TAe only Republican Daily Newspapei on Wasco County. EASTERN OFFICE 230 to 34 Temple Court, N. Y. City. E. KATZ, 4gent. MONDAY NOVEMBER 29, 1897 THE SITUATION IN AUSTRIA. Reports of exciting times come from Austria. The bitter discussions and riotous manifestations in the reichstrath have continued till the scenes partake more of the football field than legislative councils. A proposal by the German opposition to impeach the ministers for ' violat ing their powers by the issuance of the decree authorizing the official use of the Czech language in Bohe mia, failed by the very" narrow vote of 177 to 171, In speaking upon this proposal, the prime minister, Count Bodeni, against whom the bit terest feeling is manifest, announced that the cabinet would not retire, even if the impeachment resolutions were passed. . The situation is made the more serious by the intense interest taken in the matter by the" Germans across the border. Most violent speeches have been made and letters written affirming that the matter is one affect ing the whole German people, and that Austria, being historically a German power, and its constitution having been based on the assumption that the prime influence would con tinue to be German, for such a change to be made as would imply the effacing of German influence was a matter to call for the most serious attention of all Germans. It is also stated that there is quite a strong movement in Austria for a reunion of German-Austria with Germany in case the increased influ ence of the Czechs continues. In order to understand the situa tion it is to lie remembered that the Germans of Austria form only about one-third of the entire population of the empire. Of the nearly 24,000, 000 inhabitants, 8,500,000 are Ger mans, 5,500,009 Czechs, 3,700,000 Poles, 3,100,000 Ruthenians (Little Russians), 1,800,000 Slovenes, Croa tians and Servians, while 675,000 are Italians. The Czechs, Ruthenians, Slovenes, etc., me all Slavic by race, but not so closely united as to make them a compact body. The Czechs alone have been able to present a united political front. The German element is chiefly in Tyrol, Styria, upper Austria, on the borders of Ba varia, and lower Austria, in the vi cinity of Vienna, although there is a considerable element throughout Bohemia and Moravia. . There the Czechs are predominant, and it is there that the special difficulty arises. The Germans look upon all Stays and speak of them as barbarians, and hence arises the bitterness of the con test. Hungary is somewhat more favorably situated. The Magyars, numbering 7,500,000 out of 17,500, 000, are compact, but are surrounded by a fringe of Germans, Ruthenians, Croatians and Rumanians. These latter, in close sympathy with their fellows of Bumania proper, watch with great interest any national de velopments in the empire. The ,'. peculiar government must also be kept in mind. Francis Joseph is emperor of Austria and king of Hungary. Austria has its parliament or reichstrath; Hungary its parlia ment or reichstag ; while each prov ince has its one local landtag. For imperial interests, as foreign affairs, war, finance, there is another parlia ment called the delegations. Each parliament has its own ministry. The head of the delegations is Count Goluchowskj', minister of foreign Affairs.. Count Badeni is prime min ister, ofj Austria, and Count Banffy prime minister of Hungary. The imperial expenses are apportioned between the two sections by the Ans gleich, an agreement which runs for periods of ten years. The present Ausgleich terminates in December of this year, and the question of its re newal is being used by the Germans to force the Austrian ministry to withdraw fron the position taken in regard to the use of the Czech lan guage in Bohemia.- " One theory , advanced in regard to foot-ball is that the students need just such a sport to discipline their animal spirits, and that formerly many found a safety valve in chop ping wood and gardening to pay ex penses at college. But it doos not appear that the old time students flourished the ax and hoe so vigor ously a- to produce fatal results. The best thing laised in the South lately is the quarantines. Active sanitary work ' this winter will pre vent the return of the epidemic next year. Thousands are Trying It, In order to prove - the great merit of Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre pared a generous trial size for 10 cents. Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to ELY BROS., 58 Warren St.', N. Y. City. I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since a boy, and I never hoped for cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even that. ' Many acquaintances have used it with excellent .results. Oscar Ostium, 45 Warren Ave. , Chicago, 111. . Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged core for catarrh and contains no cocaine, mercury- nor any" injurious drug.'. Price, 0 cents.' At druggists, or by mail. See the Cnrysantliemutns. The public is invited to come and see the chrysanthemums. They are now in fall bloom, and this U the best time to get your plants. The ' lily, byacipthe, tnlip, early and late narcissus and jon quil bulba are now" ready to plant for spring and winter ' blooming. Now is the time to get pansy plants for early spring blooming. ' 19-2 Mrs. A. C. Stublikg & Son. tyristmas Improuemepts. 1 on want paper which makes vour Christmas enjoyment ' greater. You want paper which makes your home pleasanter at all times. You need such shades and designs as will give more beauty and more comfort in yonr home. We show you styles that exceed any ever seen here at prices never attempted for such quality. D. W.'VAIJSE, . Third St. Expenditures., You can make yonr Christmas money go farther and make more satisfactory purchases by selecting from a line such as ours. Not only drugs, but the best line of desirable articles, the largest line of novelties appropriate for the occasion and the best goods in general. BLDKELEY- a PDSDTOH, UP-TO-DATE PHARMACISTS, 175 Second Street . . THE DALIES. i Opera House One Week and Saturday Mati? nee, Commencing) Monday, Dec. 6th. The Laughing Limit. Fan Fast and Furious. GREAT MQEWENi MM-Reafier ani Hpotist.; .'. Attracts the learned, bewilders the scep tical, disarms the critical K charms the studious, enchants the gay, gratifies the intellectual,; satisfies .everybodyi All this and more too in pure fun. ' .' PRICES of admission 35 cents; no ex tra charge for reserved seats ; ; back seats 25c ; children 15c. . ' Regulator Line. The Dalles. Jortlaiii ani Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. Regulator & Dal les City FREIGHT. AND PASSENGER. LINE BETWEEN Tbe Danes, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port land daily, except Sunday. GOOD ;SERVICE. . LOWEST RATES DOWN THE YALLET on to EASTERN OREGON ? Are you going If so, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on tbe Columbia. The vest-bound train arrives at Tbe Dalles in ample time for passengers to take the steamer, arriving in Portland in time for the outgoing soutnern ana isortnern trains; East bonnd passengers arriving in Tbe Dales in time to take the East-bound train. For further Information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Agent, : .Oak Street Dock. Portland, Oregon, Or W G ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt., The Dalles. Oregon WALL PflPERl VAIiIi PAPEltl Just Received Rolls of Wall Paper.. The best "patterns. The most beautiful colors. New, Invoice of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. . Sflipes-Kmersly Drug Co- Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL All work promptly attended to, . -and warranted. 174 VOGT. BLOCK, mm Watchmaker f J ewelcr i-T"E'I' with' a biff 3. Blockwell's Genuine Ball . p j Durham Is In aclitss by itself. .You- .-xill find one I ' wi'innn insirln nnh t rr.. nil n rf' he-. and two COO. j pons libido each four ounce bat IPX m Buy abator this celebrated tobacco and read the eonpon- Wtuon gives ail-tof valuanloprescma aiianowtogeiuiem. f Special featurq ; Of .The , Chronicle ofi5.ee is the V Job ptT)tT)! r w- We have better facilities for doing- artistic work in this line than any office in Eastern Ore- '. . T g-on, and this branch of our busi- , ness is in ; the hands of expert; J . workmen. 5omparisbi - 1 T . . both as to high grade .work and reasonable prices. Wholesale. Ullines and CiaPSi THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anhetiser-BTisci Malt bererage, xtnequaled as a STUBLING & WILLIAMS. "There is a tide in the affairs leads on to fortune." : . . -. The poet unauestlonablv had reference to the ' Qlosing Out Sale of Furniture anil Carpets at CRANDALl &r BUR QET'S, Who are selling those Koqds out. at greatly-reduced rat , MICIIELBACH BRICK. - UNION ST. of KMC ! - BUSCH - and BEER iRes Nutrine;a non.-alcoh.olic tonic. of men which, taken at its flood )) EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are dne to arrive at Portland. . f OVERLAND EX-1 j jirets, Salem, Rose- ' 0:00 P. M A.M . Franeiseo. Mojave, New urleaus and I (.East - . J KtiKOburg and way kta tioiis ' . . . 8:30 A. M. 4:30 P. M. Daily except Sundays. (Via Woodburn for") I Mt.Anpel, Silverton, I t West Scio, Browns- I ville.Springueld and I Daily except Sundays. V.ratrou j 17:30 A. M. (Corvallis stations . . and way ) ....... i t 5:50 P.M. INDEPENDENCE PASSENGEK. Express train Daily (except Sundny). l:.V)p.m. fLv..... Portland. ...Ar.) 8:2.a.m. 7:30 p. m. ?Ai. .McMinnvi'U'. . Lv.S b;M a. m. 8:30p.m. Ar..Indepeudencc..Lv J 4:nOH. m. Daily. tDaiiy, except Sunday. DISING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. POL1.MAN BUFFET SLEEPERS . AND 8ECOND-CLA83 SLEEPING CAEs m ; Attached to nil Through Trains. Direct connection at San Francisco with Occi dental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lities for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on af plication. Kates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe.- Also japan, vhina, Honolulu and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained irom J. B. KIRKXAND, Ticket Agent. , Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where through tickets to all points In the Eastern StMtes, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. B. KIRKXAND, Ticket Agent . ; All above trains arrive at and depart from Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets ' YAMHILL DIVI8ION. , Passenger Depot, foot of Je Hereon street. Leave for OSWEGO, daily, except Sunday, at 7:20 a. m.; 12:15, 1:45, 5:25, 6:45, "8:05 p. m. ; (and 11:30 p. m. on Saturday only, and 8:40 a. m. and 8:80 p. m. on bundaya only). Arrive at " Portland dally at 7:10 and 8 ;30 a ta.; and 1:30, 4:15, 6:85 and 7:55 p. m., (and 10 a. m ,3-15 and 5:10 p. m. on Suudays only). Leave for Sheridan, week days, t 4:30 p. m ' Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. . Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and Fri'iav at 9:40 a. m. Arrive at Portland, Tues dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. : Except Sunday. Except Saturday. R. KOEHLER, Manaeer. G, H. MARKHAM, ' Asst. G. F. a Pass. Act ; DOORS, WINDOWS,: shingles;- I FIREf BRICKi FIREVCLAY LIME; CEMENT Window-Glass and Picture Moulding.- 31- C3- Z-. E UsT JT. Dalles;, Moro and; Antelope. STAGE LINE: Through by daylight via Grass Valley, Kent and Cross Hollows. DOUGLAS ALLEN, The Dalle, t - C. U. WH1IELAW, Antelope. Stages leave Tbe Dalles from Umatilla House : at 7 a. m., also from Antelope at 7:30 a. m. every Monday, Wednesday and iriday.-- Connections made at Antelope for Prineville, Mitchell and B lints beyond. Close connections made at The alles with railways, trains and boats. Stages from Antelope reach The Dallea Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1 :30 p. m. bates or risi. '" Dalles to Deschutes do Moroi .. do Grass Valley do Kent. ... : do - -Cross Hollows, ti.. Antelope to Cross Hollows do 'Kent. J .... .u oo ; . l so : . 2 25 . 3 00 . 4 60 . 1 50 . 2 00 . 3 00 . 3 50 . 4 00 ' . 5 00 do - Grass Valley do do do Moro Descbnees. Dallea J. S. 8CHKNK. - . President. ' H. M. Beat. ; Cashier pipst Rational Bank. THE DALLES ; - - - OREGON ' A (General Banking Business transacted ; Deposits received, Bnbject to Sight . Draft or Check.1 ' Collections made and proceeds promptly ' remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on ! New York, San Francisco and . ort- i . : : , ' land. ... DIREOTOKS ' r D. P. Thompson. - Jno.;S, Schincbv Ed. M. Williams, ' Gso.' A. Lube. , . H. M. Beaix. B SB" HtJNTINGTON. H 8 WILSON. HUNTINGTON & WILSON, - , . - ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . THE DALLES, OREGON. Office over First Nat. Bank. FRED. W. WILSON, ATTOitNEY-AT LAW, ; - THE DALLES,1 OREGON: Office over First Nat. Bank.