The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 02, 1897, Image 1

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NO 270
(Qft mrP M rfST
Winter Slated for the Union
Pacific Presidency.
It I Declared at Omaha that Horace G.
Hart, of That City Will Bo
Klected. -
Chicago, Dec. 1. This morning's
Tribune says :
Well-defined rumors ara in circulation
here that Receiver Clark has positively
declined to accept the presidency of the
Union Pacific on account of .ill health.
It bas been practically decided that .
W. Winterj late president of the North
ern Pacific, will fill the place heretofore
held by Clark.
. The actual bead of the corporation, it
is said, will be Marvin llughitt, presi
dent of the Chicago & Northwestern,
who is to become chairman of the board
of directors of the Union Pacific,
An Omaha Rumor.
Omaha, Dec 1. There has been a
great deal of talk about' the- probability
of the election of Horace G. Burt, vice
president of the Northwestern, to ihe
Union Pacific presidency. Those who
prediet Burl's election argue that Presi
dent Hughitt, of the Northwestern,
wants to take care of H, C. McCulloch,
general trafic manager of the North
western, by making him third vice
president to succeed Burt.
Later-r-It has just developed that
Horace Burt bas opened an office here
in the same building with the Elkhorn
offices, but on the other floor, and is
there ensconced with private secretary
and clerks. . -
Cod Armed by Clark.
St. Louis, Dec. 1. S. H. H. Clark,
one of the receivers of the Union Pacific,
today announced that he had been of
fered the presidency of that company by
the teorgadization committee, but owing
to ill health he' had refused to accept
the position. '
, In Behalf of Starving; Cuba. -
New Yobk, Dec. 1. Preeident McKiri
ley is considering the best method cf
placing before. the charitable citizens of
the United States on appeal for tood to
relieve destitution in Cuba.
According to the Washington corre
spondent of the World the Spanish min
ister has informally conveyed the- infor
mation to this . government that any
contribution which will be made will be
welcomed. In view of this it is expect
,ed that within a few days Consul-Gen-.
eral Lee will be authorized to take charge
of the supplies donated by the citizens
of the United States.
' The administration hopes a general
relief movement will be started in this
country. In such an event BtepB will be
taken to . have the supplies admitted
without th payment of duty.
Liberals Again In Favor.
Toronto, Dec. 1. Toronto, which
previous to the last general election, has
been held by 'the conservatives, has
elected George Bertram, a liberal, to
represent Toronto in the house of com
mons. The election shows that the lib-
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Beware of Olnments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and c mpletely derange the
whole system when entering- it through
the mucous surfaces.. , - Such articles
should never be used except on prescrip
tions ftom reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is ten feld to the
good you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury,- and is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and . mucous
surfaces of the system.; In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get, the . gen
uine. It is taken internally, and made
n Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Ob
Testimonials free. Price 75c. per bottle.
J3Sold by Druggists. 4.
I was troubled for a long
time with a sore wrist: some
thing the doctors termed an
open vein. It would break
and the blood would flow in
a stream from it, and I could
find nothing that would heal
it until I tried your Happy
Thought Salve. " A - small
quantity healed it up nicely.
In fact it has been well and
showed no signs of breaking
ior over three months, so
feel it bus "done perfect work.
. MrsT. R. Yeager;
: 1526 South Ninth St., Spokane,.Wa8h
50 cents a jar-,BBJasJS
at DonnellWfcrstore.
Absolutely Pure
erals are more firmly entrenched in pub
lic favor in Ontario than ever- before.
The vote was : Oliver Howland, con
servative, 1,948; Bertram, -liberal, 2,
224. -
United States Flag; to be Seen In West
Indian Waters.
Washington, Dec. 1. In the opinion
of the administration - the - time is now
ripe for a renewal of the practice of hav
ing the United States navy represented
in the waters of the Gulf, of Mexico and
the Caribbean Sea. For several years
past, save an occasional cruiser sent
with all haste on her way to or from the
Sooth Atlantic stations, not a vessel of
the navv has been beyond the waters of
Florida, for the reason that the presence
of the United States. war veeeels in the
neighborhood of the Spanish Antilles
might have served to create an erroneous
impression as - to the attitude of the
United - States-" toward - the- Cuban
insurgents and tended to complicate
matters between the United States and
Spain at a time when it was desirable
that no outside influences ehould be
brought into play. ' "'
U'he Marblebead,now at Annapolis, will
start southward as soon as she can com
plete her work in connection with ' the
trial of torpedo-boat Winslow. She will
go to Navassa to look after the condition
of United Slates citizens working on
that iuland. ; - - z
Nothing has been heard from there
for some time, and it is deeded proper
to inquire into the allegations of ill
treatment and abuses of the workiuginen
While engaged in this inspection the
Marblehead will make -hear headquar
ters at Port an Prince, on the west coast
of Havti, and will be charged with the
protection of American - interests gene
rally in that section of the West Indes.
The Wilmington is also to be sent
southward, but she will first be docked
and overhauled. After a stay in tropic
al waters she will continue on to the
South Atlantic station. "'
Thti 'gunboat Annapolis, now tran
formed into a training ship, 18 elated for
a trip into the Gulf during the winter
with a number of naval -apprentices on
board. . ',
Slow Progress Made In the Work of
- Kmpannellng a Jorv.
Chicago, Dec. 1. The examination of
talesmen in the Luetgert case today was
marked by many conflicts between As
sistant States Attorney McEwen and At
torney Harmon, for the defense. The
ndge was required to interfere frequent-
y. -. . .
Four jurors were sworn in yesterday,
and up to that time thirty-eight venire
men had been ealled into the jury-box
and found disqualified to serve. One ver
nireman, a fashion ' plate publisher, Jo
seph W. Phillips, proved satisfactory to
the attorneys on both sides of the case,
but Luetgert objected to him because he
was for nine years chief clerk of - police
in Northumberland county, England.
The jurors chosen 'were George K.
Berlin, a restaurant-keeper; Frank
Hoffman, an Electrical engineer; Thom
as S. Gardner,- a furniture. dealer; Thos,
H. Bachellor, an insurance solicitor. ,
Something: to Know.
It may be worth something to know
that the very oest medicine for restoring
the tired out nervous system to a
healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This
medicine is purely vegetable, acts by
giving tone to the nerve centers in the
stomach,' gently stimulates the Liver
and Kidneys, and aids these organs in
throwing off impurities in the blood
Electric Bitters improves the appetite,
aids digestion, and is pronounced 'by
those who have tried it as the very beit
blood purifier and nerve tonic. Trv it.
Sold for 50c or $1.00 per bottle at Blake
ley & Houghton drug store. 2
Happening at Tacoma.
Tacoma. Dec. 1.- The prospective rush
to Alaska is bringing many tough char
acters to this city, and crime is conse
quently increasing. Half a dozen stores
were entered and" robbed last night,
three of which were groceries.
Of the vags in jail seven escaped last
night by cutting through the floor. .
November's exports were the largest
of any month in the history of the port,
reaching a million and a half in value.
Over a million bushels of wheat were
shipped in ten vessels. Four thousand
bales of cotton alone were shipped to
China. Other heavy exports were floor
and lumber. v -
I Hpsiry and Underwear
If only
person guesses the
word he gets $2006. Wouldn't
you'li ke to be that one ? ;' 1 ' '
If ten people guess it, they
get $200 wouian t you
like to be one of the ten?
A Schilling- 8t Cossnaoy
Saa r ranclsco .
' Household Gods.
The Ancient Greeks believed that the
Penates were the gods who attended to
the welfare and prosperity of the family.
They were worshipped as household
gods in every home. The household god
of today is Dr. King's- New " Discovery
For consumption, conghs, colds and for
all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs
it is invaluable. It bas been tried for a
quarter of a century and is guaranteed
to cure, or money returned. No house
hold should be without this good angel
It is pleasant to take and a safe and sure
remedy for old and young. Free bottles
at Blakeley & Houghton s drug store.
To Reduce the Whiskey Output.
Louisville, Dec. i. A meeting of the
Kentucky Distillers' Association, called
to consider the question of. restriction of
production for a term of three years
plan was mapped out to keep down the
output to 15,000,000 to 20,000,000 gallons
yearly, r For some years the production
baa been over 40,000,000 gallons.
Don't be persuaded into buying lini
ments. without reputation or merit
Chamberlain's Pain Balm costs no more.
and its merits have been proven by a
test of many years. . Such letters as the
following, from L. G. Bagley, Hueneme
Cal.-j are constantly- being received
"The best remedy for pain I have ever
used is Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and
say so after having used it in my family
for several years." It cures rheumatism
lame back, sprains and swellings. For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton:
Bdckid'i anno sal-re.
lne best salve in tne world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
Bores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and pom'
tively cui s piles, or no "pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or mcuey refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale. py -Blakeley and
iienenton-. druggists. .-..
Carta, In lau checks.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Ja!y 7, 1893, will be paid -at my
office. Interest ceases after jOc.t- 27th
1S97. C. L. Phillips,
Coototy Treasnrer.
- Represent two very important departments with us. For good values and
large assortment we 'claim to be in the lead, and "can 'at any time offer convincing
Seasonable Necessities.
) V
Kibbed, Cotton, full sizes and a permanent black ; per
pair : .8 cents
Fleece-lined, Ribbed Cotton Hose, faBt black, warranted
stainless ; per pair ; . . ..... . . 12 cents
Cashmere Ribbed Hose, pure wool, fast black, all sizes;
pe' pair - - - 25 cents
Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose, seamless heel, full
fashioned ; our price, per pair . .... cents
Ladies' Seamless Wool Hcse, black, per' pair . . .17 cents
Ladies' Cashmere Hose, seamless, eoft and warm, good
wear; per pair. . .............. , 25 cents
In this line we excell; good weight; natural color, halt
wool half hose, seamless .ribbed top; special, per
pair .. . ; 10 cents
Camel's Hair, white heel and toe, seamless ; good
. value .-. T ,17 cents
Fine Cashmere Half Hose; colors, natural, black and
brown mixed ; special value at 25c pair
Ecru Fine Ribbed Cotton Vests or Pants, full weight
and size ................... ... . ..... .20c each
Silver Grey Ribbed, select yarn, fleeced, Vests and
Pants . . .... 50c each
Natural Wool, flat eoods, splendid value, soft and warm ;
. can't be bought elsewhere at our price of. . .75c each
Ladies Union Suits at. .'50c and up
' ' t ' : f j;:.: v .. :r
Random Wool Mixed, Shirts 'and Drawers, all sizes;
per garment ...-.', .40 cents
Soft as down our 50c Fleece-lined Cotton Underwear;
just the thing for a tender ekin ; all sizes . .50c each
Heavy Ribbed Ecru Cotton Underwear ; will wear two
years and hold its shape; Shirts .and Drawers, all
sizes ....................................... .50c each
Other numbers at 62, 75 and 90c, which are prom
inent values. We would call particular attention to
our Camel's Hair Underwear, men's sizes to 46, at $1.25
garment, snd numerous other lines at $3.50,. $5 00 and
$8.00 a suit, which represent some of tbe best Under
wear in the land, and are of the kind that wear 4 years
or more. '. , . -, , - . -.'-,,".
18 Fajces a Week. 156 Papers a Tear
It stands first among 'weekly" papers
111 size, frequency of publication
freshness, variety and, reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly ; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy , and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
its epeoial features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and ' a Ion -:
series of stories by the' greatest living
American and English authors.
Conan Doyle, Jerome K. Jeroma,
Stanley Weymsnj . . Mary S. Wllfclns
Anthony Rope, Bret Harte,
Braider Matthews, Etc.
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
The Dalles Twioe-a-Week Chronicle to
gether one year for $2.00. - The regular
price of the two papers is $3.00.. x
Jew York Weekly Tribune
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appoiuted by the County Court
of the State ot Oregon for Wasco County, ad
ministrator of the estate of John Grant, de
ceased. All porsons having claims agaiust sai .
estate are hereby notified to present the same to
meat my residence at Antelope,.Oregont within
six montns irom trie date nereoi.
Dated Nov. 10, 1887.
Administrator of the estate of John Grant,
deceased.- v .... noviu-at
Letters of Credit issued available in the
x:w . Eastern States.,.--
-Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold .on New York, Chicago,
St Louw.'San raneisco,; Jutland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,; and .various .points
in uregqai1yeRiagton.. )....!t
k t!oIlecHouhnju5e t jtH-points on lay
Farmers and Villagers,
; FOB ' . ;
Fathers and Mothers,
. . . :j ' .' i y
' .. fob .
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
Everv oossible eflort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY -TRIBUNE Dre-etninently a National Family Newspaper, interesting;.
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. '
We furnish. "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib-
-. urie one year for only $1.75.
Write vour name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best,
Tribune Office, New York City, ari a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib-
use will be mailed to vou. -- -
Wasco warehouse Oo
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ofaii kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, XfL'LkD
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
use: everv sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced. .
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.