The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 06, 1897, Image 3

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Cole's Air Tight and
Hot Blast
Stye 5a' of
When A Fellow's
Well Dressed
Life goes with a swing. There's no
greater luxury than good clothes and
surely none more sensible and eco
nomical. There's a feeling of satisfaction in
a perfect fitting suit nothing else can
give. You'll find it in our celebrated
H. S. & M. clothes. This is the
- ----- -T--?-
I i i ii in mim i i win nniiiiliriiwil
They beat a room in five minutes.
They save enough fuel the firfct
' ytar to pay for the etove.
4 cents a day is the average coet'of
heating a large room with our
They burn anything and every
thing combustible. .
A cord of wood" equals a ton of
hard coal in, any ot. our wood
heaters. . -
It ia only necessary to remove ash
ee once in six weeks from our
wood stoves. -
They am safe and have a catch to
hold the cover while putting in
fuel. -
You have a fire every morning.
Our hot blast draft furnishes a hot
air feed, not cold air, and oaves
fuel. . -
They are easily moved and set up.
Our wood stoves are made with
either sheet iron or cast iron tops
in all sizes, for all purposes.
They are jointless the connections
being so made that the greater
expansion of the lining don't af-
feet the body. . ,
There are no bolts exposed to the
fire to burn off or draw or open
up a joint. . . " .
Our coal stove will burn slack and
; makes a ton of soft coal equal to
a ton of hard coal.
BEWARE of infringers and inferior
imitations, they never equal the origin
al and cost as much.
The Dalles Daily Gtoonieie.
Random Oonervations and Local Event!
of Lesser Magnitude.
to have
holstered in leather instead of plush, j is a graduate of the following opthalmic
This new line of cars connects at Spok- j college's : At Berlin." Germany,. Phila
ane with similar cars running to and j delphia, Penn., and Winona, Minn,
from St. Paul without change. . nov3-6 I For the sake of a few home testimoni
Otto Krahn.'a convict in the peniten- : al8 he will, for the next thirty days,
tiary at Salem, was shot and instantly j make a special reduction in all glasses.
The social hop. which was
been given by the Rathbone Sisters, has
been indefinitely postponed
' Wanted An experienced cook and
housekeeper. Middle-aged lady pre
ferred. Call at 282, Third St. 2-4t
Rev. J. DeForest arrived home Thurs
day night, and the usual services will be
held tamorrow at the Episcopal church.
This evening - another delightful
dance will be given at the Baldwin. Ad
mission for gentlemen 50 cents, ladies
Mrs. Roderic McNeil died at Mosier
yesterday. The funeral will take place
from the Catholic church tomorrow at
3 o'clock.
Have your eyes examined by Prof. P.
G. Daut, tne scientific optician, at
Liebe's jewelry store, in the Vogt block.
Examination free.
Columbia Chapter, No. 33, O. E. S.,
will hold memorial services in Masonic
hall Sunday, Nov. 7th, at 2 p. m. All
members are requested to be present. .
Owing to the small space of the Bald
win the ball to be given by Cedar Circle
will be held in the Vogt opera house.
Those who have received invitations
please make note of this change.
The Dalles Corps, Salvation Army,
will have a swearing in of recruits and
a coffee Bupper tonight at their barracks,
preceded by an illuminated street march.
Silver collection at the door.
Tomorrow at the Methodist Sunday
school Rev. Wood will give the children
another short illustrated' taik on the
, subject of "Light." Beside a song and
class recitation will be given by the
children. Parents of the children and
friends are invited to be present.
. We are informed - that Astoria has
offered a bonus of $50,000 to Mr. Byers,
the Pendleton miller, to induce him to
establish his plant at that joint. Astoria
is wide-awake but Byers will probably
re-establish bis business in the center of
tne wheat belt, where he has the first
chance at the crop. In addition to the
money, a site for the mill is also offered. J
Christopher C. ' Woodford of Duf ur
1'. 1 1 1 . 1 . .1 XT O I 1 V
office today. Few would suspeot from
the Christopher C. that it stood for the
famous old scout, Kit Carson, but such
is the fact, and Christopher C. Wood
ford in Nevada was known as Kit Wood
ford, He was born in Carson valley,
being the first white child born in what
is today the Btate ot Nevada.
The splendid family tourist sleepers of
the Great Northern are now runniug
daily between Portland and Spokane,
on the Spokane flyer via CC R. & N.
These cars differ from the ordinary
tourists sleepers, being built on the
same plan as regular sleepers but up-
killed by Guard McCormick Thursday
evening. McCormick had just been ap
pointed guard, and was on duty for tbe
first time. Krahn, who was sent from j
Multnomah county for eight years Jan. I
1, 1893, undoubtedly thought McCor- I
mick being green, would not shoot, but
he was mistaken
Mr, James Sellick sent in this morning
some specimens of spuds grown on 16
Mile that would soon disseminate the
famine in Ireland. The potatoes weigh
from two to four pound each, are solid
to the core, tree from codlin moth or
San Jose ecale, and are warranted good
Call and have your eyes examined, as
he will tell tell yon just what is needed.
Examination free.
Caynses For Canning.
keepersj'We forgiT the name of the
variety, but if they are not Bellflowers
or Baldwins, they must belong to the
Polled Angus, Shropshires, Chester
Whites or Plymouth Rocks. We are
not certain, but make these suggestions
as suggestions only.
The funeral of John Grant took place
this morning from the Episcopal church.
The long procession following the hearse
spoke eloquently of the esteem in which
the dead man was held. We learn since
noting bis death. yesterday, that he was
born in Denbead Dramblade Hantley,
Aberdeinshire, Scotland, in March 1S50.
He served nine and a half years as con
stable in Yorkshire, came to America in
1882, and to Oregon in 1884. He died
Tuesday. Nov. 2, and we are informed
leaves one brother in Scotland, and it is
thought one in Canada.
The city council met last night in
special session, and granted a franchise
to the Parrott Lighting Company, be
sides making a'contract for the lighting
of the city for a period Of five years at
the agreed price of $1000 per year. Be
sides this the company agrees to furnish
12 office lights.yl'heiglits "are eaid "to
be of fine quality, and those shown at
Mays & Crowe's some time since
were certainly gcod. We hope the
lights may prove all that was expected
of them, though we must confess a pre
terence for the electric glow:
Pofrssor P. 6 Dant Here.
Sixteen carloads of caynses from the
buncheraes hills of Umatilla were most
i hospitably entertained last night f$l the
ipaltmarsbe stock yards, and at 1 o'clock
It is afternoon tbe train carried them to
heirjdestination at Linnton, on the Wil
iraette. There their rich and gamey
esh will be put in cans, tbe hoofs and
aste worked into glue and fertilizers,
nd the bones prepared for knife handles
and such. The only thing apout these
long-maned rangers of the bills that
cannot be utilized is the back, and as
this is tbe largest and most energetic
portion of the animals, it eeenis too bad
that it cannot be in some manner saved.
Edison or Tesla might find I here a vast
fund of energy that in BomQ way might
be transferred into light, heat .or force;
but until they do, the consumers of the
canned goods may well congratulate
themselves, as their gaBtric juices get in
tneir work on tne contents of tbe cans,
that the Linnton company could not
seal up and preserve the concen trated
devilment and ubiquitous movements of
those same cayuses.
Kew Railroad Bridge Shifted Into Place
In Two Minutes Twenty-night Seconds.
Has been so inuch larger
than we anticipated, that our
stock has been demoralized, but
we have just received another
shipment, and can supply your
wants. . ' ..
The Wilson has Outside. draft
and cast sliding top.: Sold only
by : V
J. T. Peters & Co.,
Agricultnral Implements, . Champion
Mowers and Reapers, Craver Headers, Bain -Wagons,
Randolph. Headers and Reapers,
Drapers, Lubricating Oils, Axle Grease.
, Blacksmith Coal and Iron.
Agents ior Waukegan Barb Wire. '
2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, THE DALLES.
Complete Line
Harry C. Liebe has .engaged the ser
vices of Mr. Daut, who comes to our city
highly recommended as a scientific op
tician ; one who does not guess at the
requirements of the eye, but gives the
proper correction in all cases. He fits
with accuracy ail cases, of myopia, pres
byopia, hypermetropia, heterapboria,
asthenopia and astigmatism in all its
different forms Special attention given
to children's eyes, which should not be
neglected while they are young and at
tending to their: studies. ' He can cor
rect and cure cross-eye by the-use of
lenses, using no medicine whatever.
Mr. Daut has testimonials from dis
tinguished clergymen, congressmen,
presidents, and aleo from the crowned
heads of Europe. While in Berlin, Ger
many, he was assistant inspector of the
Prussian army for color and eight. He
What tbe Shakers of Mount Lebanon
know more about than anybody else, is
the use of herbs, and how to be perfectly
They have studied the power of food.
Thev nearly all live to a ripe old age.
i The Shaker Digestive Cordial, pre
pared by the Shakers from herb9 and
panta with aspecial tonic power over
the stomach. .
jit helps the stomach digest the food
and food is tbe strength-maker. '
Strong muscles, strong body, strong
brain all .come from properly digested
food, - -
A eick stomack can be cured and di
gestion made easy by Shaker Digestive
It cures the nausea, loss of appetite,
pain in the stomach headache, giddinesss
weakness and all tha Other symptoms of
indigestion, certainly and permanently.
Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10 cts.
What is believed to be one of the
greatest engineering feats on record was
undertaken successfully in Philadelphia
recently on the New York division of
tbe Pennsylvania railroad. The ola iron
span in the bridge crossing the Schuyl
kill river in the Fairmonnt park was re
placed by a new structure of steel in
the space of 2 minutes and 28 seconds,
accurately timed.
Owing to the heavy equipment which
the railroads are adopting to meet the
demandfjof heavier traffic the old span
in tbe bridge was deemed too light. A
new steel Bpan has been in progress of
construction tor some months on false
work erected in the river alongside of
and parallel to the old one. It is known
as a Pratt trues epan.
1 The problem presented itself how to
substitute the new structure for the old.
It was effected between the passage of
two way train 8 over tbe bridge nine
minutes apart. In that short time the
tracks were cut from the old span, both
structures . were raised by hydraulic
jacks and settled on 136 iron rollers
three feet in diameter which moved on
two tramways. These tramways extend
ed on the opposite side of the bridge far
enough to hold the old span when the
new one was shifted into its place.
At a given eignal stationary engines
set tbe shifting process in motion, and
it was completed smoothly and success
fully in less than 2-o minutes. The
weight on the tramways was 1,700 tons.
The tracks were rejointed and the entire
operation was effected without delay to
the next train to arrive.
Tbe new span is double tracked and is
242 feet long, 25 feet wide and 30 feet
above tbe surface" of the river. New
Yoik Sun.
In The Dalles, Saturday, Nov. 6th, to
Mr. and Airs. Unas. Aldeu, a son.
Jn Hood River, Nov. 5th, to Mr. and
Mrs. S. E. Bartmess, a daughter.
In Hood- River, Friday, Nov; 5th to.
Mr. and Mrs. Packard, a daughter.
In Hood River valley, Oct. 30th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Wickham, a son.
In Hood River valley, November 1st,
to Mr- and Mrs. Dorrnnce Smith, a
At the Umatilla House, Thursday,
Nov. 4th,' bv Justice Filloon. Napoleon
Bulley and Miss Esther E. Rothey, bothy
of Dufar. ' ""
- .Fishing Tackle, Notions, Baseball Goods, Hammocks, Baby .
- Carriages,. Books and Stationery1 at Bedrock Prices, at the .
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
vVhere will also be found the largest and most, complete line
of Pianos and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon.
Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
New Vogt Block, , . The Dalles, Oregon.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
G EO RGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
dosing Out Sal
Are going to close out their business, and t bey are offering their large stock at
COST PRICES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and
settle their account. - t.
Mr. J. E. Remus was in from Boyd
yesterday and called at this omce,
H. C. Rooper of Bakeoven was among
those who attended the funeral of John
Grant today. -
-" Miss Lizzie Holverson of Salem, who
has been visiting friends in Portland,
came up on the train last night, and is
a guest of Miss Myrtle Michell. .
Mr. Sisson, of Pottawatamie county.
Kansas, is visiting Mr. - and Mrs
Richards, his wife's parents, tie is
much impressed with Oregon, and may
conlude to remain with us.
Mrs. Lannerberg and her neice. Mi
Berg, were passengers on the Regulator
this morning bound lor Portland, trom
which place they will go to Oakland
Calif., to remain the winter.
Mrs. G. W. Gray, who has been visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Patterson,
in this city, returned' to Salem vester-
day. - Miss Beulah Patterson accompa
nied her as far as' Portland.
Mr. fclenrv Stead ot ilood .Kiverrwho
has been in Sherman county tor some
time; stopped long enough this morning
on his way home to renew his subscrip
tion to The Chronicle, and departed
with a contented smile, knowing he was
fixed for the winter.
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powjer
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jtye postoffiee piparmay,
CLARK & FALK, Proprietors.
Puie tPUQs and JVIedieines.
. Toilet Articles and Perfumery,
irpst t) of Imported ar;d porestie iars.
Telephone, 333. r V New, Vogt Block.
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