to VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 8, ? 1897 NO 259 POWERLESS TO ACT Alger's Reply to the Klon dyke Relief Committee. NEEDS AUTHORITY OF CONGRESS If an Appropriation is Made, the Depart ment wilt Co-operate with tlie Portland Committee Boston, Nov. 6. While in this city today to viiit hia eon, who is a Harvard student, Secretary of War Alger was seen in regard to the matter of the re quest of the merchants of Portland, Or., , and the chamber of commerce of that city, asking his official' assistance in sending supplies to the Klondike, through the co-operation of the war de partment. Secretary Alger stated that his department is waiting to get a report on the matter from Captain Ray. When last beard lrom Ray was at Fort Yukon, and was going to .Dawson City. The secretary has ordered reindeer to-St. Michaels, hoping there are stores of supplies there. He added : "We should have a report soon. Un til that comes I cannot do anything, as I will not know the true condition of af fairs and cannot tli just what it is best to do. . "In the matter of the request of the Portland chamber of commerce, I have no authority to act in such a case. Con gress is the only body that can place the forces of our departments at their dis posal for such a thing. If it was any thing in the way of army transportation if we had troops there I could act on my own responsibility. As a citizenI will do all I can, but officially I can do nothing without the authorization of congress." Alger to Mason. Washington, Nov. 6. Secretary Al ger today sent to W. S. Mason, presi dent ot the chamber of commerca of Portland, Oregon, the following telegram concerning the reported destitution in Alaska. "Your dispatch of the 4th, concerning Alaska sufferers received. Nothing can be done by the department without con gressional authority. But I suggest k that you get all the particulars, and the department will also - get what facts it can, andyou may submit a plan for re lief. You may be sure of active co-operation as soon as congress makes an appropriation, which, if found neceseary will be urged. The three-year-old boy of J. A. John son, of Lynn Center, 111., . is subject to attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson says he is sure that the timely use of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, during a se vere attack, Baved his boy's life. He is in the drug business, a member . of the firm of Johnson Bros., ot that place, and they handle a great many patent med icines for throat and lung diseases. He bad all these to select from, and skilled physicians to answer to his call, but se lected this remedy for use. in his own .borne at a time when his boy's life was in danger, because he knew it to be su perior to any other, arid famous the country over tor its cures of " the croup. Mr. Johnson says this is the best selling cough medicine they handle, and that it gives splendid satisfaction in ' all cases. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. rill povDin Absolutely Pure ROYAL SAKINO POWDER CO, NEW YOMC. Celebrated for its great leavening strength aud healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. , Royal Baking Powdeb Co. New York. . Before these strangers alighted the mag azine blew up with a report' heard ten miles away.' The only thing found that eveo was human was a piece of a man's toot. . All else, human beings, four horses and the wogons, were as if they had not existed. Where the magazine stood was a' deep, x yawning cavern. Windows were broken in every dwelling within a radious of half a mile. CONGRESSMAN ELLIS UN SILVER OLD SORES. Safe Was Blown Open. . Oregon City, Nov. 6. Some time last night the safe in the store of Ely Bros., in the Shively block,' was blown open and about $50 in . money and a note for $55.73 taken therelrom. Entrance to the store was effected . by prying out staples that beid the padlock fastenings Three holes were drilled through the outside of the safe door, in only one of which explosives could be introduced. The door was wrecked by the explosion. The money till was rifled, but the thieves overlooked a pocketbook con taining $160 that had been placed over the account books. The note was sign ed by George' Fehler and and Max Schulpius, and was dated November 4th. - The freigbthouse of the East Side Railway Company, in this city, was also broken Into last night. A pane of glass was broken in a window near the door, and through the break the spring lock inside was unfastened. There hap pened to be no goods there that the thieves could handle to advantage, and nothing was missed from the place. - A man giving the name of Ryan was arrested in Portland last night on sus picion that he is one of the men wanted for the Oregon City burglaries. . The sheriff of Clackamas county was in the city yesterday, and left the description of Ryan, for whom a warrant has been issued in Oregon City, charging him with burglary. On the description de tectives located him in a Third street saloon. He will be taken to Oregon City today. x Dr. King's Sew DlKCOTery for Cosnmp tlon. This is the best medicine in the world for all forms of Coughs, Colds and Con sumption. Every bottle is ganranteed. It will cure and not disappoint. It has no equal for Whooping Cough, Asthma, Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Cold In the Head and Consump tiou. It is safe for all ages, pleasant to take, and, above all, a sure cure. It is always well to take Dr. Ktng'aNew Life Pills in connection with Dr. King's New Discovery, as they regulate and tone the. stomach and bowels. We guarantee per feet satisfaction or return money. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. ' - - - ' A Terrlfne Explosion. New Mabtinsnillb, W. Va. Nov. 6.: At Pine Fork today, Wm. Conn, of Cuba N. Y.. drove to the nitroglycerine mag azine with a two-horse wagon to get twelve gallons of nitroglycerine to shoot some oil wells over which he has super vision. Whjleihe was inside another two-horse - wagon with two men in it, who have not been -identified, drove up. The cures of old sores effected by Garland's-""""50 Happy Thought Salve are marvelous some sav miracu lous. ,.- Cleanse the affected part two times a day, using good Castile soap with warm water. . Then apply, the Salve and cover with rubber gauze to hold the moisture. $200022 Don't waste your time and money and health on weak- cheap and alum-cheap baking powders. Ask vour' grocer " Can I really afford to buy such ?" A Schilling & Company . an rranciscoa 2218 ifinmffK Says He Would Tote Against Bill For Free Coinage by the United States Alone. Bakek City, Or., Nov. 6. Congress man Ellis arrived here yesterday, and after spending the day pleasantly with friends, returned to bis home in Hepp ner, on this afternoon's train. , During an interview with an Oregon ian correspondent, he was requested to define bis position on the silver' ques tion. In his reply he stated that in this, as well as all. other qustions con nected with national . legislation, he is guided solely by; the last republican platform, enunciated ' in St. Louis in June, 1896. It was then suggested to Mr. Ellis that among the mass of voters there may be many who, while-', staunch republi cans, may not have read that platform, Mr. Ellis said "In order that there may be no doubt as to my construction of it, you can say for me, that if an attempt 'should be made to pass a bill. in congress, advocat ing the free and unlimited coinage of silver by the United States alone, I shall most decidedly vote against it. This is the purpose and intent of the platform, and I shall live up to it in every partic olar. I am frank enough to admit that there was a time when I entertained dif ferent views, but that time has passed." Mr. Ellis also express the opinion that, owing to the daily increasing pros prosperity among the ' people of the United States, and the superior tact and business ability displayed by President McKinley, the voters of this country ; were rapidly becoming more disposed, to. leave the solution of the financial prob lems to the present administration, and the silver question, as a political factor, does not occupy the important position which it did during the last campaign. State of Ohio, City op Toledo) .Lucas County, J Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney &. Co., doing business in the City of TDledo, County and state afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1890. A. W. Gleason, seal . Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken- internal ly and acts directly on . the blood and raucuos surfaces of the system... Send for testimonials, tree. i. J. Cheney a Co., Toledo, O. ' S3fSold bv Druggists, 75c. No. 3-11 " Shot Twice at Close Range. Colfax, Wash., Nov. 6. Cy Heather- ly a farmer, shot Dan downs twice at close range today, ' one bullet going through his right ear and the .other lodging in his left arm. The men . were standing on main street at the time. Had not .both bullets struck Downs, some innocent party would undoubtedly have.been shot, as the street was crowd ed with men, women and children. The men bad been quarreling.. Downs was beastly drunk and accused Heath- erly of talking about him. Heatberly tried to avoid him and borrowed a re volver. Electric Itinera. . Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gener ally needed when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is "torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. .No medl cine will act more snreiy counteracting and freeing the system irciri ;he malar ial poison. ' Headache, Indigestion, Con' Btipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bit ters. 50c and $1.00 per bottle at Blake ley & Houghton's drug store.' v . Cth to .loor Cbccki.; All countv warrants registered prior to July 7, 1893, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases fter -Oct. 27th, 1897. -, U. L.!Ph.t,ip8j , ' County Treasurer, 1L QKOffl Is a necessity these raw mornings and evenings. The famous Kuh, Nathan .& Fischer Co. garments are now In. Get into one of them. Every one of the de signs as bright and fresh as the first ; soft flake of snow. Turn about.. .Leave it to your tailor for '$25. OO or leave it to us for $15.00? You're safe with this make, Ife give you a written guarantee X H. TJZ. FJIILjIbIIJIS dl G0' SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State ol Ure gon for Wasco County. I The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, a corporation organized unuer laws ui m3 State oi Oregon, Plaintiff, vs Thomas J. Bulger ana Bulger, his wife, whose given name is unknown to piaiuun; D. L. Cates, George Gardiner and Fannie E. Gardiner. Defendants. To Thomas J. Bulger, Bulger, whose given name is unknown to plainliti, ueorge uarai- ner and Fannie E. Gardiner, defendants: IX THE NAME OK THE STATE OK OREGON you and each of you are hereby required to ap pear a'ja answer tne compiaiui uieu ugaiuni. uu in the above entitled action on or before the first dav of the term of the anove entitled court following the oxniration of the time orescribed in the order for the publication of this sum mons, to wit: on or before the 6th day of No vember, 1897, tbat being the first day of the next regular term of said court, and if you fail to so appear and answer the complaint of the plain- tin, lor want tnereoi me piainua win aupiy wi the court for the Judgment prayed for in sxid complaint, towit: For the condemnation and appropriation for a right-of-way for a railroad of a Btrip of land one hundred feet wide over and across tne iouowingaescnoeu xauus: uuiiuout ine at a roint 1190 feet north from the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section six, township two north, range eight east, in Wasco countv, Oregon thence north 70 feet to a point: tnence north fM degrees .4 minutes east, -zw iev to a point in the north boundary of the right-of-wav of the Oreeon Railway and Navigation Com pany, now Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company's right-of-way: thence southwesterly along saia norm oounaary 01 saia rigut-ui-waj to tne place ol oeginuing, containing a-ini acres. Also another tract of land situated in said sec tion six, described as follows, to-wit: Com mencing at a point in the south boundary of the right-of-way of the said Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company, which point is 1175 feet north and 290 feet east of the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section six, township two north, range eight east; thence north 86 de grees and 34 minutes east, 815 feet to a point on tne south Dounaary ot - tne saia rigni-01-way ; thence on a curve to the left with and along the said boundary of said right-of-way in a westerly cburse to the place of beginning, containing 47-iuo acres; said land to De used tor tneie-ioca-tion of the railway of said plaintiff's across said premises as provided by section 8241, Hill's An notated Laws of the State of Oregon. And plain tiff will also take judgment for its costs and dis bursements in this action. This summons Is served upon the defendants above named by publication thereof in The Dalles Chronicle by order of Hon. W. L. Brad, shaw, Judge of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Oregon, made at chambers in Dalles City, Oregon, this 25th day of September, 1897. W. VT. LUllUfl, J. M. LONG and W. H. WILSON, sept5 Attorneys for Plaintiff. York Weekly fa Tnbiiite FRENCH & CO:, BANKERS. TRANSACT A liKNEKALBAKKING BUB1NE3 Farmers and Villagers, FOR r' , Fathers and Mothers, ' . FOR ' ' '' . ' ' . Sons and Daughters, .. for ' All the Family, r With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes tho fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far Icbb space and prominence, until - another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the fight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day. and won its greatest victories. . Every possible effort will be pat forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instrnctive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. "We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. jst . Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Office, New York City, aci a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to vou. WascoWarehoosa Gpftipanv Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. , . Sight Exchange and ' Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. : t ' Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. " - r Subscribe for Ths Chronicle. Headquarters for Seed ; Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain4 of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran; Shorts; 'ld Headquarters for "Byers' Bfest" Pendle- ;' TTIonT ' This Flour is manufactured expressly for family J- XVyU.1.. u8e. every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. . We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so. call and get our prices and be convinced. - . iest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.