1 The Original Gole's iliF u DAISY" "DAISY" Handkereliiefi Tight Heaters . Holiday Dreams Soon to be Fulfilled. This store has proved its advantages as a shopping place for Holiday Gift?. What 3'ou find in the various departments here, too,, is priced on the close margin plan. " ' . Today we call your special attention to our display of Handkerchiefs, -Fans, Tray Cloths, Scarfs, Cushions, Cushion Covers and Table Cloths. We will keep adding the good things that we have put away for the holida3' trade until they are all displayed. - ' r. SPECIALS IN HANDKERCHIEFS; Pure Linen Hemstitched Initial. Corner " Sheer Linen Embroidered We carry a beautiful assortment of Handkerchiefs up to 200 each. 1 AL.L GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The DalleJJaily Ghronieie. MONDAY I -fL - DECEMBER 6, 1897 I WAYS GLEANINGS. McEweu tonight at the Vogt. Weather tonight and Tuesday or snow cooler. - Don't fail to see McEwan tonight rain His entertainments are interesting, instruc tive, laughable and clean. TV K ' 1 Today Chas. Fraley and Archie. Pugh bothof KIngsley, made final proof of of) their homesteads in that vicinity. The Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. have just received a fine line of Japanese ware suitable for Christmas presents. Berry - spoons, sugar shells, cream ladles, jelly ladles, teaspoons and pie knives in solid silver at Van Norden's. Tuesday evening, November 7th, be ing the time of the annual election of The Dalles Commercial & Athletic Club, the rooms will be open onlyto members. Chas. Fraley of Kingsiey made this office a pleasant call this morning. He reports more snow in that section than in our vicinity, but says that it is not so muddy as it is nearer The Dalles. Today while shopping Mrs. Zirka was so unfortunate as to lose her purse, con taining about $3 and some receipts. Anyone finding it will please leave it at this office, where Mrs. Zirka will call for it. Yesterday John Crate brought in a bunch ot over twenty head of fine beef cattle, which average! over eleven hun dred pounds. They were purchased of - L. Davenport and will be shipped to the Union Meat Co. Yesterday there was a wreck up the road which delayed "the Portland ex press over seven hours. All we could learn about the wreck was that it was supposed to have been on the Alto Hill, but 'we could not learn the particulars. The following bowling scores were made at the Umatilla House alleys dur ing the week ending last night : Chas. Irank, Mon. 66, Tues. 73: W. Birgfeld, Wed. 56; Bradshaw, Thurs.57; C. John eon, Fri. 72; Esterbennett, Sat. 69,Sun The bowling scores at the club alleys for last week were as follows: Monday, West Minor 54; Tueeday, Victor Samp son 66 ; Wednesday .Mrs. T. J. Seufert 61 ; Thursday, M. A. Robinson 58; Friday, Sampson and Dufur 49;- Saturday; Bet tingen 46; Sunday, P. Stadelman 56.. Charley Frank, of the Butchers and Farmers Exchange, keeps on draft the celebrated Columbia Beer, acknowl edged the best beer in town, at the us ual price. Try it and be convinced. Also the finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Sandwiches of all kinds on hand. nov29-lm Mr. Briggs was in the city yesterday, having returned from Chehalis, where his little son is eick. For a time the physicians would not Jet Mr. Briggs leave Neddie's bedside. The little fel low has so far recovered, however, that I I they have e offerer. bright hopes for the 'little The special car of Knowl'ton'e Big Four Dramatic Co., which indulges in comedy specialty and melodrama, is in the yard today waiting to get through to Port land. They seem to realize tbe fact that theatre goers will be engaged by Mc Ewan this week and consequently will not remain over. - - Prof. McEwan will put a man to Bleep at fchft nnpr hinnao tnnTcrVit' on A a ft doing he will place him in the window of Harry C. Liebe's iewelrv store, where he will be left ' until tomorrow night when he will be taken to the opera house and woke up by the professor "at his entertainment. A challenge has been sent in from 8 Mile, aaking our boys to play a game of football on Christmas day. At the time tbe challenge was issued we bad no team to put in the field, but during the past few days one has bcon organized, and there is no doubt that our boys will give their opponents a merry game. Yesterday was an 'exceptionally bad day under foot. Most of the snow which had fallen during the week bad not been shoveled off the sidewalkB, and with the sleet and rain which fell on it and froze Saturday night, it was almost im possible to. walk. There is a clause among our city ordinances which orders everyone to keep their sidewalks clear of snow, and it should be strictly enforced. Saturday Mrs. Mamie Gage and Hor ace A.Jackson were tried in Justice Filloon'a court for burglary. They were charged with having stolen $120. The money was that of W'. H. Allen, a fore man of the bridge gang, and at the time of the robbery the car was standing in the yard near the round house. As suf ficient evidence ' could not be found, Jackson and Mrs. Gage were acquitted. The Foresters of America electedTb"eV ioiiowinsr oracers at their meeting Fri day night: Chief ranger, Jim Fisher; bud cniei ranger, JO. D. Wilder; treas- rer, F. Pickins;- financial Becretarv? 'V. Birgfeld ; recording secretary, Dong as Dufur; senior woodward, L. -O. IHawn ; junior woodward, M. A. Cush- Ling; senior beadle, Dell Wilder; junior beadle, M. P. Gilmore; physicia O. C. Holhster; trustee, Chas Fras Mr. J. B. Condon received a tel this morning announcing the death of Miss Fannie, daughter of Prof. Thomas Condon of Eugene.her death having just occurred at Oakland,. California.. Miss Fannie, whose early childhood wag spent in this city, will be remembered by many Dalles people, whose friendship she renewed while visiting her uncle's family here over a year ,ago. Much sympathy will be felt for the afflcted family in their great Iobs. , Judge Mays made a trip into the in terior last week and returned last night. He says that on Monday df last week, while a bad storm was raging in this sec tion, a Chinook wind blew in the An telope and Bakeoven country, and thaw ed the enow. . He reports the roads in a terrible condition, and saya it is next to impossible to do anything at this time IOC 8 1-3C ..,25c PEASE & MAYS. of the year to improve them, in spifb of the fact that tbe county court is willing to spend time and money in so doing. '. The incendiary who set fire to eight Portland lodging-houses -; the ' night of jNovember 27th, and who has had but little difficulty in eluding the efforts ot the police to find him, made his pres ence known again Saturday morning by nearly accomplishing the destruction of Columbia dock No. 2, on the Albina wa ter front. Tbe rogue's plans were laid with all the cleverness which charac terized his 'former attempts, but the flames he started were discovered before they had spread too far, and were extin guished before a great deal of damage had been done. ' ELKS' MEMORIAL SERVICE. The Ceremonies Well Attended and Appropriate. - The Elks' memorial services, which were held in their hall yes'terday .aftei -noon, were well attended, and everyone seemed deeply impressed with the beau tiful and appropriate services of the or-. der- The decoration of tne hail was in keeping with the lodge of sorrow, each canopy being draped with the colors of the order, purple and white, entwined with black crepe, while on the pedestal in front of the exalted ruler's Btation was a bunch of snowy white chrysanthe mums. There were also palms and evergreens at the stations of the other officers and scattered about tbe room. ( The services were opened' bythTTeX- f alted ruler, Judd Fish, and after thel opening ode had been sung, the: invoca tion was delivered by Rev. Jos. DeFor- eSt. ;. ' At the calling of the roll the names of George H. Clacking and Owen Williams were unanswered to, saveloy the tolling of the' bell, reminding all present of tbe sad service they were about to enter upon. : . ' - ' S The Congregational choir then sang the beautiful anthem "The Nations Who Are Saved," alter which Hon. J. M. Long delivered the address, Wnfeh "was interesting and .appropriate. He com mented on the origin of tbe society, its success during the Dast. as well as its rospects for the future, and its object n holding memorial service. , From be ginning to end he clearly showed the spirit of benevolence, charity and broth erly love that exists in the o.-der. - The choir then sang a very pathetic eelection, "He GivethHis Beloved Sleep," the solo being Eung by Mre. B. S.Huntington. Hon. A. A. Jayoe was to have given the eulogy, but being called away sud denly, Hon. John Michell took his place and recited "Thanatopsis."- Dr. O. D. Doane rendered the solo "The Singing in God's Acre," after which all joined the members df the order in singing the Doxology, the ser vices being closed with the benediction by Rev. Deforest. Sterling; Silver Novelties. Pease & Mays will have on display to morrow; Tuesday, a collection of silver novelties for holiday gifts that is worthy of your attention. - , . . Our Stove is made in three different grades the Dome'top line, the Cast top line and the Sheet top line. - Each of these styles have epevial features, which will enable ne to meet all the require ments of the trade. All are fitted with double seamed sheet' metal base, which makes the Stove absolutely Air Tight. You will make no mistake in buying the original Cole's Air Tight Heater. MAIER & BENTON Distribu tors for THE DALLES. rERSos(, men no T. H. Johnston is in from Dufur to day. . - 1 Insey Thomas came in : from 1. Dufur yesterday. Louie Klinger and wife of Dufur are in tbe city todar. Look at the silver novelties in Van Norden?s window. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hnot'of 8 Mile are in the city today. . . J. D. Gibson of Wasco .came down yesterday to attend to business in this city. : , -Ben Snipes came down from Seattle yesterday to attend to business and visit relatives in the city. E. Jacobsen, who has been up in Sher man county, returned home on tbe de layed train yesterday. ; , Prof. McEwen arrived from Portland yesterday,, and is ready to begin his weeks engagement tonight. -- Miss Gerorgie Story, . niece of Mrs. Story of this city, returned from Grants this morniug where she has been . visit ing relatives for eome lime.-. . Ray Logan came up Saturday from Portland, where be is attending medical college, to visit his father in this city, and returned yesterday on the de layed train. .' . Mr. Burt Campbell has returned from a hunting and trapping expedition in the Cascades, near Mt. Hood. At the time he left there was about eighteen incnes ot snow in tnat vicinity. Here ports a scarcity of game in the Cascades Kike Take Notice. . Brother McEwan, of Salem lodge, ex tends a gratuoua invitation . to . all brother Elk9 to come to the entertain ment at the Vogt tonight. J. S. Fish, . Fxaited Ruler. To Cure Colrt in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refnnd tl. e money if they fail to cure. 25e. ''.. Christmas Ideas. There is more than artistic merit in our lx x papers for Christmas. They are beautiful and desirable, and have qual ity which makes them welcome gifts, and style which mark them above every thing on the market. You gt a better value and your -friend gets a better gift. I. C. NICKELSEN. AIR GUNS : We have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Map! e To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J- T. Peters & Co, Jtye; Ppstofpee pi7armac;y, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors." Pute btugs and fledieines . ; , 1 Toilet Articles and Perfumery, fist t) of Imported apd Domestic Qiars. Telephone, 333. Ne-w Vogt Block. If you peed Call and see our KIMB ALLS. 40.00 Will "buy one of these Organs at Jacobsen Book & Music Co. . Leading Eastern Oregon Music House. ' XTe-vsr Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon, PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body, with Bread, Pies and Cakes. - Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer CI p sing FURNITURE CARPETS EK-IMTS . & '"Iff ITSCHKB Are goinsr to close out. their business, and they are offerioe their-large stock at - COST PRICES. . Now is tbe time to buy good Furniture cheap. - All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and ,. . ' ' . settle their account. - . - 7V. Z. DONNE PfESGHlfTIOJl DF?UG(QIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., AIR t GUNS MAYS & CROWE, Wood. ar; Orai?, Out S ale -OF- G ash r THE DALLES, OR