(?) I ' 4 1 -,'J Cutawav Frock Suits. A Cutaway Suit should fce a dressy Suit ; if it isn't, the maker has missed the mark altogether (a good many makers do). Our perfect fitting cutaways are as stylish as they are good. They are made of fine Clay worsteds, soft finished Diagonals, durable . Chevi ots and Cassimeres Hart, Schaffner&Marx make you know the label "H. S. & M." It means fine work manship and every suit war ranted. We have other styles, of course sack suits, Prince Alberts, etc. ' HART. 80HAFFNER & MARX. lis": . GUARANTEED CLOTHING. 14 ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chromele. i is certainly a very good improvement, ' ami will make it much easier for trains sadly on the ne. nesa be succeeds in zest '6i aaaoxoo ffiJfa x ! WAYSIDE GkANJ.J7 Random Ooservationa and Local Events of Lesser Magnitude. By extreme clever- n train ciuinwn f Ia ' : . . i-.- .. . -a. i i i. ' .-i i - .. ... a si8iniiuri, picdciit m is aimusi. ; uiamonas irom tne original robber, ob impoeeible for a long freight to be j tained confession 'from, the chief, re- ujuveu uui wnu jeoa vnan iwo engines, ; gains ms good name, and incidentally young Jewess to "Sam'l of city next and in future this will not be necessary, : causes a beautiful Look out for an entertainment at the Vogt opera house on Friday evening, Oct. 30th. Lost Saturday evening, a United Artisan pin. Finder will confer a favor on owner by leaving same at this office. Evangelist Wilbur will preach again this evening in the Calvary Baptist church. All not worshipping elsewhere ; are cordially invited to hear him. ; Just arrived today at A. M. Williams & Co.'s, a large line of infants' eider-1 down cloaks handsomelv made and trimmed. Call as the curves which bother so present will be removed. - The galvanized iron work on the stee pie of the new Catholic church is almost finished, and when this is done the work on the outside will practically be co pleted s the steel cross which they have on at present is not strong enough t j stand the heavy wind, another is to be secured and put in its place before the scaffolding is taken down. There was another good Indian in town today.. Old. Lucy, .one of the squaws who for a number of years work ed around town, and who - resided near 'Seufert's, passed away yesterday, a vic tim of consumption. Today her friends save her her last ride rinwn thn rivpr in The neweat creations j the ferry landing and tfaen ,oaded tfae mucn at I change her name for his I'oeem" will be Feen in this onday evening at the Vogt opera houee ith Mr. Curtis in his original role, upported by one of the most capable ornedy organizations nqw touring the country. The sale of seats will begin at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. ana see mem. erved as a hearse and A footrace has been matched between IV A. E. Cameron and Boon Wheat for $100 a side. The race will be run at Wasco on Novembar 7th, and quite a number of Dalles boys are going over to witness it. . The fixtures for Frank Clarke's new drug store have arrived and are being put in place. It is all bard-oil finished oak and very handsome, and the store prom ises, when fully arranged, to be one of the finest in the city. Yesterday the supremecourt advanced the argument in the. Durrantcase, and November 15th is the day set lor the hearing. On that depends the fate of Durrant.'and many are anxiously watch ing tor the decision of the court. The Epworth League consecration meeting will be held this evening at 7 :30 o'clock at the church, in connection with the clasB. This has been so re quested by the officers of the league, and all members are urged to be present. over piu nas neen euDscriaea tor a free ferriage to the Klickitat farmers for the next two months. Considering the good shape in which the roads have been put and the additional inducement of free ferriage, we see no reason wh the Klickitat farmers should not ban their wheat to The Dalles After a triaLof seventeen days, du remains into an express wagon which carriage for the hief mourners,and took it to the place of nterment. An outfit came into Long Creek, Or., he other day that attracted more than brdinary attention. It consisted of an enormous freight wagon with, trail, drawn by eight milk-white horses, high ly groomed and plumed. Over the hames of each horse in the lead team was placed an arch, covered with buffalo or bear skin, and underneath hung a chime of bells that jingled merrily while the horses were in motion. The outfit belonged to a freighter from Mount Ver non, who came over after a load of flour. Club wheat was selling at the ware house yesterday at 75 cents, while some of the Klickitat farmers ciaim to have re ceived as high as 78 cents tor blue stem which is superior to the club. The string of teams instead of decreasing seems to increase daily,, and it is a ques tiqn in the minds of many as to whether or not they will get all the hauling done nniore enow iaus. fcam wiIKieon is building a new warehouse near that of Pease & Mays, which be will have com pleted in time for the spring crop of wool. Death of Mrs. America Howe. A dispatch to the Oregonian from Dallas has the following to say concern ing the death of Mrs. Howe, who is an aunt of .Miss Josie and Carey and Ed ward Jenkins of this city, and in whose family their younger brother, Coke, has found a home since the death of their parents: "Mrs. America Howe, wife of Henry Howe, died of consumption at the family home Oct. 17th. . She leaves a husband and two children. The deceased was a daughter of Willis Jenkins, a pioneer merchant of Dallas. . She was born iMarch 31, 1846, and was the first white female child born in Polk county. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon." Contest for the Medal. tested! is to be j e Third J Sttra'l of Pogein. tion the case of O. D. Taylor was given to the jury and a verdict of guilty ren dered. He was to have been sentenced yesterday, but we understand that he intends appealing to the supreme eourt of Michigan. J As yet nothing hasTjeen learned as to whether or not his motion was overruled. ,i - A crew of about twenty men and some ten or twelve teams are busily engaged in grading the ground over which the new railroad bridge is to be built. The channel of Mill creek is to be changed and run above the bridge! while the old one is to be filled in. fAla: blasting will alsohave to be done in order to put the road through the point of rock south of the shops. This bridge Today Co. G of this .place con or the governor's medal, which given to the best shot in tb battalion. The distance was 200 yards, Shooting off hand,, and the following is Ihe scores made by those who took part: Lieut. Bartell 30 ; Lieut. Booth 22 : Lieut. Varney 17 ; Sergeant Van Norden 30; Sergt. Fritz 30; Sergt. Cashing 9; Sergt. Lemison 31; Sergt. Ullrich 29 ; Sergt. Moore 42 ; Capt.'Kellar 26; Capt. Ullrich 23; Colonel Patterson 23 ; Pri vate Spivey 27; Private . Nichols 30; Private Staniels 27; Private Lemison 35; Private Sandman 26. 2" The score of 42 made by Sergt. Moore is exceptionally high, and our boys of Co. G have bright hopes of having one of their rcembers carry away the medal. The highest possible score would be 50, ten shots being allowed each contestant, and 42 points of the possible 50 is high scoring. r. ' , Cole's Air Tight and Hot Blast -' . Volume of the Ueachates. Sana'l of Posem, in the comedy by that ame, which is one of the most widely nown plays the American atase has i Gyrus fi Bhh. TTnitpd Stnni ver presented, is a vounc Hebra I insnwtnr nf tlin hu.lrnnroni, rummer. When a bov vet in his teens. for the district wpst nf th MiM0!r.; finds that his invalid mother must be j says the Deschutes river contains the largest volume of- water, for the area ven dainty relishes and other medicin al effects to prolong her life. They are are poor; somebody must earn them, and young Sammy Btarts out in the orld selling collar buttons, neckties, enders and other ...unmentionable mcfcnacka. His pronts are large and quick. He works diligently and soon at tracts the attention of a great merchant. be latter engages him to travel on the oad, selling his wares, and his success is rapid. He is robbed of a large quan tity of vauable diamonds; ah enemy accuses him of having stolen 'them, and for a time hie reputation for integrity it H EATE RS II " WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED- A THE BEST V j They heat a room in five minutes. -. - . , They save enough fuel the firttj year to pay for the etove. j .4 cents a day is the average iroet of ! - heating a large room , with our i Stoves. ' ' r- -. ! They burn anything and every, ) thing combustible. -j A cord of wood equals a ton of hard coal in any of our wood heaters. - It is only necessary to remove ash es once in six weeks from our wood stoves. . .They am safe and have a catch to hold the cover while patting in fael. You have a fire every morning. ' Onr hot blast draft furnishes a hot air feed, not cold air, and naves fuel. . They are easily moved and set up. Our wood stoves are made with either sheet iron or cast iron tops in all sizeB, for all purposes. They are jointless the connections being so made that the greater expansion of the lining don't af fect the body. There are no bolts exposed to the fire to burn off or draw or open up a joint. Our coal etove will burn slack and makes a ton of eoft coal equal to ' a ton of hard coal. BEWARE of infringers and inferior , imitations, they never equal the origin al and cost as much. MAIER &, BENTON. the mouth of the Deschutes, the flow per second is 5962 cubic feet ; at the agency ferry, 4452 cubic feet; at Size more's bridge, below the lava flow, 1921 cubic feet ; at Lava postoffice, above the lava flow, 1780 cubic feet ; White river, at Tygh, 192 cubic feet; Warm Spring river, at the reservation road crossing, 284 cabic feet; Tygh creek, 24 cubic feet; Crooked river, 57 cubic feet; Prineville irrigating canal, four cubic feet; Turamalo creek, 85 cubic feet. H acXlen'B Armct salve. - The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, nlcers, Bait rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cuies piles,-or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. For Sale. By The Tygh Valley Land and Live Stock Co., some fine Bucks of the De laine type. Inquire of . Oct.11-31 . A. A, Bonxy, Tygh Valley. Notice. A second-hand Airmoterwind mill in good condition, with steel tower and pnmp for sale by Maier & Benton. - For Sale. ' Six lots, house and stable in Lyle, ap ply to G. Magan, Lyle, septlS-diwlai , gnvupera House drained by it, of any river of what is known ' as the arid, or semi-arid region; While on the way to Prineville he meas ured the discbarge of . water at the Des chutes ferry, near the agency, and found it to be 4450 cubic feet per second. This volume of water is sufficient to irrigate 445,000 acres, or 100 acres for cubic foot. ' ' Mr. Babb gave the following measure ments of discharge of the Deschutes at various important places, and also those of six of its tributaries : At th8 freex bridge; seven miles above every ONE NIGHT ONLY, Monday, Oct. 25th. First appearance here of the distin guished Comedian, M. B. CURTIS Supported by his metropolitan company in his famous original creation, - Ml Pf FOSEIi" THE DHUlWJWEfl UP-TO-DATE, Aa played by him over five thousand times. . : A full line of the Improved Wilson Air-Tight Heaters. We hare a dozen different sines and styles to choose from. . ' Don't forget that we eell the celebrated -. . IPSTIO STEEL ana JOflLLEPLE RHS&E, " - The largeet and most completeTine of Steel Ranges in the City to choose from.-. We bare sold 18 Majesties in the last 60 days. ' ' - ' " ; MAYS & CROWE, J. T. Peters & Co., -DEALERS IN- y Agricultural . Implements, Champion . Mowers and Reapers, praver Headers, Bain " Wagons,1 Randolph. Headers and- Reapers. Drapers, Imbricating Oils, Axle Grease, Blacksmith Coal and Iron. Agents lor Waukegan Barb Wire. 2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, . THE DALLES. Q dmpiet q Line pt . ' Fishing Tackle, Notions, Baseball poods, Hammocks, Baby . Carriages,. Books and Stationery at Bedrock Prices, at the ; Jacobsen Book & Music Co. vVhere will also be found the largest and most complete line, of Pianos and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. . New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. PIONEER BAKERY; I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Closing put Sale FU RN ITU RE C ARPETS. Are going to close out their business and they are offering their large stock at - COST PRICES." Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and settle tneir account. " Admission, $1.00. No extra charge ' for reserved seats. Back seats 75c; children 50c. Reserved seats on sale at Snipes-Kinersly Drugstore. has the best Dress Goods 1 A win m has the best Shoes - -. - - iiaa ovciy tmug tu uc iu uiiu xix a. . . first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F STEPHENS. WANtED. 1 The sum of $200 for ninety days. - Am ple security will be given, and satisfac tory intereet. Address promptly by mail ol5-2t. Enquires. ' Enquire Box No. 211. ' ' 'Caati In our Cneckiu . All countv warrants : registered prior to May 6, 1893, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Sept. 30, 1897. C.L. Phiixtps, County Treasurer.