Cole's Air Tight and ; Hot Blast - ;; ; . - H E" A T E M s Stye 5a of J INI .... Before long where you will buy your new outfit The earlier you make your resolution and act upon it the more use you'll get or the , ciotnes. 11 you think we can give you any new ideas or be of assistance in any way, call on us.-" In any event, before you buy you' ought to be posted on the new ' H. S. & M. fashions. HART, 8CHAFFNER & MARX. GUARANTEED CLOTHING. - The finest tailor-made ready-to-wear garments in America bear this trade mark. You'll find them very different from the other kinds.' 9 ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. id The DalleDaily Chronicle, 26, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A few tons ot good wheat hay (baled i stored in town, for sale in lota to euit. Inquire at this office. n36-27 Notice A union meeting of the Chris tian Endeavor and Epworth League will be held at 6:15 Saturday evening at the M. E. Church. Professor Spill man, of Pullman, after experimenting with thirty-five different varieties of wheat, recommends the lit tle club as the " best, the Sonora as next best. '.-" ' Checks for the second dividend of The Dalles National bank have arrived, and anyone having a claim against the bank can get his check by applying at Hunt ington & Wilson's office. The county bridge across White river, in Pierce county, was washed away during the recent flood, and as a con Be quence ' transportation between the country districts and Tacoraa has been shut off, except by rail. Senator Hilton came in from his ranch near Fossil to spend Thankegivfrjg.-aod states that heavy rains fell in that sec tion at the same time they did here. Grass is fairly good and stock ia in good condition to begin the winter. The "Cradle SongB of the Nations will be the most novel entertainment given in The Dalles for some time, derailed at Walla Walla ' Wednesday evening, and at present is in the ditch opposite the coal chuteB in that city. A defective switch caused the engine to leave the track, and fortunately no one was hurt in the disaster, although the engine itself was badly wiecked. On opening' his general merchandise store at Arlington Monday . morning. G. Miller found that during the night it had been entered and several hats, three pairs of shoes, a considerable quantity of underclothing and other goods, worth n all $50, taken. The glass front of the store was broken ! There is no clew to the burglars. This morning the case of the adminis trators of the estate of William Cederson. vs Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co., was before the circuit court at 11 o'clock. But nine jurors bad been selected from the regular panel and six new jurors had summoned. Judge Bennett ap pears for the plaintiff, while Attorney Minor, of the Portland firm of Cox,' Cot ton, Teal & Minor, appears for the de fendant. Last night, some of the prisoners were to be taken to the penitentiary day, made an attempt to pick the locks and escape from the county jail. They failed in getting the locks picked, but in endeavoring to do so, put them in such a aTinriA that, Hnnra oonlft nnt. ttf opened this morning, and they. have to p remain where they are aB an expert puts the locks that they can be opened. Several little waifs have been making practice of stealing such articles as lay their hands on THE. FAIR A SUCCESS. Crowds Attend Wednesday and Thara . day Good Programs. -I s whol ry to 1 Inn Ira R From ' a . social, as well . as financial standpoint, the fair is quite a success. On Wednesday afternoon and Evening the hall was taxed to its fullest capacity. During the evening, from 8 till 12, danc ing was ' indulged , in, and everyone seemed to have the fall extent of pleas ure. . - j On that evening the following articles were raffled: China' tea set, won by Joe HerQUx ; hand-painted sofa pillow, H. Hillgen ; bureau cover . and doilies, Mrs. T. Ward ; fine meerschaum ' pipe Chas. Lauer. Last night an excellent ' program was rendered. All the numbers were well received, and the specialties of the four coal black dudes were of such a charac- ici no lj uciunuu neverni euizureo. - . . i The winners at last night's rafflesx were: - Peter Stadelman, marble top center table; Mr. Reynolds, wax dill; Miss Griner, rocking horse ; Susie Moore, plate glass mirror; August Grunow, tri- cicle; Rev. J. Ran w, violin; J. Red mond, pair of woollen blankets; Mr. McFall, oil painting of the Mount of the LHolv OroHB. . '''.'. KHE THE BEST . They heat a room in five minutes. They save enough fuel the fi ret year to pay for the stove. 4 cents a day is the average cost of heating a large room with our stoves. - - . : - ' v " ' ;: v - " - They burn anything and every thing combustible. A cord of wood equals a ton of hard coal in any ot our wood beaters. It is only necessary to remove ash es once in six weeks from our , wood stoves. .. ' , They are. safe and have a catch to hold the cover while patting in - . fuel.; -: ; ' . You have a fire every morning' .Oar hot'blast draft furnishes a hot air feed, not cold air, and saves " fuel., .' . .. . -..: . ' J . . They are easily moved and set up.. Oar wood stoves are made with ' either sheet iron or cast iron tops in all Bizes, for all purposes. They-are jointlees the connections ". being bo made that the greater expansion of the lining don't af . feet the body. . . There are no fcolts- exposed to the fire to burn off or draw or open - up a joint. Our coal stove will burn slack and . - makes a ton of soft coal equal to . " ' a ton of hard coal. -. : 3 UilSOi? ir-Jil?t )i eaters BEWARE' of infringers and inferior imitations, they never equal the origin : al and cost as much. . , MA1ER & BENTON. PERSONAL MENTION 8 V About eighty children, under 12 years of age, will take part, all dressed in the tjhey could easily costumes of the nations they represent, jfirom business bouses and other places in Colonel M. McCarthy of has received from the war department at Washington, D. C , official notice of the granting to him of a congressional medal for his distinguished bravery at White Bird canyon, Idaho.June 17, 1877 : in the Nez Perces campaign. A telephone message from Salem was received this afternoon, stating that Mrs. ' Margaret Farley, mother of Mrs. J. C Christian, died in that city today. Her remains will be brought her for inter ment. The funeral will tak place to morrow at 2 :30 from the Catholi church. At the time of going to press the fol lowing jury bad been selected to try the Cederson case : H. C. Bateham, J. M. Elliot, John Hendricks, M. Dichten muller, M. V. 'Rand, Hans. Lage; eo. Cooper, H. C. Stranahan, W. B. Red man, E. . K. Russell, C. E, Chrisman David Cooper. Sunday, while attempting to cross the , Skykomish river from the mines east of Index, in a small canoe, Adolph McRea was drowned. Hia brother, Dudd Mc f Rea, was killed In a rock slide in the mines'about a year ago, Alex Jones had ', a nanow e3cape, HHe was taken out of , the river unconscious, but except for a , few bruises, he is all right. ; One of the five monster "hog" engines which the 3. R. & N. put on the mounl ain division about a year ago, was F a . - . TYT - r . Walla Walla cny. w euneeaay one oi inem irieu to sell some of these articles and was turned over to the authorities.' He made a clean breast of bis crimes, and that of his pals, and at present a motion is on foot to send them to the reform school. - As there is nothing decided as to what will be done, we refrain from giving the lads' names for the present. A. L. Bunnell of Glen wood , is in Jthe city today.. D. C. Hall, claim scent for the O. R. & N., is in the city today. Roger B. Sinnott left for a business 'tiip to Baker City last night tl. hi. riillgen and wite ot rvingsiey are in the city attending the fair Rev. J. H. Wood spent yesterday with bis mother and sister at University Park. . Miss Minnie MichelKfent v Portland Fhia mni-ninn ShnSrill ralnrn StYTiriav evening. -: '.': 1 T. H. Johnston, one of Dafur'e enter prising merchants, is in the city on usiness. Miss Mollie Bottorff went to Spokane Wednesday night to spend lhaukegiv ing at home. Chas. Stone returned from a trip to Seattle Wednesday, and spent .Thanks giving in this city. ,. Mrs. Henrv Fowler, who . has been visiting relatives in the city, returned to her home in Portland this morning John Thomas, special , agent of the aeen Insurance Company of San Fran isco, is in on business today; Edward Bolton of Kingaley left on the oat this morning. He is on his way to Angel college, where he will ' take a a coarse in studies. . .'. ; Dr. C. Gertrude French, daughter of Smith French of this tTty, spent Thanks ted Mr. '!' - J uui ibu . t wi vuio ymj $ open & umi a - In the voting for- the most popular Tiving with her parents and returned to .Wednesday afternoon - some young fellows, who, by the way, are strangers in the city, has a clash with one of the richest of the Chinese on Front street, and one of them did the Chinaman up in such a shape that anyone seeing him would be led to believe that he had been struck by a cylone. After the youth, had atiefied himself that he had done the phinaman up properly he sought a place bf concealment, and at present the. au- horities are vainly searching for the of- ender. ' ' . - -- young lady, Katie Brogan leads with 83 wotes; while Minnie Sandrock comes exi wun o. i ware au auiuuurt ot en- until Buch time, thusiasin was displayed last night over in order so froting for the most oonnlar railroad Jman, and at the cTose of the evening J. Fagan lead with 109, Wm. Maher 106. and J. Gallagher 83. In the contest for the . flag the Elks lead with 110, Com pany G has 62, "The Sons of Rest" 46, while the Workmen have 44. ,The following ia this evening's pro gram: " Washington tost. T. . . , , . jOrchestra PlFno Duet. . . . ... . . Julia and Clara Nickelsen Selection Echoes or the.Day. . . ...Orchestra Chorus Song .. .. ..................Germans Guitar and Banjo Duet '. H Parkins, M. Bice Rage in Ireland .Orchestra Clarinet Solo. . ..... .. . . M. Long German Chorus .. . .. U hlanenruf ...'. . . . .Orchestra Some of the leading characters of the Dr. Grant Medicine Company will introduce-some specialties this evening in conjn notion with the above program. V Has been so much larger - than we anticipated, 'f that our stock has been demoralized,' but . we have just received another .'shipment, and can your V wants. - - .. The Wilson has Outside draft , ' and cast sliding top. Sold only .by v--.:-r-.::;- MAYS & CROWE, Go -DEALERS IN- : V Agricultural Implements, Champion Mowers and Reapers? Craver' Headers, Bain Wagons, Randolph Headers and Reapers. Drapers, - Lubricating Oils, Axle - Grease. ; Blacksmith Coal and Iron. Agents for Waukegan Barb Wire. ; 2nd Street, Cor? Jefferson, THE DALLES. Gomplete Line of Fishing Tackle, Notions, Baeeball Goods, Hammocks, Baby Carriages, Books and Stationery at Bedrock Prices, at the f v Jacobsen Book 8c Music Go. Vhere will also be found the largest and most complete line of Pianos and other Musical" Instruments in Eastern Oregon. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. "New Vogt Block, The DallesOregon. I f PIONEER BAKERY, i I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every- V body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy G-roceries. GEORGE R U CH, Pioneer Grocer. Se tne Cn'rysanthemnms. The public is invited to come and see the chrysanthemums. They are now in full bloom, and this is the best time to get your plants. The lily, hyacinthe, tulip, early, and late narcissus and jon quil bulbs are now ready to plant for spring and winter blooming. Now is the time to get pansy plants for early spring blooming. . ": 19-2w .. Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Son. Subscribe for The Chbonicxk. Degree of Donor Entertains. ortland this mornings - Misses Nellie and CarfTie Butler came up on the boat yesteraay to spend a few days with tbeirCrother, Truman, wtfd met them yesteruay at the Cascades., Fred Drews of Portland, who came up Wednesday night to eat Thanksgiving turkey with his folks in this city, re turned on the Spokane flyer this morn ing. .. 1 . . . . Hon. J. H. Cradlebaugh left for Bake - City this morning to attend to hia min ing interests at that place. Mrs. Cra dlebaugh also left this morning,' having gone to their tlood Kiver home Mr. J. M. Marden, accompanied b hia dauzhter. Miss Hat tie. went to Port land this morning, where the latter yA join Hon. W. R. Ellis and wife on their trip to Washington, JJ. J. Miss waltie will remain with relatives in that city for some time, and will devote her time to the study of art, for which she has uu unusual amount of talent 1 I Out Sale Bolo "My Qandma'-. . i : . :rrrrrrrrtMnrrTarney Character Buet "Beuben and Rachel". - . t Mrs. Stephens and Chae. ClarkeJ Coffee and cake was servedal ter the program was finished, and when the in ner man had been amply satisfied, the usnal hour's dancing was enjoyed before the participants disbanded for the' even ing. ' , , ' . ''.;." . .- osmg FURNITURE CARPETS Are going to close out their business, and they are offering their large stock at lusi i' . jmowis ine ume io ouy gooa rurniiure cneap. Alt persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and ' settle their account. - .- . : Wednesday night the Degree of Honor gave another delightful and well-ar ranged entertainmen. Nearly all the members and Quite number of invited guests were presents The following Pdvfj pram 'was rendered: - " ' : - n I Piano Duet. . Missesx. Sampson and Peart Joles Heading "TheTlUall'EsgivInR''. ' " .. .mm t:mn(iau Quartet '"Consinf Jedediah Mesdames Stephenaand Young amtMr. Crandail " - rT6d Dr. Eshelmjiij. ' - Kec "Siving TOanTL8"rrrrrr7.Martha Schooling .Tina -IThaTn.nii n V " - J.- -- -Mrs. Groat and Mr. CracdaulT C. KITC. K W.T .PITTITCT wtye postoff iee piparmay, v CLARK & FALK, Proprietors, ' . Pare Otucjs andi JWedlGines. ' ' " , Toilet Articles and Perfumery , . ' pipst lji7 of Imported a rjd DorestiG iars. Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. All kinds of Stationery sold by Per- The best at the lowest prices, haps you need writing paper, or a diary? A blank book or inkwell? A magnifi cent stock on hand. We mark all our goods at a uniformly small fiigure and give the best quality. Some new de; signs in papetrieB, etc. - : ; The Gfopdniele axul cGt the neivc.