The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 23, 1897, Image 3

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    Cole's Air Tight and
Hot. Blast
You All
Appreciate Good Things
On the Thanksgiving Day Table. You will have turkey and will re
quire many things in our line GROCERIES to go with it. Your order
placed with us insures you having the best, the very best, for jour best dinner.
The prices we are makings special for this Thanksgiving Week, enable
you to buy much with little money. '
Loose Muscatels. : ........ .... . .
London Layers....! . ...
Fancy Dehesa Clusters..
Bleached Sultanas ...........
Los Nietos "Walnuts!. .
IXL Almonds
; . peel.
Glace Citron ...... .i
Lemon .....!.- .:.......,....... . ..v
Orange . ... ...........!...
.... 5c per lb
...10c "
8c "
.:..10c per lb
....10c "
1.:. 15c per lb
.. .15c " .
Heinz Gold Medal, in quart jars.. ..60c
Gilt Edge, in packages ....8gc
Sterling Smyrna Figs........:...15c per lb
Cranberries ............. ...............10c per qt
Creams .....
btraw berry
Plain Mixed and Gum Drops 5c
Chocolates and
......20c per lb
Taffy L......:12c "
They heat a room in five minutec
They save' enough fuel the firtt
year to pay lor the stove.
4 cpnte a 'lay ia the average coEt of i
' heating a largo room with our
; stoves. . ,
They burn- anything and every
thing combustible.
Acord of -wood equals a ton' of
hard coal in any of our wood
heaters. . -
It is only necpasary to remove ash
' ee once in six weeks from onr
wood stoves.
. They arc safe and have a catch to
hold the cover while patting in
' fuel. "... -. ' I
Yoa have a fire every morning.
Oar hot blast draft furnishes a hot
air feed, not cold air, and saves
They are eaeily moved and set tip.
Our wood stoves are ' made with
either sheet iron or -cast iron tops
in all sizes, for all purposes.
They are jointless the connections
' being so made that the greater
expansion of the lining don't af
fect the body.
There are no bolts exposed to the
. fire to burn off or draw or open
up a joint.
Oar coal stove will burn slack and
makes a ton of pod coal equal to
' a ton of hard coal.
Slpe Jal? of
BEWARE of infringers and inferior
, imitations, they never equal the origin
al and cost as much.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
TUESDAyyuVEMBER g3, 1897
This morning the circuit court jurors
were excused till Friday morning.
Leave orders for your Thanksgiving
tnrkev at W. A. Kirhy's. n20-4j
The west-bound train was ha'
1 1
account of If
all an V
The second dividend checks for The
Dalles National Bank have been re
ceived. If you want a nice fat turkey, goose,
duck or chicken for Thanksgiving, ring
up The Dalles Commission Go. " 2t
Next Thursday being Thanksgiving
day, the ladies' afternoon at the club
will be tomorrow Wednesday.
New Btock of olives, pickles, nuts, rai
sins, citron, . pineapples, oranges and
bananas, just arrived at The Dalles
Commission Co. ' 22-2t
- Bain and wet snow has been the pro:
gram for the paBt forty-eight hours
Co. Doors open at 7 :30, concert com
mences at 8 o'clock sharp and closes at
10:15. Come and enjoy yourselves.
A petition has been in circulation and
quite extensively signed by Democrats
and Republicans of the east end of Uma
tilla county praying the county . court to
appoint D. McEachern, one of Milton's
village blacksmiths, sheriff to fill Mr.
Houser's unexpired term. Mr. Mc
Eachern is a Democrat, and Umatilla is
a Republican county. :
Lieutenant-Colonel James Jackson,
They Spend Three Hours With Us, and
Front Thereby. ' -,
"Second Cavalry, who for several years
BnOW. Jinn 1 ..... -.-r . .
acted as instructor of the Oregon Nation
al Guards, retired from active Bervice
Sunday. Col. Jackson is a thorough sol
dier, and during his connection with the
Oregon Guards, won the esteem of both
officers and soldiers, all of whom will
regret his retirement.
A note received by Miss Botortf this
morning from Mrs. Briggs stated that
the operation had been performed on
Neddy, that blood-poisoning had fol
lowed, and that the end was only a ques
tion of a thort time, there .being no
hopes of his recovery. This is indeed
sad news, and the sympathy of all is
, A with the brave little sufferer and the
The Portland business men, who have
been visiting the Inland Empire, arrived
here on their way home yesterday after
noon at 3:30 and remained over until
6. The cars stopped at the VaBhington
street ' crossing, where the visitors
stepped off and were met by a commit
tee of the Commercial Club, who escort
ed them to the club rooms, which they
were informed they owned as long as
they were in. the city. They were de
lighted with the rooms and . astonished
that The Dalles was able to 'support
Whitman Massacre SnrTlrors.
while the snow did not remain on the BBrlef-8tncken parents
ground here, on the surrounding hills
there is a pretty good covering of it. J
A. Y. Marsh and Geo. Joles will have
a turkey shoot on the beach on Novem
ber 24th and 25tb, (Thanksgiving day).
There will also be trap and pigeon
shooting at the same time and place. 8-24
The Degree of Honor will give a social
in their ball tomorrow (Wednesday? eve
ning. A good program will be rendered
and refreshments served. All members
' of the D. of H and A. O. U. W., and in
vited freinds are requested to be present.
The Doctor Grant medicine show drew
quite a large crowd at the Baldwin last
night, and succeeded in causing consid
erable amusement, in spite of the fact
that the room was frigid. We under
stand the company will remain here for
a couple of weeks. A
Under the new school law in Wash
ington it becomes the duty of the school
clerks in the various districts to report
to the judges of the superior court on
the first of next month the names of all
children between 8 and 15 years of age
who are attending school. .
It will take a month ot good weather
to finish harvesting and threshing in the
Big Bend conntry. Mid snow and rain
sixteen threshing machine, 'six steam
engines and ten horse powers have been
endeavoring to continue work, one ma
chine running day and night.
The apple crop on Burnt. river is re
ported to be three times that of last year
and of good quality. The price, also,
shows a very material advance over last
year's. " Last season's yield brought
forty cents a box, which this year has
advanced'to 75 cents, nearly doable.
Tonight at the Baldwin opera house
delightful vocal and instrumental music,
graceful dancing, comical sketches will
be the order of entertainment given by
the members of the Dr. Grant Medicine
Mr. George H. Himes, secretary of
the Pioneer Association, in yesterday's
Oregonian, gives the following as the
list of the survivors of the Whitman
massacre. He also requests that if there
are any survivors now living whose
namea have been omitted from the list
that they be forwarded to him :
Miss Mina - Ann (Kimball) Megler,
Astoria. 1
Byron Steuben, Olney, Or.
. Nathan Merritt Kimball, Seaside, Or,
Mrs. Sarah Sophia (Kimball) Munson,
Flavel, Or.
Mrs. Susan M. (KimbaH) Wirt, Skip
anon, Or. " .
Mrs. Joseph Smith, Nelson Smith and
Mortimer Smith, Looking Glass, Or.
John Q. A. Young, Cedar Mills, Or.
Mrs. Elizabeth M. (Sager) Helm, The
Dalles, Or. ;
Mrs. Eliza (Spalding) Warren, Water
ville, Wash.
Mrs. Catherine (Sager) Pringle, E
Spokane, Wash.
Mrs. Nancy A. (Osbbrn) Jacobs, Boise.
I Ttlhn
Mrs. Rebecca Hail Hopkins, Butte-
ville, Or.
Mrs. 'Rachel (Hall) Denny, Portland
Mrs. , Lorinda (Bewley) Chapman
Sheridan, Or! ' .
Mrs. Matilda J. (Sanger) Delaney
Lewie ton, Idaho. . -.
In all, seventeen out of the fifty-three
who were taken prisoners at Waiilatpn
on November 29-30. 1847.
Cash In loir Checks.
All county warrants registered prior
to July 7, 1893, will be paid at my
office. ; Interest ceases after Oct. 27th
1897. " . C. L. Phillips,
County Treasnrer. .
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
and ragged, and has probably accumu
lated from the decomposition' of small
stringers of very rich ore. The ground
prospects well wherever a hole has been
sunk on it. and will no doubt yield a
handsome fortune to the lucky owners.
The company ha"B a ditch six and a
half miles long that will carry 6o0 inches,
miners' measurement, of water, atid
with fine pressure and plenty of dump,
next spring's results will make people
think the Klondike no great , shakes
after all. ' '
The Catholic Fair.
-At 2 o'clock this afternoon when the
Chronicle man visited the Voct onera
such an institution. It gave theTBjjhouee it presented a very busy appear-
Dener idea oi tne .weaitn ot tne piacef ance. The floor was still covered with
than almost anything could Jiave done.
Many tried the alleys and the billiard
tables, and then scattered over the town
to make new and renew old acquaintances.
The Umatilla House toward evening
presented a lively appearance, the offices
and billiard rooms being filled with the
Portland and Dalles mixture, gathered
in groups, and apparently glad to see
one another. ,
The train pulled out at 6 o'clock,
starting from the Umatilla " House.
There were hurried good byes, and ur
gent requests to come again that showed
our visitors if there has been coldness
between Eastern Oregon and Portland.
it was not because the former was hard
to woo,
We are glad indeed that the - visit has
been made, and we believe ' it will
awaken Portland to the fact that Eastern
Oregon ia for her a veritable Klondike, a
field to be tilled with the certainty .of
abundant harvests
litter and remnants, but the booths were
all in place, most of them with their
decorations completed, and with pretty
things galore, besides the ladies, in
sight. The hall ia well worth a colum n
description, but the beauty to be appre
ciated mast be seen. The program for
this evening follows : .
Italian Serenade... .... St. Mary's Orchestra
Reultatien "Execution of Mary Stuart
National Hymn .. ......St. Mary's Orchestra
Recitation '-The Battle of Waterloo"
Solo and Chorus "Our Country" . . . : .. . . .
Recitation T he Merchant and Book Agent
The Hurdle Race. 8t Mary's Orchestra
. PART 11.
"HeptasophV.. -
Overture "Stradella"
Selection "Tabasco".
March "Honeymoon"
Walter .Norman Takes
Charge of It
Tomorrow Mr. Walter ' Norman will
open the Columbia Candy Factory, hav
ing recently purchased the same.' This
old-time favorite resort of Dalles people
will regain its popularity under his
management, assisted by Harry Kelly.
It is his intention to make the Colum
bia second to no other place in the city
in its accommodations and its. wares.
Besides fresh and dainty candies, oys
ters, coffee, cake and everything pertain
ing to first claes refreshment rooms will
be furnished.
Walter is a Dalles bov, and as The
Dalles never goes back on its boys, it is
Bafe to say that he will from the first, re
ceive, as he should, a generous share of
the patronage, and this being the case,
the best of wares and service ' will hold
fast all those who viBit bim.
... Bare found Rich Placers. n "
Mr. W. T. Young, of the Sand Gulch
Mining Co, (the one in which the Joles
brothers are interested) arrived in the
city Sunday, coming for the purpose, of
purchasing hydraulic pipe with which to
work- their mine. He .brought a bottle
of gold taken from the claim that con
tained $107, which was taken from the
claim in a rocker.The
Ui I50 1
Has been so much larger
than we anticipated, that our
stock has been demoralized, but
we have just received another
shipment, and can suppty your
The Wilson has Outside draft
and cast sliding top. Sold only
J. T.
' Agricultural Implements, - Champion
. Mowers and Reapers, Craver Headers, Bain
Wagons, Randolph Headers and Reapers. -Drapers,
- Lubricating Oils, Axle ' Grease.
Blacksmith Coal and Iron.
r- Agents ifor Waukegan Barb Wire.
2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, THE DALLES.
Complete Line of
Fishing Tackle, Notions, Baseball Goods, Hammocks, Baby .
Carriages, Books and Statiouefy at Bedrock Prices, at the
Jacobsen Book & Music Go.
. . Where will, also be found the largest and most complete line
of Pianos and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon.
Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
New Vogt Block, ' The Dalles,r Oregon.
sssssssssssssssssss. M , .
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every-
. body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries!
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Mr. Dom. Zan of .Portland was in the
ity yesterday.
Captain Sherman was in the city last
lgbt, coming up on the Kegulator
Mrs. Henry Fowler ia in the city from
Portland visiting relatives.
Mrs. J. T. Peters was a passenger from
Portland on the Kegulator last night.
Mr. M. H. Nickelsen and. daughter
Maggie came up from Hood River last
night. , .
Mr. C. F. Overbaugh, who - was for
merly a Dallesite, was in the city last
lght meeting old friends.
Among the Portland visitors yesterdav
we noted the manly and august form of
the Oregonian'e old standby .Jerry Cald
well. .
Webster Holmes, -' one . of Salem's
brightest young attorneys, came up on
the boat last night to attend to some le
gal business.
Mrs. W. H. Moody and two children
left thia morning for Salem. Mr. Moody
will join them later, and thev will spend
Thanksgiving with bis parents.
See the Chrysanthemums.
CI o sing Out Sale
-OF- "
Are goine to cloee out their business, and they are offering their large stock at
. COST PRICES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and
settle their account.
. The public is invited to come and' see
the chrysanthemums. ' They are now in
full bloom, and this is the best time to
get your plants. The lily, hyacinthe,
ulip, early and late narcissus and jon-
fanil bulbs are now ready to plant for
spring and winter blooming. Now is
fthe time to get pansy plants for early
spring blocming.
19-2w Mas. A. C. Stublino & Son.
Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco
warehouse. . Best feed on earth. m9-t
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder
Jfye postoffiee pa rmaqy,
CLARK & FALK, Proprietors.
ute 'pp tigs and Pedieines.
Toilet Articles and Perfutnery,
pirst Iji) of Imported ar)d Donestio Qiars.
Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block.
u"bsosi"be for
axzel set the neivc.