The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 29, 1897, Image 3

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    Cole's Air Tight and
Hot Blast
Good Not Good Enough.
We are not satisfied with conducting a good grocery department. The best
only satisfies us. The best quality of goods at best prices best for our custom
ers. That pleases you; that pays us. We now carry a full line of
Geo. A. Bayle's. ' v '
High-grade Food Products.
Shoofly Chips,
Saratoga Chips,
Champagne Puffs,
Salted Corn,
Salted Almonds,
Pickles: Mixed, Plain, Spiced, Sweet,
Potted Cheese,
Seasoning Salts,
Bayle's Sauce,
These goods are the .CHOICE OF
German Petzels,
Butter Crackers,
Extra Dry Biscuits,
Salted Peanuts,-
Mustard: Anchovy, Celery, Horse Rad
ish, Tabasco and English Sandwich,
Salad Dressing,
Hot Stuff,
Lunch Herrings.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Random Observations and Local ErenU
of Leaner Magnitude.
Entertainment tonight
At the Baldwin opera house.
Next Saturday evening another de
lightful dance will be given at the Bald
win. Admission for gentlemen 50 cents,
ladies free. 28-3t
has not decided as yet what kind of ma
chinery will be used, but the capacity
of the mill will be between 60,000 and
100,000, and will be enlarged next sum
mer. It is expected that the mill will
be running inside of sixty days.
The miners of tha Seattle Coal and
Iron Company held a mass meeting
Sunday, at Gilman, to consider the ques
tion of docking the coal, against the
agreement entered into on Angust 26th,
1897, between the company and the
miners. It was then agreed between
the Seattle Coal and Iron Company and
their miners that the company should
pay a scale of wages of 55 cents per car,
less the rock that should be in the car.
lne electric light fixtures tor the clubftrhia agreement was entered into bv the
rooms arrived from Chicago yesterday. Liners, attorneps for the bondholders
They are very handsome, and will be isUj creditors, and confirmed by Judge
ornamental as they are useful. Moore. There were numerous speeches
Otto Kohler will ship sixteen carloads
of sheep this evening to Columbus, Ne
braska. We could not ascertain, how
ever, what price they will bring per
Miss Kelliher's lecture at the Con
gregational church tomorrow evening
will be illustrated by the finest stereop
ticon on the coast. Over 200 views of
California scenery will be shown.
Seventy-five mortgages were released
in Umatilla county, Or., during the
month of September, and the Tribune
says that all the mortgages in the coun
ty will be satisfied during the next
month at that rate.
We are pleased to announce that
Neddie Briggs, the little son of Mr. and
MrB. Briggs, of this place, who has for
some time been ill with a severe and
dangerous attack of inflammatory rheu
matism, is recovering.
The Lutheran ladies are putting forth
a noble effort to raise money for the fur
nishing of their church, and they cer
tainly deserve a most liberal patronage
at their bazaar in the armory next
Wednesday and Thursday.
Do you want to buy a handsome
birthday present for your friend at a
If so, then go to the
next week and you
articles there, which
from a few cents to $25
will find just what you
made by the miners and all concurred
that the agreement had been broken by
the company, and that order of the court
aad been ignored by the local manage
ment. Resolutions were adopted de
manding payment of the company for
the month of September according to
the daily bulletin made out by Teto
Genino, who was appointed by Judge
Moore, to see that justice was done be
tween the company and its employes,
and declaring that the miners would
not accept pay according to the bulletin
made out by the company officials.
Report of Physicians on the Remains of
Marcos Whitman.
mastication. The seats of muscular ad
justment show a strong, well-developed
The skull has been mutilated by being
cot in two, the cut commencing at the
nasal bone and extending, back to the
seat of the wound. Marks of the saw
are well defined on each side of the saw
incision, where the instrument evident
ly slipped in the hands of the operator,
The skull had not been opened through
this cut, which seems to have been
made for some other dehnite purpose
than of opening the skull. The sawing
was done nnskillfully, probably when
the body was lying on the ground, face
Mrs. Whitman's skull is described as
being of ordinary size, thin. The sutures
would indicate a person from 45 to 50
years of age. '
Taxable Property. '
reasonable price?
Lutheran bazaar
will find valuable
range in price
and 30. You
Two carloads of horses fronthe Bake-
oven range will be shipped ythis evening
to the National stock yafrds in Illinois
for L. A. Laueriat. line were sent by
his agent, T. A. Shane, of Bakeoven,
and they will be used fo. driving horses,
This looks encouraging for the Oregon
horse-raisers, and indicates that they
may yet find a good market for horses
that they would at present be glad to
send to the cannery at Linnton.
. Another shingle mill is to be added to
the number already established in Sno
homish county. The new one is to be
built by the Maugh'lin Mill Company,
who have purchased the mill formerly
owned by S. F. Weber & Co., at Cath-
,cart. They will move the machinery
now in the mill to Snohomish, and pur
chase enough addional machinery to'
make a first-class plant. .The company
Drs. Bingham and Shaw of Walla
,Valla, the physicians who examined
he remains found on Thursday in the
Vhitman mound, have made a report,
and describe the bones as follows:
FirBt Skull of man, mature adult,
comprising all the bones of the cranium
All the bones of the right side in good
state of preservation. On the verte,
close to the medium line, is an oblique
incased fracture of the skull, evjdently
made witli the corner of an ax. These
wounds are well defined, the instrument
acting like a wedge in splitting the skull
beyond the seat of the wound and frac
turing the internal tables so that the
borders of the skull are decidedly Bharp,
the beveled edes being on the interior
of the cranium. On the left side of the
ccipital bone is a hole in the skull
bout three inches long, and one and
ne-third inches wide. . Along the up
per part of this bone is a fine edge to
the border of the bone, with smooth
surface externally, showing that the in
cised surface was evidently made by a
sharp-cutting instrument, the blow
striking the head, either from above
downward, while the man wag in an
erect posture, or being a horizontal blow,
while the man was lying face downward.
No marks of depressed fractures of in
ternal tables are around the edge of this
wound, and it is" doubtful if this wound
penetrated the brain. The jaw is fairly
preserved, trith . the mental process
strongly developed. The posterior mo
lar tooth on the left side contains a gold
filling, and is worn more than the teeth
on the opposite side, showing that the
left side was used more than the right in
Following is the list of taaxable prop
erty in Waeco county for the year 1897
Acres tillable land, 93,492; value
$536,011. . '
Acres non-tillable land, 271,095; value
Improvement deeded land, $193,573
Town and city lots, $452,409.
Improvements on town and citv lots
Improvement on land not patented
Miles of railroad, 60 6-10; value $242,
Railroad rolling etock, $36,299.
Miles of telephone and telegraph
value $18,280.
Merchandise and stock in trade, $303,
Farming implements, etc., $42,578.
Steamboats, etc., $53,282.
Money, $4,987.
Notes and accounts, $66,779.
Shares of stock, $65,832.
Household furniture, watches, jewelry,
etc.. $87,537.
Number of horses and mules, 4,529 ;
value, $72,244.
Number of cattle, 6,583 ; value $71,835.
Number of sheep, 123,529; $123,529.
Number of swine, 3,107 ; value $5,077.
Gross value of property, $3,241,517.
Exemptions, $228,131. Leaving total
value of taxable property, $3,013,386.
Adrertlsed Letters.
They heat a room in five minutee.
They save enough fuel , the first
year to pay for the stove.
4'cents a day is the average cost of
heating a large room with our
They burn anything and every
thing combustible.
A cord of wood equals a ton of
hard coal, in any of our wood
51?e 5a'? f
. It is only necessary to remove ash-
es once in six weeks from our
f wood stoves. :
They are safe and have a catch to
ihold the cover while patting in
" - . fuel. ;
You have a fire every morning.
Our hot blast draft furnishes a hot
air feed, not cold air, and Haves
I They are easily moved and set up.
Oar wood stoves are made with
either sheet iron or cast iron tops
in all sizes, for all purposes.
They are jointless the connections
being so made that the greater
V expansion of the lining don't af-
feet the body.
There are no bolts exposed to the
fire to burn off or draw or open
up a joint.
Our coal stove will burn slack and
makes a ton of soft coal equal to
a ton of hard coal.
BEWARE of infringers and inferior
imitations, they never equal the origin'
al and cost as much. "
J. T. Peters & Go.y
Mrs. T. J. Seutert returned from Port
land last night.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Glavey and-daugh-
ter were in the city today.
Jno. D. Whitten of Kingsley is among
the guests at the Umatilla.
J. W. Armsworlhy, editor of the Wasco
News, gave this omce a call this morn
J. P. Abbott, an extensive sheep-
raiser from Wapinitia, is in the city to
James Mackin, one of Sherman coun
ty's cattle raisers, is in from his home
near Bakeoven.
Guy Flenner of Boiee Idaho, city
editor of the Statesman, gave this office
a pleasant call this morning- It has
been fourteen years since Mr. Flenner
was in The Dalles, and he takes quite
pleasure in meeting old friends and ac
Fred W. Wilson and wife left this
morning for Phoenix, Arizona, from
which place Mr. Wilson will go in a
short time to Albuquerque, jn. M. Mr,
Wilson's health for some time has not
been the best, which caueed him to stop
work in French & Co.'s bank and take a
trip to a warmer and dryer climate for
the winter. .
Mrs. Mary S. Richards of Wamego
Kansas, mother of Mr. W. D. Richards
of 8-Mile, and Mr. Richards' daughter.
Mrs. C. M. Sissons, with her husband
and family, also from Kansas, are visit
ing at Mr. Richards' place. Mr. and
Mrs. Sissons are verv favorably ltn
pressed with Oregon and may make this
their future home.
Entertainment at the Baldwin.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for Oct. 29, 1897. Persons call
ing for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
Allen, Mrs Lucy Hull, Oliver
Borne, F H . Laughlin Lizzie
Uurlmgame, J (4) lee, Theodore
McAlinond, Miss B
Maccoy, Owen
Bunell. B
Camp, Ida M
Conner. Mrs W
Cole, Edward
Evens, Ablsha
Eoff, Mrs J J
Franklin, F M
Grey, Amanda
Hansell, Alva
Howard Charles
Hook, Chas
Hutchinson, R
Hnrsey, Nelson
Smith, J A
Thomas, Joe
Mowry, Mrs J
Morgan, Miss
Morgan, Mrs Alice.
Morran, Rev J A
Monaghan, Sam
Martin, Clod
Panl, WmV
Robertson, W M
Silversmith, W A
Sykes, W J
Smith, Julia
Talbert, C H
Wins;. Mrs Carl
Weterman. Harry
J. A. Crossed, P. M.
The following program will be given
at the Epworth League entertainmen
at the Baldwin opera house thia even
ing. Great pains are being trten to
make it a flattering success, and all who
attend may be sure of spending a pleas
ant evening. An admission fee of 25
cents will be charged
Instrumental Duet
Oeorgla Sampson ana Clara Jwetelsen
Tableau "Rock of Ages"
Vocal Solo Elizabeth Bonn
Tableau With and Against the Tide
Rec "Naughty Little Girl's View of Life'
Tableau Forbidden Fruit
Vocnl 8olo ...Myrtle Miohell
Tableau Sol dier's Dream . .
Guitar and Banjo Duet. . .H Parkins and M. Rice
Statuary Sleeping Children
Vocal Duet... Dr. Launetberg and Prof. Landers
Tableau Sunrise, Noon, Sunset,, Midnight
Ladles Quartet : ..:
Mrs. J. B, Condon, Miss Myrtle Michell, Mrs. A,
w. V tirney, jdiss eue byivesier.
Statuary of Six Pieces . .
Walter Beavis
Croup Quickly Cured,
Mountain Glen, Ark. Our children
were suffering with croup when we re
ceived a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It afforded almost instant re
lief. F. A. Thornton. This celebrated
remedy is for sale by Blakeley & Hough
Gash in Soar checka.
All county warrants registered prior
to July 7, 1893, - will be paid at my
office. ', Interest ceases after Oct. 27th
1897. . . C. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer .
tfov Sale.
By The Tvgh Valley Land and Live
Stock-Co., some fine Bucks of the De
laine type. J Inquire of
Jct.ll-3J. A. A, Bosxv, Tygh Valley,
Has been so much larger
than we anticipated, that our
stock has been demoralized, but
we have just received another
shipment, and can suppty your
wants. . .',
The Wilson has Outside draft
and cast sliding top. Sold only
by ,
Agricultural . Implements, Champion
Mowers and Reapers, Craver Headers,- Bain
Wagons, Randolph Headers and Reapers.
Drapers, Lubricating Oils, Axle Grease.
Blacksmith Coal and Iron.
Agents for Waukegan Barb Wire.
2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, THE DALLES.
Complete Line of
Fishing Tackle, Notions, Baseball Goods, Hammocks, Baby
. Carriages, Books and Stationery at Bedrock Prices, at the '
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
iVhere will also "be found the largest and most complete line
of Pianos and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. :
Mall Orders will receive prompt attention. -
New Vogt Block,
The Dalles, Oregon.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
. all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
G EO RGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Closing Out Sale
Are going to close ont their business, and they are offering their large stock at
COST PRICES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. ,
All persons knowine themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and
settle their account.
Jfye postoffiee pfyarmay,
CLARK & FALK, Proprietors.
Paie Dtfugs and JVIedicines .
. Toilet Articles and Perfumery, .
pirst ijrp of Imported aijd Domestic Qiars.
Telephone, 333.
New Vogt Block.
5u."bscs?il3e fox
and. get tlie news,