:::''-;,--&r--''' VV- When A Fellow's Well Dressed Life goes with a swing. There's no greater luxury than good clothes and surely none more sensible and eco nomical. There's a feeling of satisfaction in a perfect fitting suit nothing else can give. You'll find it in our celebrated H. S. & M. clothes. This is the label. HART, 8QHAFFNEB MARX. GUARANTEED OLOTHINQ. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OVEM TUESDAY 'EMBER 16, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. has reduced the Granite iron tea kettles for 75 eta. at Maier & Benton's. ll-4t Frank Vogt, Jr., is in the city from 1 Wapinitia visiting his parents. Saner kraut, cranberries, new raisins, cider, citron, celery, etc., at Maier & Benton's. ll-4t Mr. Frank Morrison, of the Salem Statesman, is in the city, and favored . us with a call. Mr. G. W. Phelps, after a visit of sev eral days, returned to' Heppner this inorning. J. S. Geary, the piabo tuner, will be in the city Thursday to remain a few days. Can be found either at Jacob sen's or Nickelsen's store. - Mrs. E. M. Wilson. arrived home this morning from New York, where she has been visiting old-time friends, whom she had not seen for many years, The White Star Line passenger fares between The Dalles and Portland again, and the rates are now $1 one way and $1.50 for round trip. - The case of the State vs. I. V. How land is on trial today, defendant being charged with larceny by bailee in selling - some bay on which J. L. Story had a lien. Mr. Roderick McNeil of Mosier de sires through The Chronicle to express his appreciation of the many kindnesses of friends and neighbors in his recent ead bereavement , The Klickitat hills ehovired up white this afternoon when the aform stuttered for a few minutes, showng that only a hundred or two- feetAbove The Dalles -the weather is mucif colder than it is down here where th Commercial Club is. . Rev. W. H. Iliff will deliver his 'cele brated lecture, "Through the World of Night," at the Methodist church at 7 :45 Friday eveningthe 19th. Trie reverend gentleman is a' most eloquent speaker, and those who hear him will enjoy a 1 rare treat. The proceeds of the lecture go to the Epworth League. "The worst cold I ever had in my life was cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," w.ites W.&: Norton, of Sutter Creek, Cal. "This cold left me with a ; cough and I was expectorating all the time. The remedy cured me and I want all my friends when troubled with a cough or cold to use it, for it will do them good. Sold by Blakeley & Hough ton. 4, J, B. Rogers, a Baker City man, who has just made the trip to the Klondike, writes from Dawson City to a friend, among other things, that the stories of the Chilcoot 'pass were started in the - interest of the Yukon steamboat compa nies. .That the pass is no more difficult than hundreds of others used in the mountains of the coast, and that the trip down the river is simply a pleasure jaunt. ; ' - The first snow of the. season fell last night. It was not of the fleecy variety warbled about by the poets, but the cold, damp, clingiDg, clammy sort that is twice as wet as water and three times as disagreeable as anything else possi ble. It greased the sidewalks, slopped the crossings, made mud in the streets, and sent the blue shivers clear to a fel low's soul. Dame . Nature . was in a mood to slam the doors or kick the dog when she invented that kind of slum gull ion, and consequently did the mean est thing she could think of. Lait Klgbfa Flay. ' GRAND JURY REPORT. "Side Tracked" last night drew a good house, and one that seemed to be amused. The actors were, we ehfeuld judge, good, had there been anything in the medley to give them a chance, but the play was without sufficient thread to string the specialties on. However, everyboby laughed, and as an hour of smiles is certainly worth half a dollar, .there is no kick" coming. The trouble with the theatrical 'nro- tession is that every eastern failure! im agines all it has to do is to come West, with - a selection of stale jokes, gross limbed women, and a repertoire suited to the Bowery, and the world is their's. A vaudeville entertainment is either good or bad, the re is no such thing as mediocrity in that line, and yet '"Side Tracked" came near being the exception that proved the rule. Still, the public should not expect too much of an actor who has to spend most of his time herd ing a' slobber-mouthed boll-pup. , If Mr. Walters would shoot the dog, get a higher classed play, and devote some time to its study, he would undoubtedly make a very good comedian, for he has talent. Conrt Note. - Some Valuable Kecomendatlona oy that Body. Cole's Air Tight and Hot Blast Heaters KRE THE BEST JJ They heat a room in five minutes. They save enough fuel the first ' . year to pay for the stove. 4 cents a day is the average cost of heating a largu room with our B ' stoves. . -j They burn anything and every -) -' thing combustible; "A cord of wood eqnals a ton of hard coal in any ot our wood tfm heaters. H It is only necpsaary to renioveash j II es once in six weeks from our . wood stoves. . - They aro safe and hare a catch to A, hold the cover while potting in fuel. . -You have a fire every morning. Our hot blaBt draft furnishes a hot air feed, not cold air, and eaveB fuel. ' ... y' They are eaeily moved and set up. Our wood stoves are made with either sheet iron or cast iron tops in all sizes, for all purposes. They are jointless the connections being so made that the greater expansion of the lining don't af fect the body. - ; There are no bolts exposed to the fire to burn off or draw or open up a joint. , ' - : ' . Our coal stove will burn slack and makes a ton of soft coal equal to a ton of hard coal. BEWARE . of infringers and inferior imitations, they never equal the origin al and cost aa much. . MAIER & BENTON. Stye 5al f Uilsoi? Heater,. 2J .. Has been so much larger than we anticipated,", that our stock has been demoralized, but we have j ust received another ' shipment, and can suppty your wants. v The Wilson has Outside draft and cast sliding top. ' Sold only by ,' : . , .: - MAYS &. CROWE, In the circuit court the following busi ness was transacted yesterday. ' In the case of the State against Mil lard, defendant was sentenced to pay a fine of $75. - - . State against William Blanck, sen tenced to one year in the penitentiary. State vs.. George Harth, defendant fined $50. , State vs. John Hayes, defendant sen tenced to one year in the penitentiary. State vs. J. G. Fisher,-sentence sus pended during good behavior. State vs. E. Simmons, Hugh Brown and Robert Wilson, demurrer, overruled pleas of not guilty entered and separate trial granted each defendant. There are three indictments against these defend ants, and the same action was taken in each case. The suit of C'E. Bayard, administra tor of the estate of Perry Watkins, de ceased, against The Standard Oil Co., was completed yesterday, the jury'last night ' finding a verdict for defendant and awarding the sum of $500 as dam ages... ' . ... ; ;". Wanted. Freight teams to load for the interior. Tn the circuit court for the state of Or egon, for Wasco county, November, 1897 term. . We, the grand jury in the above eta titled court, respectfully submit the fol lowing as our final report : ' We have been in session six days and have taken cognizance of all criminal matters presented to us and coming within our knowledge, and havejeturned thirteen true, bills and one aot true bill. We have also inquired into and dis missed several matters that were of such trivial nature as not to warrant further action. We have made a cursory examination of the county clerk's, sheriff's and coun ty treasurer '8 offices, and have too criti cisms to offer as to methods or manner of keeping the records and accounts of these offices. ine attention oi the county court is called to the insecure conditiou of the shutters of the windows in the vault of the county clerk's office. The attention of said court is also contractor, none of whom had the least complaint as to the treatment received. One lady informed us that it was just like home there, and all ot the a part- en ts of the house eeemed well ordered nd cleanlv. We deem it our duty to offer a word of caution to the justices of the peace d commiting magistrates of the coun against sending to the county jail persons accused of trivial offenses which usually result in acquittal, - involving only great expense to the county. In conctusion.we beg leave to acknowl edge the assistance and courtesy shown us by the court and district attorney and the respective county officers. Having to the best of our knowledge and ability discharged all the duties in cumbent upon us; we respectfully ask to be discharged from further service. E. L. Smith, Foreman, Dated this 13th day of November, at The Dallee, Oregon. Sunday School Social For particulars inquire at .Book and Music store. the Jacobsen 16 2t called to the condition of our county jail which wc find to be badly arranged and; inadequate for its purposes. Our jaU contains four cells, three of which arei 6x9 and one 8x9 feet in dimension. In J each cell we found three uncomfortable cots or hammocks, the cell itself having no ventilation except with the corridors of the jail. To confine three persons to the limit ed space ot one of these cells, breathing only the vitiated air of the corridors, and sleeping on. most uncomfortable beds, does not seem to us to be either m nrndent. fir hninnnn. The inmates of the jail protested in strong terms against the food furnished them. We inquired into the matter and conclude that their complaints are some what exaggerated. We wbnld. however, call the attention of the members of the legislative assembly from the county to the propriety of securing an amendment to section 2341, Hill's annotated code of Oregon, which gives the sheriff $6 per week for keeping prisoners when the number does not exceed four, and $3 per week when the ' number exceeds four. Evidence is not wanting that in some instances the contractors who supply the prisoners with food receive only- twelve cents per meal and for bat two meals each day. . It is the opinion of this grand jury that the boarding' of prisoners should not be a source of revenue to any officer, and we believe that it would be in the interest of humanity and a saving to the county if the section referred to could be amended as to give thecounty court con trol In this matter. . . We believe that any - person confined in ooi county jail is entitled . to whole some food, pure air and a comfortable bed, at least up to the time of his . con viction. - The grand jury visited the poor farm and questioned inmates apart from, the was rendered : Singing Leaning on '.Prayer . ... iSonr Slnsr to Me. . . .Recitation Raindropi ;Ree The Yankee Stii: Singing Tidings. Ha Kpn iki ftr jm ..... t'Rec Than ksgivings . SSolo Robin .... HJuet Tie Bridge. Mi .nee i no smact in a lo Th German Mai Reading The Book A; There was an entertainment at the cboolhouse on 3-Mile on th evening of bv. 11th in honor of threeof our popu- ar young men, John UyOper, (jbarles reighton and William Moore. They are leaving: their old hemaes for an ex tended trip to the orage fields of Cali fornia. lFossibly they will beTJauk m the spring, but they nay remain away permanently, lhe following program J. T. Feters & Go., -DEALERS IN- Agricultural . Implements, Champion Mowers and Reapers, Craver Headers, Bain Wagons, Randolph. Headers and Reapers. Drapers, Lubricating Oils, Axle Grease. Blacksmith. Coal and Iron. Agents ior Wankegan Barb Wire. , 2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, . THE DALLES. Gompl ete Line of Fishing Tackle, Notions, Baseball Goods, Hammocks, Baby , Carriages, Books and Stationery at Bedrock Prices, at the " Jacobsen Book & Music Go. iVhere will also be found the largest and most complete line .. . of Pianos and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. ' Mail orders will receive prompt attention, New Vogt Block, ' v . The Dalles, Oregon, PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy G-roceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. ! Everlasting Arms. . . Bcnooi ....... Comic Dialogue Mattie Gilliam, Ann Eugene hlton a: f arewell Address Resnonsa Song God. Be With Yo and cake Uirllam Owen Sanders .Moggie Zachary Ben Morgon . Kdna (Jamnboll y Tidings School ..Mr. trea Arcner ..George Sanders . : . . Edna Sanders Lulu and Mrs Creigiton ooi Jtana banders . K lorenee Cook nt and the Bandit. . . , Minnie ElU n rook.' 'L'iiiie ' ReSlRRll . . . 'iv a mills .acnary. .Mrs. Jennie Leitz v.j.Mr. WilJjjuRjfcjoore TiTr-We3reet Agaiiis ere served after the was a success, un- ent of Mrs. Leizt, school. After the FURNITURE Coffee entertainment, whi der the able manag superintendent of th usual handshaking a Ad exchange of good wishes, all repaired ttheir homes, hav ing passed a pleasant evening. A. F. Officers Coinlns;. The commander of the North Pacific forces, Salvation Army; Major Stephen Marshall, of Portland, accompanied by Miss Easign Parks, the divisional M. B. agent, will visit The Dalles Thursday and Friday of this week. A meeting will be held at the Methodist church Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, at which time Major Marshall will speak on "Full Salvation" and Ensign Parks' will sing a solo and explain the M. B. scheme. Friday night an old-time free and easy at the barracks on First street, led by Major Marshall, assisted by Miss Parks and the officers and comrades of the local corps. ' Admission 10 cents. Saturday . night Ensign and Mrs. Smith, now visiting near town, will be present and lead the indoor meeting. Ensign Smith was formerly in command of The Dalles crops and Mrs. Smith was a 'soldier. Closing. Out Sale CARPETS kre going to elope out their business, and they are offering their large stock at COST PRICES. . Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. persona knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and settle their account.. Jfpe postoff iee pi?a rmaqy, .: CLARK & FALK, Proprietors, Pure Dpugs and JWedieines. ; Toilet Articles and Perfumery, pirst i of. Imported apd Domestic Qiars. Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. Subscribe fox? The Ghi6hiele arid get the nens.