The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 10, 1897, Image 1

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NO 28G
Cubans Warned . Not to Be
Independence the Goal Which the ra
' trims Are Shedding their Life's
- Blood For.
' Nbw York, Dec. 9. A .proclamation
signed by the Cuban military and' civil
leaders in Havana province, protesting
against the autonomy offered by Spain;
, was recently issued as reported by the
correspondent of the Associated Press.
The proclamation in foil followed :
"Cubans: .
After all her efforts to eubdue as by
force of arms have proved in vain, Spain,
offers autonomy to the Cuban people.
She expects us to submit anew to ber
rule under her pretended terms of peace.
Spain's pretension is useless. The time
is already past to think of such compro
mise and transaction. Opposed to them
in an insurmountable manner are
the dignity and manifest destiny of onr
country, the outrages inflicted upon our
. families, the torrents of ' Cuban blood
that have been ehed, the lives of so
many innocent human beings who have
succumbed to oppression, the sacred
memory of our beros who have died in
defense of ther native soil, and all other
sacrifices we have made in behalf of our
"To obtain this we have again taken
up aruis, and we are determined to con
tinue unhesitatingly in the task of re
deeming our country until we attain the
success which is near at band. We shall
not flinch in our efforts, nor is it possi
ble that we shall be forsaken by the God
of justice in our sacred undertaking.
"Let the world at large be aware that
this is our unalterable purpose, our only
aspiration, our supreme ideal ; to which
we have consecrated our lives, our prop
erty, present welfare, and, in short, our
"Let all the world know our full de
termination to carry on this struggle,
day after day, while the . Spanish flag
floats over our beloved country. Let
everyone know that our watchword is
independence or death.
"Cubans, long live Cuba, free and in
dependent." THE BOUNDARY CASK.
British and Venezuelan Briefs Hearing
Completion. '
New Yobk, Dec. 9. A Tribune special
from Washington says :
The British andVenezuelan agents are
hurrying to completion their briefs
which must be presented, with all argu
ment and evidence, by February 14th,
next, to the arbitrators on the bound
ary dispute. The tribunal, which is
considered fully organized, though its
members have not met each other, will
not assemble to receive the briefs, but it
has been arraged by correspondence to
hold sessions in Paris, beginning next
July, and the hope is expressed of be
ing able to arrive at a-v, satisfactory de
cision before the arbitrators are com-
I was troubled for a long
time with a sore wrist; some
thing the doctors termed an
open vein. It would break
and the blood would flow in
a stream from it. and I could
find nothing that would heal
it until l tried vour Happy
Thought Salve. A small
quantity healed it up nicely.
In fact it has been well and
showed no signs of breaking
for over three months, so I
feel it has done perfect work.
Mrs. T. R. Yeager,
1526 South Ninth StM Spokane, Wash,
50 cents a jar
at Donnell's Drugstore.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
pelled to adjourn for tbeir other duties
next September.
The members are M. F. J. DeMartens,
the RuBsian authority on international
law, who is president; Chief Justice
Fuller and Justice Brewer, of the Unit
ed States; and Baron Hershell end Sir
Richard Penn-Collin for Great Brit-
On or before February 14th copiee of
the briefs and evidence will be delivered
to each of these judges and to both the
disputing governments, who will then
have until May 4th to submit briefs in
rebulal, which will constitute the final
documents in the case. -
Consul for Venezuela, ex-Minister
Scruggs, declares that the task under
taken by the commission appointed by
President Cleveland, especially the in
vestigation by Prof. Burr . in the Dutch
archives, have proven invaluable -and
swept away all doubt as to the strength
of Venezuela's contention.
New York Typesetters to go on a Strike
January 2d.
Nbw York, Dec. 9. At the annual
convention of the International Typo
graphical Union, a vear ago, it was de
cided to make a fight for a working day
of nine hours in all book and job print
ing shops as soon as possible. This fight
will be started in this city . January 2,
1S98, and will involve 5,000 men, as the
employing printers have resolved to op
pose the demand.
It was announced last night that other.
cities, including Brooklyn, would also
take up the fight lor nine hours, and
that before the year is a month old it is
probable that 50,000 men would be on a
strike for a shorter work day.
On December 2d,Typographical Union
No. 6, sent a notice to 120 offices making
an official demand for a work day of
nine hours instead of ten, beginning on
January 2d. On Tuesday night an ex
ecutive meeting of employers was held,
and resolutions were passed denying the
demand of the printers and looking to
the raising of a fund of $50,000 as a de
fense fund to fight "Big Six.''
President Donnelly, of Union. No. 6,
says that within thirty days bis union
will have $100,000 with which to enforce
its demand. -
Came to our place about August 1st,
last, a roan cow: brand indistinct.
Owner can have same by paying all
charges. Mooee Bros.,
n22-lm Three Mile. "
it good mine is worm ip
cents a . quart, how much is
half-milk-and-half-water worth?
how much is chalkand-milk-and-water
worth ?
. There is no answer to this
fiddle, because you don't know
how much .water and how
much chalk is used.
It is the same way with
baking . powder you ' never
know how much alum or other
harmful ingredients are used
in cheap baking powder. .
The safe and economical
way is to use good . baking
powder- -Schilling Best at
your grocer's.
A Schilling & Company r-'t - ' ' "
Saa b rancisco 2227
Dtpends on Mrs. Fitz.
, Milwaukee, Dec. 9. It is " almost a
certainty now 'that Fitzsimmons and
Corbett will meet in the roped arena
again. The fact was gained bv a rep
resentative of the Evening Wisconsin,
after an interview with ' Mrs. Fitzsim
mons, now in this city. ' Before the con
test last March, Fitzsimmons promised
he would never enter the ring again
without ber consent. In reply to a ques
tion as to whether she would give ber
consent, Mrs. Fitzsimmons replied :
"I will eay, I don't care to stand in
my husband's way, and if he thinks he
had better give Corbett another chance,
I may change my mind, but until I do,
there is no prospect of the two men
meeting." . '
In Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and
America, the five great - continents,
Shaker medicines are being used by suf
fering humanity for the cure of sickness
and disease. .
Never was there such ; a universal de
mand never such wonderful results.
Shaker Digestive Cordial, a cure for
indigestion, is prepared from herbs and
roots, and is a natural remedy, which
cures by aiding nature and not by fight
ing her.
Shaker Digestive Cordial makes those
fat, who have become tbin by not digest
ing their food.
It restores the spirits and the appetite
of those who are dejected and fagged out
from the wearing effects of indigestion.
It relieves the symptoms of dyspepsia,
and, after using for a reasonable time,
finally cures the complaint.
Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10 cts.
A Unique InTltatlon.
San Francisco. Dec. 9. A slab of
quartz with veins of gold prominently
showing will convey California's invita
tion to President MicKinley to attend
the gol'den jubilee of the discovery of
gold. Chairman Parsons of the exec
utive committee, has promised to secure
a suitable piece of the precious rock, and
will have engraved on its face the mes
sage which will bid the president come
to California to receive a miners wel
come. ' . - ' y
: How to Prevent Pneumonia.
At this time of the year a cold is very
easily contracted, and if left to ruu its
course without the aid of some reliable
cough medicine is liable to result in that
dread disease, pneumonia. We know of
no better temedy to cure a "cough or cold
than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
We have used it quite extensively and it
has always given entire satisfaction
Olagah, Ind. Ter. Chief.
This is the only remedy Lat is known
to be a certain preventive of pneumonia.
Among the many thousands who have
used it for colds and la grippe, we have
not yet learned of a single case having re
sulted in pneumonia. Persons who have
weak lungs or have reason to tear an at
tack of pneumona, should keep the
remedy at hand. The 2,5 and 50 cent
eizes for Bale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Sues Ber Father-ln-Law. '
Chicago, Dec. 9. Mrs. Florence Van
Schaack today began euit against her
father-in-law, Peter Van Schaack, one
of the leading business men of Chicago,
asking damage to the amount of $75,000
for alienation of her husband's affection,
and $50,000 for libel. The plaintiff re
cently secured a verdict by default of
$65,000 against the defendant m Brook
lyn, but that judgment not being op
erative in . Chicago, she brought suit
A Clever Trick;
It certainly looks like it, but there is
really no trick about it. Anybody can
try it who has lame back' and weak kid
neys, malaria or nervous troubles. We
mean he can cure himself right away by
taking Electric Bitters. This medicine
tones up the whole system, acts as a
stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a
blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures
constipation, headache, fainting spells,
sleeplessness and melancholy. ' It is
purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and
restores the system to its natural vigor.
Try Electric Bitters and be convinced
that they are a miracle worker. Every
bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at
Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 3
Cash in Yonr rhMha.
AH countv warrants registered prior
. T. T i frtq in i . . .
hj iuiy , aood, win do paia at my
office. Interest ceases after Oct. 27th,
1897. - r C. L. Phillips,
5 Countv Treasurer.
Subscribe for Thb Chroniclk.
Gent's Velve Everett's, handsomely em
broidered, sizes 6 to 10, $1.25 and 11.75. -"
Gent's Kid or All 'gator Slippers, $1.25 '
and $1.75.
Felt Slippers, colors, black, brown
. Ladies', ?1.U0; Gent's, $1.75.
Gent's "Romeo" Felt, black only,
bole, $2.00. .
IS Faces a Week. 150 Papers a Year
It stands first among "weekly" papere
in size, frequency of publication
freshness, variety and reliability of cor.
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly ; and its vast liBt of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign conn
tries, will 'vouch for the-accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashion for women and . a Ion -
series of stories by the greatest b'ving
American and English authors, "
Conan Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome,
Stanley WeymiDj Mary E. Wlllclos
Anthony Dope, Bret fiarte,
Brander Matthews, Etc.
We offer this uneqaaled newspaper and
The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to
gether one year for $2.00. The regular
price of the two papers is $3.00.
Buckles'! Annn salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains;
corns, and all akin eruptions, and posi
tively cui es piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For - sale by Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
- Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and TeletrraDhic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington. .
Collections made at all points bo fav
orable terms. "
Novelties . and' otherwise in Ladies', Gent's, .
Misses' and Children's ; '
and red.
Ladles' "Juliets," Fine Quality
. Felt, Fur Trimmed, Leather Soles
and Heel, colors Black, Ked and
Brown, sizes 2 to 7, $1.70.
Same for Miss' and Children, sizes 7
tol0Ji.$t.25; 11 to2, S1.45. '
foew York weekly Tribune
Everv possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. -
We furnish "The Chronicle" and IT. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
EST" Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best,
Tribune Office, New York City, aci a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib- '
une will be mailed to vou.
sco Warehouse Oompany
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TL'lfe
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
We sell our goods lower than any bouse in the trade, and if you don't think bo
call and get our prices and be convinced. ',.
Highest Prices Paid for WheatBarley and Oats.
job Printing
and Slippers
Evenincs at Home made doubly enjoy
able, -.
The daily bouse duiies lebs severe,
By wearing our
"Home Comfort"
. Ladles' Crochet High Laced
Boots, Leather 8oles, Fink, Black,
Bed, sizes 3 to 7, $ 1 .25.
Farmers and Villagers,
: FOR .
Fathers and Mothers.
" FOB '
Sons and Daughters,
the Family.
This Flour is manufactured fxprepely for family
I1CA Avprir enft ia vnarantM 1 1 crivA ant iufottn '
at This Office.