When A Fellow's Well Dressed Life goes with a swing. There's no greater luxury than good clothes and surely none more sensible and eco nomical. ., Thece's a feeling of satisfaction in a perfect fitting suit nothing else can give. You'll find it in our celebrated H. S. & M. clothes. This is the label. . HART, 60HAFFNER & MARX. iiiiJHii I. ! I II....... .... GUARANTEED CLOTHING. I ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Ghronieie. and is considerably higher than at any I other point. This is due largely to the I river competition, which compels the j What the COUNCIL MEETING. THURSDA ! hauling of wheat at the very lowest NOVEMBER 4, 1897 j Ta,PH. Th old stanrl-hv. the T P A A. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random Ooservation and Local Events of Lesser Magnitude. City Fathers Did Night's Meeting;. at Last Lutheran bazaar Tonight at the Vogt. J. B. Rand, of Hood River, was in the city last night. Doug Langille was up from Hood River last night. ; The big rooster is again in place on the Catholic church. -J Mrs. J. Campbell of Spokane is spend ing a few days with her sister. Miss M. Bottorff. Don't forget that the time card of the O. R. & N. has changed, for if you do you will "get left." ' One solitary d. d. was before the city recorder today, but was returned to jail to sober up previous to trial. The O. R. & N. will not put boats on The Dalles and x Portland run before spring and probably not then. The regular meeting of the Rathbone Sisters will be held this evening. All members ate requested to be present. Wanted An experienced cook and housekeeper. Middle-aged lady pre ferred. Call at 282, Third St. 3-4t There is every indication of a genuine etorm, but whether it is to be ram or enow the goose-bone prophet sayeth not. . . 'Anyone wishing to dispose of a good blooded pup, communicate with H. E. Ramsaur, Warm Springs Agency, giving description and price. 2-2t A letter received from Rey. J. DeFor eat informs his parishoners that he ex pects to return some time this week, and hold the usual services next Sunday in the Episcopal church. Judge Bennett returned from Salem last, night, he haVing gone there to argue a motion to dismiss the appeal in the case of Burnes and Levi Jones against the Oregon Lumber Co. It is said that Lane county will have the greatest acreage of fall grain this year ever known. The ground is in ex collent condition, and the weather could not be better. The early-Bown grain is looking first class. Mrs. S. P. M. Briggs left this morning for the home of her parents in Chehalis, taking with her little Neddie, who has been suffering for some weeks with in flammatory rheumatism, and whom she hopes will be benefited by the change. Dr. Hollister went to Grants last night to repair the damages suffered by Ernest Drews in wrestling with a telephone pole. . The pole fell with him, but Ernest came out on. top, the only dam age done being a severe bruise be re ceived from the cross-beam striking him. . The price of wheat in The Dalles is about the same as' the price in Portland, X. Co., has brought about this condition ot affaire, and 'the producers of the In land Empire should not forget it. Dr. W. Reilly, assistant 'health com missioner of Chicago, has written to Dr. Hirschfelder of San Francisco for full information regarding the oxy tuberculin cure for consumption discovered by that physician. A number of physicians who are interested in Dr. Hirschfelder's cure are agitating the question of founding a free laboratory and dispensary in Chi cago, where poor people afflicted with consumDtion mav co for treatment The splendid family tourist sleepers ofV the Great Northern are now running jr daily between Portland and Spokane, on the Spokane flyer via O. R. & N. These cars differ from the .ordinary tourists sleepers, being built on the saiue pian as regular Bieepers not up- holstered in leather instead of plusjt inis new line ot cars connects at Spok ane with similar cars .running to and from St. Paul without change. nov3- Joseph McCoy was hurt yesterday n oar Dufur while coupling his trail wagon to the front one. The clevis on the tongue of the trail missed the shank ou which it rests, and as a result Mr. McCoy was caught between the two wagons. His collarbone wos broken. and as this, was all 'the damage he re The city council met last night. Pres ent, Mayor Nolan, Councilmen Thomp son, Wood, Saltmarehe, Kuck, Stephens, Johnson, Chanjolin, Clough. Minutes of meetings of October read und approved. . Petition of committee of fire delegates aeking for the purchase of more hose, referred to committee on fire and water, with power to act. The case of J. C. Baldwin vs. Dalles City et al., was referred to judiciary committee, with pjwer to act. Mr. Clough, of the water committee, made verbal report concerning water lugs, recommending the payment of ills for the same when the plugs were tested. Reports of officers for month of Octo ber were gead and on motion received, nd the amounts reported by the mar- hal and the officers' salaries were or dered paid. The special committee on streets and lights made a verbal report recommend ing the use of the Parrott lights. -.The ubBtance of ' the contract is that fifty ights are to be furnished for $1,000 a ear, and for franchise they agree to rnish' twelve office lights for ninety- nine years free. It was moved and car ried that the committee acting hereto fore be instructed to have ordidance pre a narrow escape. We started to couple a wagon that way down in White Pine in '69. The swamper who did the coupling .lived long enough tp tell us that the end ot the back-action tongue missed the hind-axle of the front wagon, but we knew that anyway from the re sults. - ' Slot hers Meeting;. The W. C. T. U. holds its next moth ers' meeting at the Congregational church on Friday at 3 -.00 p. m. A cor- ial invitation is extended to all. The ollowing programme will be rendered y the pupils of the public schools : ng Awake . . , Class Recitation ......... ..Nina Neilsen Recitation Ruth Gibbons Recitation. ' .. Ethel Ruark Recitation Dollies Johnson Recitation Josie Kellar Song Sweet Sabbath Eve Class Recitation, . i. ... Nora Borders Recitation. . ..Josie Nicklesen Recitation Dessie Nielsen Recitation .Carrie Brown Recitation Lucile Crate j Recitation . . .Leilla Guthrie pared in accordance with above ideas. ceived, he may congratulate himself on 'And t.r report Friday npht . . . It. was moved and carried that the ordinance concerning bicycles and veloc ipedes be placed on final passage. Ayes: Thompson, Wood, Saltmarshe, Stephens, Johnson, Clamplin, Clough, Johns. Noes: Kuch. And so the or dinance passed. , . Bill of A. J. Long for fire plugs be paid when missing parts arrived. The bill of Millard's . hospital dues was ordered paid. Bill of D. S. Dufur for insurance re ferred to finance committee.- , ' The matter of sidewalks was referred to judiciary committe and council ad journed. BILLS ALLOWED. C F Lauer, marshal. ........ Geo Brown, engineer J S Wiley, nightwatchman. . C J Crandall. treasurer R B Sinnott, recorder Mays St Crowe, mdae....... St Vincents hospital fee. J P Peters & Co, radge. . . ' . , Electric Light Co Maier & Benton, mdse. . . Dalles Lumbering Co, mdse. Ward, Kerns & Robinson.. Spivey & Co, mdse. Soug I'm a Pilgrim.. Ella McCoy and Martha Jefl'ers Recitation .....Winnie Wilson i Gunning & Hockman, mdse Becitation .. .... ...... Recitation. l.Lnla Nicholas Recitation. .Constance French Song Tramp, Tramp, Tramp. Paper Literature and Vice.. .Mrs. James Wilson , "Did you hear what Whim perton's little, boy eaid when they showed him the twins?" . . . ' "No; what was it?" . - "He said: 'There! .Mamma's been gettin' bargains again.'" Collier's Weekly. TJna Wilson W A Johnston, mdee. i.- T : : l v. . 1 1 ieujiujiu, ivuur Waterworks, rent.... H Clough, mdse James Like, labor..... John Huebner. labor.. W H Butts, labor . ... J F Hidy, labor.....-.: James Harper, labor. . . Mrs. Fraser, meals. . Columbia hotel, meals. C F Lauer, fees. . . .- $ '75 00 75 00 60 00 20 00 50 00 3 88 87 50 14 08 27 90 2 28 122 56 4 25 1 00 3 75 21 49 1 00 32 00 2 50 17 70 43 00 9 00 8 80 15 00 . 3 30 1 70 16 00 Cole's Air Tight and Hot Blast ; 1 " HEATERS - i HRE THE BEST ?V They heat a room in five minutes. rA They save enough fuel the firtt " year to pay for the stove. 4 cents a day is the average cost of heating a large room with our stoves. They burn anything and every- thing combustible. A cord of wood equals a ton of hard coal . in any of our wood . ' heaters. , .- . . It is only necessary to remove ashr es once in six weeks from our wood stoves. - They aro sale and have a catch to hold the cover while putting in fUel. . - You have a fire every morning.' Our hot blaet draft furnishes a hot . air feed, not cold air, and naves :- fuel. They are easily moved and set up. Our wood stoves are made with either Bheet iron or - cast iron tops in all sizes, for all purposes. - They are jointless the connections being so made that the greater . expansion of the lining don't af ' feet the body. There are no bolts exposed to the fire to burn off or draw or open up a joint. . Our coal stove will burn slack and makes a ton of soft coal equal to a ton of hard coal. BEWARE of infringers and inferior imitations, they never equal the origin V al and cost as much. MAIER & BENTON. The Bazaar Last Night 5r;e 5 of A large crowd attendee! the Lutheran bazaar last night at he Vogt opera house, where are taety arranged .the different booths, presided over by beau tiful young ladies, wpio will sell yon everything useful and ornamental Especially pretty is the booth situated in the right hand corner of the hall. where are sold numerous fancy articles,' and where brownies reign supreme; but not more attractive than the doll booth. In fact all are pretty. The chance booth was well patronized yesterday, each person paying ten cents and trusting to luck whether a blank is drawn or some article. Miss Bertha Glenn was particularly , fortunate drawing a gold watch. -- The program last ' night Dalles audiences are alway when they are permitted the Birgfeld orchestra, and sion they were doubly fa vorj ing some solos and a reci The ladies are much pi their success so far, as the attendance is good and articles selling' fast. I They ex pect a full house tonight, when an extra fine program will be rendfered. The three-year-old boy of J.' A. John son, of Lynn Center. - 111., is subject to attacks of croup. Mr. JobnBon says he is sure that the timely use of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, during a se vere attack, saved bis boy's life. He is in the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Broe.,ot that place, and they handle a great many patent med icines for throat and lung diseases. He had all these to select from, and skilled physicians to answer to his call, but se lected this remedy for . use in his own home at a time when his boy's life was in danger, because he knew it to be su perior to any other, and famous the country over tor its cures of the croup. Mr. Johnson savs this is the best Bellini; cough medicine they handle, and that it gives splendid satisfaction in all cases. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. : Teachers' Kxamluatlon. Subscribe for The Chbonici.k. Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates tor teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public exam ination in The' Dalles, Oregon, begin-? ning Wednesday, November 10, at 1 o'clock p. m. . C. L. Gilbert. tf Wasco County School Supt. MAKK1ED. At the residence of C. W. Haight, in this city, on November 3rd, by W. C. Curtis, pastor of the Congregational church, Elijah C, Haiehtand Miss Helen M. Warner, both of Wasco county. Bucklen'a annca aalvev . . The best salve in the world for cure, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feei sores, tester, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cui s piles, or no pay . required It is guaranteed to give perfect "satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. - For sale by Blakeley and Honghton, druggists. . Mr-Tif?t Heaters J Has been so much larger than we anticipated, that our stock has been demoralized, but wehave just received another shipment, and can supply your wants. .' ..... , , The Wilson has Outside draft and cast sliding top. Sold only 4 MAYS & CROWE, J T. & Go., -DEALERS IN- Agricultural Implements, Champion , Mowers and Reapers, Craver Headers, Bain Wagons, Randolph Headers and Reapers. Drapers, Lubricating' Oils, Axle Grease. : Blacksmith Coal and Iron. Agents for Waukegan Barb Wire. 2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, THE DALLES. )mplete Line of Fishing Tackle, Notions, Baseball Goods, Hammocks, Baby - . : Carriages, Books and Stationery at Bedrock Prices, at the " Jacobsen Book & Music Co. in good. iefied A to listen io 1 I on this occa- I I ga by hear- 7 Cation beside. S' iaseJ Willi l iVhere will also be found the largest and most complete line - of Pianos and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. . New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds, of Staple and Fancy Groceriesr GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Closing Out Sal -OF- Y UKN1 1 U Kh ty U AKFb 1 o Are going to elope out their business, and they are offering their large stock-at rrnnfl h n.miii.n .1. .... All persons knowing themselves indebted o said firm are requested to call and '. settle their account. .- v i J J I v-""" CLARK & FALK, Proprietors. Pare Di?ugs arid JWedieiries. ' Toilet Articles and Perfumery, pir;st Ijrp of Imported ar;d Doestie 5i$ars. elephone, 333. - ITew "Vogt Block. iu"bscribe for The Chronicle and, the nei7s,