f 3) r The Original. Gole's Air Holiday Dreams Soon to be Fulfilled. 1 JLcLllLliVCi "DAISY" AIR GUNS DAISY" AIR I This store has proved its . advantages as a shopping place for Holiday Gifts. What you find in the" various departments here, too,-is priced on the close margin plan. . , Today we call your special attention to our display of Handkerchiefs, Fans, Tray Cloths, Scarfs, Cushions, Cushion Covers and Table Cloths. We will keep adding the good things" that .we have put away for the holiday trade until they are all displayed. . - SPECIALS IN HANDKERCHIEFS. Pure Linen Hemstitched . Initial Corner " Sheer Linen Embroidered ...v. ...IOC ...81:3c We carry a beautiful assortment of Handkerchiefs up to 200 each: 1 ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. Tight Heateps. j t" GUNS Oar Stove ia made in three different grades the Dome top line, the Cast top line and the Sheet top line. Each of these styles have epecial features, which wirTfenable ue to meet all the require ments of the trade. All are fitted with double seamed sheet metal base, which makes the Stove, absolutely Air Tight. Yoa will make no mistake in baying the original Cole's Air Tight Heater. , MAIER & BENTOfl Distribu tors for THE DALLES. Ths Dalles Daily Chronieie. WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 8, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. rain and He . McEweu tonight at the Yogt. Tonight and tomorrow, cooler. Men are employed on Second street , today gathering up the dirt and mud, which will be hauled away with teams. Marriage license was issued this morn ing to William A. Crawford of Golden dale, and Mrs, Virginia Crooks of this county. . One vagrant appeared before the city .recorder this morning, and was eent back to jail where he will remain until this evening, when be will be re leased. Cedar Circle, W. O. W., will give a public social at their hall on Friday evening, December 10th. A good pro gram will be rendered, followed by danc ing. Admission 10c and 15c. - The way Prof. McEwen's class picked imaginary strawberries on the stage and peddled them among the audience last, night, sold peanuts, laughed, cried, and went through a number of other maneuvers was highly amusing, Robert Thompson, son of the late H, S. Thompson, was thrown from a horse " this morning and bad one of the bones broken at toe point of the right shoulder. Dr. Eshelman waB called to attend him, and he is getting along nicely. Yesterday morning a slide occurred near Bonneville which delayed the 5 :15 train'about four hours. Weunderetand that it occurred at what is known as the sliding mountain, ' which has always given the company a great deal of trouble. A committee has been appointed by ' the Red Men to make arrangements for a grand ball to be given New Year eve, Arrangements nave not yet been com pleted, but the -committee are doing all in thpir nower to have fteniovahlft nart.v i---; - r j . tknA thora fa nr inr Kf. that Brwnoaa wiM ; tell crown their efforts. ' Since the ladies were not allowed to attend the club last night, a large num ber took advantage of this morning be ing ladies' day, and eDjoyed a few hours bowling and other pastimes, which no place but the club rooms afford. They did not succeed, however, in . breaking the record or making any phenomenal business men were called on the Btage, and after proving beyond reasonable doubt that the man who was in Liebe'a window yesterday was asleep, he woke himl The sleeper complained of no dis comfort, but said he felt fine. The pro fessor then allowed himself to be blind folded and had some of the gentlemen borrow articles from members of the au dience and conceal them. He would then take hold of the man's band, go into the audience with his eyes bandaged and find the articles, returning them to the owners. A number of other diffi cult tricks of this nature were per formed, after which he called a class to gether and gave fanny and interesting exhibitions of his mesmeric and hypnot ic power GREENHORN VAPORINGS. Tells Bow Sunday Ia Spent; Also About Numerous Other Things. Editor Cheoniclk : "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, or words to that effect was written ' so many years ago that the memory of Susan B. Anthony and others of the oldest inhabitants run not to the recollection thereof. It apples to this neck of the woods on the western boundary of Baker county, and called. (heaven only knows why) the Greenhorn. We do not keep it wholly, but only in part. In the language of the Thanks giving proclamations, we "abstain from our usnal vocations" and do something else. For instance, there are five of us Greenhorns, 'or Greenhorners, in this cabin. . One has shed his. clothes, or jart of them, and is engaged in washing them, foe -Greenhorners:. are not of. pro lific wardrobe. Another is pounding rock in a mortar,' vainly looking for colors. A tird is shaving the Sybar ite. A' fourth is down in the little mill making shakes, and the other is pen ning (with a pencil) these few lines to let you know that he is well, and to ven ture the modest, but heartfelt hope, that "you are enjoying the' same blessing." So goes the Sabbath up this way. No clue as yet has been discovered to the persons who burglarized MaetB & Pandt'e saloon Monday night, and un der the circumstances it is impossible for the officers to do anything. . There seems to be a set of smooth thieves in the city at present who are committing robberies right along, and it is to be de-1 plored that the officers cannot lay their hands on them. A full house awaited the opening of Prof. McEwen's entertainment' last night. A number of professional and Last nigbt about six inches of f now on top of . other six inches already covering thajjround. It came down as silent and still as a Quaker meeting; no bluster, no blow, no noise, and this morning the gray fog hangs over the hills and thrusts its ghostly lances through the fir tree tops as though it would destroy them. , The 'tall tama racks, with their twiglets of limbs mak ing a delicate tracery againet the gray skies, lift their mmaret-like and grace ful boles up, apparently to the .very heavens. Tbere is something almost oppressive in the silence of a forest when the deep snow lies through and under and upon it. It is the silence of the tomb, the stillness of a Democratic de feat, the holy, quiet calm of a Populist Waterloo. The little twittering birds that hang around all winter to twit a fellow on being a greenhorn, are as noisy as a twenty-stamp mill when they give vent to their feelings, and when they quit, the silence is doubly deepened. Occasionally breaking through the si lence comes from far up the canyon the faint sound of the busy stamps in the Don Juan quartz mill, a ten-btamper that grinds merrily nigbt and day, week in and out, serving man and mammon, if nothing else. Speaking of the Don Juan mine, or mill, reminds me that someone has been up this way with a taste for litera ture and a knowledge of the classics. It is shown in the names of the mining locations, and their name is legion, be sides other things. On the very summit of old Greenhorn is a promising mine, appropriately named the Diadem. Near it is the Banzett, and scattered over the hills are hundreds of others, varying as to wealth, incongruous as to name. The Union lies next the Imperial ; the White and Red .Bulls are yoke fellows, wnile a gang of Polygamists from Utah have a group of claims named after the twelve Mormon apostles and the heads of the "stakes of Zion." They also have, so I am told, a Mascottess in the shape of a buxom girl, with a, flowing sorrel mane, a white strip in her face and two white hind feet. I do not vouch for the truth of this, it being merely hearsav. I do know, though that Psyche, she wbo, with trembling hand, spilled the hot oil from her lamp upon poor Cupid, and was transformed into a butterfly ; she, poor unsuspecting maid, is lying along' side of the naughty Don Juan. But this started- out for a sermon, and I fear am losing sight of the text and treading closely on worldly things. ' Far be it from me. - Until a day or two ago the weather here has been beaatifuIV The skieB were as blue as a "sweetheart's" eyes, the air warm, balmy, soft, breathing of spring and sweet with the odor of cedar and pine.' Just such weather as in the spring time turns the young man's fancy into love. ; . ' Writing these lines this peaceful Sun day I do not feel at ali above my old Dalles friends, though at an altitude of 6000 feet." I know I am r mile nearer heaven than they, but still I realize that I am a long ways from the goal.' So short a distance, on the journey, indeed, that I would willingly be - back and start even in the race. It is a nice place here for one who loves solitude, and to commune with Dame' Nature. A beautiful; winter resort for an ancho rite, ot which I am not whom.. I must confess to a liking for the giddy whir) of life in The Dalles, and if-1 could, by an effort of the imagination, or the collar of my pants, or any little thing like that, lift myself through space, I know where I would be at this writing acd whom I should be talkjng to ; but a-laBS it can't' be done, and so I . make this simple statement that she may know ; but which she deponent sayetb not. An anchorite indeed am I ; euch an one as Butler described when he spoke of a pretty girl ' who, "like an anchorite, gives over, this world for the heaven of a lover." Dame '.Nature is too old to mash, and Mother Earth just now too cold. Well, I have " written more, and less, MAYS & CROWE, R 1 7Vt 1 7V 3 3 R We have strictly First-Class Fir Oak and Ma pie Wood To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. than I intended, find more certainly than you will care -to criticize, or the readers of The Chronicle to peruse. However, I shall, perhaps, not . soon again inflict the good, did papers's pa trons with the idle vanorings of ' . Geuenhoex. Jtye postoffiee pharmacy, Commercial Club Klectlon. . . In the election of a board of directors for The Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club last night, all the members of the old board were re-elected, the votes be ing as follows : W. L. Bradsbaw 50; G. G,; Blakeley 55; H. t. Be-all 60 J. F. Hampshire 57; W. H. Wilson 52; E. C. Pease 46 ; R. B. 8innott 44.. The members of the club showed ex cellent judgment in re-electing this board, as thev have done as much for the- advancement of the club as could possibly be done. They have been un tiring in their efforts to make it what it is, and no better proof of their success could be desired than the - present flour ishing condition of that .organization We have no doubt that under their wise management in future the ciub will con tinue to advance as it has during the past two vears. Notice is hereby given that bids will be received by the county court for keep ing the' county charges by the week for the ensuing year. All. bids must be filed with the clerk on or before the 5tb day ot January, 1S98, at 9 o'clock a. m. Court reserves the right to' reject any and all bids. A. M. Kexsay, County Clerk u HAKKIBD. ' At the residence of J. M. Filloon of this city, on Tueeday, Dec. 7th, by Rev W. C. Curtis, pastor of toe Congrega tional church, William A. Crawford of Goldendale and Mrs. Virginia C. Crooks, The Dalles, Or. Christmas Ideas. CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Pure Drags an d JVIe dieines . Toilet Articles and Perfumery, , pirpqst ' of Imported a Donestie 2i$ars. Telephone, 333. XTe-w Vogt Block. If you peed a 9 Orar;, Call and see our KIMBALLS. Will tray one of these Organs at Jacobsen Book & M tisic Go. . ;: : , Leading Eastern Oregon Music House. Neyr Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon, PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply eyery ' body -with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer Closing Out Sale -OF- Tbere ia more than -artietic merit in our box papers for Christmas. They are beautiful and desirable, and have qual ity which makes them welcome gifts, and style which mark them above every thing on the market. You gpt a better value and your friend gets a better gift. I; C: NICKELSEN. FURNITURE CARPETS Are going to close out their business, and they are offering their large stock at : . COS T PRICES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. All persons knowine themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and. - settle their account. . ' . Z DON1NE PESClPTiO DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co. THE DALLES, OR