The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 10, 1897, Image 3

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The Original.
Gole's liF
Holiday Dreams Soon to be Fulfilled..
This store has-proved its advantages as a shopping place for Holiday
Gifts. What you find in the various.,. departments here, too is priced on the
close margin plan; , .' ': ':: ; , :
Today we call your special attention to our display of Handkerchiefs,
Fans, Tray Cloths, Scarfs, Cushions, Cushion Covers and Table Cloths.
We will keep adding the good things that we have put away for the holiday
trade until they are all'displayed.
Pure Linen Hemstitched .
Initial Corner
Sliest Linen Embroidered
.. ...... ........ .IOC
8 T-3C
We carry a beautiful assortment of Handkerchiefs up to $2.00 each.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
DECEMBER 10, 1897
McEweu tonight at the Vogt.
The Eugene Register has been en
larged to a four-page Beven-column folio.
Silver and gold articles sole by T. A.
Van Norden will be engraved free of
"Walter Norman is ready to serve fresh
oysters in every style at the Columbia
Candy Factory. 10-tf
Wanted Someone, alien or native
born, to saw a cord and a half of wood.
Apply at tms office.
During the present month 1.26 inches
ot rain nave iaiien. ine rainiau ior
November was 3.84 of an inch.
, H. A. Faxon, Umatilla county's new
sheriff, Monday reappointed all the
deputies who served under .Sheriff
Mr. L. W. Chittenden, who formerly
held the position of postal clerk in this
city for a long time, has entered the sol
dierB' home at Roseburg.
Mr. Arnold, agent for Prof. McEwen,
left for Pendleton last night, which town
will be the next place in which the
professor will bold an engagement.
According to ' the latest reports.
Mother McKinley was gradually grow
ing weaker and is unconscious. The
president is contiuually at her bedside.
The ladies who have charge of the
practicing for the "Cradle Songs of the
Nations" wish to see every child who is'
to take part at the opera house tomor
row morning at 9 o'clock. -
The trials of Earl Wheeler and Fred
Hull, the alleged cattle rustlers, with
whom a sheriff's posse fought a pitched
battle on the Lower Powder river last
fall, was began in Baker City Monday.
The Columbia Candy Factory has se
cured the services of an expert candy-
maker from Portland, and will be pre
pared to offer its patrons superior can
dies of all kinds at the lowest possible
rates. 10-tf.
In the report of the Sheridan city elec
tion it appeared that the peoples party
ticket was elected. This was a mistake.
It should have read the people's ticket,
which was made up from representatives
oi an parties. i
Mr. Peale, a United States engineer a
and Mr. Clarence Sewall are in the city!
toaay. we understand that they are
here on business connected with the
n.iMinaa Vi i-id f .nil n 1 . t . "11
not find out particulars. Ur,
xour jjauLiicro were KiiieajueariAiarsu
field last week. Lester Smith killed one
measuring seven and one-half feet from
tip to tip, on Daniels creek, and John
Enegran three on Catching creek, the
largest of which measured six feet.
In the' senate yesterday McBride of
Oregon presented and asked for imme
diate consideration of a resolution lor
relief of the American miners and other
sufferers in the valley of the Yukon and
its tributaries. The resolution-authorizes
the secretary of war to transport
supplies to the sufferers, and provides
that no more than $250,000 be applied
to carry out the purpose of the resolu
tion. It went ovtr.
The stockyards were a scene of activity
today, as Roe Grimes was loading . 134
head of cattle for Troutdale. The cattle
were purchased from I. Howard of Crook
county, and considering the fact that
they have been taken off the range they
are in fine condition.
A 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ke
poso, of Prosper, Coos county, was
drowned last week, by falling into the
river from a landing in front of the
house. The child was - missed and
search was instituted, resulting in the
the finding of tbe body.
An offer has been made to Fish Com
missioner McGuire by Thomas Brown
and George Broughton of Oregon City to
establish a hatchery for eteelbead salmon
on the Sandy river. The matter has
been thoroughly discussed, and hopes
are entertained that a success! ul plan is
in view.
Considering that the holidays are cloae
at hand Ibusinees is rather lax.' -This
can be attributed to the bad condition
of the road 8, and as tbe gronnd is very
likely to freeze up before Christmas 80
that it will be easier for people to get
in from the interior, there as little doubt
that business will pick up in a moderate
Mr. S. F. Fonts of
opened a cigar factory oh Second street,
across 'from -Prinz &" Nitschka's furni
ture store', and is ready to offer the pub
lic five different brands, of cigars, wbic
are equal to any in the land. Mr.
Fouts is an experienced cigar-maker,
and anyone doubting tbe superior qual
ity of bia goods, has but to sample one
of his cigars md they will desire none
other. v
The different business houses are pre
paring for the holidays by dressing their
windows with appropriate goods, and
many of them have beautiful displays.
The windows of Pease & Mays are equal
in beautiful, and as tastily arranged as
any we have ever seen in the city. ( One
contains a large white starTBn which
shoe are displayed. The fine line of
handkerchiefs, ribbons, fans and gloves
which the' middle window contains is
driving the young ladies wild, while the
one dressed with tablecloths and nap
kins, being the corner window, catches
the. eye of every good housewife that
strolls that way. ,
The city of Chehalis ia at present on
he verge of a water famine. Tbe pipe
line between the pumping station and
tbe city gave way near the crossing of
Dillonbaugh creek. At present tbe
break is covered by eight feet of water
from tbe Newaukum river, and cannot
There is water enough in the reservoir
to last a short time, in case there are no
fire3, but no more water can be pumped
in until the line is fixed.. '
Tbe German bark Frotrimpos, which.
went ashore on the breakers on North
beach ' one year ago tbe 19th of this
month, and which the Foard & Stokes
Company of Astoria has been endeavor
ing to float, went on her beam ends
Wednesday morning, and will, in all
probability, prove a total loss. Her
purchasers still have hopes of saving
her, but' at present, things seem to be
very unfavorable for the carrying out of
their plans.
Our football team has organzed, and
after a little practice will be ready to
meet any team in the vicinity that cares
to risk its reputation onAhe gridiron.
The following are the players, as far as
we could find out. ilowever, , some
changes may yet be inade, as some of
the men who figure ay members at pres
ent may drop . on
Carey Ballard, r.
Gus Bartell,'!. t.
B. Sinnott, U e.
Bartell,' q. b.
Clarke, r. h. ;
Jim Fisher, c. ;
Jim Elton, 1. g. ;
red Snipes, r. t. ; R.
R. 11 Fisher, r. e. ; - G.
Willie Fields,
Kelly, 1. h.
f. f.
C. T. Brattan, who was a member of
(the U. S. grand jury on the second trial
pf the case of the United States vs. I. N.
iTaffe, to condemn right of way for the
proposed boat railway past the dalles of
he Columbia, and" who charged J. W.
al V or urlt.h havtno liriViArl him onrl IT.
Portlaira iiaa fcillfeather, another juryman to secure
a favorable verdict for Taffe, was arrest
ed in San Francisco Monday on a bench
warrant. issued by Judge Bellinger at the
equest of C S. Attorney Hall. It was
feared that being so far away from home
something -might induce bim to go fur
ther, sinca he is not a man to be trusted,
bo it was thought best to recall him.s '
Slde-SpllttinK Entertainment
OlTen by McEwen. .
Tight Heaters.
Our Stove is made in three different
grades the Dome top line, the Cast top
line and the Sheet top line. Each of
these styles have cpecial features, which
will enable us to meet all the require
ments of tbe trade. All are fitted with
double seamed sheet metal base, which
makes the Stove absolutely Air Tight.
You will make no mistake in buying the
original Cole's Air Tight Heater.
tors for
As I desire, to close out my entire
stock of stamped linens, consisting of
center-pieces and doilies of all sizes and
Btyles, I will grll the same at actual
cost. M. E. Bbiggs.
dec9 4t
Gng Verrtn Meeting.
There will be a meeting of the Gesang
Venne Sunday evening at 7 :30, in the
small K. of P. hall. All members are
requested' to be present. Bv order of
the president. . .
Hans Hansen, Secy.
TT Tfc
i 1 mm mm I I -i mrt m
pas firais
I G. fUGKEhSEfl'S.
be reached to make repairs.' It will
probably be a week before the water
goes ' down so the break can be perma
nently repaired, though the1 water corn -pany
hopes it will fall within a day or
two to make the "building of 'a' temporary
line around the broken section possible.
Prof. McEwen's entertainment last
ight was as laughable as usual and
well attended. He bad an excellent
class and did good work. The most
amusing th'ng of the evening was the
milking scene, where every member of
the class milked imaginary cows fur
dear life and sold the milk like profea
sional venders to the audience.
The class was then provided with fish
ing poles, and Uie way they pulled the
speckled beauties frotnin front of the
footlights was indeed amusingj Some
of them fell into the supposed river
while engaged in this diversion, and the
way they struggled tokeep from drown
ing would make a wooden Indian split
his sides. A number of other amusing
and new features were introduced, but
our space will not permit us to mention
them all. -
Outside of the developing of (the class
tonght, an entire change of program
will be rendered, no doubt to a crowded
Try Schilling Best tea, and baking powder
JVTusie fop
With the lightness and brightness of Christ
mas comes tbe desire for music, tor better in
struments and for goods that suit the taste and
please the senses. . We give you the best values
in music, the greatest pleasure ic musical goods
and the best p) ices yon ever saw.
Book Department
Book Thoughts are noble thoughts if you get
them from tbe best books. Cur stock of stand
ard reference books and of tbe works of the best
authors was nev r s large as It now is. We
keep everything you want in the book and
stationery line.
The Great Pleasure of Life for many is the
perusal of the best books. We keep tho very
latest of works; besides all the productions of
the standard auth. rs.
Jetxielry Dept.
Sterling Silver-ware. ,
American Watches.
Oat Stationery
' Our assortment of fine wedding and Bociety
stationery is our pride. -
Our Department of Novelties
Full of Christmas Gifts.
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Qak and
Maole Wood.
To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
' : rT rA. - 0' '
Phone 25. v ' Jl. I - rtJLBrb UO.
o Dn&-rfffro
CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. .
Pure? JDtragsr and jyiedieines.
Toilet, Xrticles and Perfumery,
pn7(?st of Imported a Domestic $i$ars.
T"al s-mVi i-i-n a . "NTo-rrr Vrrr Til nr r
If you peed ai? Orap,
Call and see our KILIBALIiS.
$40.00 Cash
-"yill buy one of these Organs at v
J acobsen Book & Music Go.
Leadmg Ji,astera Oregon Music House.
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
I have re-opened this weil-known Bakery,
- and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies, and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple -and Fancy Groceries.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer
Closing Out Sala
Are goinsr to close out their bnsinees, and they are offering their large stock at
. . COST PfilCES. Now ia the time to buy good Furniture cheap.
All persona knowing fhemselyea indebted to said firm are requested to call and
. . - ,. ,. - settle their account.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR