The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 11, 1897, Image 1

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    .., , ' 4. . ...... .
NO 262 ,
Tells How She Helped Her
Lover. j " ' .
Iecoyed the Victim into a Vacant Bouse
Where Thome, Her. Accomplice,
i .
Shot .Him.
New , York, Nov. 10. The startling
announcement in the morning papers
that Mrs. Neck had ' confessed the mur
. der of William Guldensuppe and impli
;ated herlover, Martin Thorn, was con
firmed when court assembled by Judge
Weller, who is assisting District-Attorney
Young in the prosecution. , -
After Thorn entered the courtroom
bis counsel informed the prisoner of the
confession ot Mrs. Nack. Thorn's face
flushed. . .
Mrs, Nack entered the court 'room at
"about 10 o'clock.. Thorn watched her
closely. She soon took the stand and
began the recital of her story. She said
Goldeneuppe was known as ber hus
band. Thorn boarded with them. Quar
rels in the family were frequent. On
one occasion GulderiBuppe kicked Thorn
down stairs. : Thorn .thereupon fired at
Guldensuppe with a pistol,. but did not
bit him. On another occasion Thorn
said he wanted to kill Guldensuppe, but
the witness objected and told him to
kill ber.
Gradually Lawyer Weller led the wit
ness up to the events of Friday morning,
Jane 25, the day on which - the crime
was com mi ted. The witness said ebe
and Guldersuppe left New York about
10 a. m., and after crossing the ferry
they boarded a car for Woodside cot
tage. "I bad a key to the house," she said,
"and opened the front door. I told Gul
densupp'e to examine the bouse while I
went into the yard. He went up stairs
and I beard a shot. Thorn came run
ning down, and when be met -me, said :
'I have shot him ; he is dead.' He was
excited and I was half dead," said tie
The witness said that at 5 o'clock in
the afternoon Thorn had various parts
of Guldensuppe's body tied up in par
cels. . When they were ready to leave
the cottage, she took one package and
Thorn took another, both going to the
ferry, where the head was' thrown over
board. On June 26 they returned to
the cottage for the remainder of the
body, which they also threw into the
During the recital of this story Thorn
listened to every word with, his lips
tightly com pressed.
Attorney Weller asked Mrs. Nack :
"Why do you make this statement."
She replied :
"I don't want to have it on my mind."
She then said :
"I make this statement of my own
free Will. No promise of mercy has been
made to me, but I wanted to clear my
mind; I don't care what they do witfi
During the cross-examination by At
torney Howe, Mrs. Nack admitted that
the Woodside house was rented fo the
Bole purpose of murdering Guldensuppe;
that she decoyed him. there, and that
she bought the material in which parts
of the body were wrapped. Adroitly the
lawyer made the witness own up to the
most damning and cold-blooded prep
arations for ridding herself of her lover.
' The cures of old sores effected by
Garland's- ""
Happy Thought Salve
are marveloue some say miracu
lous. Cleanse the affected part two
times a day, nsing good Castile soap
with warm water. Then apply the
Salve and cover with rubber gauze
to bold the moisture.
50 cents a jar-ostessS-at
Donnell's Drugstore.
Royal makes the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
N is
Absolutely Pure
Celebrated (or its great leavening strength and
bealthfulness. Assures trie food against alum
and all forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
' Royal Bakiku Powdkk Co. New York.
tract of the Hawaiian planters with the
Western Sugar Refinery will expire, It
will continue to handle that portion of
the crop, say from 40,000 to 50,000 tone,
that Clans Spreckles can control.
Of the remainder of 225,000 tons, 150,
000 tons will be placed on the market
by the California Beet Sugar & Refining
Company, in which Welch & Co., Geo.
W. Mcnear and and their friends are the
principal elements. '
Of the 130,000 tons of raw island, 90,
000 tons will be sent to New York, where
it has been sold to refineries independ
ent of the trust. .v
The remaining 60,000 tons will be re
fined at the California Beet Sugar and
Refining Company's works at Crockett,
on the Straits of Carquinez.
Three Salts are to be Filed Within a
Few Days.
San Fbaxcisco, Nov. 10. Within a
few days one or more contests are to be
filed in the superior court against the
trust will of thev late James G. Fair.
This will was dated September 21, 1894,
and the original was stolen from tbe
county clerk's office and never recov-.
ered. . ' '
There is certain to be a suit brought
by tbe children Mrs. Oelrichs, Miss
Virginia Fair and Charles L. Fair,. Mrs.
Nettie Craven' will probably file a second
suit, and a third may be commenced in
the name of an alleged grandchild of tbe
deceased millionaire.
The contests will be commenced on the
ground that Senator Fair was incompe
tent or ineane at the time he made the
trnet will, and that he was acting under
undue influence and duress.
Mrs. Craven's suit : will probably be
brought by her as the widow of the ex
senator. Judge' Slack's decision left
her in such a position that she must
fight tbe trust will if she expects to get
anything at all. The contest will ba
upon the same general ground as that of
the three children.
It is stated the contest of the heirs
will be brought to obtain relief in case
Judge Slack is reversed by tbe supreme
court in bis ruling destroying the trust
clause in the will.
Stands at tbe Bead.
Aug. J. Bogel, tbe leading druggist of
Shreveport, La., says : "Dr. King's
New Discovery is the only thing that
cures my cough, and it is the best seller
I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of
Saiford, Ariz., writes : "Dr. King's New
Discovery is all that is claimed for it ; it
never fails, and is a sure cure for Con
sumption, Coughs, and Colds. I cannot
say enough for its merits." Dr.' King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds is not an experiment.
It has been tried for a quarter of a cen
tury, and today stands at' tbe. bead. It
never disappoints. Free trial bottles at
Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 1
Dr. King's New Discovery for Cosump
, tlon- .
This is the best medicine in tbe world
for all forms of Coughs, Colds and Con
sumption. Every bottle is gauranteed.
It will cure and not disappoint'. It has
l no equal for Whooping Cough, Asthma,
Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La
Grippe, Cold In the Head and Consumption.--
It is safe for all ages, pleasant to
take, and, above all, a sure cure. It is
always well to take Dr. King's New Life
Pills in connection witb Dr. King's New
Discovery, as they regulate and tone the
stomach and bowels. We guarantee per
fect satisfaction or return money.' Free
trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's
Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents ' and
$1.00: . ;, .'
. Durrant to Hans Friday.
San Fkancisco, Nov. 10, William
Henry Theodore Dun-ant, condemned
murder of Miss Blanche Lamont, and
the supposed murderer of Miss Minnie
Williams also, was taken before Judge
Bahr this morning for the purpose of
having the date for his execution reset.
His attorney made a desperate attempt
to secure futber delay, but Judge Bahr
brushed aside all technicalities objecting
to the -pioceedings, and ordered that
Durrant's execution should take place on
Friday next. .
District Attorney Barns appeared be
fore Judge Bah re yesterday, and stated
that he bad received official notice that
the supreme court of the United States
bad affirmed the decision of the lower
court in the Durrant case. . Judge Bahrs
thereupon made an order directing that
Durrant be brought before him this
morning in order that a new date might
b.s set for tbe carrying out of tbe sen
tence already imposed upon the con
demned murderer. It was rumored last
evening that Friday next might be se
lected as the dav for tbe execution. The
events of tbe day have confirmed that
rumor as above related.
Durrant's attorneys have made a des
perate struggle to save the life of their
client, stubbornly fighting the case
through the courts, and -employing ev
ery subterfuge known to the legal pro
fession to delay execution of the death
sentence. Their last resource has now
been exhausted and it seemB probable
that tardy justice is about to overtake
the convicted murderer of Mibs Blanche
Lamont, and supposed murderer of Miss
Minnie Williams.
war against the trusts.
A California Sugar Combine to Take the
San Francisco, Nov. 10. The Chron
icle says :
Plans have been effected and tbe as
surance is given that everything will be
in readiness for fighting the eugar trust
on January 1, when tbe five years' con-
"The worst cold I ever bad in my life
was cured by Chamberlain's .'Cough
Remedy," w.ites W.H. Norton, of Sutter
Creek, Cal. "This cold left me with a
cough and I was expectorating all the
time. The remedy cured me and I want
all my friends when troubled with a
cough or cold to use it, for it will do
them good. . Sold by Blakeley & Hough
ton. .
Cash In Soar Checks.
All countv warrants registered prior
to July 7, 1893, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Oct. 27th,
1897. C. L. Phillips,
Countv Treasurer.
Baking powder at 25 cents or 30 cents a pound
never ought to have been sold , because good baking
powder is cheaper does more for the money.
' But now as the good times are coming back as the
newspapers say the excuse; for cheap baking powders
is even less than ever.
. Your money back if you don't like Schilling's Best
ai your grocer s. . :-' .
Is a necessity these raw. mornings and
evenings. The famous Kuh, Nathan &
Fischer Co. garments are now in. Get
Into one of them. Every one of the de
- signs as bright and fresh as the first
1 soft flake of snow.
Turn about.. .Leave It to your tailor for
$25. OO. or leave it to us for 15.00?
You're safe with this make,
fife give you a written guarantee
il. XvI. WXE-EbIsHXsS . c2 CO
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State o Ore
gon lor Wasco County. ;
The Oregon Railroad fc Navigation Company, a
corporation organized nnder the laws of the
State ot Oregon, Plaintiff,
. vs
Thomas J. Bulger and Bulger, his wife,
whose given name is unknown to plaintiff;
D. L. Cates, George Gardiner and Fannie E.
Gardiner, Defendants.
To Thomas J. Bulger, Bulger, whose given
name is unknown to plaintiff', George Gardi
ner and Fannie E. Gardiner, defendants.
you and each of you are hereby required to ap
pear a-td answer the complaint filed agninst you
in the above entitled actios on or before the
first dav of the term of the above entitled court
following the expiration of the time prescribed
in the order for the publication of this sum
mons, to wit: on or before the 8th day of No
vember, 1897, tbat being the first day of the next
regular term of said court, and if you fail to so
appear and answer the complaint of the plain
tiff, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to
the court for the judgment prayed for in sid
complaint, towit: For tbe condemnation and
appropiiation for right-of-way for a railroad of
a strip of land one hundred feet wide over and
across the following described lands: Commenc
ing at a point 1190 feet north from the southeast
corner of the southwest quarter of section sixf
township two north, range eight east, in Wasco
county, Oregon, thence north 70 feet to a point;
thence north 86 degrees 84 minutes east, 280 feet
to a point in the north boundary of the right-of-wav
of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Com
pari v, now Oregon Railroad and Navigation
Company's right-of-wav: thence southwesterly
along said north boundary of said right-of-way
to the place of beginning, containing 22-1G0 acres.
Also another tract of land situated in said sec
tion six, described as follows, to-wit: Com
mencing at a point in the south boundary of tbe
right-of-way of the said Oregon Railroad and
Navigation Company, which point is 1175 feet
north and 290 feet east of the southeast corner of
tbe southwest quarter of section six, township
two north, range eight east; thence north 86 de
grees and Si minutes east, 815 feet to a point on
the south boundary of the said right-of-way;
thence on a curve to the left with sua along the
said boundary of said right-of-way in a westerly
course to the plane of beginning, containing
47-100 acres; said land to be used for the re-location
of the railway of said plaintiff's across said
premises as provided by section 3241, Hill's An
notated Law of the State of Oregon. And plain
tiff will also take judgment for its costs and dis
bursements in this action.
This summons Is served upon the defendants
above named by publication thereof in The
Dalles Chronicle by order of Hon. W. L. Brad,
sbaw. Judge of the Seventh Judicial District of
the State of Oregon, made at chambers in Dalles
City, Oregon, this 25th day of September, 1897.
J. M. LONG and
! W. H. W ILSON,
septtd Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Mi Yor
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight" . Ei. change and Telegraphit
Transfers sold on .New York, (Jmcago,
St. .Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore-
?;on, beattle W ash,, and various points
n Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all point e on fav
orable terms.
k Weekly Tribune
Farmer's and Villagers.
Fathers and rilothers;
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family,.
With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the
fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and
business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and
nrominence. nntil another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the
light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception
to the present dav. and won its greatest victories. . . - i
Every possible effort will be pal forth, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting.
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and "N. Y. "Weekly Trib
tine one year for only $1.75.
Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best,
Tribune Office, New York City, ac i a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une will be mailed to you. - " , '
wasco warehouses
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, mTluf
Headquarters for 'Byers' Best" Pendle-
"p1! OUT - This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
ItUJ-L XT XKJkXX, B8e. every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
' We sell our goods lower than any bonse in the trade, and if yon don't think so
call and get oar prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.