The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 04, 1897, Image 3

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The Original.
Special Sale of Children's and blisses' JACKETS,
All New Garments, Handsomely Trimmed in Braid. "
Regular price, $4.50 ...
5.00 :..
6.00 ...
7.00 ...
7.50 ...
12:50 ...
.....Special, $3.15
" 3.80
..... " ,4.15
Sizes of Children's Jackets,
4 to 12 Years.
Sizes of Misses' Jackets,.
14 to 18 Years.
Regular Price, $5.00 Special, $4.00
6.50 " 4.60
7.50 : ... " 5.85
" " 9.50 "" 6.95
" " 10.50 ...... .' " . 8.00
DECEMBER 4, 1897
Th3 Dalles Daily Gltfonieie.
Weather Tonight and Sunday, enow
turning to rain.
' la the cage of Baldwin vs. the Dalles
City, a reply was. filed in the circuit
court this morning. !
A meeting of the Elks will be held at j
their hall tonight at 8 :30. Members are
urged to be present. j
"An expert from M. Born & Co., thej
great Chicago Merchant tailors, is at our
store today. Come and have your meas
ure taken free of charge. A. C. Giger
& Co.
Lutheran services in the basement of
the new church tomorrow as follows:
Morning services at 11:00, Sunday
school at 12 :05, and German services at
1:30.' There will be no evening ser
vice. In the circuit court today a motion to
make the complaint more definite in the
case of Covington vs. Winans. was over
ruled, and J. P. McGowan wae made
defendant. Time was given until the
1 1 not fr A1a on onatzrA..
Maier & Benton's window contains an"K
vice-president, Brmton Slusher; secre
tary, Tally Vanderpool ; treasurer, Her-
i bert Mulkine ; sergeant-at-arme, Orrin
Moore. The society is named "The
Dnfur School-bovs' Literary Society."
Chas. Becht, who formerly kept they
OfLlifrtrnia. WinA TTnnnn near t.hin nlstpfi. v
was moving to North Yakima a few days
ago to open u like business there. Among
other belongings which he was trans
porting overland by means of a freight
team were .five barrels of wine. When
going through the Yaki ma reservation
he was wa9 held up by the authorities',
who informed him that he was violating
the law by bringing liquor into the res
ervation, and they proceeded to empty
his five barrels of wine, informing him
that he should feel satisfied that tbev
did not prosecute him for . his violation
of the law.
Regular Meeting Held I. ft lit Night at the
Council Chamber.
Remains to Be Taken East--Verdict of
the Coroner's Jury. '
oddity today in the shape of what they
call an exact representation of the first
engine to be used on the "Dawson City
and elsewhere railway." It is made en
tirely ot stovepipe, ana is quite an in
genius device.
Johnnie Stevens, the proprietor of the
15-Mile house at Dufnr, is in the city to.
a ay. tie miormea tne reporter tnat a
grand masquerade ball will be held in
that city on Christmas Eve, and there is
no doubt that it will be a success, as the
parties in that town always are.
Memorial services will be held at Ma- j
sonic hall this evening at 7 o'clock in
memory of H. Ai Baker, who died so
suddenly yesterday afternoon. He was
an old Mason, also a member of Colum
bia" Chapter, No. 33, of this city. All
Masons and members of tho Eastern
Star are invited to attend.
William Cake, of Portland, attorney
for the Standard Oil Co., came up laet
night to argue the motion for a new trial
on the part of the plaintiff, in the case
of Chas. Bayard, as administrator of the
estate of Perry Watkin?, vs. the Standard-Oil
Co. The motion was argued
this morning and .taken under ad vise-
man fr. nv tha ami.- .
Today - ' n ' i f iiIiq , 1 school
children are having jolly timeskating jat this time unknown
on tne siougna and coasting down the
cut. 1 he sloughs are alive with people,
of all kinds and sizes, and tb ice seems
to be sufficiently thick, since we have
not heard of anyone gettig a ducking,
while the cut and other nclines suitable
for coasting are crowde with little folks
in the height of their gfee.
The young men of the Dufur high
school met in the npper rooms of the
Turner building, on Main street, Thurs
day and organized a literary society,
with sixteen charter members, officered
as follows: President, R. D. O'Brien;
The remains of Henry A. Baker, who,
was killed by falling from a crib of the
pile-driver in the Mill creek basin yes
terday afternoon, will be sent to his old
home in New Jersey tonight.
Mr. Baker was 65 years, 7 months and
0 days old, and came to this place from
()enver, Colo., about three years ago.
le was a leading member of the Ma
onic order, and organized the chapter
hi the Eastern Star in this city. He
was a member of the engineer depart
ment of the O. R. & N., and was looked
o as an honest, straightforward man, by
.11 who knew him.
He leaves three daughters and one
son to mourn bis loss,' they being Mrs.
Cora D. Miller and Mrs. Jennie A. Bar
rett of Portland; Mrs. Lillian W. Tip
ple, whose address we did not learn,
and Fred A. Baker of Newark, New Jer
sey. ,
The following is the verdict of the cor
oner's jury :
The Dalles, Dec. 4, 1897.
We, the jury impaneled by W. H.
Butte, coroner of Waeco county, Or., to
inquire into the cause of the death of a
person whose body is now before us, find
as follows :
That the name of the deceased was H.
A. Baker, of the age of about 65 yeare,
und at the time of his death he was pile
inspector and had charge of pile inspec
tion for tbe O. E. & N. Co. on its 'piling
being placed for a bridge over Mill
creek in Dalles Citv, Oregon.
Tbat just a moment prior to his death
be was standing on a cribbing construct
ed of two ties, about 150 feet north of
the main line of said company, and fell
therefrom, the cause of eucb fall being
and from the
evidence we are not able to find any
cause for such fall except unavoidable
iccidejit, and we therefore conclude tbat
be cause of the death of said deceased
Iras an unavoidable accident, and tbat
ho one is at fault or responsible for said
lleath. .. F. C. Sexton,
C. F. Stephens,
., A. A. TJbquhart,
F. W. Wilson,
D. S. Dufcr.
A meeting of the city council was held
last night in the council chamber. In
the absence ot Mayor Nolan A. R.
t -
Thompson presided. Tho councilmen
breseht were A. R. Thompson, H. L.
Knck, C. F. Stephens, W. A. Johnston,
C. V. Champlin and S. S. Johns
j Minutes of meeting held duringthe
month of November received and placed
on file.
Petition of J. W. French et al for the
(purchase of a hook and ladder truck,
Was read and motion referred to com
ittee on fire and water.
Petition of F. Lemke et al in regard to
water running down Lincoln street, read
and motion referred to committee on
streets and public property with power
to act.
Thompson's judiciary committee made
a verbal report in regard to revision of
license law.
Special ordinance, entitled an ordi
nance amending sections 8, 9 and 10 of
ordinance 272, fixing a peddler's license
at $10, auctioneer's $50, and hawkers $25,
was read and on motion placed on final
passage. All the councilmen present
Were in favor of the same and it was de
clared passed. At this time Councilman
Saltmarshe came in.
Keports of omcers were read and
adopted and placed on file. Amounts
of officers' salaries were ordered
paid and the recorder was instructed
to draw out warrants for the same,
It was then moved and carried that
the bills read and approved by the fire
committee be ordered paid, and the
recorder was instructed to draw war
rants for the same.
It "was then moved that the marshal
be instructed to connect the property of
Mrs. Bonsey with the sewer according
to law.
A motion was made that the matter
of cross walks be referred to the com
mittee oh streets and public property,
and further tbattheiollowin crosswalks
are dangerous and in need of repairs ;
tbat of Madison across Second ; East
Laughlin across Second ; EaBt Federal
across Second, and East Washington
across Second. Moreover that the mat
ter concerning streets be referred to
judiciary committee to act in conjunc
tion with the marshal.
Councilman Champlin verbally re
signed his office on account of a change
of residence.
It wasTuoved and carried that bis res
ignation be accepted and the council in
structed to fill the vacancy at its next
regular meeting, the marshal being in
structed to inform the councilmen there
of A.number of bills were allowed which
will be published Monday.
Death of Mr. Stegman.
Gole's AiF
Tight . .Beaters.
T i
Our Stove is made in three different
grades the Dome top line, the Cast top
line and the Sheet top line. Each of
these styles have speeial features, which
will enable us to meet all the require
ments of the trade. All are fitted with
double seamed sheet metal base, which
makes the Stove absolutely Air Tight.
You will make no mistake in buying the
original Cole's Air Tight Heater. "
tors for
from Brahman, Germany, seven years
ago. Since tbat time he has lived with
his sou's family near Centeiville, Wash,
until recently, when be moved to the
tome of another ' eon, John btegman.
Ebo lives on Mill creek, near this city,
is death was caused more by the weak
ess of old age than-by any disease: A
hort time ago he contracted a severe
old, which helped to hasten the end.
He leaves four children one daugh
ter and three none, bis wife having died
previous to his coming to this country.
Hia children are: D. II. Stegman of
Centerville; John Stegman of The
Dalles; August Stegman uf Hart Po.,
Chester county, . Calif., and Mrs. Mary
Flagger of Brahman, Germany.
The remains will be taken to Center
ville, where the funeral will take place
Monday at 12 o'clock from the Christian
church of that place.
Mr. Stegman was an active, faithful
member of the German Lutheran
church, and died, as he lived, a true
Lactlea of the Maccabees.
.We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
- To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co.
Jlpe postoff iee pharmacy,
Eudocia S. Moffat, deputy supreme
mmander of the Ladies of tbe Macca
es, is in The Dalles to organize a hive
that order here, and will meet the
ies who are interested at the small
of P. hall this (Saturday) evening at
o'clock. All ladies, whether members
of the Maccabees' families or not, are eli
gible and invited.
The Ladies ot the Maccabees is the
only secret beneficiary order managed
and maintained exclusively by ladies,
giving ate, total disability and old age
benefits for $500, $1000 or $2000 on tbe
graded assessment plan and at ratings
as low as those., offered to men by simi
lar successful beneficial organizations.
The certificates are, and al ways will be,
worth their face value. -The order now
numbers su.uuu women, organized in
thirty-cine states and territories and
Canada. Oregon has about 700 mem
bers, and has received $8000 in death
benefits already paid.
Mrs. Moffat's address . while here is
room 37, Chapman building.
To Care m Cola In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine ' Tab
lets. All druggists refund tbe money if
they fail to cure.- '25c.
Deitrich Stegman passed awoy peace
fully last night about 10 o'clock at the
Umatilla House in this city.
The deceased was 77 years and 9
months old, and came to this country
- . - - ' -
CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors.
Pare Dtuc$s and JVIedieines.
". Toilet Articles and Perfumery,
pii)st Iji?? of Imported arpd DoTestio iars.
Telephone, 333. ; New. Vogt Block.
If you peed ar? Orap,
Call and see our KIMBALLS.
0.00 Ca
Will buy one of these Organs at
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
Leading Eastern Oregon Music House. .
New Vogt Block, ' . The Dalles, Oregon.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer
There is more, than artistic merit in
our bcx papers for Christmas. They are
beautiful and desirable, and have qual
ity which makes them welcome gifts,
and style which mark them above every
thing on the market. You gt a better
value and your friend gets a. better gift.
Closing Out Sale
Are goinar to close out their business, and they are offering their large stock at
-COST. PRICES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap.
All persons knowine themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and
" settle their account.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., i THE DALLES, OR