The Dalles Daily Cbfcnisla. The only Republican Daily Newspapet on Wasco County. : EASTERN OFFICE SSO to S34 Temple Court, N. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. Weekly Clubbing Rate. Chronicle and Oregonian. . . ." $2 25 Chronicle and Examiner. 2 25 Chronicle and Tribune 1 75 Chronicle and N. Y. World. ....... 2 00 FRIDAY NOVEMBER 12 1897 THEODORE DVRRANT. . In all probability Tbeo'lore Due rant was hanged today for the mur der of Blanche Lainont in San Fran cisco in April, 1895. The dispatches bhow that a' finol attempt was made yesterday by habeas corpus proceed ings to still further delay his execu tion, but it is not likely that it suc ceeded. His case, or rather his tiial, was a- peculiar one. During its progress the newspapers of the city published the full' testimony, 'and their pages were filled with pictures of the murdered girl, the church, the rooms, the clothing, shoes and books of the dead school girl. There were pictures of the witnesses, and every harrowing detail pertaining ' to the murder was dwelt upon lingeringly and lovingly. . Public feeling was worked up to its highest pich, until there was but oue all pervading sub ject in the city, but one idea and demand that the murderer of the young giil be hanged. Around Durrani was woven a chain of cir cumstantial evidence, backed up and strengthened by some testimony un doubtedly false. The public took up the cry, "It was Durrant who committed this crime, for no one else is suspected ! Hang him! Hang bim!" The jurymen on his -case knew this, they knew that the public ex pected them to find him guiltj', and that their own lives would not be safe did they not do so. He may have been, probably was, guilty; but guilty or innocent, he did not have tbat fair and impartial trial which is guaranteed him by our laws. He should have had a new trial, and would have had it had the judiciary of California regarded their oaths of office more and their chances of being re-elected- less. Guilty or innocent, he was entitled to a fair trial by unprejudiced and uninfluenced jurors. That he did not have, and could not have in San Francisco. On his conviction the public rage was appeased. He was credited with not only the murder of which he was convicted, but of that of Minnie Williams also, and there all attempt to solve the mystery of her murder was dropped. Yet it does not seem possible tbat the same persons committed both murders. The murder of Blanche Lamont was accomplished without the shedding of a drop of blood and might be classed as scientific. That of Minnie "Williams was brutal and bloody. In the Lamont case every effort was made at concealment; in the other none. In the Lamont case the body was placed where it would decay without attracting attention, the lock of the door leading to the belfry was broken, and it is probable the body would not have been discovered for months but for the subsequent mur der of Minnie 'Williams. It may be possible that both murders were com mitted by the same person, but it is fair to presume that the murderer of Blanche Lamont, after taking all the steps he did to conceal the murder, would not commit another ' murder that was sure to bring the first one to light, and this within two weeks of the first. -,; .. -: ' THE . WHEAT TRADE. All -markets have been depressed, easier, with a downward tendency. Locally there has been but very little business done during the week, and trading has been exceedingly small. It is reported that a good part of the orop in the country is. out of farmers hands, and held by interior ware housemen and speculators, wiio seem to be firm holders, having confidence in an improved market later on. If reports are Correct of - prices hetofore paid , by these dealers, it will take considerable of a raise to fetch them out even on their purchases. As for J the shipping class, they have large J siuuhs uu imuu, imve uu urgent wan is to fill, and consequently -are only in the market when' offerings come within a reasonable price. Reports from the country show that at all points buyers' liaye reduced limits, and are more cautious in their opera tions. The outward movement from here is satisfactory, while re ceipts from - both sections continue very large. Gommercial Review. There .is nothing in the Thanks giving proclamation just issued by the governor of the state of Washing ton to indicate that its author is dis pleased with this ccuntrj-'s condition. If Bryanism and . all it represents were controlling the nation's affairs, Mr. Rogers could not be more rhap sodical in his expressions of grati tude to- Divine Providence for "blessings bestowed." Which goes to "show that the governor is either sloughing off his Populism or acquir ing a love of cant. Telegram. There is more Catarrh in this eection of the country than all othe diseases pu together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a : local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proyen catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured- by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from ten. drops to a teasDOonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case' it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testmonials. Address, -F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggiste, 75c. . 7 Thousands are Trying It. ."In order to prove the great merit of Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre pared a generous trial size for 10 cents. Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to ELY BROS., 50 Warren St., N. Y. City. I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since a boy, and I never hoped for cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even that. Many acquaintances have used it with excellent results. Oscar Ostrum, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago,. I1L - Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no cocaine, mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents. . At druggists or by mail. Nebraska corn for sale a,t the Wasco warehouse.' BeBt. feed on earth. m9-t' ONE NIGHT ONLY, Monday, Nov. 15th. The Prince of Tramp Delineators, Jiile Walters Horatio Irrhis Great Laugh Provoker, ';' ; Ne-w Side Tracked! It Drives Away the Blues. ' Scenic Effects the Best. Specialties from the' leading vaude ville theaters in America. Tickets 50c ; no extra charge for re served seats. Children, 25c. Reserved seats now on Bale at the Snipes-Kln-ersly Drugstore. : -... VOGT 0pera House The highest tobaccos is good S Durham." Every eld smoker knows there is none j ust - as good as &1l You will find ot:e each two ounce . z :j jjvrua -.iiit:ut: voi jour CUECQ bag cf Blackweli's Durham. u ouy a uag brated tobacco end read the g coupon which gives a list i f vsltrafcle r.T-ftfrrtri nrxri i-txt V f Special peatur V Wholesale. u J jVTflLiT LiIQUOfS, Cllines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER - TTn"D rfT T -"-v-'"- 1 ' ' Anheuser-BTisch Malt beverage, nneqtialed as a STUBLING & WILLIAMS. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flooa . . leads on to fortune" . The poet unauestlonablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALu 4 BURGET'S, Who are selling; these goods out at greatly-reduced rat . MICHELBACH BRICK. - UNION ST. r ' Job Pfinting at This Offiee. claim for other ""Tust as conpea inside bag, and two cou i!r c ox IU IS CCie- c .a i : i h K K 1 B J! Of The Chronicle office is the Job priptii D?partTei)t. ' V'-' ' ' . -We have better facilities for doing- artistic work in this line than any office in Eastern Ore gon, and this branch of our busi ness is in the hands of expert workmen. . N v Ue $l?alle -omparisop both as to high grade work and reasonable prices ' ' - . ' BUSCH and XTt'O on draught . and in bottles. Nutrine. a non-alcoholic tonic. Regulator Line Tte:DallePortIaM anj Astoria i Navigation Co.' ,, strs. Regulator 6 Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE i - ... - - BETWEEN - . - . v - The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade-Locks and Port land daily, except bunday. .. - - , GOOD ISERVICE. LOWEST RATES ( down the valley Are you going . ,. 1 to EASTEEH OREGON? If so, save money and enoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. The we-t-bound train arrives at The Dalles in ample time for passengers to take the steamer, arri vinsr in Portland in time for the outgoing Southern and Northern trains; East- oouna passengers arriving in me xaties la time to take the East-bound train. For further information apply to " ' J. N. HARNEY, Agent, S; '; - . Oak Street Dock. Portland, Oregon, i Or W C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt., ' The Dalles, Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE v " Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland. OVERLAND EX--) Sress, Salem, Rose- 1 ure. Ashland. Sac-1 6:00 P.M. 1 ram en to, Ogden.San ! 1 Franciseo, Mojave, 9:30 A. M. Aiigeieu,jci raso, i New Orleans and East .:....! 8:30 A.M. Roseburg and way hta- tions ; . . fVia Woodburn fori I Mt. Angel, Silverton, i West Scio, Browns- i I ville.Sprlngneld and I (.Natron . . J ICorvallls and way ) stations ( (McMinnville andj way stations 4:30 . P. M . Daily except Sundays. Dally except Sundays. 17:30 A. M. t 5:50 P. M t 8:25 P. M 4:50 P.M. Dally. fDaily, except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS y ' AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING" CARb Attached to all Through Trains. . - Direct connection at fcan Francisco with Occi dental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. .Sailing dates on application. Kates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from . J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. B.- KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive at and depart from Grand Central Station. Fifth and Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jenerson street. . Leave- for OSWEGO, daily, except Sunday," at 7:20 a. m.; 12:15, 1:45, 5:25, 6:45, "8:05 p. m. (and 11:30 p. m. on Saturday only, and 8:40 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. on Sundays only). - Arrive at Portland daily at 7:10 and 8:30 a - m.; and 1:30, 4:15, 6:35 and 7:55 p. m., (and, 3-15 and 5:10 p. m. on Sundays only). - Leave for Sheridan, week days, t 4:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, 9:39 a. m. - Leave for ATRL1E on Monday, Wednesday and Fri-iay at 9:40 a. m. Arrive at Portland, Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. .. . Except Sunday. fExcept Saturday. . - R. KGEHLER, , Manager. , H. MARKHAM, Asst. G. F. it pass. Ast JOSEPH sHflpjlon HA8 OPENED A' Jari?es5 SI70P ' IN THE EAST END, In the Colum bia Feed Yard, opposite Saltmarsbe's " - ' btockyards, where he Is readv to do fill Kinds of harness Work. As we keep no servant girls and don't sport a horse and bQRgy, we can undersell anyone in the city. Being a practical harness-maker, we do our own work. Carriaze-trimminkr a laity. For sam'ple of our work, look at the Tlma- tillrt TTnusA 'Rn, . . . . A NEWJARKET. FRUIT, "VEGETABLES, POULTRY" FISH AND GAME. " Chickens Dressed to Order. -Promt Delivery to any part ' of the city. A. N. VARNEY, Phone 12. Third and Washington Sta TAKKN BP. - Came to uay place last spring, a roan pony, branded O on right hip. Owner can have the same by paying aii charges. -' - . 8. A. Kinyoji,' oct20-lm - Tygh Valley, Or. WflLIi PflPERI VAIiIi PflPEHI- Just. Received 5000 Rolls of Wall Paper. The best patterns. The most beautiful . colors. New invoice of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. Snip-Kmersly Drag Co, DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. EC. C3-X.Ei 2sriSr. Dalles, Mora and Antelope Through by daylight via Grass Valley, Kent and cross Hollows. - DOUGLAS ALLEN, . Tbe Dalles. C. M. WH1TKLAW, Antelope. Stages leave The Dalles from Umatilla House at 7 a. ni., also from Antelope at 7:30 a. m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Connections made at Antelope for Prineville, Mitchell end points beyond. Close cc nnectious made at The Dalles with railways, trains and boats. i Stages from Antelope reach The Dalles Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1 :30 p. m, RATES OF FARE. Dalles to Deschutes... 00 do Mora : 1 50 do; Grass Valley.,. ..2 25 do' Kent... 3 00 4 50 1 60 2 00 3 00 3 50 -1 00 5 00 - do Cross Hollows. .... Antelope to Cross Hollows . . . do do do do do Kent. Grass Valley Moro Deschuees Dalles tub Colnfila Packing Co., -. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of jr BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED, BEEF. ETC. J. 8. fecHIMK.' President. H. M. Beau., Cashier. First national Batik. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly - remitted on day of collection. ' Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco ani ort- . . land. DIRBOTORS D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Williakb, Geo. A. Likbb. H.-M. Bbaix. LDODPDlgDD A BPECIALTYi-SSSSJ r vxovj permanently cured in 16 to 85 days. Ton can be treated at home for same price under same Kuaraa- ltfll1t.Mn if A .nn. V " cary. Iodide potasb, and still have aches and pains. Mucous ratchet in mouth. Sore Throat, fimples. Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body, Hir or Eyebrows faUinir out, it to this Secondary BLOOD POISO we guarantee to curs. We solicit the most obsti nate case and challenge the world for a case we cannot cure. This disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent Physi cians. SSOO.OOO capital behind our uncondi. slonal guaranty. Abtoloteproofo sent sealed on application. Address COOK REMEDY CO &2AMasonto Xentple, CHICAGO, U.T, u I