The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 04, 1897, Image 1

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vol. x
NO 256
The Machine Works Well
When It Works at All.
The Kesnlta C I use in Olilo The Interest
tienrral Light and the
Vote Small.
Xiiiv York, Nov. 3. The result of tle
election in Greater New York was a
complete victory for Tammany city,
borough and county tickets. Robert
Van Wyck was . elected mayor by a
plurality ot 85,308, receiving 233.S00
Seth Ljw, the citizens' union candi
date for mayor, carried several assembly
districts and polled a large vote, but all
the boroughs returned pluralities for the
Tammany forces.
Mr. Low was well ahead of General
Tracy, the republican nominee, who was
third in the race. Low polled 149,873
votes, Tracy, 101,833.
Henry George polled 20,832 votes, and
the combined votes cast for GleBSon,
Ward well, Sanial and Cruickshank, the
candidate of the prohibition, social
labor and nnited democracy, polled less
than 5000. ...
Indications are that with exception of
six of the twelve assemblymen in Brook
lyn and nine of ttiirty-five in New York,
all the Tammany candidates are elected,
la Queens four of the assemblymen are
democrats. The citizens' union elected
two assemblymen in New York county.
The result of the first municipal elec
tion in Greater New York completely re
verses the conditions of 1896, when Mc
Kinley's plurality in the same territory
was 56,865. The plurality of Van Wyck
is abont 85.000, and the entire Tam
manv ticket is elected by a majority
ranging from 70,003 to 100,000. Coler's
plurality .over the machine republican
(for controller) is over 100,000. Both
Van Wyck and Coler were free-eilver
adherents in 1896. Alton B. Parker,
democrat, for judge of the state court of
appeals, carried Greater New York by
106,003, insuring his election and demo
cratic success iu the state.
Such a rush to tbe polls has never
been known except in presidential years
Rainy weather failed to dampen tbe
civic patriotism. '
The vote for Van Wyck is about 44.25
per cent of the total vote cast, or less
than the 45.21 per cent cast for Bryan
in 1896 in the same territory. ' .
Royal makes the food pare, -
. wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
will be increased by from 12,000 to 14,
000 when the returns are received from
the entile state. The republicans
claim 63 in the house, out of 100, and 40
out of 50 in the senate.
The returns early last night showed' a
net democratic grain of 37 to the precinct.
Later, this' was reduced to 2D2, arid is
I expected to go as low as 14 or 15.
Celebrated for its great leavening strenRth aud
healthfullness. Assures the food against alum
and all forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
Rota 1. Baking Powdkb Co. Kew.Yobx.
been brought here from Sasanville.'a
mining camp about 15 miles above 'this
place, in the Greenhorn mountains, by
Robert Marshall, an old miner of that
place, of an accident that occurred in
that district, a few days ago. Though
no lives were lost, considerable damage
was done to property.
bioan & Haskell bad been operating a
hydraulic placer during (the past season,
and had just completed a large reservoir,
the dam of which was 30 feet high. The
apparatus for raising and lowering the
floodgate was not sufficiently strong to
do the work, and the reservoir over
flowed. The immense dam gave way,
sending such a torrent of water, logs
stumps and other accumulated debris
down the race that nothing could with'
stand it. The volume of water was eo
great that tbe second dam, just below,
was washed -away as clean as if it had
never existed, lhe water thus unre
stricted spread over the valley below,
completely inundating tbe placer workp,
for the operation ot which the reservoir
had been constructed. : Several hundred
feet of flume was destroyed, and the
giant used in operating the water was
knocked out of position, but only slight
ly damaged. . ;
Mr. Marshall says that men were put
to work as soon as the force of the water
was spent, rebuilding the dams and
flume, but the work will be necessarily
slow-on account of the damaged con
dition of things. He estimates the dam
age to Sioan & Haskell's property at
about $1000, to say nothing of the delay
to the works and the time required to
repair them.
Rault of the Municipal Contest at Salt
Salt Lake Utah, Nov. 3. The citi
zens' reform party has elected .mayor,
auditor and three members of the .coun
cil. The democrats have elected the re
corder, attorney, ' treasurer and eight
members of the council. The republi
cans elect four councumen. The vote
for mayor was : Clark, citizens' reform,
4380; Dale, democrat, 4288; Doremns,
republican, 3230; Lawrence, populist,
1171 ; Hasbrouck, socialist-labor, 166.
The Kesnlt at Ogden.
Ogdks, Utah, Nov. 3. The democrats
have elected the mayor by 20 majority.
The republicans elected all the other
city officials, including six of 10 mem
bers of the council.
All the
Larce Outside cities Elected
'Democratic Mayors.
Albany, Nov. ' 3. Returns from the
State, which are coming in slowly, de
monstrate that the republican landslides
of the past two years have been reversed,
if not by giving as large a majority for
tbe democrats, at least by changing
something like 240,000 votes. The
greater surprise of returns is great gain
made in the assembly by the democrat?,
many of them being in counties and dis
tricts where tbere was no expectation
on the part of the democratic managers
of winning. The republiccns will still
control the assembly, although by a
largely decreased majority. ,
More surprising perhaps than the re
turns on the state and assembly "district
tickets were the results of the municipal
campaigns in the large cities.' New
York, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse,
Utica, Albany, Troy, Binghamton and
Schnectady all elected democratic
mayors. '
Shaw's 1'lurallty for Qovernor Over
Twenty Thousand.
Des Moines, la., Nov. 3. Reports re
ceived from 50 counties give Shaw a
plurality of 20,320. It is expected by
Chairman McMillen that the plurality
Herltt Probably Re-elected.
Denver, .Nov. 3. btate returns are
meat er, but indicate the re-election oi
Charles D. , Heritt, republican, as
supreme judge, by 1500 majority over
Gabbert, populist-democrat. Tbe entire
silver republican ticket was elected in
this county. . . - . - .'
Democrats Carried All.
Richmond, Va., Nov. 3. It is esti
mated on full and partial returns that
the democrats elected 13 out of 21
senators and 74 out of 100 members of
tbe house. McCaul, the republican
candidate for governor, will ca.-rv his
own precinct.
Fusion Carried All.
Liscoln, Neb., . Nov. 3. Additional
precinct returns from the state do not
change the figures given last night indi
eating a fusion pluralitv exceeding that
of 1896, which was abont 11,000.
Republican Victory Here. '
Sioux Falls, S. P., Nov. 3. In eight
judicial circuits of the state the republi
cans elect five judges, tbe democrats
one and the populists two. The repub
lican victories come as a surprise to the
republicans aa well as to the opposition.
Gorman Will Probably Win.
Baltimore, Nov. 3- With seini-of
ficial returns from all tbe counties in
the state, except St. Mary's and Calvert
and fairly good estimates from there.
the democrats appear to have elected
enough members to tbe legislature to
give them a majority of five on joint
ballot and to insure them a United
States senator to succeed Gorman.
: Notice of Postponement.
Members of the Gesang Verein Har
monie are hereby notified that the meet
ing to have been held on Sunday, Nov
7th, has been postponed. By ' order-of
the president. Hans Hansen, Sec
Brown ticket in every package of Schil
lings Best baking powder.
Yellow ticket in every package oi Schil
lings Best fez..
Torrent of Water and Debris Let Loose
. Hear Susan ville.
Long Ckeek, Or., Nov. 2. News has
For Cuts, simply apply two or three
times a day, using enough of the Salve
to cover tbe wound well. ' No injury can
come from the direct application of the
Salve to the open wound, aa there not
an ounce of poison in a thousand pounds
of Garland's Happy Thought Salve.- v
"I cu t my hand on .a piece of tin. Garland's
Happy Thought Falre cured it up in a short
time- I. think it is the best Salve I ever used."'
F; F. SIMl'SON, ML Vernon, Wash.
Schilling's Best bakiiig powder and tea are
because they are money-back.
What is the missing word? not SAFE, although Schilling" x Best baking
powder and tea are safe. -
' Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your-grocers'; take out the
ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket In the
tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st.
' ' " Until. October 15th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one
word for every ticket.
If only one person finds the word, that person gets f 2000.00; if several find
it, 2000.00 will be equally divided among them. ' . , .
, Every one Sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard
rreeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one
envelope will receive an 1898 pocket calendar no advertising on it. -These
creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered in
the last contest. .
cut these rules out.
Is a necessity these raw mornings and
evenings. The famous Kuh, Nathan &
Fischer Co. garments are now In. Get
into one of them. Every one of the de
signs as bright and fresh as the first
soft flake of show.
Turn about.. .Leave it to your tailor for
325.00 or leave it to us for $15.00?
You're safe with this make.
We giue you a written guarantee
N THE CIRCUIT COURT or the State of Ore
eon for Wasco County. ;
The Oreuon Railroad fc Navigation Company, a
corporation orgiinizeo. unaer me mws 01 iue
Stale oi Oregon, Plaintiff,
Thomas J. Bulger and Bulger, his wife,
whose given name is unKnown to piaiuun-,
D. L. Cates. George Gardiner and Fannie K.
Gardiner, Defendants.
To Thnmn .1. Bulsrer. Buleer. whose given
name is unfiown xo piainuti, ueorge uurui
ner and Fannie E. Gardiner, defendants. 1
you and each of you are hereby required to ap-
pear a id answer tue complaint filed against you
in tbe above entitled action on or before the
first doy o; the term ot the aDOve enmiea court
following the expiration of the time prescribed
tu the oruer Vor the publication of this gam
mons, to wit: on or before the 8th day of No
vember, 18U7, tbat bein? the first day of the next
regular term of said court, and if you fail to so
appear and answer tbe complaint of the plain
tiff, for want thereof the -plaintiff will apply to
the court for the judgment prayed for in id
complaint, towit: For the condemnation and
appropriation for a right-of-way for a railroad of
a strip of land one hundred feet wide over and
.. .. .. Iha fullnmln.HafiArihlul lands ( ' ( lYl"! 1 1I f'TI f-
iug at a toint 11S0 feet north from the southeast
corner of the southwest quarter of section six,
towushin two north, r-nge eight east, in Wasco
county, Oregon, thence north 70 feet to a point:
taence nonn &t aegrees nwuuira xwi.
to a point in the north boundary of the right-o'-wsvof
the Oregon Kailway and Navigation Com
panv, now Oregon Bailroad and Navigation
Conipauv's right-of-wav : thence southwesterly
along said north boundary of said right-of-way
to the place oi beginning, containing zu-ivu acres.
Also another tract of land si'uated in said sec
tion six. described as follows, towit: Com
mencing at a point in tbe south boundary of tbe
rignt-of-way of the said Oregon Bailroad and
navigation company, wnicn point is no ieci
uorth and 290 feet ease of the southeast corner of
ti e southwest ouarter of section six. township
two north, range eight east; thence north 86 de
grees aud S4 minutes east, 815 feet to a point on
tie soutn douuqmiv oi mo sain ngui-oi-way;
i :' ice on a curve to the leit with and along the
t-"d boundary of said light-of-way in a westerly
course to the place of beginning, containing
47-100 acres; said land to be used for the re-loca-
i on o! the railway oi said piaintitt s across saia
n.e.nises is provided by section 8241, Hill's An
i cited Laws of the State of Oregon. And plain
M T will also take judgment for its cos's aud dis
bursements in this action.
This summons is served upon the defendants
pbove named by publication thereof in The
Dalles Chronicle by order of Hon. W. L. Brad,
h'.iaw, Judge of the Seventh Judicial District of
tre State of Oregon, made at chambers iu Dalles
Ciiy. Oregon, this 25th day or September, iS97.
J. M. LONG and
septti . Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Jew York weekly Tribune
Farmers and Villagers.
. - FOB ,
Fathers and Mothers,
; FOB 1
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
With the cloBe of tbe Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE ecognizea the
fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and
business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less epace and
prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of tbe
fight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception
to the present dav. and won its ereatest victorieB. - ,
Everv possible eftort will be pal forth, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write your name and address on a postal card, send St to Geo. W.'Best,
IViknna ntfina "Koar Vrb- "!ifw oTrl a urnnln pnnv of The New York Weeklv Trib
une will be mailed to you. . - ' : -' ' ' ' '
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States'.
- Sight . Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington. c .
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms. .
eadquarters tor seed urain of aii kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.:
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, mTLfeId
Headquarters for "ByersV Best"?endle-
4--vt- Tloi'lT Tl38 "loar 19 manufactured expressly for family
V ' use : every eack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house in tbe trade, and if yon don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced. l ' .
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.