The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 15, 1897, Image 3

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    Cole's Air Tight and
Hot Blast
Yhen A Fellow's
- W Dressed
Life goes with a swing. There's no
greater luxury than good clothes and
surely none more sensible and eco- -nomical.
. ,
- There's a feeling of satisfaction in
a perfect fitting suit nothing else can
give. You'll find it in our celebrated
H. S. & M. clothes. This is the
1111 11 mini ' 1111 iii '1 111 1 nimfiiriMiinnfWinmniiniWJ
1 ,
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
NOVEMBER 15, 1897
"Side Tracked"
' At the Vogt tonight.
Cream of maize at Mpier & Benton'e.
For close prices on hay and grain see
The Dallea Commission Co. 9-15.
Granite iron tea-kettles for 75 cts. at
Maier & Benton's. ll-4t
Wanted, girl to do general housework.
Apply at the European House. n9-ll
Sauer kraut, cranberries, new raisins,
cideiv citron, celery, etc., at Maier &
Benton's. ll-4t
The Circle party to be given Friday
night, is n.ot given free as some have a
mistaken idea of it. The price of tick
ets is $1 for gentlemen, ladies being ad
mitted free. ' -
The following is last week's score at
the Umatilla house alley: Birgfeld,
Monday 63, Tuesday 65, Wednesday 63,
Thursday 62, Friday 71. D. Butts, Sat
urday 56. B. Ulrich, Sunday 53. , .
The ladies of the M. E. church are
preparing an entertainment, "Cradle
Songs of the Nations," in which about
eighty children will take part. It will
be given on December 4th in the Vogt
opera-house. .
The initial number of the Grass Val
ley Journal, published as its name im
plies, at Grass Valley, Sherman county,
reached us this morning. The new
paper is edited by C- E. Brown, and is
neat and full of local news- ,
The steamer Maria, which was, to have
made its first trip from Portland today,
will not be up tonight as was expected,
but will probably make her first trip
Wednesday. The delay was caused by
the inspectors, who ordered a new pop
off valve put in place before she went on
the route. .
The ball to be given by Cedar Circle,
Women of Woodcraft, on Friday even
ing next, is not a public affair, and if
anyone who has received an invitation
wishes one for a friend who has not,
please leave the name with Mr. Parkin?,
Mr. Phillips, Mrs. Filioon, or Mrs.
Chas. Stephens, and the . matter will re
ceive prompt attention.
The following committees will be in at
tendance Friday evening at the Vogt :
Reception committee : Mrs. Varney,
Mrs. C. F. Stephens.Mrs. Jae. Blakeney,
Mrs. Filioon. Floor managers : Misses
Jennie Young, Lizzie Ehrck, Louise
Rintoul, Messrs. ParkinB and Varney
Ticket committee: C. H. Brown. Door
keeper, Jas, Snipes. Dressing room at
tendant, Mrs. Julia Young.
Portland's . advertising comm
passed through last night on its way to
' Boise and Spokane, in search of trade.
The windows of the cars in their special
train were curtained and the appearance
of the train was gloomy in the extreme.
The difference between Portland bus!-'
ness people and the business people of
other coast cities was fully shown in
this instance.- Had this been a com
mittee of California or Seattle people,
the newspapers along their route would
have been notified of their coming; the
cars would have been covered with ban-!
ners, and when the boys arrived every- 1
I 1 1 J 1 1 T 11 -3 '
uouy wuuiu nave Known it. rorimuu
has sat at the gate and gathered toll so
long that she knows nothing else.
Saturday evening Mr. G. D. Snowden
received a telegram announcing the
death of his youngest sister, Mary, at
their home in Tacoma. He left on the
early train yesterday to attend the
funeral. The young lady had not been
in the best of health for some time, but
her final illness lasted but three days.
Many will remember her as having vis
ited her brother . here two years ago,
when all who met her were won by her
sweet, innocent manner. jus
According to the dispatch in thTrOre- lis
gonian, from Goldendale, a remarkably
rich gold find has been made by Lewis
Woods, some where in the Mt. Adams
country. The figures given are $600,000
per ton, and as pure gold is only worth
about $500,000 to the ton, it will be seen
that this exceeds anything found on the
Klondike, as the find is worth $100,000
a ton more than pure gold.) The story
Reception Saturday Right at the
New Rooms. -
indicates that our friend Maddock still
occasionally gathers news for . the Ore
gonian. The Portland advertising committee
reaching alter Idaho trade and ignoring
thatcloeeat hand, is like the Irishman
who was hired as a diver. -The armor
hand outfit was fastened on him after be
ad been instructedin in its use, and he
was lowered to the bottom to work upon
a wreck. After ten or fifteen minutes a
violent ringing ot the alarm caused him
to be hoisted hurriedly to the surface.
When the helmet was taken off he was
asked "What is the trouble?" "Shure I
want to quit!" "What for?" eaid his
employer, "liegob 1 won't work at a
job where I can't sphit on me bands."
Wednesday evening at the 'Baldwin
opera house Uapt. W. H. JJrannan, as
sisted by a strong company, will present
the realistic drama "The Gordon Massa
cre," as written by himself.' (Japt.
Drannan was the companion of Kit
Carson, and saved from the Indians the
Gordon girla.jrne massacre occurred
in Choke Cherry canyon, Nevada, in
1852. Besides the play, a clever vaude
ville company will furnish . an hour's
amusement. Among the attractions are
James Stuart, comedian and general t
Saturday was a busy day for members
of The Dalles Commercial and Athletic
Club, the various .committees being en
gaged in putting the new rooms in Bhape
for the reception of the invited guests,
and when the lights were turned on it
was eyident that the right people had
been selected for the work. .
Though the most representative gath
enng of Dalles people to the number of
at least 500 were there, and saw for
themselves the beautiful rooms, we can
not forbear a description of them, yet
we feel the task is beyond the power of
our pen. The entrance is under a mas
lve portico, the doors - being of hand
some Dira s-eye sugar pine and opening
into a small ante-room. From this the
entrance is made Into the gymnasium
and bowling alleys, where tour fine dou
ble maple al'eys invite those who love
the 'sport to roll a game or two. The
gymnasium is to the left of the entrance
nd is, or will be, thoroughly equipped
'A fine horizontal . bar, parallel bars
dumb bells, Indian clubs, punching bag
boxing gloves, and dozens of other
thngs pertaining to gymnastic exercises
being already on hand. "
From the lower floor a broad stairway
with landing, leads to the club rooms
proper. The rooms are all carpeted
with velvet and tapestry carpets, that on
the stairs matching that of the recep
tion room, and being a green figure on a
light background. The hall, stairway
and reception room are all finished in
terra cotta shades, giving them a warm
and cheerful tone.
- The parlors are to the left of the re
ception room, and are spacious and ele
gantly furnished. The - paper is a red
biown and gold, the carpets green and
brown, the former shade prevailing, and
from these through a wide arch opens
lie reading room, carpeted the same as
e parlor, and its walls papered in
reen and gold. Convenient tables hold
he magazines and papers, while a neat
aecoatains a well-selected library.
From this the directors' room, a cosy
Tittle nest, opens to the west, while to
the south is bachelors' hall, where ci
gars may be smoked and the married
members may come -and dream of the
They heat a room in five minutes.
They save enough fuel the first
.' r year to pay for the stove.
4 cents a day is the average cost of '
heating a large room with our
stoves. ,. . . i
They. burn anything and every
thing combustible.
A cord of wood equals a ton of
hard coal in' any of our wood
It is only necessary to remove ash
es once in six ' weeks from our
wood stoves.
They are saff and have a catch to
hold the cover w hile putting in
fuel. ' .
You have a fire every morning.
Onr hot blast draft furnishes a hot
air feed, not cold air, and saves
fuel. .. ,
They are easily moved and set up.
Our wood stoves are made with
either sheet iron or cast iron tops
in all sizes, for all purposes.
.They are jointlees the connections
being so made that the greater
expansion of the lining don't af
fect the body.
There are no bolts exposed to the
fire to burn off or draw or open
up a joint.
Onr coal stove will burn slack and
makes a ton of soft coal equal to
a ton of hard coal.
BEWARE of infringers and inferior
imitations, they never equal the origin
al and cost as much. .
days that are no more, when they might
smoke without being smoked. This is
B .. . , r i:i 1 1 1 1
klealer in fun, W. M. Marco, contortion- wn naaes, me wans
ist, known as the human snake, Billy . .", V
Tftm. th fmonB .rrnh.L nrf m.ti To lhe right of the reception room is
Juliette. Vinton, skirt and eccentric
told, at
Captain Drannon was, we are
one time a resident of The
"The worst cold I ever had in my life
was cured by Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy," w.ites W.H.Norton, of Sutter
Creek, Cal. "This cold left me. with a
cough and I was expectorating all the
time. The remedy cured me and I want
all my friends when " troubled with a
cough or cold to use it, for it will do
them good. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton.
the billiard rooms, with two fine tables,
and here are several card tables, whore
those who like to study the combinations
of the pasteboard may indulge in their
favorite games. The floor is covered
with linoleum of light color, the walls
a gray green. . . ,
Every room is provided with a cloak
room, and a telephone is on each floor.
adding to the conveniences'.
Thia is the club's new home, but no
words can describe the masterly manner
in which the entire upper floor has been
arranged; the beautiful effects produced
by the rich furnishings, and the artistic
decorations of walls and ceilings. The
etchings, steel engravings and pastels
which hang on the walls and rest on
easels, are beautiful and show that
among the committee were artists. .
Over the stairway is a circular win
dow showing the club emblem.- It is a
handsome design . made by Mr. Neer of
The club mav well feel proud of its
new home, and that it does was evinced
by the smiling and satisfied countenan
ces of its memoers as they vied with one
another Saturday night in looking after
their gue6ts. Between 500 and 600 peo
pie were in the rooms and yet they were
not crowded, and every one of the entire
number wore an "I'm-awful-glad-I-came
smile that remained with them the en
tire evening. -
Tp.e rooms were tastefully decorated
the niches in the stairway containing
some beautiful palms, and the center ta
ble in the reception room another, all
furnished by the Stnbling greenhouse
The parlor and library were redolent of
roses and bright with well-placed masses
of chrysanthemums.
The Dalles Orchestra furnished de
lightful music, that made many a foot
feminine tap the carpets occasionally in
the desire to whirl around the spacious
rooms.- The mandolin band, new-com
ers, also furnished some delightful in
strumental music, supplemented by
song that caused an encore that would
not be quieted until it was followed by
three or four more.
Th alleys were kept warm the entire
evening, the ladies evincing a keen lik
ing for that amusement. It was nearly
midnight before any got up courage
enough to leave, and only the fact that
Sunday morning was at hand kept many
from Btaying later.
The Commercial and Athletic Club is
a decided success. It Eh as been success
ful financially and socially, has done
much to break down the barriers too apt
to be raised by factions in every town
and by bringing people together in such
a way that they were enabled to under
stand one another, and hence to engen
der mntual respect. . May its power for
good be further widened and mav it ex
ist long after we have all passed away
was the unanimous wish of all present
The arranging of the rooms was under
the advice of the directors assisted by
Mr. C. J. Crandall, who had charge of
the architectural work. And the paper
ing and painting was supervised by Mr.
D. W. Vause. ' The paper wa9 pur
chased in San Francisco, as were also the
carpets. The "work done 'by both Mr.
Crandall and Mr. Vauee shows that each
is at the. top in his line, and that the
directors of the club knew whom to employ-
Hfts been so much larger
than .we anticipated, that our
stock has been demoralized, but
we have just received another
shipment, and can supply your
wants. .
The Wilson has Outside draft
and cast sliding top. Sold only
by ; ;.. :
J. T.
& Go.,
Agricultural Implements, Champion
Mowers and Reapers, Craver Headers, Bain
Wagons, Randolph, Headers and Reapers,
Drapers, Lubricating Oils, Axle , Grease.
Blacksmith Coal and Iron.
Agents ior Waukegan Barb Wire.
2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, THE DALLES.
Complete Line of
j . Fishing Tackle, Notions, Baseball Goods, Hammocks, Baby
Carriages, Books andvStationery at Bedrock Prices, at the s .
J acobsen Book 8c Music Go.
- Where will also be found the largest and most complete line
of Pianos and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon.
Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
New "Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon,
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Closing Out Sale
Are going to close out their business, and they are offering their large stock at
COST PRICES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. . ...
All persons knowing themselves indebted, to eaid firm are requested to call and
settle their account. .
Jtye postoffiee pharmacy,
CLARK & FALK, Proprietors.
Pure Drags and JWedicines.
Toilet Articles and Perfumery,
pirst Ijr) of Imported aqd Domestic Qiars.
Telephone, 333.'
New Vogt Block.
At the Farmer's Hotel. Monday,' No
vember 15, Mr. Rollin E. Jordan and Miss
Rath Pugh, both of Kingsley, Rev. J.H.
Wood officiating.
iiihscribc for
New line of carving seta
at Maier & Benton's.
just received
The C hton iele
- rowaer and snot, rines and snot guns
at Maier k. Benton's. ll-4t
axicL get tlxe neus,