purchase the property
and expect 8 a reply iqjifew days.
The following officers bave been
lected by the - board of directors of the
Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club, to
serve during the ensuing year: Presi
dent, E. C. Peaee; vice-president, G. C.
Blakeley ; secretary, H. M. Beall ; treas
urer, W. H. Wilson. Of these gentle
men, Mr. Wilson has . been treasurer
since the club was organized, and this
is Mr. Beall's second term as secretary.
In selecting Mr. Pease and Mr. Blake
ley' excellent judgment was also shown,
as both men have done a great deal tow
ard the . advancement of the club.
Another One Attempted, Bat Nothing
Was Stolen.
Judge Bradshaw, the former president,
being out of town so much that be could
not give strict attention to club matters,
for that reason he declined to serve the
eecond term.
Circle Social.
Despite the heavy rain storm last
evening, the entertainment at Frater
nity hall, given by Cedar Circle, was
presented' to a lull house. 'Every ntim
ber on the program Xvas good and en
section 11 joved by all, being asfollows:
(Instrumental Overture.. .sr.. .Mrs. Vamey
ICornet Solo . . Joe Stadleman
At about 11 o'clock this ' morning
someone broke into the house of an old
Chinaman, by the name of Let, who
has a vegetable garden at the foot of
Washington Btreet, on the north side of
the O. R. & N. track, and stole about
$90 in money. No one was around the
place at the time of the robbery, and as
the officers have very poor ground to
work on, it is doubtful if the mis
creant will be brought to justice.
Another attempt at burglary was
made last night, the scene of this being
the . Diamond Flour Mills. An effort
was made to force the lock on the front
door, after which failure the robber
broke a hole in the office window large
enough to reach through and unfasten
the catch, when he raised the window
and entered. AH the money and valua
bles were in the safe, and as yet noth
ing has been missed.
Another robbery was committed in
the Farmers' Hotel yesterday afternoon.
Someone got into the room of Mr. Co
bart, engineer at the mill, and took a
pair of shoes and some other articles of
clothing. - -
It is a calamity that the burglar, or
burglars, who - are committing all these
robberies cannot be caught. They are
very smooth and succeed in evading the
authorities, leaving no clue to their
identity: However, no - stone will be
left unturned by the police force in the
way of ridding the town of such pests.
There is one thing that our city lacks,
and that' is sufficient police force at
night. It is impossible for a single
man to take care of a town of the mag
nitude of this, and as a gang of thieves
seems to be operating successfully at
present, another night-watchman should
be put on by. all means.
Gole's Air
Tight Hearts.
Our Stove is made in three different
grades the Dome top line, the Cast top
line and the Sheet top line. Each of
these styles have special features, which
will enable us to meet all the require
ments of the trade. All are fitted with
doable seamed sheet metal base, which
makes the Stove absolutely Air Tight.
You will make no mistake in buying the
original Cole's Ajr Tight Heater. ,
Phone 25.
tors for
t .
notism, an-i as tonight is the la9t night
he will be in the city, anyone who has
not already eeen him should by all
means attend. The balloon ascension
will be one of the feature's of this even
ing's entertainment- '
Physicians and Surgeons,
Booms 21 and 22,
Tel. 328.
Vogt Block.
Oflice ovei First Sat. BtuK. .
I. G. jUGpIiSEfl'S.
Such Waf the Verdict of Bveryone Con
cerning that of Last Xtght.
The entertainment of the great Mo
wen last night was laughable thrnngh-
ut. and also instructive. He had the
Jest class of the week, which enabled
lm to launch into deeper work without
at tins? in so ranch time in developing.
4(He made - his class believe they were
boys in a snowball fight, and had them
throwing snowballs into the audience
nwith a vengeance. He then made them
Recitation . 1 Tiny Belat
"Trio Colofea litmselsHimaeine thev were in the heat of the
Sunflower and.r. " . . .
Caroline Snowba
Recitation. . .
ipsy tttrenger.
-Einma Belat
Parkins and Filloon. Mrs. Stephens
Suet e .. yTwo Reynolds Children
Pictures ....- -X.. Mr. Dawson
The song by the colored-girl e wao ex.
cellent, and called for a hearty encore,
which was responded to. The 'dialogue
was also given in excellent style. The
pictures by Artist Dawson- were auc
tioned to the highest bidder. The
ladies of the Circle giving the social
netted about $12 from door receipts.
Altogether the entertainment was a suc
cess. After the program was rendered,
dancing was indulged . until about the
first hour today, when all dispersed.
ast campaign, and one of them, believ-
ng that he was Senator Mitchell, gave
heated discussion of the tariff auee
Lion. Another was moving through the
1audie.nce in search of his name, which
he lost, and on being told that James
Crossen had it in his shoe, immediately
fell upon that gentleman and proceeded
in a forciable manner to remove his
footgear, without the least regard for
Jamie's feelings, or that of the audience
who were in that Immediate vicinity
Professor impressed a number of other
illusions upon the minds of bis subjects,
which amused everyone, as well as il
lustrated and proved the science of hyp
JVIasie foi
With the lightness and brightness of Christ
mas comes the desire for music, for better in
struments and for goods that suit the taste and
please the senses. We give you the best values
in music, the greatest pleasure in musical goods
and the best pi ices you ever saw.
Book Department
Book Thoughts are noble t Son? bis if you get
them from the best books. Cur stock of stand
ard reference books and of the works of the best
authors was nev- r as large as It now is. .We
keep everything you want in the- book and
stationery line.
The Great Pleasure of Life for many is the
perusal of the best books. We keep the very
latest of works, besides all the productions of
the standard autht rs.
Jetuelry Dept.
Sterling Silverware.
American Watches.
Oixtt Stationery
. Our assortment of fine wedding and society
stationery Is our pride.
Our Department of Novelties
- -Full of Christmas Gifts
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Hates.
J. T. Peters & Co.
. . . V
Jlpe postoffiee pfyarmay,
CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors.
Pue Dtfucjs and Hffedieines.
Toilet Articles and Perfumery,
pirst of Imported aijd Donestie 5i$ars.
Telephone, 333. , New vogt Block.
If you rpeed a p 0 ra 9,
Call and see our E2MBALLS.
Will "buy one of these Organs at
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
Leading Eastern Oregon Music House.
New Vogt Block, v The Dalles, Oregon.
Closing Out Sale
OF " ' "
Are going to close out their business, and t bey are offering their large stock at
COST PRICES. Now is the time to bay good Furniture cheap.
All persona knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and
settle their account. : ' -
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and. am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,