CI) VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1897 NO 275 HAWAII TO BE OURS Annexation at the Next Ses sion of Congress. THE PLANS HAVE BEEN MATURED bhonlfl tUe Treaty Fall, Annexation will Be Accomplished by Means of Legislation. New Yoke, Nov. 26. A Washington special to the Herald says : Hawaii will be annexed to the United States daring the next- session of con gress. This is one of the certainties of the session. Senators and representa tives, both advocates 'and opponents, who have thus far arrived in Washing ton, are practically unanimous on the question. . " , President McKinley's message will strongly urge upon the senators early ratification of the - annexation treaty, and it will be one of the first subjects brought up in the executive session. Senator Caffery of Louisiana, who will oppose annexation in any form, said: ' "I am radically opposed to the annex ation of any more territory to theUnited States. I- think it is foreign- to the beet policy we can pursue to extend the lim its of our jurisdiction to other regions of the earth far remote frou our national boundaries. - : . 'The acquisition ot territory now in cluded in the United States, excepting Alaska, was the natural results of pow erful impulse to extend' our dominion from ocean to ocean between the Brit ish possessions on the north and the Lat in possessions to the south. Now ttat this has long been accomplished and the entire included region amalgamated, with its population in luteiigent -sympathy -with the constitution and the in stitutions which exist under it, the poli ey of territorial annexation should rest. . "I can see no reason nor advantage in reaching out 2,000 miles into the Pacific ocean to take - in a. little group ot alien islands which are not geographically al lied to this continent and the acquisition of which cau do little for us beyond con stituting an outlying naval station which we are already able to establish there without annexation. "That their territorial extent is small does not prevent the annexation from constituting a dangerous precedent for the addition of alien peoples. "Cuba is bo mncb nearer to us than Hawaii that she is almost a part of us geographically, ; but her people are as alien to us aa if they lived in the anti podes. The annexation of Hawaii would naturally serve as an argument for the acquisition of that island also. - .The an nexation of more ' of Spanish American territory would then follow, all of which , is foreign to our policy as I understand it. J. acknowledge the existence of a powerful element in the senate in favor of annexation of Hawaii, but can see no reason in following its leadership." Senator Cockerel of Missouri, , is also opposed to the treaty, though he believes Hawaii will be annexed by legislation probably during the next session. He eaid: . . 1 doubt very mucn H tne necessary two-thirds of the ' senators will be found Royal makes the food pare, wholesome and delicious. in favor of the ratification of the treaty when the time comes to vote. . I expect, rather, to see the Islands become a part of the United States bv an act of con gress in the eame manner in which we acquired Texas. An annexation treaty could .not be passed at that time, but legislation to annex the republic was easily passed. The conditions seem to uie to be similar in the case-of Hawaii. I do not know in what political statue Hawaii may become a part of the Union, but she would prob ably not be endowed with statehood im mediately. Provisional government of some kind will ' more - than likely be es tablished at first." Senator Fairbanks of .Indiana eaid : "The ratification of the treaty will be accomplished during the coming session without serious ppposltion. : The whole subject is thoroughly - understood in all its phases, has been thoroughly discussed for years, and there is a practical una nimity of feeling both here and in Ha waii in favor of annexation. I antici pate the speedy ratification of the treaty." Senator Burrows of Michigan ex pressed a belief that the majority of the senators are ready to ratify the treaty, and that annexation will be an accom plished fact in a short time. We have used your Happy Thought Salve with excellent results. Our little girl7 4 yrs old, had sore ears for; nearly a year from the effects of a se vere case Of chicken pox. Af ter using the salve for a short time, her ears were complete ly healed. We find it works wonders. j M, -Au CoYixafoNB.iB, Pastor Madison St. M. E. Church, . . . . Seattle, Wash 50 cents a j ar--nsoss' at Bcnusll VDrtisstofe. Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., HEW YORK. Turkey's Abject Apology. Vienna, Nov. 26. Dispatches received from Mersina, Asia Minor, eay : As a result of the decision.of the Turk ish government to grant the demands of Austria : for redress in . consequence of the treatment of Herr Brazzafolli, the agent of the Austrian Lloyd Steamship Company at that point, and the subse quent insults complained of by the Aus trian consul there, the flag of Austria was duly saluted at Mersina yesterday by the Turkish guns, with all the cere mony demanded by the government of Austria. The Talk of Austria. Vienna, Nov. 26. The unparalleled violence in the house of the reichsrath ; yesterday is about the only subject of conversation throughout Austria today. The German progressist party has pub lished a note expressing regret -at the outbreak, and disclaiming any responsi bility for it. The three-year-old boy of J- A. John son, of Lynn Center, t 111., is subject to attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson savs he is sure that the timely use of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, during ; a se vere attack, saved his boy's life. He is hi the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Bros.,ot that place, and they handle a great many . patent med icines for throat and lung diseases. He had all these to Belect from, and skilled physicians to answer to his call, but se lected this remedy for U8e in his own borne at a time when bis boy's life was in danger, because he knew it to be su perior to any other, and - famous the country over-tor Us - curesof the croup. Mr. Johnson says this is the beat selling ICIOUS Schilling's' Best tea to go with biscuits made with Schillmg's Best baking powder. No hafm in jam'though; but the jam has got "to be awfully good to go with such biscuits and tea. .. v- A Schilling & Company San Francisco - rongh medicine they handle, and that Klvrs epimiMIU SHL15IHUL1UI1 ill HI t unstre. Sold by Blakeley fe Houghton. MISCELLANEOUS .ITEMS. The Maxim gun has only one bar rel, yet it can discharge 600 shots in one minute. A pet cat bit the finger of a little boy in Jasper county. Mo., and he died ten days later of blood poisoning. , I Lightning struck two hoes that a negro in Millington, Md., was carrying over his shoulders, and instantly killed him. ' 1 , Endless leather belts, acting as moving staircases," convey the patrons of the large Parisian department stores from one floor to another. Four thousand thieves were arrest ed in Paris during the past 12 months, and among them were a princess, . a duchess, and a countess. Eli Becker, of Cotton Hills, N. Y., became demented by religious zeal, and tore out both his eyes, saying that the Lord had commanded him to do so. Wesley Donohue, aged 13, of Louis ville, Ky., had brown hair just before he fell 14 feet from a ladder. The only injury . he received " from the fall was that his hair has turned perfectly gray. - A loving husband in Vienna com mitted suicide by hanging himself.' In hia pocket was a letter in which he left all his property the rope with which he had hanged himself to his wife, from whom he had been divorced ten years. - -a. certain uoston dentist is such a shrewd business man that., he. in sists on receiving payment in advance from customers who require the ad ministration of anaesthetics. This is to guard against the possibility of their dying in the chair. . . A 30-pound turtle clutched a boy's foot as he was adjusting a seine in the Ohio canal near Warren. Two men 'res cued the lad from drowning, with the turtle still clinging to him. The rep tile's head had to be cut off before its jaws could be relaxed. With the intention to poison mice; a man in the City of Mexico sprinkled strychnine on n banana skin, and put it where the mice would be likely to get ! it. A cat dropped the skin into . the I water jar,' assd the entire family was poisoned, but found relief in the stom ach pump. - v-j Tired people are tired because they have exhausted their strength. The only way for them to get strong is to eat j proper food. But eating is not all. Strength comes from food, afti-r diges tion. Digestion is made easy with Shaker Digestive Cordial. People who get too tired, die. Life is streueth. Food is the maker of strength. Food is not food until it is digested. Tired, pale, thin, exhausted, sick suf ferers from indigestion, can be cured by the use of Shaker Digestive Cordial. It will revive their spent energies, re fresh and. invigorate them, create new courage, endurance and strength, al! by helping their stomachs digest their food. It aids nature, and this is the-best of it. It gives immediate relief, and with perseverance, permanently ;ores. Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10c. A Benevolent Jndare. There is a venerable andi benevolent judge in Paris who, at the moment of passing sentence on a prisoner, con sults his assessors on each side of him as to the penalty proper to be inflicted. "What ought we to give this rascal, brother?" he says, bending' over to the assessor on- the right. "I should say three years." " "What is your opinion, brother?" to the assessor on the left. -.'." "I should give him about four years." The judge, with 'benevolence: "Pris oner, not desiring to give you a long and severe term of imprisonment, as I should have done if left to myself , I have consulted my learned brothers and . shall take their advice. Seven years." N. Y. Tribune. "The wot et cold 1 ever bad in my life was enred by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," w.ites W.H. Norton, of Sutter Creek, Cal. "This, cold left jne with - a cough and I was expectorating all the i lime. The remedy cored;, me and I want all my friends - when troubled with a cough or cold to use it, for it will do them good. Sold by Blakeley & Hough ton. -. : . Buo men's Aruic salve. Xhe best salve in the worid for .cute, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum; fevei Borcn, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains! corne, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cui s piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. -For 'sale by Blakeley and Honghton. druggists. , . 7 m in -i ill i m GO e 1, 7 TntS CORRECT STYLE. POPULtAR PRICE. SATISFACTORY .7 77 .7 ...V'. ,7;', , ,' i, - - - ' . ' 7 '," . " ""' ' '7 ' ' ' 7 THE NEW YORK tiRLD THRIGE-fl-WEEK EDITI0H. 18 races a Week. 156 Papers a Tear It etands first among '"weekly" papers in size, frequency of ' publication r ' freshness, variety and reliability of coc tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy; and fairness of its news columns. - It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a Ion series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Cunan Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome, -Stanley WejrmMj Mary E. Wllblns Anthony Hope, Bret Barte, . Brander Matthews, Bto. - We offer this aneqnaled newspaper and The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for $2.00. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. Hew York WeeErty Triliuiie Farmers and Villagers, FOR Administrator's Notice. Notice t hereby Riven that the undersigned has been duly appoiuted by the County Court of the State ot Oregon for Wasco County, .ad ministrator of the estate of John Grant: de ceased. All porsons having claims aeainst sal . estate are hereby notified to present tne same to meat my residence at Antelope, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated Nov. 10, 1S97. J, DUFF McANDIE, Administrator of the estate of John Grant, deceased. nov!0-5t FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. i TKANSACT A GENEKALBANKING BOB1SE3 Fathers and Mothers, " FOR .'. ' "' Sons and Daughters, FOB AH the Family. Every possible eflort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N". Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Beet, Tribune Office, New York City, ac 1 a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to vou. . lascoiarehouse Oompan Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed' Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Kolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, mTlufeI Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pehdle- Flour. Letters of Credit issued available in the ' Eastern States.. Sight, Exchange and Telegraphic Tranefera sold on New York. Chicago, St. Loois; San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Waeh,, and' various points in Oregon and Washington. . . ' Collections made at" all pointe on fav orable terms. 3 FEED This Flour is manufactured expressly for iamily use; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. - We Sell our goods lower than any bouse in the trade, and if yon don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. .7 7 7.', Highest Prices Paid for ' Wheat, Barley and Oats.