The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Newspaper- on Wasco County. EASTERN OFFICE 230 to 234 Temple Court, N. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. Weekly Clubbing Ratea. Chronicle and Oregonian $2 23 Chronicle and Examiner. 2 25 Chronicle and Tribune 1 75 Chronicle and N. Y. World . . 2 00 THURSDAY OCTOBER 21, 1897 CHARLES A. DANA. The death of Charles A. Dana re removes one of the ablest journalists of the day. He was an advanced representative of the journalists now two generations past, and has wield ed a powerful and healthful influence in moulding public sentiment for more than half a century. Entering the office of the New York Tribune in .1847, he became a wilbng co worker with Horace Greeley and valiantly supported the measures which led to the formation of the Republican party. After fifteen years of service on the Tribune, he retired and was appointed assistant secretary of war, under Secretary Stanton which he held until after the surrender of General Lee. During the war he rendered efficient and valuable services to the department, in his tours of inspection of the con -dition of the army and its movements under the various commanders. His reports were highly appreciated by the department and had much influ ence with the president and Secre tary Stanton. He e&rly recognized General Grant's abilities as a millitary commander and rendered him bis strong support, which, no doubt, did much to direct the attention of the president and his war secretary to him as the proper commander-in-chief of the armies in the field. After the close of the war Mr. Dana resumed his journalistic career and after a short editorial service in Chicago he returned to New York and in 1867 organized the stock company which now owns the New York Sun, and on the 29th day of January the first number, under his editorial management, was given to the public. Ever since then, until death called him from his labors, he was actively engaged in the manage ment of that great newspaper. Mr. Dana had great literary abll ties, but it is through the New , York Sun that he is noted and best known to the present generation. In the conduct of his great journal he was the sole responsible editor and con trolling manager. He infused into its columns his marked individual ity. His sterling integrity to prin ciples, he never forsook; and hence the Sun never descended to the use of the sensational journalism which is so discreditable to the papers of the iay. Honest government, whether national or municipal, found in Charles A. Dana a conscientious and firm advocate for the right. A giant in intellect, he infused his own per sonality into his advocacy of re forms, as well as in his politicar pol icies. On national matteis he was intensely American, and was ever a defender of the oppressed. The press has lost one of its greatest and brightest members, and the public an honest and clean journalist, whose chair will be difficult to fill. "Walla "Walla Union. The reported disagreement in the Leutgert trial illustrates again the maxim that the state needs twelve jurors, while the defense requires but one. A disagreement as to the outcome is to De regretted. A ver dict one way or the other would be far more satisfactory to the public mind and obviate the necessity of another expensive trial. Leutgert and Durrant would be a strong card in a traveling aggregation. It is becoming every, day more evident that if the friends of good government in New York wish to down Tammany, either Low v or Tracy must be withdrawn in the can didacy for mayor. Aa the Citizens' Union ticket, upon which Low is making his canvas, was the first in the field, and as it is clearly shown Trac3' is the weakest candidate, his is the name which should be withdrawn The moral fiber of New York's citi zens is undergoing a test, and the effect of the forthcoming eleetion will be felt outside the locality to which it particularly pertains. r. King's w JDlcoTery for Cosnmp lion. This is the best medicine in the world for all forms of Coughs, Colds and Con sumption. Every bottle is gauranteed. It will cure and not disappoint. It has no equal for Whooping; Cough, Asthma, Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis,' La Grippe, Cold in the Head and Consump tion. It is safe for all ages, pleasant to take, and, above all, a sure cure. It is always well to take Dr. King's New Life Pills in connection with' Dr'. King's New Discovery, as they regulate and tone the stomach and bowels. We guarantee per fect satisfaction or return money. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. (6; Old People. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does' not stimulate and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alternative. It acts mildly on the stomach and Dowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exact ly what they need.' Price 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle at Blakeley & Hough ton's Drug Store. 5 Croup Quickly Cured. Mountain Glen, Ark. Our children were suffering with croup when we re ceived a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It afforded almoBt instant re lief. F. A. Thornton. This celebrated remedy is for sale by Blakeley & Hough ton. SHROPSHIRE RAMS. A few more full-blood rams for sale cheap, and in excellent condition. Eight dollars per head. Address Chas. A. Buckley. 20-t2 Grass Valley, Or. Opera House ONE NIGHT ONLY, Monday, Oct. 25th. First appearance here of the distin guished Comedian, M. B. CURTIS Supported by bis metropolitan company in bis famous original creation, "SflPI'L 01 P08EH" THE DJWflTO UP-TO-DATE, As played by him over five thousand times. Admission, $1 .OO. No extra charge for reserved eeats. Back seai.s 75c; children 50c. ' Reserved eeats on sale at Snipes-Kinersly Drugstore. CREAM BALU 1 B positive enre, Apply into the nostril It quickly absorbed. M cents at Druggists or by mail ; samples IDe. by mail. MJuTl 66 warren tit.. JNew Tork City, VOBT 3r JQ&ah 1 ' - 1 TvEST with a biff B. BlackweU'e Genuine BuU D Durham la In a class by itself. You Till una coupon inside each two ounce bag, and two pons irssldo each four ounce bag of Black we IPs VAX Smoking Tobacco Bnv&baarof thin celebrated tobacco and read the coupon- Whlob gives alistof valuable presents and ho w to get them. J j Special peatur Of V Wholesale. CUines and Cigaps. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Ajihenser-Bnsch Malt beverage, nnequaled as a STUBLING & WILLIAMS "There is a tide in the affairs leads on The poet unauestlonablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of at CRANDALL Who are selling these goods MICHELBACH BRICK. Job Printing one) -. X oo a- . 1 OSil The Chronicle office is the Job priptiij D(rjpartrept. We have better facilities for doing artistic work in this line than any office in Eastern Ore gon, and this branch of our busi ness is. in the hands of expert workmen. Ue $omparisoi) both as to high grade work and reasonable prices. - BUSCH and BEER anddlnUrottIes. Nutrine, a non-alcoholic tonic. of men which, taken at its flood to fortune" Furniture and Carpets & BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rat - - UNION ST. at This Offiee. Regulator Line. Tie Dalles. Fortlani and Astoria Navigation Co.' V sirs. Regulator & Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port- lana aauy, except Sunday. . GOOD SERVICE. LOWEST RATES DOWN THE YALLEI Are you going EASTERN OREGON? If so. serve to one v and enjoy a beautiful trio on the Columbia. Tbe west-bound train arrives at The Dalles in ample time for passengers to take the steamer, arriving in Portland in time for the outgoing Southern and Northern trains; East- Douna passengers arriving in ine uaues in time to tajse me iiasi-Douna train. For further information apply to . . N. HARNEY, Agent, Oak Street Dock. Portland, Oregon, Or W. C. ALLAWAY. Gen. Art., The Dalles, Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland. OVERLAND EX--! press, Salem, Rose- burg. Ashland. Sac- I 1 ramento, Ogden,San ! Franciseo, Mojave, ( 6:00 P.M. 9:30 A. M ixs A.ngeies,jLi faso, t New Orleans and I East 1 Roseburg and way sta Hons 8:30 A. M. 4:30 P. M fVia Woodburn fori I Mt.Angel, Silverton, I t West Scio, Browns- I ville,Springneld and j Daily except Sundays. . Daily except Sundays. I. matron j SCorvallis and way ( stations... (McMinnville and j way stations j t7:30 A. M. t4:50 P. M. t 5:50 P. M t 8:25 P. M Daily. fDaily, except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at San Francisco with Occi dental and Oriental and Pacitic mail steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on application. Kates and ticsets to eastern points- and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where through tickets to all points In the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from , J. B. klRKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive at and depart irom Grand Central Station. Fifth and Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jetterson street. Leave for OSWEGO, daily, except Sunday, at 7:20 a. m.: 12:15, 1:45, 5:25, 6:45, 8:05 p. m. (and 11:30 p. m. on Saturday only, and 8:40 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. on Sundays only). Arrive at Portland daily at 7:10 and 8:30 a m.; and 1:30, 4:15, 6:35 and 7:55 p. m., (and 10 a. m , 8:15 and 5:10 p. m. on Sundays only). . Leave for Sheridan, week days, at4:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. Except Sunday. Except Saturday, B. KOEHLER, Manager. G, H. MARKHAM, Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt JOSEPH sjlfllW HAS OPENED A flarr;es5 Sfyop IN THE EAST END, in the Colum bia Feed Yard, opposite Saltmarshe's Stockyards, where he is ready to do All Kinds of Harness Work. As we keep no servant girls and don't sport a horse and buggy, we can undersell anyone in the city. Being a practical harness-maker, we do our ewn' work. Carriage-trimming a spec ially, f or sample oi our wora, iook at tne Uma tilla House 'Bus. A NEW MARKET. FRUIT, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, PISH AND GAME. Chicken 8 Dressed to Order. Promt Delivery to any part of the city. i A. N. VARNEY, a, hone 12. Third and Washington Sta WALL PflPERI WALIi PAPEfti Just Received 5000 Rolls of Wall Paper. The best patterns. The most beautiful colors. , New Invoice of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. : ipes-KlnersIy Drug Co. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CIY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. HI. G-LB ISTZsT. Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE. Through by daylight via Grass Valley. Kent and Cross Hollows. DOUGLAS 'ALLEN, Tbe Dalles. C. U. WHITELAW, Antelope. Btaees leave The Dalles from Umatilla House at 7 a. m.t also from Antelope at 7:30 a. m. every Monday. Wednesday and fTlday. connections made at Antelope for Prineville, Mitchell and Eints oeyona. jiose connections maae at l tie alles with railways, trains and boats. Stares from Antelope reach The Dalles Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1 :30 p. m. RATES or FAEK. Dalles to Deschutes ,.1 00 ao Moro i oo do Grass Valley 1. . 2 25 do Kent ; S 00 do Cross Hollows 4 50 Antelope to Cross Hollows 1 50 do Kent 2 00 . do Grass Valley 300 do - Moro 3 50 do Desohaees 4 00 do Dalles 5 00 me GoiumDia PaGRlngCo., PACKERS OF PORKanci BEEF ' MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND DRIED BEEF. ETC. J. 8. SCHENE. President. H. M. Bbaix, Cashier. First National Bank. THE DALLES -' - - OREGON A Vieneral Banking Bneinees transacted Depoeita received, subject to Sight . Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on New York, San Francisco and ort- . land. DIRECTORS. D. P. Thomfsoh. Jno. S. Schenck. Es. M. Williams, Gko. A. Liebe. H. M. Bull. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL All work promptly attended to, and warranted. J74 VOGT BLOCK. Sn Watchmaker Jeweler