VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1897 NO 287 HAVANA IS MENACED Insurgents Again Nearing the Stronghold. RESULT LIKELY TO BE DECISIVE Cuban Soldiers are Well Armed and Equipped Heavy Spanish Lo - at Pinar del Bio. New York, Dec. 10. A Havana dis patch to the World says : An important battle is expected hour ly. The ineurgents have planned the most formidable demonstration against Havana of the year. General Parros has started from this city with a strong column of troops to meet the insurgents. Senor Canaleias, the con fidential agent of the Spanish government, went with him to ascertain the real condition in Ha vana province. General Bodrieuez with the combined Cuban forces under Juan Delgado Lada rez and Kafael Zeckardinas, is en camped twenty tni'es sooth of here. He has fully 1000 men, who are well armed, and is said to hare a Hotcbkiss quick fire rifle. Emilio Consalo has banged Antonio Rivera and a negro named Osman. They went into Consalo from Blanco with money and a proposition to lay down his arms and accept autonomy. A note was pinned on the breast of the hanged men announcing that nyone coming on a similar mission would meet a like fate. , ' .". . ' EXPLOSIVE BILLETS WERE USED. Heavy Spanish Loss at the Recent Bat i tie at Plnar del Rio. " Havana',' Dec. 10. Latest reports of the late fight in Pinar del rio province show the Spanish loss was more than claimed. The dead or wounded include one colonel, one major, seven captains, eleven subordinate officers and seventy four privates. Most of the wounded will die. The loss on the insurgent side was fourteen. Fxploeive bullets were used by them. LUETQEKT'8 WIFE ALIVE. She Was Seen In Boston During the Month of J uly. Boston. Dec. 10. The Globe, of this city, says : . "Mrs. Luetgert, the supposed victim of the sausage-maker ' murderer, so- called, in Chicago, is alive and well Mrs. Luetgert was seen in this city dar ing the month of July, acknowledged .her identity, besides giving more or leBS explanation relative to the reason which caused her to leave her husband, who is agRin on trial for his life." Such was the startling declaration made by John Schofield, of St. Louis, to & Globe man. Schofield supplement . ed this statement further with the posi tive assertion that Mrs. Luetgert was at the house, No. 7 Bullfinch place, for a period of three or four days- during the .middle of the month of July last. He said be bad gained assurance of the fact that Mrs. Luetgert while in Boston had acknowledged her identity, with the as I was troubled for a long time with a sore wrist; some thing the doctors termed an open vein. It would break and the blood would flow in a stream from it, and I could find, nothing that would heal it until I tried vour Happy Thought Salved . A ' small quantity healed it up nicely: In fact it has : been well and showed no signs of breaking lor o ver . three months, so J feel it has done perfect wbrk Mrs. T. R. Yeager, " 1526 South Ninth St., Spokane, Wash 50 cents'a jar' at IJonjaeU'sTp.rtigstore. Royal make the food pare, wholesome and delicious. FSV0Z0 Absolutely Pure ROVAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. surance that she left her husband on ac count of bis actions with other women, as well as for reason? which she thought would help in bis inancial embarrass ment in business. : He further stated that he believed Mrs. Luetgert was still in Boston, and that she will yet be found.' The Globe has interviewed Mr. Moss, of No. 7 Bullfich place, who says that the woman supposed to be Mrs. Luet gert went by th name of Millie Barker. One day the woman seemed distressed alter reading an account, of' Luetgert's trial, and when questioned by Mrs Mobs, said. ' - "You would be surprised if I told you .who I am," In Europe, Asia; Africa, Australia and America, the five great continents. Shaker.medicines are being used by sv. fering humanity for the cure bf sickness and disease. 1 "-: Never was there such a universal de mand never such wonderful results.' Shaker Digestive Cordial, a cure for indigestion, is prepared from herbs and roots, and is a natural remedy,' which cures by aid'ig nature and not by fight ing her. . ': ' ' s Shaker Digestive Cordial makes those fat, who have become thin by not digest ing their food. ' It restores the spirits and the appetite of those who are dejected and fagged out from the wearing effects of indigestion. It relieves the symptoms of dyspepsia, and, after using for a reasonable time, finally cures the complaint. Sold by druggists. ' Trial bottle 10 cts. ROASTED IN A. SMOKESTACK- A Boilermaker the Victim of Criminal Carelessness. San Francisco, Dec. 10. Michael Parcell, a boiler-maker, was making some repairs inside the smokestack of the steamer Wilmington, at the Fulsom- street wharf, when six fires, were care lessly started below him. He was strap ped in a chair suspended from the top of the stack forty - feet from the dampers below. It waB impossible to go up, and to go down without assistance meant be ing roasted alive. '; ''- r . '" Dense volumes of hot smoke began sailing up the stack'.while Purcell shout ed loudly for help. The beat increased every moment until the toiler-makers clothes caught oh fire. - He beat on the pipe with all his might, and shouted for full ten minutes before his helper on the outside, ' Martin ' Pil pot, "realized his plight and rescued him, just as the rope supporting bim begvn to catch cn fire. Purcell lies at home in a critical con dition. ' DE LOME HAS ENEMIES. Efforts at New York to . Have the Span ish Minister Recalled. New York, Dec. 10. The Spanish colony in this city has been divided by a petition sent to Madrid at the time of the assassination of Premier Canovas, asking for the appointment of a strong successor to Senor de Lome. According to the World the petition was made so Of course you want some of that $2000 And of course you want good tea Schilling's Best- your money back if" you' don't like it at your grocer's. A SchHtinr tc Company , SaaFrsneisca . 3024 as to attack de Lome without mention ing hia name, and among the forty prominent Spaniards who signed it were several friends of the minister who did not see any attack in the apparently harmless recommendation. The result is a bitterness among the factions almost as strong as their hatred of the Cubans. The petition says : . ."For Spain to succeed in ber relations with the United States Bhe most have in Washington a representative of abili ty and firmness, whose heart will beat with the pulsation ot our mother coun try, and with a head balanced to base all his diplomatic relations on an indis putable right, and not allow the right to be curtailed in the least by nnfounded demands or unjust pretensions from the opposing party." . The enemies of de Lome are said to be Senor Canelejas and A. Taltavnlla.' They charge the minister with lack of fore sight and weakness, with permitting Americans to have a voice in Spanish affairs and with bowing to the 'senate. These opponents are led by Zeraus, for merly vice-president of the Spanish ex change. . - - . . How to Prevent Pneumonia. At this time of,. the year a cold is very easily contracted, and if left to run its course without the aid ot some reliable cough medicine is liable to result in that dread disease, pneumonia. We know of no better lemedy to cure a cough or cold than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy We have used it quite extensively and it has always given entire satisfaction Olagah, Ind. Ter. Chief. This is the only remedy tLat is knowu to be a certain preventive of pneumonia Among the many thousands who have used it for colds' and la grippe, we have not yet learned of a single case having re suited in pneumonia. Persons who have weak lungs or have reason to fear an at tack of pneumona,' ' should keep the remedy at hand. The 25 and 50 cent sizea for sale by Blakeley & Houghton ' , .. . i The End Near at Hand. Canton, Dec. 10. Dr. Phillips said this morning that Mrs. McKinley is much weaker. ' He thinks there is no possibility of her living another night She remains in a palsied sleep. At 10:45 she was still living, but growing weaker Beware of Olnments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, As mercury .will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely' derange .the whole system when entering it through the ' mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Care be sure you get the gen uine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F.'J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Price 75c. per bottle, fi?"Sold by Druggists. 4. Another Gale in England. London, Dec. 10. A severe gale is again raging along the British coast, es pecially those - parts bordering on the Irish shores. "' Ships are running for shelter into all ports. " A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like " it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has lame back and weak kid neys, malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters." This medicine tones up " the whole system, acts as a stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures constipation, headache, fainting spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores' the system to its natural vigor Try Electric Bitters ' and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore.'- 3 Nevada Railway Accident. Rbno, Dec. 1Q. A wreck . occurred on the N. C. & O. railway about five miles north of this city this morning. Two or three passengers are - reported to have' been injured. - ' Negro Murderer Lynched. We8s6nI Mise.. DecJlO.-Cbas. Jones the Necro who on Wednesday murdered Mrs. Brown Smith and her four children near this place, has been captured and Home Comfprt Gent's Velvo Everett's, handsomely em brt idered. fclzea 6 to 10, $1,U5 &vd $1.75.,.- Cent's Kid or Alligator Slippers, 1.25 and J1.75. Felt Slippers, colors, black, brown . Ladies', J1.30; Oeiit:, fl.75. Gent's "Romeo" Felt, black only, boles, 2.00. '. , - . THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION 18 Pages a Week. , 1S8 Papers a Tear It stands first among '"weekly" papere in sizs, frequency of . publication freshness, varieti and reliability of cor. teots. It ia practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and its vast hst of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashiona for women and a Ion series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Conan Doyle,. Jerome K. Jerome, Stanley Weymen;; ' Mary K. Wilklos Anthony Hope, . Bret Uarte, Braider Matthews, Etc. . " 'We Offer this unequaled newspaper and The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle tor gether one year for $2.00. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. Buckien'i Armcs salve. The best salve in the world ' for car, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cuies piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For eale" by Blakeley and Honghton, druggists. FRENCH & CO., ; BANKERS. TRANSACT A UESEKALBA-VKINU BUS1N 33 Letters of Credit issued available in the ' Eastern States.' ' ' ' I Sight Exchange - and ' Telegraphic Transfers sold ' on New York, Chicaeo St. Louis, San Francteco, Portland Ore- gon,,bi?attle'. Wash,;-. and varioue pointfl lo Oregon nd;: Washington, u a : Collectiona uiaie atfah'p'ointa on it ir -- " -'-'- II . . . . t ' Novelties and otherwise in Ladies', Gent's, Misses' and Children's' Felt and Shoes and ; ; . ' - 11 "'.'" : -rW'J . . and red. Ladies' "Juliets," Fine Quality F.lt. Far Trimmed, Leather Soles and Heel, colors Black, Red Rtid . Brown, sizes 2Ji to 7, $1.9i; :- 'J Same for Slits' and Children, sizes 7 to WA- $1 .25; 11 to 2, $1 .5. leather ,-. ' " ' if ' . Everv Dossibln effort will be pat forth, and money freely spent, to make TBS WEEKLY'TRIBUNJi pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. ... We furnish "The Chronicle" and IT. Y. "Weekly Trib une one vear for onlv &1.75. Write vour naino a"nd address Tribune Office, New York City, aci a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to vou. asco Warehouse Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. s S5.- '.,J eaaquarters lor -oran, onorts. of Headquarters for "By ers' Best" Pendle- -TloiTT ' This Flour is manufactured ' expressly for family ' vJXX. M XJ U.X . Use : every sack, is guaranteed to give satisfaction. ' ' '.. . . We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and eet our Dricea and be convinced- . ' Highest Prices Paid for .Wheat, Barley and Oats. Crochet s NOW READY. Evenings at Home made doubly enjoy uble, . The daily bouse duties less severe, By wearing our "Home Comfort" SHOES and SUPPERS. (Q) XftlAS IS. COMING....'..'. Ladies Crochet High Laced Boots, Leather Boles, Pink, Black, sizes 3 to 7, SI .25. ' FOK Farmers and Villagers. Fathers and.. Mothers.. ' FOE ' : - ' ' ' Sons and Daughters. . FOE ; " All the Family. on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, tribune Pqrnpany ers for Feed Gram of an kinds. and all kinds - MILL. FEED lynched by an infuriated mob. . to-