The Original. Xmas Gole's flip Holiday Dreams Soon to be Fulfilled. This store has proved its advantages as a shopping place for Holiday Gifts. What you find in the various departments here, too, is priced on the close margin plan. - - . Today we call your special attention to our display of Hand.kerch.iefs, Fans, Tray Cloths,' Scarfs, Cushions, Cushion Covers and Table Cloths. We will keep adding the good things that we have put away for the holiday trade until the' are all displayed. SPECIALS IN ' HANDKERCHIEFS. ' Pure Linen Hemstitched ...ioc Initial Corner . " ..... 1.. 8 1-3C- Sheer Linen Embroidered 25c We carry a beautiful assortment of Handkerchiefs up to 200 each. ALL GOODS MARKED PLAIN FIGURES. IN PEASE & MAYS. Ths Dalles Daily Chronicle. m TUESDAY t DECEMBER 7, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. rloads I, McEweu tonight at the Vogt. Look at the silver novelties in Van Norden's window. ' Marriage license was issued to W. J. RobbinB and Daisy Wilson today. The Snipes-Kinersly Drag Co. have just received a fine line of Japanese ware suitable for Christmas presents. Berry - spoons, sugar shells, cream ladles, jelly ladles, teaspoons and pie kuives in solid silver ai Van Norden's. . The man who was put to sleep by Prof. McEwen last night, has rested well all day, 'and will be , awakened at 8:30 " tonight. . ' . Monroe Grimes shipped eight carloads of cattle, 243 head, to the Union Meat Co. today. They were all fine large beef cattle, and have been purchased from different parties in this vicinity. Henry A. uaKer, who wae killed by fall last Friday afternoon, carried a life insurance policy of $5000, which, by his will he bequeathed to his two daughters, Mrs. Ben Miller and Mrs. J. A. Barrett of Portland. The annual election of a board of di rectors for Tbe Dalles Commercial and Ath'etic.Club will be held at the club rooms tonight. All members are re- qnested to be present and any member ber who has not paid his dues up to De cember 1st will not be allowed to vote. , Quite an amount of excitement is in existence at Scott's mills in Marion county, over what the discoverers con siaer a ncn coal find. A hve-loot vein of coal has been discovered at a depth . of 160 feet, and they are sinking still deeper in the hope of striking a richer vain. . Friendship Lodge, No. 9, Knights of Pythias, last night elected tbe following officers: C. C, B. 8. Huntington; V. C, J. A. Douthit; P., R. H. W'Jber; M. F. Burchtorf: M. atA., Geo. Dec. 4th, the , following officers were j.elected for the ensuing year: Presi dent, Mrs. Mamie Briggs; senior vice president, Mrs. Villa Lewis; junior vice-president,' Mrs. Mary Learned; chaplain, Mrs. Mary' S. Myers; con ductor, Mrs. Alice Varney ; guard, Mrs. Levina Lemison. n . Mr. D. J. Cooper will in future be the agent for the Portland Morning Tribune in The Dalles. ' The paper will - be de livered by carrier, and as it is a journal that prides itself on speaking fearlessly and telling the truth, we have no doubt that it will gain many patrons in this city. The Jacobsen Book and Music Co. will be the headquarters, where copies of the Tribune can be obtained at any time. Probably a eadder scene was never witnessed than tbe leavetaking of Pres ident McKinlev from his dying mother unday afternoon. To the very last ossible moment the president remained tit the old homestead. Before leaving tjhe house, be and the members of tbe family went to the bedside of the dying other. . He looked at her long, spoke CANAL AT THE RAPIDS. Eastern of W., Gosser; M. of F. IB Vause; , W. E. 1 O. G.r K. of R. and S., D. John Gavin i M. of. Walther; I. G., J. W. Blake O. Sheppard ; Trustee, C. E The members of the Goi lodge had an enjoyable entertainment last night. Nearly all the members were present and quite a tiumber of in vited gueBts. A well arranged and interesting program was' rendered, after which refreshments were served. This lodge is in quite a flourishing condition at present and is gaining ground daily. Hon. A. S. Bennett left for Dayton last night to settle up the case of Mrs. Ellen J. Walker et al. vs. McNeil, re ceiver of the O. R. & N. This is the case in which the plaintiffs got a verdict of $40,000 damages in tbe - circuit court at Dayton, and it was afterwards re duced by the supreme court to $25,000, the amount to be settled op at present. At a regular meeting of J. ,W. Ne!T mith Woman's Relief Corpe, held on by a to her lovingly, and stooped and tender ly kissed her. There was no response, no movement to indicate that she recog nized her son. At last reports Mrs. McKinley was resting easy, and the restlessness of a short time before did not prove of a serious nature. . Mrs. Mary R. Walker, the oldest re maining American settler of Oregon, died peacefully of old age at the home of her son, S. T. Walker at Forest Grove Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Walker's parents, Joseph and Char lotte (.Thompson) Richardson, came of old American families, and for several generation had been prominent members of the Congregational church. Both her grandfathers , were Revolutionary soldiers, Daniel Thompson falling in the second day's ' skirmish at Lexington The family residence had for years been at Baldwin, Me., and there, April 1, 1811, Mary Richardson " was born, the second of eleven children. At theage.ot 20 she joined the Congregational church. and Bince that time her life has been spent in missionary work. A Pleasant Party. A very Washington and Idaho Inter ested1 In the Project. Further information respecting the nroposed canal and locks for tbe channel at tbe dalles is to the effect that, it is roposed to push the work with a deal of rapidity. The contract system and modern methods of excavation and building have made it clear that years need not be spent upon a work of this character. If the contract for improv ing the Columbia by a small channel at the dalles is adopted it will no doubt be stipulated that the work most be done with rapiditvA HUlUtUlUID Uiegon has assumed control over the proposed im provement at this place. - Eastern Washington and Idaho, it is now said, will take a band in tbe matter, and : will Tight Jieaters Our Stove is made in three different grades the Dome top line, the Cast top line and the Sheet top line. Each of these etyles have special features, which will enable us to meet all the require ments of the trade. All are fitted with double seamed sheet metal base, which makes the Stove absolutely Air Tight. You will make no mistake in buying the original Cole's Air Tight Heater. EilAIER & BENTON Distribu tors for THE DALLES, pleasant time was spent ayard. JjSatard3y evening at thy "Cottage" TempTSrsT boarding house, the occajnon being birthday surprise party tendered to Miss Susie and Mr. Gay Ctiase by th boarders, After the presentation of a few suita ble presents, the evemng waB spent in playing drive whist. Miss Edna Bar nett was the fortunata one to receive the winner's prize, whch was. a pretty flower vase, and Mr. Chase, Sr., tbe booby, in the shapea "girl" doll." Music and games followed? About 11 refreshments were served, after which the young people parted, having fully enjoyed themselves. The guests were : M rases Mabel Allen, Edna and Male Banett, Annie Haslam, Maud Cook, Grace - Allan, Messrs. Frances Sextoii, Edward and Carey Jenkins, Madison Stewart, Elmer Ward, ;Owen Brown, T. Berry, T. Fredenberg iVernon Paul.- . . ... not consider the Columbia river wholly an Oregon stream. Upper Columbia river interests begin to press upon the Washington and Idado congressmen and make them feel the need of doing something to secure the water outlet to the Pacific ocean without interruption. A theory which has been supplement ed on to Borne extent- in Washington is the fact that certain engineers who ap proved the boat railway scheme wanted an experiment of this kind tried for tbe purpose of influencing other works in tbe United States, both of a public and of private nature. It ia also said that engineers are somewhat accommodating, and are not very anxious to go contrary to tbe wishes of the congressmen who push particular schemes. ' Engineers who nave gone contrary to wnat sen- i ators and representatives wanted, have ! been subject to severe criticism, and this they do not fancy any more than other people. It must be acknowledged also that while the boat railway scheme has re ceived tbe indorsement of many emi nent engineers, it has also been some thing of a laughing stock,and away down deep the leading engineers of the army never believed thatjcongiejs would au thorize it, or that a boat railway would be built. It is one of the subjects thy have always smiled about and would raise their eyobrows with amusement hen asked for a serious opinion . The greatest drawback to the boat ailway is the fact that it wouid cost 5U,uuu a year to maintain it outside ot ther repairs such as expenses etc. .while he canal conld be maintained for a fraction of that amount, and repairs would not, comparatively speaking, amount to anything. M'EWEN'S ENTERTAINMENT. class on until be made them forget their names, follow imaginary spots through the hall, sell circus tickets, made them believe . they had seven tinners, and a (number of other ridiculous things. He concluded by. putting a man to sleep, jwho is at present in Harry Liebe's win owaml . seems to be enjoying a most eaceful sluiuber. . Professor McEwen is, without doubt. s good as represented, and Ins enter- inment worth much more than tbe I rice of admiesion. A number seemed ta fear that the entertainment wonld i ot be such as ladies and children should see. . Such 'is not the case, how ever, as the show is reflntd throughout In Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America, the five great continents, Shaker medicines are bein used by suf fering humanity for the cure of sickness and disease. Never was there r such a universal de mand never such wonderful results. Shaker Digestive Cordial, a cure for indigestion, is prepared from herbs and roots, and is a natural remedy, which cures by aiding nature and not by fight ing her. Shaker Digestive Cordial makes those fat, who have become thin by not digest ing their food. It restores the spirits and tbe appetite of those who are dejected and fagged out from the wearing effects of indigestion It relieves the symptoms of dyspepsia, and, after using for a reasonable time, finally cures the complaint. Sold bv druggists. Trial bottle 10 cts. Bids for keeping the county charges will, be received from this day until Wednesday, Januarv 5tb, at 5 p. m. All bids must be in before that day and "hour. A- M. Kelsay,' County Clerk, Christmas Ideas. A. Class Organised Last Night Voct Opera House. at the Prof. McEwen's entertainment was largely attended last night and was in teresting throughout. As it was Elks' hight, a large delegation of lodge mem bers were present. It took some time to select a claBS. Biter considerable persuading, however, , sufficient number were chosen and tbe ntertainment began. The professor 'commenced by -easy tests, and led his "DAISY" AIR GUNS "DAISY" AIR GUNS MAYS & CROWE, REMEMBER Wo have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Hates. Phone 25. J- T. Peters & Co. Jfye postoff iee pi7arma(;y, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Putfe Dtugs and ffe dieines . Toilet -Articles and Perfumery, pirst Iji of Imported arpd Domjsstio i$ars. Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. If you peed ap 0 rQa r)," Call and see our KIMBALLS. 40.00 Casfe Will buy one of these Organs at J acobsen Book & Music Co. Leading Eastern Oregon Music House. - New Vogt Block, . The Dalles, Oregon. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer Glo sing Out S ale -OF- There is more t han artistic merit in our box papers for Christmas. They are beautiful and desirable, and have qual ity which makes them welcome gifts, and style which mark them above every thing on the market. You gt a better value and your friend gets a better gift. I. C. NICKELSEN. FURNITURE S CARPETS .'"- ' SEBJK MITSCkHKE . ' Are goinsr to clnee out. their business, and they are off'erine their large etock at COST PRICES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. AU persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and ' settle their acconnt. , i Z . DONNEL Lw PHESCHlSTIOri DHpGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR