C3; 1 The Original. You Must Decide. .... Before long where vou will&uv vour new outfit. The earlier you make your resolution and act upon it the more use you 11 get of the clothes, it you think we can give you any new ideas or be of assistance in any way, call on us. In any event, before you buy you ought to be posted on the new H. S. & M. iashions. 'fi f C"1'' "V HART, 8CHAFFNER ft MARX. m GUARANTEED CLOTHING. The finest tailor-made ready-to-wear garments in America bear this trade mark. You'll find them very different from the other kinds. 9 ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. Gole's ilir ' . Tight Heaters. ? i i Tb3 DaUeJaifo Chronicle. EMBER 27,1897 SATURDA GLEANINGS. Weather Tonight and Sunday, enow and colder. A fine line of opal and diamond rings at T. A. Van Norden's. nov27-3t A band of a boat twenty antelope haa b jen seen several times near Prineville recently. . A few tons ot good wheat hay (baled) stored in town, for sale in lots to suit. Inquire at thi9 office. n26-27 The south end of the club building is being painted today, which considera bly improves its appearance. Some rare bargains can be had at the fair tonight, as all the goods remaining u nsold will have to go at auction. Id conjunction with the program of the orchestra at the fair tonight, a num ber of specialties will be introduced. The members of Cascade Lodge, No. 303, B. P. O. ., are requested to meet in their hall this evenine? at 8 nVlnck. Evervbodv ia delighted with the nn.N08 cabin cess of the Columbia Southern, Sherman fhe ftenoon'n pleasure concluded with doinga inst. on James L. Skipton as the of fense. The "Cradle Songs of the Nations" will be the most novel entertainment given in The Dalles for some time. About eighty children, under 12 years of age, will take part, all dressed in the costumes of the nations they represent. The great McEwen, the great mes merist, hypnotist and mind reader will open a week's engagement at the Vogt on Monday, December 6th. This will be a rare opportunity to all to learn more about these marvelous yet real oc cult sciences. In future, the outer door of the club will be locked at all times, and each member will be provided with a key,, so that he can go in and out at hia pleasure. This is an admirable move, as no one except a member or a guest of one of the members can now gain admission to the club rooms. The kindergarten children spent yes terday in a very pleasant manner. Af ter singing and playing games the Thanksgiving story was illustrated on the sand-table, the children . making miniature wigwams and constructing a The Mayflower stood' in port. county's little railway. It is splendid business. The many friends of Mr. Fritz will be pleased to hear that be is rapidly re covering from bis severe attack of sick ness, and at present able to sit up. The Cederson case is still before the circuit court. As numerous points of law are being argued by the attorneys on both sides, it is going rather slow. The funeral of the late Airs. Margaret Farley took place from the Catholii church at 2:30 today. It was attended by numerous relatives and friends of th deceased. An error was made yesterday in the notice' stating that a union meeting of the Christian Endeavor and Epworth League would be held Saturday evening. It should have been Sunday at 6:15. Yesterday two cars of stock cattle were shipped from this place by Sichel & Co. of Prineville, in charge of Prior Smith. Today a carload of hogs was shipped to the Union Meat Co. by Mon roe Grimes. H. J. Brown and Robert Wilson, the two men who were convicted of- holding up and robbing some Indians near this city last summer, were taken to the pen itentiary at Salem today to serve terms of two years each in that institution. The annual meeting of the members of The Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club will be held at the club rooms on Tuesday, December 7th, at 8 p. m. The object will be to elect a board of trustees as well as transact any other business wnicb may be brought before the meet ing. ' The city council of Corvallis haa de cided to try Chief of Police C. B. Wells December 6th, next, on the charge of "malfeasance, inattention and incapaci ty in office." The charge sets, forth-the assault made by the chief on the 10th candy-pull A tatal accident occurred Thursday evening at the Elkhorn Bonanza mine near Baker City. . J. H. Cagel ignited some giant powder and the whole mag azine exploded with a force that almost jarred the mountains. The unfortunate miner was killed as if struck by a light ning bolt, his body being mangled in a frightful manner. Thomas Hopkins was painfully though not fatally injured. Hon. H. H. Dufur, of Dufur, is in the city today. He reports tLe weather about the same in his section aa it is with us, and also that they had a very enjoyable Thanksgiving dance at Dufur on Thursday night. Owing to the bad condition of the roads, the usual large crowd did not attend, but all who were theie enjoyed themselves in tne way that none other . than Dufurites know how. In the presence of a holiday crowd of 6000 people, the Portland Athletic Club's football team defeated Multno mah Thursday afternoon by a score of 4 to 0. The victory was a surprise to every one but the members of the win ning team. The game was one of the most exciting that has been witnessed on Multnomah field. From the first kick off to the last play the interest did not waver, and the playing was fast and good. " ,, - Stock Inspector A.' S. Roberts has been making his semi-annual ride and FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE FAIR. A Good Crowd Attending; and a Fair Program. Last night the usual large crowd at tended the fair to hear the delightful program, as well as to buy or take chance on the many beautiful things which are for Bale or raffle. . S Outside of the orchestra, the German choruses and some of Dr. Grant's com pany were the principal attractions. Mr. Cliff Felton, the tenor singer of the Grant company, is excellent, while Prof. Chas. Sims, the pianist, is no less an artist. Clare Evans, the comedian, kept the house in a roar of laughter dur ing the entire time that be waa on the stage, while little Isabel Patricola, who is a wonderful musical artist tor a little child, and her father, Louis Patricola, well deserved all the applause they re ceived. Aa the ladies have been very busy to day, at the time of going to press they did not have the; program for tonight ready so that we could publish it; but we dare eay that it will reach the usual HitrVi ct.nilar nf ATjtalTanna The votes on the flag at present standi as 10110W8: iiks, 135 ;k Uompany U, 120; A. O. U. W., 46. The votes for the most popular rail road man are as follows : William Ma ker, 180; John Fagan, 128; Jack Galla gher, 88. The following were the lucky winners in the raffles: Calanthe Ready, silver cake dish ; Mrs. P. Gorman, banquet lamp; II. D. Parkins, Smyrna rug; J C. Hostetler, doll bed; Mrs. Senfert, dress pattern; George Bunn, table scarf; Ed Williamsdoll ; Mrs. J. H. Brennan, Bet of plates; Miss Jenni Scbreiner, berry dish ; K. Greiner, cook-1 ing eet; Miss Melquist, oil painting; Mies ' McEllany, Cascade Locks, silver cake dish; Win. Wilhelm, bed lounge. Tonight a large number of valuable articles will be raffled, and any which are not already sold will be suctioned off at whatever they will bring. Our Stove is made in three different grades the Dome top line, the Cast top line and the Sheet top line. Each of these etylea have special features, which will enable us to meet all the require ments of the trade. All are fitted with double seamed sheet metal base, which makes the Stove absolutely Air Tight. You will make no mistake in buying the original Cole's Air Tight Heater. EV3AIER & BENTON Distribu tors for THE DALLES. Dflath of Mrs. Catharine Smith. Mrs. Catharine Smith, wife of J. N. Smith, died at her home on Mill creek Friday, Nov. 27ib, ot diabetes. Mrs. Smith was 63 years of age, and aa been a resident of The Dalles, or ear this city, for many years. During 11 of these years those who have been fortunate enough to call her "friend" know just to what an extent true friend ship can benefit those upon whom it is bestowed, for this kindly soul . was al ways on hand in time of need. She leave, besides her husband, light children Mrs. Thos. Burgess, Baku oven ; W. H. Smith and George Smith, Portland ; Mrs. Lem Burgess, Bakeoven ; Mrs. Eva Morgan, James Smith and Edward Smith, The Dalles; Thos. Smith, Waggoner, Grant county. On account of waiting for members of the family to arrive, the date of the funeral has not been fixed. PEK80NA1, MENTION. Kingeley ib in the Murdoc McLeod of city today. William Hunter of Kingsley is in the city on business. Mrs. John O'Leary came up on the Regulator last night. Daniel Kelaay of Grass Valley is one of the guests at the Umatilla today. Emerson Williams, one of Kingsley's farmers, ia in tne city on business to- kiay. F. H. Hillgen, one of Dniur'e pros perous farmers, made ttus umce a pleat ant call this morning. Mr. John Ru h, oneot the well known and Drosnerous tillera of .the Tvnh Ridge Boil, is in the city. j Brent Driver of Wamic, brother of Sheriff Driver, ia in the city visiting ll.ionilj an A utrunslinir lr hil li ....is Chas. Dowuer, one of the conductors on the Washington division, in do from Dayton today, visiting friends! , and renewing old acquaintances 5l?e Jal Uilsor; ir-Xil?t eaters of Has been so much larger than we anticipated, that our stock has been demoralized, but we have just received another shipment, and can supply your wants. The Wilson has Outside draft and cast sliding top. Sold only by . . MAYS & CROWE, J. T. Peters & Co., G) -DEALERS IN- Agricultural Implements, Champion Mowers and Reapers Cravert Headers, Bain . Wagons, Randolph Headers . and Reapers. Drapers, Lubricating Oils, Axle Grease. Blacksmith. Coal and Iron. . Agents ior Waukegan Barb Wire. 2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, THE DALLES. b ore wu ind i Circuit Court Note. The following cases have been dis posed of in the circuit court during the week : Oregon Wholesale Nursery C va Wm Tillett, set for trial on second .day of next term. E Beck vs W H Cook, default and judgment. Venz Bauer vs Antone Bauer, settled and dismissed. C C Mating vs Z Taylor, settled and jbas already seen about 75 per cent of the 1 John CaTey V8 EUzabelh Carey( decree I oKoon tn thn nnnnfrv a nn fi r i tj that - Bheep in the county, and fiuda that they are in very good condition with very little scab. . , The majority of stock men have an abundance of feed and are jubilant over the present prices, He says he saw one band of about 2,000 breeding ewes that sold for $3 a beadjf A great many people are anxious to pur chase more sheep, which fact . goes to prove that raisers have confidence in the future. - and divorce M J Hendrickson vs L AHendrickson, eferred to Chas Shutz to take teati- monv. C E Bayard et al vs Standard Oil Co, plaintiff allowed until June 10th to file bill of exceptions. " F C Brosius vs Wm Rodenbisef, judg ment for want of answer. A R Florer vb James M Florer, decree and divorce. " Books and Stationery All kinds of Stationery sold by . I. C. NICKEL.SEN. The best at the lowest pricee. . Per- hapB you need writing paper, or a diary? A blank book or inkwell? A mngnifi cent stock on hand. We mark all our goods at a 'uniformly small fiignre and give the beet quality. Some new de signs in papetries, etc. - Jtye postoff iee pfyarmaqy, CLARK & FALK, Proprietors. Pute Drags and JWedicines . Toilet Articles and Perfumery, pirst of Imported ar)d Dopestie 5iars. Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. If you peed a 17 Orar;, Call and see our KI MB ALLS. B40.00 Will buy one of these Organs at Jacobsen Book 8c Music Co. Leading Eastern Oregon Music House. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Closing Out Sale -OF- FURNITURE CARPETS Are goinz to cloe onfc their business, and they are offtsrinc their large stock at COST PRICES. .- Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm ere requested to call and "- , settle their account. . . Wl. Z. DO IN NELL, PHESCHlPTIQri DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Go., THE DALLES, OR.