Tt3 Dalles Dafly ChrcIs. THK UALLE6, OBEGUM Advertising Kates. ... Per inch One Inch or less In Dally $1 50 Oyer two inches and under lour lncbes 1 00 Over four Inches and under twelve Inches. . 75 Over twelve inches 50 DAILY AND' WEEKLY. One inch or less, per iuch ?2 50 Over one inch and under four inches 2 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 1 50 Over twelve inches 1 00 I-KKSOXAL MENTION. W. H, Hilgen of Graea Valley ia in the city. Mr. Walter F. Clark of Kingaley' ia in the city today. Leon Rondeau of Kingsley is in the . city od business. Michael Callahan and family came in from their farm near Kingaley today. Mrs. Hugh Baxter, proprietress of the Athena I. X. L. store, is in the city today. Miaa Alma Schmidt went to Portland this morning, where ehe will remain for a short time. . Mr. C. J. VanDuyn, Tygh'e leading merchant, gave this office a pleasant call thia morning. Rev. W. C. Curtia, of the Congrega tional chnrch, exchanges pulpit minis trations with J. H. Hershcer of Hood River tomorrow. Mre. Quinn Doane came down from Spokane yesterday, and is visiting the family ofj: her brother-in-law, Dr. Doane, in this city. it Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hawortb, who have spent the past year in Oakland, Or., came up on the boat last night, and will remain in the city. Mrs. Michael Rice and children,' Ella and Willie, made a flying trip to Port land today, going down on the local this morning and will return on the overland tonight. F. C. Sexton left for hia old ho Kansas on the 1 o'clock train yeaterday morning. Mr. Sexton goea to visit friends and attend to hia property in mat state. Socmen's Armcm salve. 'Die best Balve in the world for curs, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruption1!, and posi tively cui a piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or mc xey refunded. Price 25 cen! a per box. For sale by Blakeley and Honghton. druggists. Croup Quickly Cured. Mountain Glen, Ark. Oar children were suffering wilh croup when we re ceived a bottle of Chamberlain's Con eh Remedy. It afforded almost instant re 8ief. F. A. Thornton. This celebrated remedy is for sale by Blakeley & Hough- .ton. Notice. There will be a session of thes Veteran A c . . e ita. . . I aim ouub ui veterans hi ine jr. A. it. hall Saturday Oct. 23. You are request ed to be present with your wives. By order of Post commander, H. II, Leonard. "to Cattlemen, Hatcher and Others. Wanted To pasture for two months, 100 head of stock on the overflow bottom lands at Lyle, Waah. Magnificent feed. For particulara apply to T. Balfouh, epll-tf Lvle, Wash. Notice. A second-hand Airmoterwind mill in good condition, with steel tower and pnmp for sale by Maier & Benton. For Sale. By The Tygh Valley Land and Live Stock Co., some fine Bucks of the De laine tvpe. Inquire of Jct.ll -31 A. A, BoNXY.Tygh Valley. THE NEW YORK WORLD thrice-h-week; edition 18 Pacrea a Week. 1S6 Papers a Tear It etands first among "weekly" papere in size, frequency of publication freehness, variety and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and its vast hat of Bubacribera, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairneaa of its news columns.' - It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a Ion ' series of stories by the greatest living American and Engliah authors, ' Gonan Doyle, - Jerome K. Jerome, Stanley Weyman. ., Mary K. Wilklns Anthony Hope, Bret Harte, Brander Matthew, fete. " We offer thia unequaled newspaper and The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle' to gether one year for $2.00. The regular price of the two papers ia $3.00. NOVEL WORK FOR WOMEN Odd Oocupation3 Followed by the Fair Sex in London. There Are Dog Walkerp and Por ter esaea and Female Cabbies Are Looked far Next New Field of Labor. It has been, left to London to organ ize an institution that will give the new woman a decidedly new field. The women's institute promises to be the most unique institution that ever was created! for the gentler sex. Among the chief occupations which those who place themselves under its protecting' wings will be trained in are those of dog-walker and hotel porteress. The first of these callings is as novel as it is surprising.- Certain families have dogs which need exercise. There are no groundls attached to the homes of these dog owners, and' therefore the only way for the pets to enjoy fresh air is to be walked up and down the side walk, after the fashion of the dogs be longing to the flat dwellers in Xew York. Now, the dog walker knows all about dogs. She calls at houses where she has learned canines re kept and pre sents a card, on which is printed in neat script: "Miss Dolly Periwinkle,Walker of Dogs." To the person who receives the card the lady states that for so much per month she will guarantee to take a dog aina trot him about the streets twice a lav. each. trir to consume 30 minutes. IjThls gives the dog an outing of an hour a day, and as the charges rarely exceed three shillings a week it is believed the dog walker will find her occupation both profitable and pleasant, provided :he dog permits it.' Some of the feminine dog walkers whom the women's institute has al ready placed have been bitten by ill tempered charges. Such cases are all the more sorrowful, because the dog raiker makes an. agreement thatif the og Dites her she will make no fuss bout it, but accept the bite in the pirit in which it is offered. i The dog walker is required to give security for the animal she takes tem porarily under her care, and this difli eulty has been remedied by a bond given by the women's institute and in dorsed by one or another of the patron esses, whose name is as good as gold. The pleasant-faced dog walkers have met with very goodi success, but those 'with apparently unkind' dispositions have found their new profession very unprofitable. Experience as hotel porteresses on the part of the proteges of the women's institute have not as yet produced any great results. About the only class of women who can handle big trunks and matters of that- sort never heard of the women's institute and were not partic ularly anxious to make, its acquaints ance. Where women have only necessary to carry hand baggage they have succeeded very well. Other lines in which the proteges of the institute have begun to engage are billposting and paper-banging, in each of which, they have achieved fairly ex cellent success. It is the aim of the institute to fur nish to women new fields to occupy. The members , believe that woman should invade the domain of man to a far greater extent than heretofore, and that there are very many callings at which that type of woman with more strength than brains could make ex cellent livings, where now they are quite likely to lack the necessaries of life. The institute members claim that woman has proved1 to be a good farm er, and, that being the case, there is no reason why she should not succeed in those lighter occupations of man in the cities which call for no greater de gree of strength in manual labor than is exercised by the women who farm. The next step that the institute pro poses to take is to secure a number of cabs' and have them driven by women. The drivers are to wear divided skirts and must in every instance le young, strong and rather inclined to worldly wisdom. X. Y. Herald. TIi I a Is Tour Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BEOTHEBS, 56 Warren St.. Kew Tork City. TLev. JohcP.oid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. -1 can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if nsed as directed." Kev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure, for catarrh and contains no mercury nor. any injurious drug. Price. 50 cents, i ' LOOS POISON A SPECIALTYI: tiarv BLOon PursnN rwrm;.r, I cured In 16 to 85 days. You can be treated a uumo xv. o-iiiw trim, uuuer same KQarna tv. If von prefer tocome here wawimr. tract tODayrailroadfareandhotnlhilia Docharge, if we fail to cure. If you have taken mer cury, Iodide potash, and jsttU have aches and patns. Mucous Patches in mouth. Sore Throat. Pimples, Copper Colored Spot?, Ulcers on any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling: out. It is this Secondary BLOOD POISON we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti nate cases and challenge the world for a case we eannot cure. Tbia disease has always hauled the skill of the most eminent physi cians. S500.000 capital behind our uncondi tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on application. Address COOK. REMEDY CO. SMUMQllkl Temple, CMICAUO, 0 Ilk I NOTICE SALE OF CITY LOTS. Xotice ia hereby given that by au thority .of ordinance No. 292, which passed . the Common Council of Dalles City April 10th, 1897, entitled, "An or dinance to provide for the ale of certain lota belonging to Dalles City," I will, on Saturday, the 15lh day of May. 1897, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, all the following lots and parts of lots in Gates addition to Dalles City, Wasco county. Oregon, to-wit: Lots 9 and'lO jointly, in block 14 ; lota 7, 8, 9 and 10, jointly in block 15; lots 7, 8, 9, and 10, jointly in block 21, known aa butte; lots 10, 11 and 12, in block 27 ; lot 9 iu block 34 ; lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11,. in block 35; lota 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, in block 36; lota 3, 4, 5. 6, 7. 8, 9. 10, 11 and 12, in block 37; lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 arid 12, in block 42 ; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 9. 10 and 11. in block 43; lots 1. 2, 3, 10, 11 Hiwi 12, in bloc 41, and lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, in block 4b. The reaeonable value of bsl.'4. 'ota, for less than which they will no. t e aold, haa been fixed Bed determine!, by the Common Council of Dalles City as fol lows, to-wit: Lots 9 and 10, in block 14, $150; lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, jointly in block 15, $200; lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, jointly in block 21, $200; lot 10, in block 27, $225; lot 11, in block 27, $225; lot 12, in block 27, $300; lot 9, in block 34, $100; lota 2, 3,-4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11, in block 35, each respect ively $100; lots 6 and 7, in block 35, each reepeetively $125 ; lota 2,3,4, 8,9, 10 and 11, in block 36, each respectively $100; lot 12. in block 36, $125; lots 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11, in block 37, each re spectively $100; lota 6, 7 and 12, in block 37, each respectively $125 ; lots 2, 3, 10 and 11, in block 41, eech respectively $100; lota 1, 7 and 12, in block. 41 , each respectively $125; lots 3. 4, 5,8,9, 10 and 11, jn block 42, each respectively $100; lot a , 6 and 12, in block 42, each respectively $125; lota 2, 3,4, 5,9, 10 and 11, in block 43, each respectively $100; lot 1, in block 43, $125; lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, in block 46, each respectively $100; Jota 1 and 6, in block 46, each respectivelv $125. Each Of these lota will be eold upon the lot respectively, and none of them will be aold for a leas sum than the value thereof, aa above stated. One-fourth of the price bid on any of said lota shall be paid in cash at the time of sale, and the remainder in three equal payments on or before, one, two and three yeara from the date of said aale, with interest on such deferred pay ments at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, payable annually; provided that the payment may he made iu full at any time at the option of the pur chaser. The eaid aale -will begin on th 15th day of May, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of aaid day. and will con tinue from time to time until all of said lots snail be sold. Dated thia 13th day of April, 1897. Gii.bkbt W. Phelps, Recorder of Dallea City. NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : By order- of the common council of Dallea City, made on the 19th day of September, JS97, and entered of ret;ord in the records of Dalles City on the 2Cth day of September, 1897, notice ia hereby given that the following cross walks have been declared dangerous bv said council on eaid 19th day of September, 189, and the (aid council will proceed to make the improvements as herein after stated, on said Ptreete, or parta of streets declared dangerous, after fourteen days after the first publication of this notice, to-wit, September 30tu, 159, and the costs of euch improvements of all such cross walks, and of each - of them, will be charged and levied upon the property abutting, as by charter provided. The croes walks declared dangerous and about to be built are as follows, to wit : 1. To build a cross walk on the oast side of Fedetal street, across Second street. 2. To build across walk across Jef ferson street on the north side of Second 6treet. 3. To build a cross walk serosa Court street on the north side of Second street. 4. To build a cross walk across Wash ington street on the south side ot Fourth etreet. 5. To build a cro88 walk across Jef ferson etreet on the south side ot Second street. 6.. To build a cross walk across Laughlin etreet on the north aide of second etreet. 7. To build a cross walk across Second etreet on the east side of Court street. 8. To build a cross walk across Third street on the east side of Federal etreet. All of eaid cross walka will be built and constructed in accordance with the provisions of the charter and ordinancea of Dalles Citv. Dated thia 28th day of Sep., 1S97. Roger B. Sinnott, e30-ol3 Recorder of Dalles City. ra.Giinu,s& Verr "Poonlo 1 r People That Are m ' : R -. sick or "ousi jjon ij 'ILL Peel Well." Remotes Pimples, cures Headache, Dyspepsia ani CostWeness. 25 cts. a box at druggists or by mail Samples Free, address Or. Bosank Co. Phil. Fa AN OSEMNJLONDIKE. - Do you want money? - If so, catch on to this. - A 7-year-old orchard, twenty acre tract, seventeen acres in choice fruits, bearing,, trees, new., house .of six rooms, barns, outbuildings, etfr., all new ; two horses and harnesf, two wagona, one road cart and one cow.- - Will eell at a bargain and on easy terms. Call on or Address C. E. Bayard or Chae. Frazer The Dalles, Oregon. subsgribe; ( TWICE FOR THE I R j FOR THE V WEEK GBPfiiCiifi And reap the benefit of the following CLUBBING RATES. : CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Week World .... .... $2 00 CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune L.i 1 75 CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian . . 2 25 CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner ... ...... ..: 2 25 WORLD . TRIBUNE OREGONIAN EXAMINER C. W. PHELPS & CO. --DEALERS IX- 1 Mgrioulfural Drapers Manufactured aiid Repaired. Pitts' Threshers. Powers and Extras. Pitts' Harrows arid Cultivators. Celebrated Piano Header. Lubricating Oils, Etc. White Sewing" Machine and Extras. EAST SECOND STREET. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON 175 Second Street. ARTISTS MATERIALS . . Country and Mail Ordera will receive prompt attention. PHESCHlPTIOri DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES 7. Z. DONNELL, Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., . THE DALLES, OR. BISHOP SCOTT RCflDEJVlV PORTLAND ' OREGON. , ' POUNDBD 1870. A Boarding and Day School for Boys, Under - Military Discipline. The 20th year under the present management begins Sept. 14, 1897. Thin Institution Is thoroughly equipped for the mental, social, physical and moral training of boys. A thorough preparation for any college or scientific sc'iool. Graduates at present jn Yale, West Point, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, State Universities of California, Ore gon, Pennsylvania, Stanford and McUill. During vacation visitors welcome troin 9 to 12 a. m. For catalogue and other information, address the Principal, J. W. HILL. M. D. Portland, Oregon. Pos (office drawer 17. WANTED. . . Upright and faithful gentlemon or ladiea to travel for responsible estah lianed house in Oregon. . Monthly $63 and expenses. Position steady. Eefer erence. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. 'The Dominion Company, Dept. H., Chicago. o5-15 - Nebraska corn for aale at the Wasco warehouse. Beat feed on earth. ni9-t FOUR GBEflT PBPE1 Implements. THE DALLES, OR The Dalles, Oregon AND' PERFUMERY. If you auffer with- headache or pain in the eyea, if print blura when reading, yon ehonld have your eyes examined. Possible detective vision is the cause of the pain and if corrected will relieve the pain.- Dr. Lannerberg, eye epecial st, office in the Vogt block, will examine your eyes free of charge. r ..' Snbacribe for The Chronicle. THE il UlE 01 Xj X 3NT U FROM THE DALIES TO PORTLAND. PASSENGER RATES. One way $1.50 Round. trip ......... ........ 2.50 FREIGHT RATES ARE DOWN. The Steamer IONE leavea The Dalles on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays at 6 :30 a. m. Office in the Baldwin Building, foot of Union street. For freight rates, etc, call on or addreaa . J. S. BOOTH, Gen. Agt., . ' . The Dallea, Oregon. y PACIFIC RY. n s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car 8T. PAUL MINNBAPOLI DULCIH KAKOO fO GRAND FOB . . CKOOKSTON WINNIPEG . HELENA an BTJTTK Through Tickets CHICAGO T WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, time cards, maps and tickets, cal ou or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, Toe juanes, uregon A. D. CHARLTON'. Asst. G. P. A., ia5. Morrison Cor. Third, Portland Oregon TO THE ERST! GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES ! GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Low Rates to air Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS ' Leave Portland Kerr FlTe Days for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. For full details call onO.B & Co.'s Agent at The Dalles, or address W,. H. HDELBUET, Gen. Pass. Agt Portland. Oregon . TIME CARD. Ko. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern arrives at 6 p. m., leaves at 6:05 p. m. No. 2, to Pendle ton, Baker City and Union Pacific, arrlvesatl:I5 a. m., departs at 1:20 a. m. . No 3, from Spokane and Great Northern, ar rives at 8 '30 a. m., departs at 8:35 a. m. No. 1, from Bakir City and Union Pacific, arrives at 3:oo a. m., departs at 4:00 a. nv. Nos. 23 and 24, moving east of The Dalles, will cany passengers. No. 23 grrivea at 6:30 p.m., departs at 12:45 p: m. " . - Passengers for Heppner will take train leaving here at 6:05 p. m.