The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 10, 1897, Image 3

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. Cole's Air Tight and
Hot Blast' o
51?e 5a' f
When A Mow's
4-Well Dressed
Life goes with a swing. There's no
greater luxury than good clothes and
surely none more sensible and eco
nomical. There's a feeling of satisfaction in
a perfect fitting suit nothing else can
give. You'll find it in oiir celebrated
H. S. & M. clothes. This is the
.ii.i 1TI II I II ill "ii W" ni'i nl
They heat a room in five minutes.
They save enough fuet the. firtt
year to pay for the ttove.
4 cents a day is the average cost of ;
. heating a large room with oar
. They burn anything and every
thing combustible. . ' ' .
A cord of wood equals a ton of
hard coal in any ot oar wood
It is only necessary to remove ash
es once in six' weeks from our
wood stoves.
They arc- safe and have a catch to
hold the cover while putting in
f fuel.
You have a fire every morning.
Oar hot blast draft furnishes a hot
air feed, not cold air, and naves
They are easily moved and set up.
Oar wood stoves are made with
either sheet iron or cast iron tops
in all sizes, for all purposes. .
They are jointless the connections
being Bo made that the greater
expansion of the lining don't af
feet the body.
There are no bolts exposed to the
fire to burn off or draw or open
up a joint.
Onr coal stove will burn slack and
makes a ton of soft coal equal to
a ton of hard coal.
BEWARE of infringers and inferior
imitations, they never equal the origin
al and cost as much.
Has been so much larger
than we anticipated, that our
stock has been demoralized, but
we have just received another
shipment, and can supply your
wants." ' V '-y,
The Wilson has Outside draft
and cast sliding top. Sold only
by' . . : .
The PallesJ)aay Clironicie.
f.VEMBER 10, 1897
Anderson is in the city
grain see
Mr. M. J
from Dufur.
For close prices on hay and
The Dalles Commission Co.
Wanted, girl to do general housework.
Apply at the European House. n9-ll
Ernest Jacobsen returned home last
night from a business trip in Grant
But four applicants for teachers' cer
tificates are attending the quarterly ex
amination, which began today.
- The case of the state against Millard
commenced yesterday is still on trial,
but will probably be concluded tonight.
The regular monthly meeting ot the
Endeavor society of the Christian church
is called for tonight. All members are
requested to take notice and be in at
tendance. i New sweet cider, raisins, sweet, soar
and dill pickets, pigs feet, pickle pork,
mackerel, salmon bellies, codfish, saner
kraut, cranberries, figs, dates, nuts, etc.
at Dalles Commission Co.'s store. 9-4t
It was rumored yesterday that Mr. E.
Jacobsen bad been recommended by the
delegations for the positon of postmas
ter of The Dalles. The rumor does not
seem to have anything tangible behind
it," though it may be true. Mr. Jacob
sen stated to our reporter that he had
heard nothing whatever about it. ' t
The case of N. O. Cedarson, adminis
trator, against tne u. K. & jn. was up
at the noon hour today for arrgument of
the motion to have the complaint made
more definite. Attorney Minor of Port
land appeared for the O. R. & N., and
Judge Bennett appeared for the plain
tiff. The case grows out of the killing
of Cedarson near Seufert's last spring.
McCarthy & McCoullogb, of the Linn
ton horse cannery, were in Pasco recent
ly, after horses, says the Pasco News.
They say they want all of Franklin coun
ty's horses, for'which' they pay $2.50 per
. head. They will probably ship five or
six more trainloads during the next few
weeks. Two dollars and a half is not
very much for a horse, but they take
everything as it comes, and in this way
the owners are satisfied to sell.
Dr. J. C, Wightman, of Branchport,
N. Y., has lately presented to WLitman
college in Walla Walla, a lock of Dr.
Marcus Whitman's hair. The hair is
brown in color, showing no trace of
gray. It was given by Dr. Whitman to
his sister, Mrs. Alice Wisewell, of Rush
ville, N. Y., on his last visit to the states
in 1843. The hair will be framed and
given a position in the college chapel
. alongside of a lock of Mrs. Whitman's
hair, presented to the college last year. 1
In asking for a new trial for his client,
. William Wicoff, who was recently, con
victed in Colfax, Attorney J. T, Brown
. presented an affidavit signed by Robert
McNealy, one of the jurors who tried
Wicuff, in which he says that he was
wholly influenced to return a verdict of
guilty by the speech of Prosecuting At
torney Matthews, and that the reference j
of the prosecuting attorney to the assault A
on Mrs. Rogers, at Garfield had great
influence npon him, and was largely re
sponsible for the verdict of guilty. "
Brilliant but innate stage pictures are
promised us on the appearance of Jule
Walthers in his merrv comedy "Side
Tracked," at the Vogt, Monday Novem
ber loth. Mr. Walthers is so "well known
to theater goers as the gentleman tramp.
that he hardly needs an introduction.
His natural method of portraving the
wandering Willie has made him world
famous, and his play, "Side Tracked,-"
lives because ot Mr. Walters' genius and
originality. During the action of the
play some high-class, vaudeville features
will be furnished. '
Word was received this morning tha
Neddy Briggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. S, P.
M. Briggs of this city, ib in a critical
condition. About a week ago Mrs.
Briggs took the little fellow, who was
suffering from inflammatory rheuma
tism, to the home of her mother in Che
halis, Wash., hoping that the climatic
change would improve him. He grew
better for a few days after his arrival
there; but afterwards, began to grow
worse, and although the bestphysicians
that conld be secured are attending him,
they pronounce his chances very poor,
as the rheuaiatisro has shifted to the vi
cinity of his heart, and inflammation
has set in in that organ.
Marshal Prefers the Freedom of
Bills to the Comfort of Jail.
Court Motes.
In the circuit court the following pro
ceedings were had yesterday and today :
Alice Brown vs Walter Brown .default,
to be tried in open court.
Board of Commissioners vs P T Sharp
et al, default entered, as to F P Taylor,
decree of foreclosure.
Johnston Bros vs F D Gillespie et al,
default rnd decree.
A E Burgen vs M D Burgen, decree
J A Guilford vs O M Bourlad, default
and decree.
John Bonn vs Geo W Howe et al, con
firmation granted.
James Like vs Wm A Miller et al, con
firmation granted.
The Northern Trust Co vs Mary J
Smith et al, default and decree.
Died at Huntington.
man named' Jones and another
named Marshal were arrested last night
charged with larceny of clothing. Con
stable Hill took them before Justice
Filloon this morning for examination.
The constable lett them for a few min
utes to fill out some legal papers, and
Marshal took advantage of the opportu
nity to step outBide. He is still outside
and probably still stepping. Jones re
mained and waB let go on his own rec
ognizance,the case being postponed until
4 o'clock this afternoon, at which ' time
it will ptobably be indefinitely . con tin
ued, unless Marshal should inconsider
ately show up. Mr. Roger Sinnott was
engaged to defend Marshal, but doesn't
see his way clear to do it as things are
at present, while Constable Hill, vainly
wondering which way Marshal went sees
o way to solve the difficulty.
Jones bears a good re pu ta tin, and
here seems to be no evidence to connect
lm with the case. Marshal, having
taken that remedy known by the home-
Jly phrase "leg bail," .makes at least a
quasi-admission of guilt. Else why
should he prefer the freedom of the roll-
ling bancbgrass hills at this inclement
period of the . year to the home com-
forts, not mention the luxuries iof
the county jail? Why expose himself
to the danger of having . to toil for his
daily bread, when so good an opportu
nity was at band to have it famished
him, along with beef and mustard, by
so genial a gentleman as John Fitzger
ald? Why soil his shoes with Wasco
county mud during the "sawdust days
of the year, when he might be taking
his morning exercise on the freshly
scrubbed asphalt of the' jail corridor?
Why prefer the thankless task of asking
for a hand-out, with Thanksgiving
turkey already ripening in every farm
But thus it is ever, man's best oppor
tunities' are neglected, and Marshal may
regret, before the hillsides are whitened
again, that he made so serious a mistake
J T.
Agricultural Implements, Champion
Mowers and Reapers, Cray er Headers, Bain
Wagons, Randolph Headers and Reapers.
Drapers, Lubricating Oils, Axle Grease.
Blacksmith. Coal and Iron.
Agents for Wankegan Barb Wire.
2nd Street, Cor; Jefferson, THE DALLES.
the fair, the committee has arranged
that all who desire to do so, may indulge
in- terpsichorean enjoyment. On this
evening gentlemen will be charged fifty
cents, ladies free.
As the ladies have a number of beauti
ful articles to dispose of, chances should
be purchased immediately as only those
who have chances can profit by the fair
and the tickets may be all sold if per
sons wait too long. . -
In Honor ofHIu Holverson.
ete Miie
Fishing Tackle, Notions, Baseball Goods, Hammocks, Baby .
Carriages, Books and Stationery at Bedrock Prices, at the !- "'''
Jacobsen Book & Music Go.
The young gentlemen friends of Missis
Lizzie Helverson of Salem, who is visit- 1 .
ing in this city, gave a danting party in jTew Vofft Block
her honor last night in thefcosy K. of. P. &
hall. About thirty couplis of the most
congenial persons imaginable were pres
ent, and the dancing vras thoroughly
enjoyed. As a surprise to the ladies and
a pleasant Variation the services of the
musicians who are now Meitiug the city
were secured, and the mftisic was perfect.
During the evening uiey favored the
guests with several wocal selections,
which were crreatlv annreciated.
Shortly after midnight the dancing
ceased, and the followHig persons seemed
delighted with the evening's pleasure: I
Judge and Mrs Bradebaw, Mr and Mrs j
A N Varney, Mr aid Mrs A J Tolmie, I
Mrs Hilton, Misses
Virginia Marden, Ma
Mattie Cusbing
Story, Minnie Lay,
Annette Micbell,
Lizzie Schooling, CI
Sampson. Maybel
Lizzie Holverson,
y Lay, Nona Ruch,
Rbse Michell, Etta
Laura Thompson,
tBeulah Patterson,
kra. Davis, Georgia
Jilack, Alice Lylei
Where will also be found the largest and most complete line,
of Pianos and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon.
Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
The Dalles, Oregon.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakesi Also
all kinds of Staple an'd Fancy Groceries.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer-
Closing put Sale
Alma Schanno, Myrtle Micbell, Mamie
Cusbing, Messrs G Bonn, J Bonn, G
Mays, F W Wilson, J F Hampshire,
G A Clarke, Chas Clarke, R H Lonsdale,
John Weigel, Fred Weigel, Ferd Dietzel,
Frank Cram, AL Gnde, Thos Pnrdy,
Victor Marden, A McCully, H Parkins,
R J Gorman, Lewis Porter, L Heppner,
ur. .uogan. Among moee woo were u
anppf vprA Tpnfira AT
John Booth, and Miss Cad Booth. KA11 ?er90na knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and
going to close ont their business, and they are offering their large stock at
, COST PRICES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap.
The Tych Mill.
settle their account.
Mr. F. S. Gordon who came in from
Tygh yesterday, this morning loaded ten
he turned bis back oil the jail ! wagons with the machinery for his new
I -ii a ii' . r. - -. .
Died, at Huntington, Or., Nov. 5th,
of congestion of the lungs. Will J.
Beezley, after an illness of only a few
comforts and the kindly ministrations
of John Fitzgerald. But be is gone like
a borrowed umbrella, never to return,
and uiay an unfaltering determination
lend strength to his legs, and kindly
Fate keep his back pointed this way
until he has traveled at leajt 13,000
The Catholic Fair.
The fair to be eiven bv the ladies of
j,he Catholic church will commence in
The funeral services took- place at the i the Vogt Opera house Tuesday, Novem-
famiiy residence in Huntington,: and
was attended by a large circle of friends.
The only immediate relatives present
were the wife' ot the deceased and his
niece, Miss ' Julia; Smith. The floral
tributes were very numerous, the coffin
being literally covered with them.
William Beezley was a son of .Joseph
Beezley, deceased, and-M. J. Beezley,
who now resides in St. Louia, and has
'many friends in this city, which was
his bo'yhood's home.
ber 23d. On that day doors will be open
at 7 :30 p. and on all other days from
2 to 5 p. in. and from 7 :30 till the pro
gram is ended. On each night a pleas
ing program consisting of vocal and in
strumental music, recitations and im
personations will be rendered, 1 .
The admission will be but ten cents,
children under 12 years of age with es
cort going free.
On Wednesday night, Thanksgiving
eve, by request of the many patrons of
mill, and this afternoon it is on its wav
to its destination, ine machinery ar--i
rived here last night in charge of Mr. J.H .i '
J. Ross, representative of the Case Man- ',
ufacturing Co, of Columbus, Ohio, and f
it certainly is of the very finest quality j
made. The power for the mill will be !
furnished by a turbine, wheel, which 1
with a seven feet fall will furnish . forty-
horse power. Mr. Gordon expects to
have his mill running in ten days,,
everything being ready for the placing of
the machinery, and when it starts the
Tygh Valley mills will undoubtedly pro
duce a braud of flour that will rank with
the best. ,
Near The Dalles, Nov. 10th, to the
wife of Captain A. H. Ward, of. the Sal
vation Army, a son. .
Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco
warehouse. Best feed. on earth. ni9-t
I7i$ED. w. wilsov, . .
Office over First Nat. Bank.
i postoffiee pa rmaqy,
CLARK & FALK, Proprietor's.
Puie Dtfugs and Medicines .
Toilet Articles and Perfumery,
pirst Jjr? of Imported apd DoriestiG $iars.
Telephone, 333.
New Vogt Block.
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