The Dalles Daily Gbrcsisla. 7Tfc only Republican Daily Newspapet on Wasco County. EASTERN OFFICE SSO to S34 TempU Court, N. Y. City. . E. KATZ, Agent. WEDNESDAY - Nl.VEMBER 24, 189; AN OtEN RIVER. In concluding a lengthy editorial on the above subject, yesterday's East Oregon ian says: "If the people of Eastern Oregon and the whole Inland Empire desire an open river, and their interests ' would be greatly advanced, by one, let them join their forces and turn down every man who aspires for public office who will not raise his voice in and out of season for an open river. Ad3 right here, pressure should be brought to bear on Port land to force her. to join in the movement and march shoulder to shoulder with the people of the In land Empire for an open river. The . East Oregonian is quite confident that those who are physically operat ing the railroads are not opposed to an "open river," but the opposition comes from those who are manipu . lating ibeir stocks and bonds and are aomg tneir level oest to wring as much tribute from the people as is in their power, regardless of the best interests of the railroad prope: ties and the country. "The salvation of every people lies with themselves. They can drive the manipulators and servile politicians to cover and put such men on guard as will bring about the fulfillment of their desires. They :an force the servile newspapers to espouse ineir cause, as involved in an 1 . open river, ana niaKe tue land ring with indignation and defiance until they secure what they demand. The newspapers of Portland should be the first to take this matter up and present it as it should be, until ac tion is taken that will insure an open river at an early day. Three states are heavily interested in the matter and their development kept in check by the barriers which stand in the way of the Columbia beiug naviga ble from Lew iston to the sea. "The people of these states should hold themselves in readiness to smash the head of any man or corporation that throws the least obstacle in the way of the attainment of the object desired. "By a little vigorous work the peo ple of the Inland Empire can have the benefits of an open river inside of five years. But without it, millions of the people's money will be squan dered on the project, to be gobbled by the "traffickers in government," and twenty years will roll by with' out an open river." Already senators and congressmen are gathering in Washington to be present at the opening of congress next month. There is much specu lation as to whether the session will be long or short, with the sentiment prevailing that it will be an unusu ally long one. It is expected . that financial matters will come up in such a shape that a hard-fought bat tle will result. The single-standard element seems determined to force the issue and to settle it, so far as it can be settled by congress. The session will therefore probably con tinue until the toot weather forces an adjournment. ;The New York World, whatever its bad features may be, and it has some very bad ones, is doing good work for the cause of humanity in describing and proving'the horrors of the Cuban war. It prints innum erable photographs of Cuban women and children who are in a state of starvation that is only equaled by the famine-stricken Hindoos. It shows that this was but a brutal scheme of Weyler's to depopulate the island, and that the scheme is succeeding. "War is at best cruel enough, but when a government like Spain, to accomplish its ends, starves helpless women and children, it is time for the civilized wot Id to sup press it. The first thing congress should do is to look into the matter and lake such action as will effectu ally stop Spain's brutality. War with Spain is preferable to sitting idly by while thousands of lnrjpcent people arc starving to death almost on our shores. . The game of football is not brutal, it is only bracing. The dispatches today contain an account of a game played Monday at Tiffin, Ohio. One club had a big bruiser in it that man rged to knock down two of his oppo nents, and then jumped on their heads. Both victims are seriously injured. A Heat Gown. . A simple gown, yet handsome," is of fawn canvas, made up on the founda tion and bordered on the foot with scroll work of narrow silver braid. The body biows open work squares, worked in g-old to match. . A high bodice, in the fashionable deep rose lace shot with white, has a series of waved, converging- lines of narrow," white insertion, starting from the shoulders and form ing points down the front only a few inches apart, embroidered at each end with black and pink silk certainly a most original bodice. The coloring of this is rather newer than the old pink, for it has a dash of flame color in it. Cincinnati Enquirer. . Get Rtarht at IVisrht. "Let not. the sun go down upon your wrath." Let us instantly ?rush the be ginnings of envy, jealousy and hate in our hearts, never allowing the day to close on a bitter feeling. The hour of evening prayer, when we bow at God's feet, should always be a time for get ting right everything that may have gone wrong with us during the day. Then every .injury should be forgiven when we pray. "Forgive us, as we for give." Then every spark of envy or jealousy or anger should be quenched, and the love of Christ should be allowed to flood our hearts We should never allow the sun to go down, on our an ger. Detroit Free Press. . The three-year-old boy of J. A. John son, of Lynn Center. 111. , is subject to attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson eaye he is sure that the timely use of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, during a se vere attack, saved his boy's life. He is in the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Broa.,ot that place, and they handle a'great many patent .med icines for throat and lung diseases. He had all these to select from, and skilled physicians to answer to his call, but se lected this remedy for use in his own home at a time when his boy's life was in danger, because he knew it to be su perior to any other, and famous the country over tor its cures of the croup. Mr. Johnson says this is the best selling rough medicine they handle, and that gives splendid satisfaction in all'cases. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Thousands are Trying It. ' In order to prove the great merit of Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective care for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre pared a generous trial size for 10 cents. Oet it of your druggist or send 10 cents to ELY BROS., 56 Varren St., K. Y. Citv. I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since a boy, and I never hoped for cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even that. Many acquaintances have used it with excellent results. Oscar Ostium, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Ely's Cream. Balm is the. acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no cocaine. jnercury nor any injurious drug. Price, SO cents. At druggists or bv mail. Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder 9- It pay5 To advertise right, and to get the most, value for your money ad vertise : 5f?e CI?roi7i;Ie More people read The Chronicle than any other paper in the city. T-y 1 : w nothing BUT THE GENUINE :itWELL YOU j Specjal pea tii V S Wholesale. mines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD - Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. ST U BLI N "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at itsflooa leads on to fortune" The poet una uestionablv had reference to the Clos ing Oat Sale of Farnitare and Carpets at CRANDALl Who are selling those coods MICITE LBACH BRICK. ft. tM mm mm M mtW Ton will find one coupon Inside each two ouace bag and two coupons inside each fourouucebagofBlackweirs Durham. Bay a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of valuable presents and how to get them. - Of The Chronicle office is the. Job priitii7 D?partTei7t. We have better facilities for doing; artistic work in this line than any office in Eastern Ore gon, and this branch of our busi ness is in the hands of expert workmen. Ue omparisot? both as to high grade work and reasonable prices. 51?ropi;Ie pub.?o. - BUSCH and BEER on draught and in bottles. G & WI LLIAMS. & BURGET'S, out at reatlv-reduced rat - . UNION ST. Regulator Line- Tie Dalles. PortlaM asi Astoria Navigation Co.' : ; p.:.; : C sirs. Relator t Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port j land daily, except Sunday. GOOD SERVICE. LOWEST RATES DOWN THE YALLEY Are you going EASTERN OREGON? . If so, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. The westbound train arrives at The Dalles in ample time for passengers to take the steamer, arriving in Portland in time ior the outgoing Southern and Northern trains; East bound passengers arriving in The Iales in time to take the East-bound train. For further information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Oak Street Dock. Portland. Oregon, Or W C. AUAWAY, Gen. Agt., -- The Dalles, Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland. OVERLAND EXO reas, Salem, Rose- ' urg, Ashland. Sac- I 6:00 P.M. ram en to, Ogden.San ! Franeiseo, Mqiave, f Los Angeles, El Paso, i New Orleans and A.M. (East I 8:30 A.M. Rosebnrg and way -ta- cions - f Via Woodburu fori I MkAngel, Silverton, I I West Scio, Browns- V- yille.Sprtugfield and I NatTOU j 4:30 P. M. Daily except Sunday. Daily -except ". Sundays. 17:30 A.M.))Cna t 5:50 P.M INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. Express train . uaiiy (except Bunaay;. 4;50p. m. (Lv... . .Portland Ar.) 8:25a.m. 7:30p.m. ?Ai..McMinnviile..Lv. 5;50a, m. 8:30 p. m. (Ar. . Independence.. Lv ) 4:o0 a. m. Daily. fDajiy, except Sunday, . DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARb Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at tan FranniKpn ullh rw. dental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Smlinir rintm nn application. - . nates ana ticsets to tap tern po'nts and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUblxtALXA, can be obtained from - J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. TYirnnvli Tfolrot rtfHr VIA TKlnl . 1 through tickets to all points in ' the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from - , - J- B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent All above trains arrive at und rimuirc imi Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving street YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of JeUerson street. Leave for OSWEGO, dailv. sriwTit Snm! a 7:20 a. m.; 12:16, 1:45. 6:25. 6:45. 8:0S rt m. (and 11:30 D. m. on Saturday onlv. and B-n b m and 3:80 p. m. on Sundays only). . Arrive at Portland dailv at 7:10 and 8:SO a m untii-nn 4:15, 6:35 and 7:55 p. m., (and, 3-15 and 5:10 p. m. on. Sundays only). Leave for Sheridan, week davs. kt4:MiLn Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a, m. 'Leave for AfRT.TIC nn Mnndav WAnoav Frioay at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 8:05 p. m. Except Sunday. Except Saturday. R. KOEHLER, - Manaeer. , H. MARKHAM, Asst. G. F. b Pass. Agt JOSEPH spwion , HAS OPEITED A ' j arr;es5bop IN THE EAST END, in the Colum bia Feed Yard, opposite Saltmarsbe's . btockyards, where he is ready to do fill Kinds of Harness Wofki t As we keep no servant girls and don't sport a horse and buggy, we can undersell anvonein the city. Being a practical harness-maker, we do our swn work. Carriage-trimming a spec ialty. For sample of our work, look at the nma Ulla Honse 'Bus. A NEWJARKET. I'RTJIT, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, FISH AND GAME. Chickens Dressed to Order'. , . Promt Delivery to any part ' - of the city. . ' A. N. VARNEY, Phone 12. Third and VTaahington Sts UflLIi PAPER! . Wfllili PAPERI Just Received 5000 Rolls of Wall Paper. The best patterns. The most beautiful colors. New Invoice color or brand supplied. Drag Co. DOORS, " WINDOWS. SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. g- e nsr. Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE. Throughvby daylight via Grass Valley, Kent DOUGLAS ALLEN, The Dalles. C. B. WH1IELAW, Antelope. Stages leave The Dalles from Umatilla House at 7 a. m., also from Antelope at 7:30 a, m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Connections made at Antelope for Prineville, Mitchell and Eilnts beyond. Close connections made at The alles with railways, trains and boats. Stages from Antelope reach The Dalles Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1 :30 p. m. Ulf Uf JUL KB. Dalles to Deschutes 00 do Moro i so do Grass Valley.- 2 25 do Kent 3 00 do Cross Hollows: 4 50 Antelope to Cross Hollows 1 50 do Kent 2 00 uu unmu vauey 7 a 00 do f Moro ...... 3 50" do Deschuees. 4 00 - do Dalles 5 00 J. 8. 8CHKNK, H. M. Bbai. , Cashier President. First national Back. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A. Uenezal Banking Baainess transacted jepoBiis received, truDject to Big lit . Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on new 1 or, oan r ran Cisco and -"ort- --land. . t D. P. Thompson. Jko. 8. Schxnck. Eo. M. Williams. 610. A. H. M-. Bull. tub CoinDia PacKlDgCo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANTJFACT0KZR8 OF Fine . Lard and Sausages. CurBrsof V BRAND ' HAMS & BACON . DRIED BEEF. ETC. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. Kinersly WatchmakerlJeweler