The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 18, 1897, Image 3

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Cole's Air Tight and '
Hot Blast
Frock Suits.
A Cutaway Suit should be
a dressy Suit; if it isn't,
the maker has missed
the mark altogether (a
good many makers do).
Our perfect fitting cutaways
are as stylish as they are
good. They are made of fine
Clay worsteds, soft finished
Diagonals, durable Chevi
ots and Cassimeres Hart,
Schaf f ner & Marx' make
you know the label "H. S.
&M." It means fine work
manship and every suit war
ranted. We have other styles,
of course sack suits, Prince
Alberts, etc.
They heat a room in five minutes.
r-A They save enough fuel the firt
g year to pay for the stove.
4 cents a day is the average cost nf
heating a large room with our
They burn anything and every
thing combustible.
A cord ' of wood equals a ton of
hard coal iu any of oar wood
It is only necpseary to remove ash
es onee in six weeks from our
wood etoves.
They aro safe and have a cntch to
hold the cover, while putting in
You have a fire every morning.
Onr hot blaet draft furnishes a hot
air feed, not cold air, and Haves
They are eaeily moved and set up.
Oar wood stoves are made with
either sheet iron or cast iron tops
in all sizes, for all purposes.
They are jointless the connections
being bo made that the greater
expansion of the lining don't af
fect the body.
There are no bolts exposed to the
fire to burn off or draw or open
up a joint.
Oar coal stove will burn slack and
makes a ton of soft coal equal to
a ton of hard coal.
BEWARE of infringers and inferior
imitations, they never eqnal the origin
al and cost as much.
A full line of the ' Improved Wilson
-Tight Heaters.
: v . ' -' - .
We hare a dozen different sizes ai styles to choose from.
. Don't forget that we sell the celebrated .
: r , V - -': . : ' '
The largest and most complete line of Steel Ranges in tlie
' City to choose from.' We have sold IS Majesties in the
' last, CO duvs. ' '
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
i Birn field, 54; Thursday, Reris, 49;
! Saturday, Maetz, 55 ; Sunday, E.
i Slianno, 55. .' - .
The Final lay of the Fair.
OCTOBER 18. 1897
races as
well as
the pleasant
Random ODservationi and Local Kventa
of Leaser Magnitude.
A carload of beef cattle from Klickitat
ranges was shipped to the Union Meat
Co. at Troutdale, last night.
Lost Saturday evening, a United
Artisan pin. Finder will confer a favor
on owner by leaving same at this office.
Both trains were late this morning.
The overland arrived at about six, while
the Spokane flyer did not get in until
The Good Templars will meet at Fra
ternity hall, commencing Monday Oct.25.
There will be no meeting of the lodge
next Saturday.
Yesterday the Regulator made a
special trip, arriving here heayily laden
about 10 o'clock, and laft on her return
trip at 12 M. with a full cargov
Evangelist W. S. Wilbur will preach
this evening at the Calvary Baptist
charch at 7 :30 o'clock. AIT
not worship elsewhere are
Judge Mays, who has charge of the
, 1th
gtiat j)lo
j The engine and cars which went into ; weatner drew la,te a crowd to the
j the ditch near Seufert's Saturday morn- j Batnef Saturday afternoon, and three
- , . . . . i i i i 1
l ing are Deing put on me iracK loaay ana
j will be taken to the Albina shops. The
tramp, who at the time of the wreck
was shoveling coal into the engine and
was badly scalded, was left by the
company at Seufert Bro's. mess, house
and at present they have this precious
charge on their hands.
This morning County Clerk Kelsay
received a very neat book-buss for use
in bis office. The buBS will bold twenty
volumes, containing indexes, deed rec
ords, court records, and in fact all the
books needed by anyone desiring infor
mation, which makes it nnrieceesar
them to go into the vaults! Tne buss is
mounted on rollers and during the day
is put in convenient ' place where
everyone can have access to it, while
at night or in case of fire it is wheeled
into the vault, where the records it con
tains are safe. Any information outside
of these books can be had by asking Mr.
Kelsav. It has this great advantage
that everyone does not go into the vault
here valuable papers etc. are kept be
longing to individuals and the county.
who QO
work on the Rockland road, left for the
other side today to superintend the
work and see that the road is put in
first-class shape.
The fancy work which was raffled last
night by the W. R. C, for the purpose
of improving the G. A. R. cemetery, was
won by Mrs. Chas. Stephens, the win
ning number being five.
The Rev. Horeford.of Portland, preach
ed at the Methodist church yesterday
morning, and Rev- Clifford, who was
attending the convention preached
during the evening service.
The very successful conference which
was held at the Baptist church during
the latter part of the week ended last
night, and a number of the delegates
have already left for their homes.
On next Thursday morning from nine
to twelve o'clock, there will be a free
opening at the Phelps bowling alley, in
theeaBtend. Ladies and their escorts
are cordially invited to be present and
enjoy the use of a good alley.
A coat of paint is being put on the
outside of the club rooms which greatly
adds to the appearance of the building.
Work commenced on the bowling alleys
today and in a short time the rooms will
be ready and in use once more. .
The quarterly examination in the pub
lic schools is just finished and is up to
the usual standard of exce'lence. The
eleventh grade, which is the graduating
. class, did exceptionally well, and prom
ises to be a class : of, which the school
may well be proud.
The bowling scores at the Umatilla
house alleys for the week ending yester
day were as follows ; Monday, Maetz,
63;Tueeday. Gozzam, 51;
Old People.
Old people who require medicine to
-egulate the bowels and kidneys will
ind the true remedy in Electric Bitters,
'his medicine does not stimulate and
i ion tains no whisky nor other intoxicant,
ttut acta as a tonic and alternative. It
ts mildly on the stomach and Dowels,
adding strength and giving tone to the
organs, thereby aiding Nature in the
uerformance of the functions. Electric
Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old people find it just exact
ly what they need. Price 50 cents and
$1.00 per bottle at Blakeley & Hough
ton's Drug Store. 5
exciting races took place.
The first was between Allen f?., Leland
W. and Meteor, for a purse of $150 ; it
being trot and pace, best three in five,
mile heats.
Three heats we're all, however, that
were necessary to decide the race, for
lien S. won all with ease; the time
eing 2 :37, 2 :35 and 2 :29.
The fcecond race was a half mile dash
between Raindrop, Sally Goodwin, Gus
1.. and Serretta, for a puree of $125.
The start was perfect but Gas L. soon
ook the lead and easily came in two
engtbB ahead of any of the others.
Serretta came second with Sally Good
win third, the time being 512 seconds.
The last race of the fair, was amile
handicap for a purse of $150 between
New Moon, Latah, Alicia and Imported
Indymion. .
New Moon led out and Latah and
Indymion followed together at 'a distance
of about' 30 feet in the rear. For three-
quarters of a mile it was difficult to say
which of these two horses would come in
ahead of the other. New Moon held
the lead throughout the mile, and at the
three-quarter pole Indymion shot ahead
ot Latah and came in second, while Latah
had all he could do to hold third place
The time made was 1 :44. '
xnis enueu tne races, and from every
standpoint we may say that the fair was
a success.
During the evening a large number
of people gathered at the pavilion where
a very complete and ' excellent pro
gramme was rendered.
- There will be a session of the Veterans
and Sons of Veterans . at the G. A. R.
hall Saturday Oct. 23. You are request
ed present with your wives. By
' order of Post commander,
H. H. Leonard.
Caah In lour Cheeks.
All countv warrants registered prior
to May . 6, 1893, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Sept. 30,
1897. C. L. Pnn.i.iPS,
Countv Treasurer,
The sum of $200 for ninety days. . Am
ple securitv will be given, and satisfac
tory interest. Address promptly by mail
cl5-2t. . " ; Enquirer
Enquire Box No. 211.
For Sale.
By The Tygh Valley Land
Stock Co., some fine Bucks
laine type. Inquire of
Oot.11-31 - A. A, Bossy, Tygh Valley
A second-hand. Airmoter wind mill .in
good condition, with steel tower and
pump for sale by Maier & Benton.
and Live
of the De
man. extracted nimsen irom tne norse
and struck out with the stroke of an ex
cellent swimmer for the North shore.
He was nearing the other bank w hen
bis brother and young Cooper started to
bis assistance. He noticed the move
ment on their part and cried back to
them: "Don't worry about me, I am
all right," after which he almost im
mediately sank from sight and rose no
more. Lewiston Patriot.
J 1: Bet er s & Go
Agricultural Implements, Champion.
Mowers and Reapers, Craver Headers, Bain
Wagons, Randolph'1 Headers and Reapers,
' Drapers, Lubricating Oils, Axie Grease.
Blacksmith. Coal and Iron.
Agents ior Waukegan Barb Wire.
2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, THE DALLES.
Dal 1-k Public School.
Following is the enrollment on Friday,
October 14, 1897 ;
East Hill Primary.
Miss Nan Cooper 1 and 2Ii
Mrs. Roche 3, 4 and 5B
Academy Park.
Miss Thlrmaii 1 B
M re. Baldwin j 2 n d 1 n
MissFlinn . " .ianasi)
Miss I. Rintonl. .." 0D
Miss T. Rintoul 0 A and 7 B
Union Street
Miss Rowe 1 B
Miss E. Cooper 2 B
Miss Snell 4B
Miss Cheese 4 A and 6 B
Union Street Annex.
Miss Ball .....5B
Court Street.
Miss Michell 7 A and 8 B
Miss Hill... I Hieh School 8, 9, 10
Mr. Landers and 11A
Number of days of school, 24. . -
Per cent of attendance on" number be
longing, 97.
A Merlon Accident.
Last Thursday afternoon about 2
o'clock Jerry Achey, of Haystack, at
tempted to take the primerjfla loaded
shotgun shell and in hits efforts the shell
exploded, and he is now minus his left
forefinger. Over half of the finger was
shot away. His thumb and index finger
were injured, but not bad. He was
taken to Prineville and Dr. Belknap
amputated the finger about an inch from
the knuckle joint.
Jerry says that he has run sawmills
nearly all bis life and bo far has escaped
from any serious accident in running
them," and then to let a little thing like
digging the primer from a shell lacerate
one of his hands. He takes a philosophic
view ot the matter and says no one is to
blame but himself. ' His many friends
in the county will regret to hear of his
accident. - ,
Lewiston Mao Drowned.
First Months
September 1888 360. .
" 1889 375..
Average Daily
Complete Line of
Fishing Tackle, Notione, Baseball Goods, Hammocks, Baby
' Carriages, Books and Stationery at Bedrock Prices, at the
J acobsen Book & Music Co.
iVhere will also be found the largest and most complete line '
of Pianos and other Mueical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. - ?
' " i. ."...
Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
New Vogt Block,
The Dalles, Oregon.
fasGQlarehouse Company
1S90 360....: ...302
1891 384.' : 308
1892 428 389
1893 443 395
1894.... 567 ,486
1893 612 543
1896. ...685- 607
1897 716.... 631
1894.... 67... ?.
1S95.... 73....
1896.... 88
1897.... 111....
John- Gavin, Principal.
W. K. C Resolutions.
Thursday morning abovt 9 o'clock
while Ira Cowan, his brother and George
Cooper were attempting to cross a band
of horses on the rapids, near J. M. Har
rington's mill site,.. the horse which
young Cowan was riding became un
manageable. It reared np and fell
backward, and, the horse and rider dis
appeared beneath the treacherous waves.
The young man being an expert horse-
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarter for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Snorts,
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
frs-t-t 'Tlri 11T' ' This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
OvIXi. J? J.KJ 14. i. . use: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We 6ell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced..
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. ;
Office of secretary of J. W. Nesmith
Belief Corps, No. 17, department of
Oregon, W. R. C, The Dalles, Oct, 16,
Renolved: that we the members of J.
W. Nesmith Woman's Relief Corp, No.
17, extend our loving eympathy to the
husband aud sons of our departed sister,
Olivia Eping. A'.so to 4he sweet girl,
May Jones, who so faithfully filled a
daughter's place in the home and heart
of the deceaeed. May God comfort and
bless each sorrowing heart, and may
they be able to eay w ith us : .
"We cannot sav. we will not say. '
That she is dead, she is just away ;
With a cherry smile and a wave ol the
She has wandered into the better laud.
Sleep well, dear sister, and meet us at'
the gate ajar. Mary S. Mysks,
Blanche Pattkbsox, '
MAsy Nichols,
. Committee
I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery,
- and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
:- has the best Dress Goods
has the best Shoes :.
has everything" to he found in a
' y . first-class Dry Goods Store.