The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 09, 1897, Image 3

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    .6. )
The Original.
Cole's M
This store has' proved its advantages as a shopping place for Holiday .
Gifts. What you find in the various departments here, too, is priced on the
close margin plan. . .
Today we call your special attention to our display of Handkerchiefs,'
Fans, Tray Cloths, Scarfs, Cushions, Cushion Covers and Table Cloths.
We will keep adding the good things that we have put away for the holiday
trade until they are all displayed.
Pure Linen Hemstitched ... . ...ioc
Initial Corner " 8 1-3C .
Sheer Linen Embroidered ... . .25c
We carry a beautiful assortment of Handkerchiefs up to $2.00 each.
TI13 Dalles Daily Chronicle.
McEweu tonight tit the Vogt.
Weather Tonight fair ; tomorrow
Silver and gold articles sole by T. A.
Van Norden will be engraved free of
No. 1 arrived about five hours late
this morning, coming in shortly before
the Spok'ane train and remaining long
enough for the passengers to eat break
fast, i
Practicing for the "Cradle. Songs of
the Nations" is still being kept up, and
will have reached such perfection by the
18th that it will be a pleasure to hear
The rain which we had in this city
this morning fell in the form of snow
on the surrounding hills, completely
covering them and giving them a win
try appearance.
The workmen are getting along nice
ly on the Catholic church building, and
: since the scaffolding has been taken
down it presents a very handsome out
Bide appearance. '
Hugh Morenead left for Datur today
with a load of freight, and at the time
of starting he was uncertain as to bow
long it would ba before he reached the
fifteen-mile post.
The Darkey trio at the Cedar Ciy le
social Friday evening 1 will be Topsy
Springer, Malinda Arabella Jones and
Eliza Caiolina Snowball. See them in
their character songs.
A few days ago some kleptomaniac
' stole a cougle of insurance signs belong
ing to J. M. Huntington, which he bad
banging outside of Lis door. What any
one could have wanted with such things
is a mystery, except that he wanted the
An entire change ,of program will be
presented tonight at McEwen's enter
tainment at the Vogt, and there is no
doubt if the crowd keeps increasing as it
' has during the last three nignts, that
the opera house will Bcarcely be able to
accommodate them all.
An habitual drunk, Who has been
causing considerable trouble around
town recently, and who has been before
the recorder's court about a half dozen
times, was arrested again last night and
fined $50, which it is hoped will prove
as good in ' his case as a term in the
Keeley Institute.
Work is being pushed rapidly on the
new railroad bridge across Mill Creek.
The piling on which the bents will rest
are nearly all driven, the blasting on the
other side is' about finished, and the
work of straightening the track is nearly
done, so that in a short time this piece
of road will be in first-class shape.
John M. Walker, of the Pacific Dis
tilling Company at Grants, left for San
. Francisco yesterday. When seen yes
terday he said that the company would
Dreams Soon to be
be entirely reorganized and would re-1
sume active operations early next
spring. "There is a lot of bleached
wheat in Sherman and o:her Eastern
Oregon counties," he states, "that vhile
spoiled for export or milling can be used
in the manufacture of spirits. The
bleaching of 'the wheat has no injurious
effect and practically is as good as first
quality for our purpose."
R. R.Hays, one of the most promi
nent men of Tillamook county, and well
know.2 throughout the state, died Mon
day of pneumonia. Mr. Hays was taken
ill a week ago, but bis illness was not
considered dangerous until within a
few hours o his death. He was a na
tive of Illinois, 41 years of age. He was
several times elected to official positions,
holding successively the offices of presi
dent of the Tillamook town council,
county surveyor and county clerk.
Forty-six persons in all are prostrate
in Corvallis as a result of eating poison
ous food. Several are ' still in a very
serious condition, though the physicians
in attendance believe that the danger
point is now passed. , Violent purging
and vomiting and extreme pain in the
stomach are the prevailing symptoms in
each case, and some are absolutely pros
trated with weakness. A similar case
occurred in a family in this city not
long since, but of a less serious nature.
Senator Chandler, chairman of the
committee ou privileges and elections,
said Monday that he would call a meet
ing of the committee for some . day this
week or next for the consideration of
the claim of Hon. H. W. Corbett to a
seat in tb'e senate from the state of Or
egon by virtue of the appointment of
the governor of that state. Whether or
not the committee will be found favor
able to Mr. Corbett's claim cannot be
said, but grave fears are entertained by
Corbett's friends that he will not be seat
ed. . 1
The marriage of Bradford S. Bonney,
a pioneer of 1845, and father of A. A.
Bonney of this city, to Mrs. Agnes G.
Fieher, occurred at the Methodist Epis
copal parsonage at Hubbard, Oregon,
Saturday. Mr. Bonney, the groom,
crossed the plains with James Barlow,
for whom the Barlow road across the
Cascades was named, coming from Can
ton, Illinois, in 1845, and has ever since
lived oh his donation land claim one
mile east - of Wood burn, excepting a
Bhort time which he -spent in the mines
in 1848. Mr. Bonney is in his 71st year.
Mrs Fisher is 60 years old.
Notice is hereby given that bids will
be received by the county court for keep
ing the county charges by the week for
the ensuing year. All bids must be
filed witiuthe clerk on or before the 5th
day ot January, 1898, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Court reserves the right to reject any
and all bids. A. M. Kelsay,
. County-Clerk.
Cash in Y our Cneoks.
All county warrants registered prior
to July 7, 1893," will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Oct. 27th,
1897. . C. L. Phillips,
County Treasnrer.
A" Crowded Rouit and a Laughable
Entertainment. ".
A nnmber of highly-amusing special
ties were introduced last night by Pro
fessor McEwen. At the commencement
of the entertainment the professor made
a number of instructive remarks con
cerning the hypnotic and mesmeric art.
after which becommenced work with bis
class, which contained a number of new
subjects, but nevertheless proved very
successful. An amusing feature was
where one of the members forgot his
name and was told by the professor
that a person in the audience had it.
The subject immediately proceeded to
get it by force or any other means, and
after being sent around the hall by the
different ones he approached, was told
that Sheriff Driver had it, and proceed
ed, without any hesitancy, to force that
worthy official to give it up, insisting
that he come up on the stage so that he
would bave a chance to take it out of
his hide. Another one imagined that
he had lost his nose, and, with tears in
his eyes and afterwards with threats,
besought the audience to return it.
The "Cleveland Band" was one of the
best things of the evening, and the way
the members of the class sang and
turned tin whistles, broom-sticks, chairs
and old horns into first-class instru
ments, was a caution. After - playing
their respective parts on the stage, they
formed in the order ot march and parad
ed around the hall with as much pomp
and self-conceit as would Sousa's grand
Nothing could speak better for Prof.
McEwen tfian' the ' increase noticeable
each evening in the attendance, and,
judging ffoin the interest everyone
takes in his peculiar art, there is no
doubt that he will have crowded bouses
each and every night! th,at he remains
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for Dec. 0,51897. Persona call
ing for the same will give date on u hich
thev were advertised :
Berry, J F
Brush, H
OoleBalwhard. WJ
Dickexson, E C
Gribble, 8
Keeting, Mary
Leininger, John
Marshall, E J
North, Foster
Parrault Bros
Person, Lass
Stangle, Joseph
St. Martin, Cress
Stevenson, Cbas
Stevenson, J
Test, Joe
Wing, Perry
Williams, Frank
Bennett, Mapgie
Car, Flora
Densmore, Miss I
Field, W
Horriman, Miss C
Koontz, Mrs. Lottie
Msrlin, Claud F -Nichols,
Patison, Maggie
Ruark. Mrs J P
Sanders, Grace
Snellintr, A F
Scott, Walter
Suesans, Mr
Wells, W L
WoodwardA Han.
A. Crossen, P. M.
" Notice.
As I desire to close out my entire
stock of -stamped linens, .consisting of
center-pieces and doilies of all sizes and
styles, I will sell - the ' eame at actual
cost. , M. E. Bbiggs.
Our Stove is made in three different
grades the Dome top line, the Cast top
line and the Sheet top line. Each of
these styles have epecial features, which
will enable ue to meet all the require
ments of the trade. All are fitted with
double seamed sheet metal base, which
makes the Stove abeolntety Air Tight.
You will make no mistake in buying the
original Cole's Air Tight Heater.
tors for
JVTasie fot
With the lightness and brightness of Christ
mas comes the desire for mublo, for better In
struments and for goods that suit the taste and
please the senses. We give you the best values
in music, the greatest pleasure Id musical goods
and the best pi ices you erer saw.
Book Deportment
Book Thoughts are noble thoughts if you get
them from the beet books. Cur stock of stand
ard reference books and of the works of the best
authors was uev. r as large as It now is. We
keep everything you -want in the book and
stationery line.
The Great Pleasure of Life for many is the
perusal of the best books. We keep the very
latest of works, besides all the productions of
the standard authors.
Jeuaelry Dept.
Sterling Silverware.
American Watches.
Our Stationery
Our assortment of tine wedding and society
stationery is our pricfc
Our Department of Novelties
Full of Christmas Gifts.
Ask your -Druggist
for a generous -
Ely's Cream Balm
contains no cocaine,
mercury nor any other
injurious drag.
It is quickly Absorbed.
Gives Belief at once.
It opens and cleanses
1 o7Q ciinrrn llftl
the Nasal Passages.
rni run. u r a n
Allays Inflammation. WW WW "1 UUtU
Eeaia and Protects the Membrane. Restores the
Penses of Taste and Smell. Full Slxe 60c : Trial
tflxe 1 0c. ; at Druggists or hy mall
&LY BBOTHKlft at Wssca Street Hftw Test
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. '
Phone 25.
yi?e postoffiee pfyarmay,
CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors.
Pare Drugs and JVIedicines.
. Toilet Articles and Perfumery,
pii?st t)(( of Imported apd Donestie 5iars.
Telephone, 333.
If you peed
Call and see our KIMBALLS.
$40.00 Gash
, Will buy one of these Organs at
Jacobsen Book & Music Go.
Leading Eastern Oregon Music House.
New Vogt Block.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
; and am now prepared to supply every
body w,ith Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer
Are goin'to close out theirvbuainess, and they are offering their large stock at
COST PRICES. Now i3 the time to buy good Furniture cheap..
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and
settle their account.
! Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
J. T. Peters & Co.
ISTew "Vogt Block.
ai? Orai?,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Out Sale