The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 24, 1897, Image 1

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NO 273
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Chinese Want the Right of
They Therefore Want It Redealed
Thelr Vtevr Expressed in a
Hag Meeting;.
Chicago, Nov. 23. American Chinese
and native-born Chinese will appeal to
congreea for the right of suffrage and ask
that body to repeal the Geary anti-Coi-uese
law passed in 1832. A public mass
meeting will be held at Central Music
hall next Saturday, and prominent Chi
nese from all over the country' will ad
dress the meeting.
They will declare that wrongs have
been inflicted upon them since they
have been refused the right of citizen
ship, and will ask the aid of the people
of the United States to help them in
their cause.
This, it is said, will be the first time
that the Chinese ehall have openly .de
clared themselves. They have organized
the Chinese Rights Club of America.
Wong Chin Foo is president of the or
ganization. In an interview he said:
- "We want Illinois, the place that Lin
coln, Grant and Logan called their home,
to do for the . Chinese what the North
did for the negroes.
"Why" should we not have a voice in
municipal and national affairs the same
as other foreigners? There are 50,000
Chinese in this country desirous of be
coming citizens.. .
"In 1892 an outrageous law was passed
by songress. By that law the rights and
liberties of nearly 250,000 lawful and in
dustrious citizens were sweDt awav. We
- - -
will now ask congress to restore to as
theWvereign rights we once enjoyed,
which are now held by every other race
who come here.
"Those who wish to become voters
have been living" in this city from 10 to
40 years. Their financial and social in
terests are all here, and tney have
.learned to love America better than
they did. the old country, They have
acquired American habits which have
rendered their residence in China almost
impossible.- The situation has now come
' to a stage where we must ask for our
Following the meeting at Central Mu
sic hall, meetings will , be held all over
the United States.
. The Chinese Equal Eights League of
America is incorporated. , .-, . '
Among those who will address the
meeting next Saturday are Wong Chin
Fee, Wong Ock, of Massachusetts, Sam
Ping Lee, of New York, and Chin Loy,
of San Francisco. --f .
Asks Russia to Help Her.
New York, Nov. 23. A Washington
special to the Herald says :
China has appealed to .Russia to oust
Germany from her territory as a result
of occupation by the German force of a
part of the Shan Tang peninsula. As
the Russian secretary, Count Cassini,
the minister has been transferied to
Washington as the diplomatic represen
tative of Cussia, the negotiations oh the
subject are being ' carried on in St; Pe
tersburg. It ia. hoped by the Chinese
that the influence exerted by Russia
We have used your Happy
Thought Salve with excellent
results. Our little girl, 4 yrs.
old, had sore ears for nearly a
year from the effects of a se
vere case of chicken pox. Af
ter using the salv for a short
time, her ears were complete
ly healed. We find it works
wonders. . ,
M. A. Covington B; B.y
Pastor Madison St. M. E. Church,
' Seattle, Wash.
50 cents a jar-T"01?3: ;
at Donnell's Drugstore.
Royal makes the load pure, - v ,'.
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
which prevented the rehabilitation of
the Turkish navy will be exercised on
Germany with equal success in the mat
ter of the occupancy of the Chinese ter
ritory. Notwithstanding the efforts of the
Chinese government to get Germany .to
name a date Then she would withdraw
her forces, the German government has
taken no step in ' the matter, and the
fear is expressed in Eastern and Euro
pean diplomatic circles that her occu
pancy, if not permanent now, is simply
preliminary to such an end.
A diplomat thoroughly conversant
with Eaetern affairs made this state
ment in regard to the landing of German
forces :
At the time of the landing the Chi
nese government had already taken
measures for the arrest of the murderers
of the German missionaries, and, in fact
instructions of this character had been
obeyed to such ah extent that several of
the culprits bad been placed under ar
rest. It' was also intended to require
the people of the district in which the
murders occurred to'.' pay a suitable in
demnity. "These fact have been laid before the
German minister at Peking, who I may
say is of. very excitable temperament,
and his failure to accept the apology and
await the result of the efforts of the
Chinese government . shows ' that Ger
many was simply awaiting a pretext to
occupy a portion of the Celestial King
dom's territory.
Germany hae always been anxious to
obtain territory In the far East; .Her
citizens who have established them
selves in China have been especially,
clamorous that the black, white and red
flag should wave over a portion of ' that
country, and their government, seeing
an opportunity growing out of the mur
der of the two missionaries, promptly
seized upon it."
Tlie Coming: Woman ,
Who goes to the club while, her hus
band, tends the baby, as well as the good
old-fashioned woman who looks after
her home, will both at times get ran
down in health. They will be troubled
with loss of appetite, headaches, sleep
lessness, fainting or dizzy spells. ..The
most wonderful remedy lor these women
is Electric Bitters. Thousands of suffer
ers from Lame Back and Weak Kidneys
rise np and call it blessed. It is the
medietas for women'. Female com
plaints and nervous troubles of all kinds
are soon. relieved by the use of .Electric
Bitters. Delicate woman should keep
this remedy on hand to build up the
syetem. Only 50c per bottle. For sale
by Blakeley.os Houghton.1: 1
Bottom Oat of the Coffee Market.
New Yoek. Nov. 2S. Th nrirn nf
green and roasted coffee-are now lower
than ever before. Rio Nq. 7 on the spot
ia quoted at 6 cents a" pound. The
mark on futures' has also . gone down 15
points, owing: to the steady increase in
the visible supply in the United States,
$2000H K
Poor baking powder spoils
or half spoils the cake - costs
money.: - . ' " '-" .
Of the several good ones,
the best is Schilling s Best.
Your money back if you like
some other better.
A"SchiMtnif 8c Company
San Jriancisco
which is larger than ever before in the
history of the trade, being : more than
1,000,000 bags. The price of green cof
fee a year ago was 10 cents and that cf
roasted 16 cents. The margin between
the two varities has ; therefore ' been re
duced from 52 to 2 events. ' In other
words cut in two.
The price of roasted coffee in packages
as sold by the Arbuckles and the Wool-r
son Spice Company has fallen to 9 cents
a pound. A representative of the Ar
buckles is quoted as saying that this
price is below cost, and a representative
of the.Havemeyers, who control the
Wolson Spice. Company,, says there is a
profit in 9-cent coffee.
Free of Charge to Sufferers.
. Cut this out and take it. to your drug
gist and get a sample bottle free of Dr.
King's New Discovery, for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds. They do not ask you
to buy before trying. This will show
you the great merits of this truly won
derful remedy, and show you what can
be accomplished by the regular size bot
tle. This is no experiment, and would
-be disastrous to the proprietors, did they
not - know it would invariably cure.
Many of the best,; physicians are now
using it ia their practice with great re
sults and are relying on. it in the most
severe cases. It ia guaranteed. Trial
bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's.'!
Flayed a Binger. ' ..
,, Cleveland, Nov.. S3. Baldwin uni
versity has a football sensation. The
team went to Tiffin on Saturday and
played the , -Tiffin ; team and returned
home at midnight with one of. its mem
bers seriously injured and the others
badly brnised and battered. , They left
one member at Tiffin also in a danger
ous condition. . Captain: Reed of Kent,
Ohio.,' has concussion of the brain and
ia still unconscious. Full-back Yonng,
coach for Baldwin, is snffering from in
juries to the bead, and . is still delirious
at last reports. . - "
. The Baldwin men claim that the Tiffin
team put in a ringer in the second half,
who, after throwing Reed, jumped on
his bead. He repeated the perfornianue
in the case of Young. Reed remained
unconscious and was carried to the train
in that condition. . '
When the team was almost ready to
board the train Young was missed. After
a search of several hours he was found
wandering about in an alley, out ot his
head. He was taken to a hospital in
Tiffin, where he now is. A stop of five
hours was made at Shelby, where Capt.
Reed was attended by a physician. The
affair has created intense excitement.
Tired people are tired because they
have exhausted their strength. The
only way for them to get strongjs to eat
proper food. But eating ia not all.
Strength comes from food, affrr diges
tion. . . Digestion is made easy with
Shaker Digestive Cordial. ,
People who get too tired, die. Life is
strength. Food is the maker of
strength. Food is not food until it is
digested. -
Tired, pale, thin, exhausted, sick suf
ferers from indigestion, can be cured by
the use of Shaker Digestive Cordial. "J
It will revive their spent energies, re
fresh and invigorate them, create new
courage, endurance and strength, all'by
helping their stomachs digest their food.
It aids nature, and this is the best of
it. It gives immediate relief, and with
perseverance, permanently cures.
Sold by druggists; Trial bottle 10c.
Two Duels in Germany.
Deelin, Nov. 23. A sensation was
caused in this city today by- the report
of two duels fought between, army offi
cers. The first report came from Col
berg, Prussia, and stated that Captain
Hahn and Captain Ostraki had fought a
duel there and that the latter had been
dangerously wounded, Both men belong
to the same regiment, stationed at Col
berg. -It is alleged that Captain Habh
had seduced his yictim's wife. The sec
ond dnel was fought at Nuerem. Lieu
tenant Siegmund of the seventy-fifth
regiment mortally wounded Lieutenant
Schoenfield of the same regiment. ' "
Bnoklen'B Armoa sam.
f The best salve in the world for cute,
bruises, eores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
goreej tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corn?, and ell skin eruptions, and posi
tively cui s piles, or no' pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded- Price 25 cents
per box. For aale by Blakeley and
Honghton, druggists.
a - . . ,., i - - ... . . i . ,
18 Panes a Week.
156 Papers a Tear
- It stands firet among ''weekly" papers
in size frequency ! of publication,., -freshness,
variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly ; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for. the accuracy and
fairness of its news columns. .
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
Us special features -are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and a Ion
Beries of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
- Conan-JOoyle,- ijerome K. Jerome,
Stanley WejrimD, Mary E. Wllklns
'Anthony Hope," Bret flarte,
- Brander Mai the w, Etc.
. We offer this unequalled newspaper and
The Dalles Twice-a-Week. Chronicle to
gether one year for $2.00. The regular
price of the two papers is $3.00.
Administrator's Notice.
"Notice iv hereby gtretr that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court
of the-Stale ot Oregon for Wasco County, ad
ministrator or the- estate of John Grant, de
ceased. All porsoiis having claims af?aiDstgai..
estate are hereby notified to present the same to
meat my residence at Antelope, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof,
. Dated Nov. 10, 1897.
Administrator of the .estate of John Grant,
deceased. : . . . novl0-5t
frencb; & co:,
Letters of Credit issued available jn the
; Eastern States. .
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers ; sold on.- New York, Chicago!,
St. .Louis,. San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in OregQU nd Washington. ,
Collections made-at all 'points on fav
orable terms.- ';' '- ,
lw York Uee!
" Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely 'spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75. -
r Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best,
Tribune Office, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une win uo uimittu to you.
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran Shorts, TL'u&'eo
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
"tOIL W 1 0111 This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
. T . nee; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
. We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think bo
call and get our prices and be convinced.' '
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Job Printing
FOK ".. ...
Farmers and Villagers,
! " -- FOR ; r
Fathers and Mothers.
. , .
. fob ; ":. .-
Sons and Daughters. .
; for . , ,
All the Family.
at This Office.