The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 18, 1897, Image 3

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    Cole's Air Tight and
Hot Blast
Men A Fellow's
4 Well Dressed
Life goes with a swing. There's no
greater luxury than good clothes and
surely none more sensible' and eco
nomical. There's a feeling of satisfaction in
a perfect fitting suit nothing else can
give. You'Jl find it in our celebrated
H. S. & M. clothes. This is the
mm -in i. i ll I
iimijimoullmjimiiiii'ii iiiiiimih m fflrn"'Tr'ir"h it ir limiriri
Tbey heat a room in five initiates.
They save enough fuel the first
year to pay for the stove..
4 cents a day is the average cost of
heating a large room with- our
They burn anything and .every
thing combustible.
A cord of wood equals a ton of
hard coal in any or our wood
. heaters.
It is only necessary to remove ash
es once in six weeks from our
wood stoves.
They art safe and have a catch to
hold the cover while putting in
fuel. . ; :
You have a fire every morning. -
Our hot blast draft furnishes a hot
. air feed, not cold air, end eaves
They are easily moved and set up.
Our wood stoves" are made with
either sheet iron or cast iron tops
in all sizes, for all purposes.
They are jointlees the connections
being so made that the greater
expansion of the lining don't af
fect the body.
There are no bolts exposed to the
fire to burn off or draw or open
op a joint.
Our coal stove will burn slack and
makes a ton of soft coal equal to
a ton of hard coal. '
"BEWARE of infringers and inferior
imitations, they never equal the origin
al and cost as much.
5 eaters' -
Jal of
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
NOVEMBER 18, 1897
4 4
Wild geese are plentiful in the mar
kets, and are both fat and cheap.
A sidewalk is being laid on Union
street In front of the Leslie Butler prop
erty. A marriage license was issued yester
day morning to Thomas J. Twohig. and
Alice Colleary. -
J. S. Geary, the piano tuner, will be
in the city Thursday to remain a few
days. Can be found either at Jacob
sen's or Nickelsen's store.
A. Y. Marsh and Geo. Jolea will have
a turkey Bhoot on the beach on Novem
ber 24th and 2otb, (Thanksgiving day ).
There will also be trap and pigeon
shooting at the same time and place.
A letter received by Miss Bottorff this
morning from Mrs. Briggs states that
Neddy is much better and is out of dan
ger, though confined to his bed and in a
condition that he cannot be moved.
Mrs. Briggs will come home tonight on
the 5:30 train. -
The 800 Angora goats recently Bhipped
from Boise, Idaho, to Pendleton, will be
wintered near Pendleton. It is said to
be the intention to ship them to Klon
dike in the spring to make mutton for
the miners. They are hardy and nimble
animals, and can more easily be driven
over the mountain passes than sheep.
Work on the new Mill creek trestle is
being poshed energetically, a dozen
teams being employed running scrapers,
and the sound of the blasts in the new
' cnt on the other side reminds one of a
mining camp. Today the piledriver is
being pnt in place and in a few days
the work of building the trestle will be
The report of the public school for the
quarter ending November 12th, shows a
total attendance of 792. The highes
previous record was in the same quartei
in 18961 at which time there was 729 pu
pils. The average number belonging if
dot oao, against 002 a year ago, aim iue
average daiy attendance is 670 against!!
f.37 in ISQfi. -""Si
The Indians on the Warm Springs
reservation sold to the Western Packing
Company of Linnton, Or., last week, 600;
evening to go to his room. -.Next morn
ing the confiding citizen discovered that
he bad just ten cents. Morrell's arrest
followed, with an examination before
Justice Filloon today.
" At a meeting of the Seattle Ministe
rial Association Monday night, one min
ister made the assertion that there were
50,000 people in Seattle who never at
tend church, and that in the matter of
church attendance Seattle is a heathen
The case of the State against Simmons
is still on trial today, having been tak
ing the time of the court for forty-eight
hours. As there are nine cases growi ng
out of the assault .on the Indians, for
which Simmons is being tried, it begins
to look as though the court term wonld
be an exceedingly long one.
1 be streets are qaite sloppy and yes
terday the street crossings were out-of-
sight, bat this morning most of them
showed up free from mud. Whether it!
was the fairies, the marshal or the prop
the lessee, that the questions involved
may be judicially determined."
Killed Hl Sister.
Last Monday the 9-year-old son of
Thos. Gray, who resides near Merlin, in
Southern Oregon, while playing with
his father's rifle, accidentally discharged
it, the ball entering the 3 year-old sister's
head, killing her instantly. The only
person near, an old gentleman, a friend
of the family, was in an adjoining room,
Hearing the shot, he went to ascertain
the cause, and, Eeeing what had hap
pened, started for a neighbor's house to
inform the children's parents. During
the old gentlemen's absence the little
fellow, realizing what be had done, ran
away from home without a hat, coat or
shoes. Arriving at Merlin after. dark,
betuid the section men, with whom he
stayed over night, that bis father bad
whipped him and that he ran away.
After a night's rest, the section men
supposed he would go home', bat instead
he took to the hills, and although a
i... .... . ...
erty owners who caused this, we known strict search naa oeen maae, at last ac-
not, but however it was, they have thef counts he had not been found.
: Bobbed at Huntington. ' ."
head of horses at $2 a head It required
considerable persuasion on the. part of
the agent to induce the Indians to dis
pose of their wild and worthless cayases,
but they now show 4 disposition to even
sell 000 head more, and tnrn the pro
ceeds into stoak of greater value.
A man by the name of Morrell was ar
rested yesterday for holding up one of
our citizens,' or to be more exact, rob
. bing him while pretending to be his
friend. The citizen in question bad
been trying to get a lot of small change
for a friend at Antelope, and had soc-
thanks of all the ladies in town. I
The trial of Jake Prabl for manslaugh
ter, in the killing of Dan Maloney is set
to fellow the' case now pending, and
which will probably be concluded this
afternoon. The securing of the jury will
probably occupy considerable time,
nearly everyone having taken an inter
est in it, and being pretty well informed
concerning it.
"The worst cold I ever had in my life
was cured by Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy," w.ites W.H. Norton, of Sutter
Creek, Cal. "This cold left me with a
cough and I was expectorating all the
time. The remedy cared me and I want
all my friends when troubled with a
cough or cold to use it, for it will dp
them good. Sold by Blakeley & Hough
ton. -
The Gordon massacre, which occurred1
in Choke Cherry canyon, Nevada, in
1852, was presented at the Baldwin last
night, and was practically re-enacted.
It was a massacre general in its nature,
beginning with the English language
and taking in everything from that
down, including the Gordon family.
The audience was not large, but it was
large, enough. There is no excuse tor
permitting that kind of thing, to -run
at large; but as the company paid its
license, and so bad the authority, of the
city behind it, it could not be stopped
on account of it being really a crime.
Circuit Judge Lowell rendered a .de
cision in Pendleton Saturday involving
the right of the secretary of the interior
to cancel a lease of government reserva
tion lands. Judge Lowell said : "When
an allotter has entested into a lease in
accordance with the prescribed require
ments and t,he secretary has given the
contract his approval, rights become
vested which no power except a court
can disturb, and if for any reason it is
believed by the secretary that any . lease
bj made and approved should be can
celed, the government should direct its
proper tri
. Has been so ; much larger
than we anticipated, that our
stock has been demoralized, but
we have just received another
shipment, and can suppl3r your
wants. '' .
The Wilson has Outside draft
and cast sliding top. Sold only 5
by'. J
J. T. Peters & Co.,
Agricultrxral Implements, Champion
Mowers and Reapers, Craver Headers, Bain
Wagons, Randolph, Headers and Reapers,,
Drapers, Lubricating Oils, Axle Grease.
Blacksmith. Coal and Iron. ' '
Agents for Waukegan Barb Wire.
2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, THE DALLES.
Gives a Hobo tbe Very Beat He Had On
Last night about 11 o'clock a Marvin
Rand, the tamale man, was . coming
down from the East End
pound outfit of tamales,
was held up by a burl
stepped out of a doorway
of Mrs. Julian s restaur
caught him by the sleeve
that he give him four bi
Marvin, "it takes me
four bits, and I have n
bt that
his sixty-
etc, he
fellow, who
this side
t. The man
nd demanded
But," said
1 night to earn
itinerant lunch
and before the
"Give me what you
reply. '
Marvin placed his
counter on the groan
fellow knew what bad iappened to him,
Marvin let go his right, catching the
bold robber In the nec
down like a log, and Si
fastening on to the fell
him, as he could
picked up his outfit an
street calling "Red hot
was the
ceeded in getting twentv-five or thirty
dollars worth of quarters. Morrell waa la officer to proceed in the
with him and persuaded him late in the ' bunal in behalf of said allottee against
The Baker City Democrat prints th6
following dispatch from Huntington,
dated November 16th:
u. McUrawlev, who snipped some
eheep east from here a short time ago,
was robbed of $135 here early yesterday
morning by a (tang of hoboes. McCraw
ley had been drinking heavily all night
with the hoboes and had displayed con
siderable money with tbe result that
when he reached a stage of intoxication
bordering upon helplessness, he was
robbed. It is understood the party was
from The Dalies and was . returning
William Thorn, said to be well on
nected in Eastern Oregon, was arrested
in Weiser last night for the robbery, and
$101 of the stolen money recovered. He
had bought a ticket for Pocatello, bat
owing to the vigilance of the officers he
had no chance to use it. He will be
bound over to the grand jury, and stands
a good chance of getting a long term in
the penitentiary.
Will Hnnt Gold on Copper River; .
A parly of New England men, most of
whom hail from Boston, are in Seattle
outfitting for a most hazardous trip over
the glacial fields and snow-covered
mountain ranges of Alaska. They are
baptained by F. Herbert Haines, a news
paper man from Salem, Mass. .
The party is bound for a second Eldo
ado lying in tbe upper Copper river
country in Alaska. In preparation for
H possible encounter with the hostile
bribe of Indians living in the region,
tbey will go well armed.
The Copper-river Indiana have for
years brought down gold to the trading
stores at the mouth of the river. They
will not tell where they got it, and op
pose anything like exploration of the
country. .They carry this policy to the
point of armed hostility..
I have a Btray horse, a roan, 9 years
old, branded with a figure 2 on the right
hip, at my place on three mile. Tbe
owner can have the same by paying the
coet of this- advertisement and proving
property. Seth Morgan.
The Dalles.
I The man went
- . F
rvin, instead 01
w and capturing
ly have done,
came down the
All hot! Hot
Tamales !" "while the fellow picked him
self up and remarked (.hat red bot ta
males were not an unknown luxury to
"him ; but the follow who run the busi
ness in The Dalles was the red-hottest
tamale he had tackeled in a long time
Donation Wanted for tbe Children.
Comtlete Line Of
Fishing Tackle, Notions, Baseball Goods, Hammocks, Baby
Carriages, BookB and Stationery at Bedrock Prices, at the
Jacobsen Book & Music Go.
" AThere will also be found the largest and most complete line :
of Pianos and Other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon.
. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. t
Ne-w.Vogt Block, The Dalles,rOregon.
'-.. .
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes.: Also
" all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
The Boys' arid Girls' . Aid Society is
at this time in great need of funds, and
in fact, of everything that wonld be of
nse to children. Last summer, as stated
in The Chronicle, the superintendent of
this society planned a visit to The Dalles
to canvass for subscriptions, but was
prevented by a severe attack of ' typhoid
fever, which kept him in bed for almost
the entire summer. However, having
now recovered, he will wait on the busi
ness men of this city in a few days, and
any and all donations will be thankfully
received, such as money,, children's
clothing, both new and second hand, or
provisions. . Blakeley & Houghton,
druggists, will receive them or notify Mr.
Gardner on his arrival. Nearly every
person is familiar with the work of this
society, viz : Rescuing homeless, neg
lected and abased children, and finding
them suitable home. It is hoped that
all who are able will respond with what
tbey can afford. ' "
State op Ohio, City or Toledo)
Lucas County. S
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is the senior partner of tbe firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in tbe
City of Toledo, County and state afore
said, and that said firm will pay the
sum of One Hundred Dollars . for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cared by the nse of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
- - Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, thiB 6th day of December,
A. D. 1896.
. . A. W. Glkason-,
beal Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly and acts directly on the blood and
mncuos surfaces of tbe system. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney a Co., Toledo, O.
ySold by Druggists, 75c. No. 3-11
Closing Out Sale
Are going to close ont their business, and they are offering their large stock at
COST PRICES. Now is the time to bay good Furniture cheap.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and
- settle their account.
Jfye postoffiee piparmay,
CLARK & FALK, Proprietors.
Paie iDttzi crs and Md i m r
Toilet Articles and Perfumery,
pirst Ijo of Imported aid DoTestie 5i$ars.
Telephone, 333. ; New Vogt Block.
The Chponiele
and 'gel theneus,