The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 09, 1897, Image 1

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    C y )
NO 285
Spain Rejoices Over 3IcKin
ley's Attitude.
Lioeral Program May Now He Carried
Out Unrestricted More British
New York, Dec. 8. A Madrid special
to the World says:
The'firat news received in Madrid con
cerning President McKioley's message
came in the shape of telegram to Gen
eral Woodford from the state depart
ment. Mr. Woodford immediately sent
it to the minister for the colonies, Senor
Morel. Minister Morel was at a banquet
which bis friends had offered him as a
compliment for his colonial policy. He
translated the telegram aloud, and all
present expressed much satisfaction
with the president's declaration touch
ing Spain and Cuba.
The friendliness of the message sur
passed the most sanguine expectations
of the friends of the eovernment. There
is loud praise for President McKinley in
official and political circles for having,
as they say, thns cleared the -way for a
fair trial of the new ' colonial policy in
the West Indies which will naturally re
quire time.
Meanwhile the liberal government
can unhesitatingly dissolve the old Cor
tes, call a general election for tho first
week in February, and convoke a new
parliament on March 8.
'The Spanish liberals are greatly
pleased with the president's argument
against recognition of the belligerency
of the Cubans, and the implicit repudi
ation of recognition of belligerency, an
nexation of the island or extreme inter
ference with the rights of Spain in Cuba.
They are equally delighted with that
part of the message recognizing how
quickly and completely they have re
versed the Canovas-Weyler policy, and
the sincerity of their . own home-rule
Outside of official circles satisfaction
is visible in financial circles, and also
on the part of the general public. Among
statesmen the most pleased is Castelar,
who compares the conduct of McKinley
with that of Grant, and says that he be
lieves firmly that all the sane and re
spectable elements of the commonwealth
will follow it.'
More British Comment.
New Yokk, Dec. 8. A London special
to the World says :
Lord Revelstoke, head of the banking
house of Baring Bros., was asked today
tor his opinion on the effect of President
McKinleys message. Lord Revelstoke
"The currency suggestions have been
decidedly disappointing. We expected
something more tangible than a scheme
contingent .upon conditions which the
president gives no indication of ' any in
tention to bring about."
"Do you consider the pacific tone of
the message calculated to improve the
market for. American securities over
here?" he was asked. "
"Yes," replied Lord Revelstoke. "It
I was troubled for a long
time with a sore wrist; some
thing the doctors termed an
open vein. It would break
and the blood would flow in
a stream from it, and I could
find nothing that would heal
it until I r tried your Happy
Thought Salve. A small
quantity healed it ud nicely.
In fact it has been well and
showed ho signs of i breaking
lor over tnree months, so I
ieel it has done perfect ;work.
Mrs. T. R. Yeager,
1526 South Ninth St. Spokane, Wash.
50 cents a jarv
at fiorineli's Drugstore. ,'"
Royal makes the flood pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
is certainly a relief to find nothing ag
gressive in the message. , I anticipate
that business with the United States
will be very brisk after the new year.
They are having prosperous times over
there, and confidence is being gradually
Mr. Gordon, who succeeded the late
Walter Burns in the directing of the
London branch of J. P. Morgan & Co.,
said :
"Several stock exchange men who
have been in here this morning tell me
there is general disappointment at the
wishy washy color of the president's cur
rency paragraph, and that American
stocks are weaker in sympathy with
that feeling."
H. J. McNeil, secretary of the . biine-
talic league, said:
"Bimelalists regard the president's
reference to the Wolcott mission with
considerable satisfaction. We did not
consider the reply of the British gov
ernment as in any, way closing negotia
tions finally. The fact that the Wolcott
commission has not yet reported, to
gether with the president's expressions,
encourages the hope that the United
States and the French government con
template further action early."
, In Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and
America, the five great continents,
Shaker medicines are being used by suf
fering humanity for the cure of sickness
aud disease. . '
Never was there such a universal de
mand never ench wonderful results.
Shaker Digestive Cordial,, a cure' for
indigestion, is prepared from herbs and
roots, and is a natural remedy, which
cures by aiding nature and not by fight
ing her.
Shaker Digestive Cordial makes those
fat, who have become thin by not; digest
ing their food.
It restores the spirits and the appetite
of those who are dejected and fagged out
from the wearing effects of indigestion.
It relieves the symptoms of dyspepsia,
and,. after using for a reasonable' time,
finally cures the complaint.
Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10 cts.
Government Informed That the Commit
tee Violated Its Trust.
New York, Dec. 8. The following tel
egram has been sent to the attorney-
general at Washington by Robinson &
Leslie, a firm of London accountants, act
ing for a group of holders of Union Pa
cific reorganization committee certificates
for Union Pacific stock : . '. .
, "We notify the government that the
committee's bid involves a departure
from the terms of the trust under the
agreement declared January 26, pur
suant to which 'stockholders paid nearly
$9,000,000. ' The committee was not per
mitted to issue more than $75,000,000 in
bonds for the purchase of the Union Pa
cific and Kansas Pacific. Under the bid
for the Union Pacific alone.that purchas
ing issue is practically exhausted, thus
Good things are worth a fair price. v
-.-) .. Good baking. powder doesn't sell at 25 or 30 cents
a pound we don't care what anybody else says to the
rY6uf iii6neylack if you don't like Schilling's Best
at your grocer s.
violating the trust to the stockholders.
"This substantial deviation from the
conditions of the purchase invalidates
the business. Therefore the government
is notified to hold the moneys received
or receivable as trustees under the com
mittee's trust, and not as the property
Of the government." .
This notice, with the accompanying
document, has been lodged " with the
United States consnl-general in London.
Bow to Prevent Pneumonia.
At this time of the year a cold is very
easily contracted, and if left to run its
course without the aid of some reliable
cough medicine is liable to result in that
dread disease, pneumonia. We know of
no better temedy to cure a cough or cold
than . Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
We have used it quite extensively and it
has always given entire satisfaction
Olagah, Ind. Ter. Chief.
This is the only remedy that is known
to lie a certain preventive of pneumonia
Among the many , thousands who have
used it for colds and la grippe, we have
not yet learned of a single case having re
sulted in pneumonia. Persons who have
weak lungs or have reason to fear an at
tack, of pneumona, should keep the
remedy at hand. The 25 and 50 cent
sizes for sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
German Official Report.
Bbbi.ijj, Dec. 8. The official account
of the collection of the indemnity from
Hayti, accompanied by a salute of the
German flae at Port au Prince on Men
day last, owing to the alleged illegal ar
rest of Herr Lueders, says that after the
ultimatum of Germany bad been de
livered to the Haytian government the
German cruiser Stein cleared for action
and took up a position near the Haytian
war vessels..' Displomatic requests for
delay in execution of : the ultimatum
was refused and an hoar before the ex
piration of time stipulated the demands
of Germany were conceded. . .
The Greatest IMscovery Yet.
W. M. Repine, editor Tskilwa, ill.,
"Chief," says: '"We won't keep house
without Dr. King's New Discovery, for
consumption, coughs and colds. Ex?
perimented with many others, but never
got the true remedy! until 'we used Dr.
King's New Discovery. No other rem
edy can take its place in our home, as
in it we have a certain and sure cure
for coughs, whooping cough, etc." It is
idle to experiment with other remedies,
even it they are urged on you as just as
good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They
are not as good, because this remedy has
a record of cures and besides is guaran
teed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial
bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's
drug store. 3
VnMIlade at Port au Prince.
Poet au Peinck. Dec, 8. There was a
lively fusillade here at 11 o'clock last
night. No damage was done,
Nearlug the JCnd.
Cantos, Dec. 7. At 3 o'clock Mrs
McKinley is still living, but seems to be
weakening steadily. , Tnere has been no
rally since the last collapse, which has
now continued longer than any of the
earlier ones, Mis. Duncan, her daugh
ter, says she is growing weaker every
moment, and scarcely dares to hope that
dawn will find the breath of life in her
mother. The aged woman's rest con
tinues to be unbroken, and the evidence
of weakening is in her pulse and respi
. Don't be persuaded .into buving lini
ments without reputation or merit
Chamberlain's Pain Balm costs no more,
and its merits have been proven by a
test of many years. Such letters as the
following, from L. G. Bagley, Hueneme,
Cal., are constantly being received:
"The best remedy for pain I nave ever
used is Chamberlain's Pain Balm and I
say bo after having used it in my family
for several years." . It cares rheumatism
lame back, sprains and swellings. For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton. '
5 , Tinr Novelties and. otherwise .in Ladies', Gent's, P
6 JLjLOIIIG Misses' and Children's
I G6tllfbr1 Felt and Croctiet :
I Shoes and Slippers I
Q n yijX ' " ' ' '" Eveivincs at Home muds doubly enjoy- ; X
B tt-.S1 .... k..j,.w 1 The dallv honse duties less severe, fL
7 Cent's Velve Everett's, handsomely em- j -R w..rinI. 11P s Q
U broidered, sizes 6 to 10, $1.25 and 1.75. 1 By wearing our y
X ' Genfs Kid or Alligator Slippers, 11.25" . .'. ' ' i" '; I
d andi.75. l ,i "Home Comfort g
9 "jrlr ' (ft) shoes n
J t "''''V, ,w - . and SLIPPERS. fi.
1 ". ,v .... . v 1 j lis IS coiNG.. ..... I
5f . Felt Slippers, colors, black, brown and red." P :5Ji y'",; ', 'r,'m h
J . Ladles', fl.30; tient's, 1.75. ,.; . . .- . " ; 'i" 'jf 7
y iSH Ladles' "Juliets," Fine' Quality X: ' - Q
B - IftNW X Felt. Far Trimmed, Leather Soles , f-:1f:.. "V X
Z . ' V'fi and Heel, colors Black-, "Bed and .' PB 7?kl - 7
2 .'" ' "V ' ' .Brown sizes 2 to 7, $1.70. . ' ff Wfe B
P I " "v ''' Same for Miss' and Children, size 7 j; Q-
Z , tol0.$l.25;. 11' to 2, $1.5. Vl:! '' fa:
Z . tif- Ladles' Crochet High Laced V
1 SSZi00n ".it. bonly.leatuer - ItdTest. J
IS Faces a Week. 156 Papers a Tear
It etands first among "weekly" papere
in size, frequency of publicatio.n
freebness, variety and reliability of con
tente. It ia practically a daily at tbe low
price o a weekly; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the -accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
.It is splendidly illustrated, and among
Its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions' for women and a too
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
Conan Doyle, ' Jerom. K. Jtromt,
' Stanley Wejmlil, Mary E. WllblDS
Anthony Elope, ' Bret U arte,
Brander Matthews, Ete.
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to
gether one year for $2.00. The regular
price of the two papers is $3.00.
.Bootlm'i Arincs salre.
The best salve in the world for cute,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, "fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains.,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cui m piles , . or no pay req uired
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
Letters of Credit issued available in the"
Eastern States. ;
Sight , Exchange an,d Telegraphic
TraneierS sold xn New York,. Chicago,
Bii ..Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
goni Seattle Wash,, and. various points
in Oregon nd Washington. I. ; ( V"v j- t
CiiilectionS made at all points OH fav
orabW term; " '
ew York weekly Tribune
' '
Everv possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLV"TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indisDensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and TT. T. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write vour name and-address
Tribune Office, New York City, an! a
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Headquarters for tolled Gram, au kinds.
Headquarters for Brail, Shorts, iTLVkr
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tOTl "Plri'lTT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
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