The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 27, 1897, Image 3

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Good Not Good Knough.
We are not satisfied with' conducting a good grocery department. ; The best
onl3r satisfies us. The best quality of goods at best prices best for our custom
ers. That pleases you; that pays us. We now carry a full line of ' " - -
Geo. A. Bayle's
High-grade Food Products.
Shoofly Chips,
Saratoga Chips,
Champagne Puffs,
Salted Corn,
Salted Almonds,
Pickles: Mixed, Plain, Spiced, Sweet,
Potted .Cheese,
Seasoning Salts, , .
Bay le's Sauce,
These goods are the CHOICE OF
German Petzels,
Butter Crackers,
Extra Dry Biscuits,'
Salted Peanuts,
Mustard: Anchovy, Celery, Horse Rad
ish, Tabasco and English Sandwich,
Salad Dressing,
Hot Stuff,
Lunch Herrings.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Random ODservations and Local Kvents
of Lesser Magnitude.
Keep ia mind the entertainment at
the Baldwin Friday night.
Wanted A washerwoman. Inquire
at Mra. Julian's restaurant.
Mr. John Hartnett has been added to
the liat of clerks in Pease & Mays' store.
A fine easel album will be raffled to
morrow night by Mrs. Chase at Blakeley
& Houghton's. 27-28
Both trains were several hours late
this morning, but we conld not learn the
cause of the delay.
License to wed was yesterday issued
to C. F. Doug'aes and Mies Minnie C.
Markham, both of Dufur. :
Fisherman state that sturgeon fishing
is a very unprofitable business this fall,
on account of the scarcity of fish . in the
The Degree of Honor entertainment,
which will be held tonight, promises to
be a most enjoyable event.' Members
and their friends are invited.
One of the large rock scows at Marsh
field was swamped at the government
" works last Tuesday with seventy-five
tons of rock on board. A rock was be
ing hoisted from the eeow to the wharf,
when it slipped in some manner and fell
upon the deck of the ecow.
, L. C. Rogers of Butter creek, Umatilla
county, is on the way to Kansas City to
buy a trainload of thoroughbred Here
ford cattle. He already has a large herd
of fine stock, but he says he baa made
money in the business, and that he in
tends to pursue it more extensively.
Last evening, at the residence of Mr.
Hunsaker, Mr. Charles Douglass and
Miss Minnie Markham, both of Dufur
were made man and wife. Justice Fil
loon omciating. lne parents and a
number of friends ot the happy couple
were (present, and a genuine good time
was enjoyed. - '
Wheat seems to come in faster than
ever, and the great drawback at present
in this place and Portland seems to be
lack of storage room. "As ships are not
coming into the latter place fast enough
to take it away, this seems to have some
thing to do also in keeping the ."price
down. December wheat rose two cents
in Chicago yesterday, but it still stands
the same here, seventy-five cents.
At 6 -Ao ' o'clock Saturday . evening
Charles Dobel, standing in the 'carriage
house at his borne on Chestnut street in
Walla Walla, placed the' muzzle of a
Smith & Wesson revolver to his head
and fired a 38-cahbre btll'et through his
brain. Beyond a slight indisposition
caused by a' cold, he was in good health,
. mentally and physically J' and as far as
known bis business was in good shape.
Therefore his friends can ascribe no
cause for the rash act.
A few days since the T.-M. reporter
spoke of seeing Professor Brown extract
six corns from the pedal extremities of
Mr. Kelsay, our genial county clerk.
The reporter, however, did a great in
justice to Professor Brown by not speak
ing of how painlessly that gentleman
extracted two large bunions and seven M
corns offthereportorial feet.yve are sure
that it was an oversight on John's part,
but nevertheless the king of corn doc
tors feels a little indignant about it.
Secretary Alger has sent to Lieut.
Col. Randall, commander of the United
States troops at St, Michaels, an order ;
directing him to make use of reindeer in
Alaska for transportation of supplies
and relief of sufferers. Secretary Alger's
idea js to establish a regular line of rein
deer communication under military'
management. Meanwhile advices have
reached the war department from pri-
vate sources to the effect that there is
more food along the Yukon than is gen-"
erally supposed, and that no man need
be hungry if he cares to travel for food.
Altogether there are about 1200 tons of
provisions within thirty miles of Daw
son along-the Yukon.
We understand that it is the inten
tion of the Commercial Club to lower
the membership fee from fifteen to ten
dollars. This is a very wise move, for at
present there are quite 9 number of
young men who can scarcely afford to
pay fifteen dollars, but at the same time
are anxious to join and enjoy the bene
fits and pleasures which' the club rooms
afford ; and as this would enlarge the
membership, it would also enlarge the
amount coming in monthly.! ivery
respectable young man in the city
should join the club, and this will be
the most opportune time, as the rooms
ae being enlarged, remodeled and put
in shape for a much larger number of
members. 1
Especially When Sold to Lo, the Hila
rious Siwashe.
The Kemalns Removed.
Last Thursday afternoon Marcus
'hitman's grave, at Whitman mission,
even miles west of Walla Walla, was
opened, preparatory to the erection of a
mausoleum of brick and granite thereon
by the Whitman Memorial Association.
President Penrose, of Whitman college,
a few students and newspaper men only
were present, besides the contractors.
year the surface of the mound" in one
corner, four skulls nearly intact were
discovered.also a number of minor bones.
rne skuii 01 vr. w nitman was recog
nized by the gold filling in one of his
teeth and a tomhawk wound at' the base
of the skull.
Dr. Whitman, his wife and eleven as
sociates, massacred fifty, year's ago, are
eu'p posed to be buried in the grave.
The'bones were'taken to Walla Walla,
to be classified by physicians. After" be
ing placed in, 4 glass" case for inspection
for a few days', they will be returned to
their resting place, and a mausoleum
of brick and granite erected oyer them.
Monday some Yakima Indians, who
t present live at Tumwater, on the
ashington side, came to this place and
ucceeded in purchasing Borne whiskey.
hey then started on their return trip.
but before reaching home they became
thoroughly soaked and seemed bent on
taking some scalps. . The first person
they met was another Siwashe, and he
was left badly beaten and in an uncon
scious condition. Another Indian fell
into their path and received the same
By this time they reached the Indian
village, and the squaws and children
were the objects upon which they
showered tteir cruelty. One of them
tied a rope to the stake of a wiginan in
which ware a number of women and
children, and then ran his horse around
the same at full speed, tearing it
down and severely injuring some of the
inmates. While he was thus enjoying
himself his companion was throwing
rocks into a neighboring shanty, and
succeeded in striking a squaw a terrible
blow on the side of the head, rendering
her unconscious.
They then turned their attention to
ane of the larger houses, in which a
wake was being teld over a dead pap-
pvuse, auu in a remaisaoiy snore time
he inmates were forced to take up the
Bead child and go elsewhere to wake it.
The two brayes continued their ca-
oursing nntil the effects of the Gre
ater died out, and then they were as
ocile as any other siwashe.
Some . white men, who were fishing
near the place, were called, and found
the two Indians who had been first at
tacked, in a critical condition, -their
head 8 being beat up terribly with a
weapon which might have been a dull
hatchet, and if they pull through they
will be lucky men.
The white men inquired as to where
the whiskey had been bought, and
ound out that a certain saloon in this
ity frequently furnishes Indians with
hiskey, and if the proprietor does not
ar more from this, he had better con
sider mmselt luckier than most men.
this case it is a saloon, not some poor
obo, that furnished the liquor, and
hose are just the people whom the au
thorities want. '
A Bulkhead Breaks.
Cole's Air Tight and ' .
Hot Blast
Thev heat a room in five minutes.,
They save enough fuel the "first
year to pay for the stove. .
. 4 cents a day is the average cost of
heating a large room with our
They burn anything and every
thing combustible. . "
A cord of wood - equals a ton of
hard coal in any ot our wood
It is only necessary to remove ash
es once in six weeks from our
wood stoves.
They aro saf and have a catch to
hold the cover while putting in
You have a fire every morning.'
Oar hot blast draft furnishes a hot
air feed, not cold air. and . avs
They are easily moved and set up.
Our wood - stoves are made with
either sheet iron or cast iron tops
in all sizes, for all purposes.
They are jointless the connections
being so made that the greater
expansion of the lining don't af
fect the body.
There are no bolts exposed to the
fire to burn off or draw or open
up a joint.
- Our coal stove will burn alack and
makes a ton of soft coal equal to
a ton of bard coal, g
. ;;" - :..
A full line of the Improved Wilson
BEWARE of infringers and inferior
imitations, they never equal the origin
al and cost as much.
water into the new section for the tur
bines. The work gave way and a flood of
water rushed in upon the workmen, fill
ing the section. At first it was supposed
that every man was drowned. An alarm
was given and the water was drawn from
the canal as soon as possible, as it was
found that the work of ' removing the
broken timbers and recovering the
bodies of the drowned men would be fa
cilitated by floating the mass of debris.
After this was done a count of the men
in the gang was made, and it was found
that two men, George Stouch and Ja
cob Macomb, were missing.
These two men were evidently drowned
and are no doubt beneath the pile of
broken timbers, which a large number
of workmen are now engaged in remov
ing. Stouch is an unmarried man and
Macomb leaves a wife and children.
Among the five injured men, the most
seriously hurt are Carl Newburg, whose
head was severely cut and bruised, and
Harvey Little whose left arm was
bruised and whose head and face was
badly cut.
The three men who escaped uninjured
were: Jacob Weidick, Alvin Richard
son and Jacob Keane.
Thomas Smith had bis spine hurt and
William W. Smith had one bone of his
right leg broken."
The accident was owing either to a
miscalculation of the weight of the water
behind the men or the strength of the
bolts and timbers. Upon the giving way
of the wall the water rushed into the
lower section with terrific force carry
ing the timbers and all before it. The
men who escaped fought their way
through the floating timbars and finally
reached a point where they received as
We have a dozen different sizes and styles to choose from.
-Don't forget that .we sell the celebrated
JJIflJESJie STEEL ant jillehble pbe.
The largest.and most complete line'of Steel R-inges in the ,
.City to choose from. .We have sold 18 Majesties in the
last 60 davs.
J. T.
& Go.,
Agricultural Implements, Champion
jpwjejr and Reapers, Craver Headers, Bain
Wagons, Randolph . Headers and Reapers,
Drapers, Imbricating Oils, Axle Grease.
Blacksmith Coal and Iron.
Agents tor Waukegan Barb Wire.
' ''."' ' y - ... ' '
2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson; THE DALLES.
Fishing Tackle, Notions, Baseball Goods, Hammocks, Baby
Carriages, Books and Stationery at Bedrock Prices, at the
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
, - . - ' .
Where will also be found the largest and most complete yline
of Pianos and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon.
Mall Orders will, receive prompt attention.
New Vpgt Block,
The Dalles, Oregon.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Closing Out Sale
A scow; load of oak wood just received
at Maier & Benton's. o26-lw
A terrible accident happened at Ore
gon City at noon yesterday, causing the
death of two men and injuring five oth
ers. A gang of men bad been working
night and day for a week to remove a
bulkhead, expecting to finish the work
this afternoon. The bulkhead was sixty
feet long, and extended from the power
station on the east to the east wall of
the boat canal on the west. At the
lower end of the new extension of the
power-house another bulkhead had been
constructed, and it was the intention to
take out the old one, in order to let the
Food, undigested, is poison. Digested,
it is life and strength. Millions of us
suffer from indigestion, but we often
don t know it. We think it is some
thing else. 'Even doctors often mistake
the symptoms.
Pale, thin people, who are overworked,
who need strength, who seem in want of
proper food, should take Shaker Digest
ive Cordial. It is astonishing what food
will do, when properly digested.
It will make you strong, revive you,
refresh you, sustain you, make you fat,
restore your color, make muscle, , brain
fibre courage, endurance, energy ; .. in
crease your power to throw off. disease
and keep you healthy and happy.
Indigestion does just the opposite, but
indigestion can be cured and prevented
with Shaker Digestive Cordial.
Sold by druggists. Trial bottle lOcts.
Cash lta Your Check.
All countv warrants registered prior
to July 7, 1893, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Oct. 27th,
1897. C. L. Phillips,
County Treasnrer. .
Are going to close out their business, and they are offering their large stock at
COST PRICES. Now i9 the time to buy good Furniture cheap.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and
settle their account. '
For Sale. -
By The Tygh Valley Land and Live
Stock Co., some fine . Bucks of the De
laine type. Inquire of
Jct.11-31 A. A, BosNYTygh Valley.
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder.
Tlpe postoffiee pfyarmay,
CLARK & FALK, Proprietors.
Pare Drugs and Pedieines.
Toilet Articles and Perfumery,
pirst Iji) of Imported ar?d Domestic 5i0ars.
Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block.
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