The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 26, 1897, Image 1

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NO 274
What McKinley Will Say in
Spain' New Plana for Pacifying
Cuba Fail.
New Yoek, Nov. 24. A Washington
special to the Tribune save : "
The Cuban and the currency questions
will be the leading topics in the presi
dent's message. It is paid that the dis
cussion of the Cuban question will be
comprehensive. It has already been ex
plained what the state department has
prepared in reply to the Spanish note
regarding filibustering. Whether the
president will incorporate the substance
ot this in his message or leave it, to go
in as part of the regular diplomatic cor- j
respondence may be determined later,
but the message will - define the Cuban
policy ot the administration.
Members of congress with whom the
president might freely have discussed
the question, have almost without ex
ception said that this should he done,
and Mr. McKinley has apparently agreed
with them.
The" reason given for the conclusion
is apparent. 'While a sincere hope is
entertained that the Sagasta - cabinet
may end the war at an ' early date, the
estimated. In that event it is desirable
for the policy of this country to be
A Btrong . intimation is given that in
case of failure of an end to the present
conditions in Cuba at an early date ho
hesitation will be had in the United
States making known its position of ulti
mate intervention. Humanity and com
merce may both be made' the grounds
for this action.
The belief is that the Quban problem
will be solved througt the good offices of
this country, but the expectation is that
these good offices will be executed with
in a reasonable time after congress
meets, and after the intentions of the in
surgents as to accepting or rejecting-au
tonomy are known beyond a question.
If Cuba is actually pacific and industry
and trade are resumed, that condition is
expected to speak for its self. -
The refusal of a few insurgent leaders
to lay down their arms and the conlin
nance a sort of bandit warefare would
not be interprited by the administration
as the failure of autonomy. On the oth
er hand.the continuance of the present
conditions would hardly-be accepted as
evidence that the island has been paci
fied. . j
There is said to be a misunderstanding
. in Spanish official circles regarding the
position of the administration if the de
cree of autonomy is gazetted. .; The ad
ministration would not under any cir
cumstances undertake to guarantee au
tonomy. That would be making itself
responsible for the Cuban colonial gov
ernment to the Spanish authorities.
But the president's good offices are ex
tended toward giving the policy of au
tonomy a fair trial.' The message is ex
pected to make this clear beyond the
possibility of misunderstanding. .
It is the confident belief that the pres
dent's discussion of the Cuban situation
Royal make the food pure,
' - wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
will tend to strengthen the feeling that
the administration will he able to meet
every phase of it in a manner to satisfy
the conservative business interests of the
country and discourage . radical or pre
cipitate action. -
Two Men
Disappeared on
the Upper
The Competitor Crew to Soter Claims
; Ag-alnst Spain
New York, Nov. 24. According to
the World the next chapter of the Com
petitor story will carry the case to Wash
ington. Captain Laborde will make de
mands for damages fro .2 the Spanieh
governmenf, and the United States gov
ernment, will be asked, to press 'the
claims. : Melton, who has suffered more
than the others, is .likely to make a
similar claim. Leavitt, the other Amer
ican iu the party, will- place his case be
fore the state department.
Captain Laborde Is at the home of his
brother. A physician who visited him
said that a long rest must be had before
he recovers his health. '
Laborde said:
. ;"I am an American -citizen, having
been born in the United States, in 1858.
The Competitor was ' an American
schooner, and was regularly cleared un
der American papers. She was flying
the American flag. There is nothing to
substantiate the Spanish claim that we
were pirates, because there was no evi
dence of piracy on the high seas. The
officers of the Spanish gunboats were
the pirates. They stole my watch, $50
in money and my personal effects from
the Competitor.. Then I received the
most inhuman and cruel treatment when
the sailors bound my hands with cords
and twisted them into .the flesh." - "
We have used your Happy
Thought Salve with excellent
results. Our little girl, 4 yrs.
. old, had sore ears for nearly a
year from the effects of a se
vere case of chicken pox. ' Af
ter using the salve for a short!
time, her ears were complete
ly healed. We find it works
-tfbndera. " '
M. A: Covington, l B.,
.' Pastor Madison St. Bl."E.'Church, ;
... Seattle, Wash.
, 50 csnts Ei jar. ""ssi.- . ' -j.
at BcrmelTs Drugstore. .
Htxisboro, Or., .Nov. 24. John Ber
ger, of Bethany, ana William lous.'g-
nont, jr., of Buxton, are. thought to have
perisjjed in a stream in the Nehalem
mountains. .
Sunday, November 44,.Lousignont and
Berger left the former's place, on the up
per Nehalem, fifteen miles from Buxton,
with a party of friends in quest of deer.'
Lonsignontand Berger stationed the par
ty on runaways at the river, and then
took the dogs up in the hills to hunt out
the game. The men at the stations
waited until night, .when Lous ig nont
and Berger .not returning, they went to
the cabin, but it was vacant. - The two
missing men had not been found up to
Sunday last. ; As a terrible storm was
raging, it is thought they are either lost
or have perished.
On Saturday last one of the dogs re-J
turned with a suspender tied around its
heck. Some think the knot contained a
message, while others' think'the animal
went to some homesteader's cabin,
where it was tied up, later breaking
away. ' ' .
' A large body of men are searching for
the missing hunters. ''.
"LoDBignont is unmarried, while, it is
said, Berger has a wife and three chil
dren. . .
The upper Nehalem is a perfect wilder
ness, and communication is almost im
possible at this time of the year.
. A report was in circulation this even
ing that the missing men. had been
found, but it was not confirmed.
Tired people are tired because they
have exhausted their strength. The
only way for them to get strong is to eat
proper food. . But eating is not all.
Strength comes from food, after diges
tion. . Digestion is made easy with
Shaker Digestive Cordial.
People who get too tired, die. Life is
strength. : Food is the maker of-
strength. Food is not. food until it is
digested. .
Tired, pale, thin, exhausted, sick suf
ferers from indigestion, can be cured by
the use of Shaker Digestive Cordial.
;It will revive their spent energies, re
fresh and invigorate them, create new
courage, endurance and -strength.' all by ' rants. Jameson has confessed
helping their stomachs digest their food, t ing $10,000 worth of warrants.
It aids nature, and this is the best of
it. ; ;It gives immediate - relief,;aDd with
perseverance, permanently cures. .
Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10c."
Free of Charge to Sufferers.
Cut this out and take it to your drug
gist and get a sample bottle free of Dr.
King's New Discovery, for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds. ..They do not ask you
to buy before- trying. ' This will show
you the great merits of this truly won
derful remedy, and show you what caa
be accomplished by the regular size bot
tie. This is no experiment, and would
he disastrous to the proprietors, did they
not' know it would . invariably cure,
Many ot the best physicians are now
using it in their practice with great re
suits and are relying on it in the most
severe cases. It is guaranteed. Trial
bottles free at Btakeley & Houghton's. 1
Mews of a WteoK Suppressed. -
: Kaksas City, Nov.-24. It is said here
that a westbound passenger train col
lided with a freight train on the Chicago
& Alton road, at 2 o'clock this evening
at May view, forty-eight miles east of
Kansas City Several cars were wrecked
and it is said that a number of persons
were hurt. The Chicago & Alton of
ficials here state that no one was killed,
but refuse to give details of the wreck.
.The Coming Woman t '
, Who'goeB to the club while her hus
band tends the baby, as well as the good
old-fashioned' woman who looks after
her home, will both at times get run
down in health. They will be troubled
with loea of appetite, headaches, sleep
lessness, fainting or dizzy spells. The
most wonderful remedy for these women
is Electric Bitters. ' Thousands of suffer
ers from Lame Back and" Weak Kidneys
rise np and call it blessed. It is the
medicine for, women. .Female - com
plaints and nervous troubles of all kinds
are soon relieved by the use of Electric
Bitters. Delicate woman should keep
this remedy on hand to build up the
system. Only 50c per bottle. For sale
by Btakeley & Houghton. 1
... - ' '
' ' Sensational Arrest. .
Seattle, Nov. 25. C. E. Jameson, a
prominent citizen of Montesano, is under
arrest for forging Chehaiis county war-
to f org
Ee had
a confederate whose name he refused to
divulge. - , ' . ' ' '
".Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco
warehouse. Best feed on earth.. m9-t
1 1
The most money is made on cheap things. - Be
ware : of cheap baking powder. . It contains, alum and
other things bad - for; you ; or it is weak and wastes
money. -v r:--.-K :.J:A. -i-.''uhil: '.- --'-
If Schillings Best could be made and sold for the
price of the cheap. baking powders, we should be only
too.glad, ta rsake, it-arid sell ' it so for 'the whole mar-.
ket ryes the whole world- would be oursV
Your grocer knows ask him.
I STYIiE. PRICE. ;:v;;--:
, thrice-a-weer; editioh.
18 Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Tear
It etands first among '"weekly" papers
in size, . frequency, of publication
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o & weekly ; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its news columnB.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
its special features - are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashiohd for women and a Ion
series of stories by the ...greatest living
American and English authors, -
Conan Doyle, .. . Jerome K. Jeroma, -Stanley
We;miB, Mary E. Wllkins
Anthony Hope, Bret Harte,
. .Brander Matthews, JECto. . ,'
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle, to
gether one .year for $2.00. The regular
price of the two papers is $3.00.
to. York U
,-. mm
I I B $ C j Ls w
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby eiven that the underslened
has been duly appoiuted by the County Court
of the State ot Oregon for Wasco County, ad
ministrator of ths estate., of John Grant, de
ceased. All porsons having claims against sal :
estate are hereby notinea to present tne same to
me at my residence at Antelope, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof,
..Dated Nor. 10,1897. s
- Administrator of . the estate of John Grant,
deceased.- ---novl0-5t
Farmers and Villagers.
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters.
All the Family.
Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,'
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family.'
We furnish. "The Chronicle" and XT. Y": Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.".
' gjgy Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best,
Tribune Office, New York Cityj acd a sample copy olThe New York Weekly Trib
une will be mailed to vou. .
Letters of Credit-issued available in the
Eastern States. V
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers : sold on ew' York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco", Portland Ore
gon, Seattle, -Wash,, and various , points
in Oregon and Washington. " '
Collections uiade at all points on fav
orable terms.
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.;
Headauarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters-for Bran, Shorts, fn ifin
Headquarters for Byers' ; Best" Pendle-
4--jYl T1! Oil-! ' This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
XU.Ui use; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
-We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't tbmk so
call, and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. ,