to ivfif rflfp 4f fiSt lrs- (iD - ;r tl'ffilWr TTrT ' VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1897 NO 2G4 THREE AGAINST ONE An Alleged Conspiracy to Wipe out Bolivia. CHILE, PERU AND ARGENTINE USITE All Tnrae to Make War on tlie Common Enemy Chile the Moving Spir it la the Plot. New York, Nov. 12." A dispatch to the Herald from Valparaiso eaye: A plan for a dreiband of Cnile, Peru and Argentine ia in existence, - wbicb, if adopted by the three governments, will wipe Bolivia off the South American map, Chile, Pern and Argentine divid ing her territory. Startling as this statement is there are many who are inclined to give it credence, Without a doubt there is some international move of importance under- contemplation. Chile and Peru have become entangled with Bolivia, and what the results will be no one can tell. The demands of the alarmists for an explanation from the government, it is generally believed, are justified. Senor Salinas, Chile's minister to Sucre, Boliv-t ia, has gone to Santiago to confer with the government on the situation. The government flatly denies that be will not return to Sucre, though there are grave tears that he will be murdered if he does return, as the feeling there against Chile is intense. In the clubs, in cafes, and at public gatherings, everywhere in Bolivia ev eryone hears Chile talked of as a faith less nation. Reasons for all the feelings against Chile are to be found in the re bellion of 1891, and its bearing on the Ancion treaty. The . revolutionists promised to Bolivia, if she would - recog nize the belligerency of the rebels, tnat if they were victorious they would give to Bolivia two years alter victory the two Peruvian provinces of Tacna and Arcia, held temporarily by Chile under j the Ancion treaty. " N More than Bix years have elapsed aince the victory of the revolutionists, and Chile has not yet fulfilled her promise, for the simple reason that by doing eo she would trample on the treaty. Bo - livia now insists' on the fulfillment of the promise which Chile holds illegal. In the meantime Chile has recalled Senor Lira, the minister of Chile to Pe ru, who belonged to the revolutionary party, and 'has sent Senor Vincente Santa Cruz, a Balmacedist, there with instructions to sound Peru on an alli ance against; Bolivia, against which the government of Peru has many griev ances. The plan is to bring about a war with Bolivia, and for Peru's assistance it promises to'return Pern the provinces .Tacna and Arcia without putting the question to popular vote or demanding of Pern the 10,000,000 soles ransom, as provided in the Ancion treaty. Chile has also prepared to furnish Peru with all iieceaeary arms and munitions to car ry on a war with Bolivia. In this connection the dreibund against Bolivia is considered. - Argen tina, it is said, will be invited into the alliance in order to give strength to the movement. - . , The Heraldo says that it is reported all international affairs between Chile and Peru and Bolivia will soon be satis factorily settled, except the commercial and police treaty, drawn by Bolivia, and leaving the eolution of the Tacna-Arica questions until next year. . Royal makes the food pure,. wholesome and dellclom. FSYDEB Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Celebrated for Its great leavening strength aud healthfuluess. Aasurew the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Koyai. Baking Powder Co. New York. ANNEXATION IS ASSURED. ci&c coast influence is divided, and while most ol . the senators from that section are in favor ol the treaty, Sena tor White of California is , expected to lead the opposition to it in the senate. A RESF1TK FOR DIKUANT. Hawaiian Treaty Will Be Ratified by the Senate. Chicago, Nov. 12. A special to the Times-Herald from Washington says: Eati 6 cation of the Hawaiian annex ation treaty by the United States sen ate is assured. Eleven senators were doubtful and twenty-one opposed to its ratification, bince that time the ad ministration has taken steps to ascertain the views of the men who were then in doubt. As a result President McKin ley is depending; upon sixty-one sena tors who will certainly cast their votes in favor' of the treaty, with prospects of the addition of several votes to this num ber. : The treaty - is in excellent shape for prompt action. It was fully considered by the senate committee on foreign re lations, reported to the eenate and placed on the calendar with practically the unanimous indorsement of the com mittee. There were no votes against it, though Senators Turpie and Daniels re frained from voting because they had not fully made up their minds as to what position they would take in the matter- It is said to be the purpose of Chairman Davis at the first executive session to ask that a day be fixed for taking up the treaty. Its ratification early in the year is expected. President McKinley in his message to congress will present as strongly as pos sible the arguments for annexation. He will show tbat the treaty"" has alreedy been ratified by the Hawaiian senate, and only the action of the United States sen ate is required to annex the island to our territory. The president does not expect annexation will result in compli cations with any foreign power. While Japan will not openly interpose any ob jection if the senate acts promptly, ad ministration officials think it not unlike ly that Bhe will eecretly do all she can to delay ii not defeat ratification. Any lobbying by Japan, however, will tend to expedite rather tnan delay action by the senate. The most of the opposition will come from the sugar interests. Pa- C<fornta Supreme Court Gtaota a Stay of Kxecation. San Fbancisco, Nov. .12. William Henry Theodore Durrant was not hanged at San Quentin this morning, after all, the supreme court of this state having granted him another respite at the 11th hour. Up to four O'clock yesterday afternoon when the news was flashed over the wires that the court now in session there bad granted a writ of habeas corpus, and had instructed Warden Hale not to carry out the execution of Durrant until further orders, there was appar ently no -further hope for the condemned murderer of Blanche Lamont, ad his at torneys, Messrs. Boardman and Dick inson, bad made a futile attempt to se cure another writ of habeas corpus in the United States circuit court, and had not even been granted permission to ap peal from the decision of the supreme court of the United States. Meanwhile, however, Attorney Deu prey hastened to Sacramento and ap plied to the state supreme court for a writ of probable cause for the purpose of staying the proceedings against his client on the grounds tbat no official knowledge of the action of the supreme court of the United States in the matter of Darrant's appeal from' the decision cf the federal court had yet been received ; that the Buperior court had acted tco hastily in sentencing Durrant to be hanged today, as the law required that he be given at least 60 days of grace, and consequentlv that the pendency ot an other appeal in the supreme co art af fecting the condemned man is of itself sufficient cause for a stay of execution. After the arguments were concluded, the court took the matter under advise' ment, and late in the afternoon granted the stay of execution was granted as re quired. . ' ' "The worst cold I ever had in my life was cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," w.ites W.H. Norton, of Sutter Creek, Cal. "This cold left me with cough and I was expectorating all the time. The remedy cured me and I want all my friends , when troubled with cough or .cold to use , it, for it will do tbem good. Sold by Blakeley & Hough ton. Subscribe for The Chrouiclk. OLD SORES. The cures of old sores effected by Garland's Happy Thought Salve are marvelous some say miracu lous. Cleanse the affected part two times a day, using good Castile soap witb warm water. Then apply the Salve and cover with rubber gauze to bold the moisture. 50 cents a jar-,nnsBSSs" atDonnell's Drugstore. : $200022 Those weak-cheap and alum cheap baking powders are bad for health and pocket-book. vsk your grocer ana your grocer's wife about Schilling's Best. A Schilling & Company San Francisco 22 'jB I, Tuesday Evening Nov. 19th, lATlSFACTtC The Celebrated lecture by W. H. ILIFF, Uorld of fllt'" Tickets of Admission, 25e. Lecture to commence at 7:45 o'clock. ; - Is a necessity these raw mornings and evenings. The famous Kuh, Nathan & Fischer Co. garments are now in. Get into one of them. Every one of the de signs as bright and fresh as the first soft flake of snow. Turn about.. .Leave it to your tailor for $25.00 or leave it to us for $15.00? You're safe with this make. We give you a written guarantee in. :piljXiuXlS ; :' CO I SUMMONS. IN THE circuit couktoi tne state or ure gou for Wasco County. ; The Oregon Ballroad & Navigation Company, a corporation organized unaer me laws oi me State oi Oregon, Plaintiff, - - Thomas J. Bulger and Bulger, his wife, whose given name is unknown to piainan; , D. L. Gates, George Gardiner and Fannie E. Gardiner, Defendants. To Thomas J. Bulger, Bulger, whose given name Is unknown to plaintiff, George Gardi ner and Fannie E. Gardiner, defendants. ' IX THE NAME OF THi STATE OF OREGON you and each of you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action on or before the first dnv of the term of the above entitled court following the expiration of tbe time prescribed In the order for the publication of this sum mons, to wit: on or before the 8th day of No vember, 1S97, tbat being the first day of the next regular term of said court, and If yon fail to so appear and answer the eomplalnt of the plain tiff, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the judgment prayed for in aid complaint, towit: For the condemnation and appropriation for a right-of-way for a railroad of a strip of land one hundred feet wide over and across the followindescribed lands: Commenc ing at a point 1190 feet north from the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section six, township two north, range eight east, in Wasco county, Oregon, thence north 70 feet to a point; thence north 86 degrees 34 minutes east, 280 feet to a point in the torth boundary of the right-of-wav of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Com panv, now Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company's right-of-way: thence southwesterly along said north boundary of said right-of-way to the place of beginning, containing 2-100 acres. Also another tract of land si'uated in said sec tion six, described as follows, to-wit: Com mencing at a point in the south boundary of the right-of-way of the said Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company, which point is 1175 feet north and 200 feet east of the southeast corner of tbe southwest quarter of section six, township two north, range eight east; thence north 86 de grees and 34 minutes east, 815 feet, to a point on the south boundary of the said right-of-way: thence on a curve to tbe left with and along the said boundary of said right-of-way in a westerly course to the place of beginning, containing 47-100 acres; said land to be used for the re-location of the railway of said plaintiffs across said premises as provided by section 3241, Hill's An notated Laws of the State of Oregon. And plain tin' will also take judgment for its cos'8 and dis bursements in this action. - This summons is served upon the defendants above named by publication , thereof In Thb Dalles chronicle by order Jf Hon. W. I Brad, sbaw, Judge of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Oregon, made at chana:ers in Dalles City, Oregon, this 25th day of September, 1897. ... W. W. COTTON, J. M. LONG and ' W. H. WILSON, sept35 . " Attorneys for Plaintiff. rk Week lew Yo ly limine FRENCH & CO., - BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERALBANKINQ BUS1NE8 Farmers and Villagers, FOB Fathers and Mothers, FOB Sons and Daughters, . FOB All the Family. With the close of tbe Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion .demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day. and won its ereatest victories. . Every possible effort will be pat forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLYTRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N". Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange . and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francieco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Write vour name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best. Tribune Office, New York City, ac 1 a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to vou; . - : asGolareliouselompaoy Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, TLWkd Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle ton Flour. This Flour is manufactured expressly for family use: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. s . . Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.