The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 30, 1897, Image 1

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    &dlm dfegilffiirft
NO 226
American Annexation of Ha
waii Will Be Protested.
She Merely Hope to Persuade Uncle
Sam to Giro Up Neckar lslaud--Happening
In Hawaii.
San Francisco, Sept. 29. The steam
Bhip Australia arrived this morning from
Honolulu with the following Hawaiian
advices :
Honolulu, Sept. 22. When the ques
tion of annexation of the "Hawaiian isl
ands comes up before the United States
senate, England will make a protest.
This protest will not be of a belligerent
nature, and will be only the forerunner
of a scheme to obtain control of Neckar
island for cable purposes.
For some time past English war ves
sels have been besieging the islands in
the Pacific, but have kept their hands
off Hawaiian territory. In May. 1894,
President Dole had reason to believe
that England had her eyes on Neckar
island. He acted promptly, and on the
25th of May a vessel was chartered and
sailed the same day for the ialand. Cap
tain James A. King, a minister of the
interior, was in charge of the expedition.
The island was reached two days later,
and the following proclamation was
"I, James A. King, minister of the in
terior of the. provisional government of
the Hawaiian islands, take possession of
this island, known as Neckar island, as
a part of Hawaiian territory ; having
been claimed by the Hawaiian govern
ment since the year 1845, when an expe
dition under Captain Paty was sent to
survey said island."
Both the United States and Hawaiian
governments know positively that Eng- j
land does not object to annexation of the
islands ; but she must have a cable land
ing near Honolulu, and a landing most
be on British soil. Neckar island is
practically worthless to Hawaii, and it is
believed that the United StateB govern
ment will readily cede the barren rock to
please England.
When Captain King visited Neckar
island it was found to be almost a sterile
heap of volcanic rocks, nearly 300 feet
high, with a few patches of coarse grass
on the surface.
Representative J. G. Cannon, of Illi
nois ; H. C. Laudenelager, of New Jer
sey: A. S. Berry, of Kentucky, and J.
A. Tawley, of Minnesota, and their fam
ilies leave for San Francisco today, after
a short stay in this country. Senator
Morgan will remain several weeks
longer. During the party's stay they
have been conducted to the .different
points of interest, and have had every
thing pertaining to Hawaii explained to
them. Many social functions have been
given in their honor. On the evening of
the 20th a public reception was tendered
Senator Morgan. It took place at the
United States legation, and was largely
attended. .
Senator Morgan and the congressmen
visited Pearl harbor yesterday. The
latest charts, together with a brief
sketch of the work already accom
plished by the Pennington survey party,
were laid before the senator and bis col
leagues. ...... t . '
It has been claimed -. that representa
tive Cannon is opposed to annexation.
In an interview he said : r ?
"You can rest assured that I. have not
committed myself -against annexation.
I do not care what you hear to the con-
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening strength aud
healthfulness. Assures the food against alum
and all forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
Royal Baking Powdkb Co. ;New York.
trary, no man can eay that I am pledged
against the annexation of the Islands.
I dislike going into print on this question
at the present time. I came here for
pleasure and to see and learn all I pos
sibly could during the short period of
my stay. I can truthfully say that I
am greatly impressed with my trip to
Congressman Cannon is chairman of
the house appropriation committee.
He has always opposed the allowance
of any large appropriation for the im
provement of Pearl harbor.
Congressman Berry talks freely. He
said :
"I was favorable to a political anion
before I came here, and my visit has
only strengthened me . in my position.
I feel confident that annexation will
come during the next session of con
gress." Congressman Laudenelager was non
committal when interviewed. He said :
"Not being on American soil, I would
prefer not to talk on the subject. You
will hear very Bhortly how I feel about
the matter, for I intend to ventilate my
views when I return borne. I can say
that I was favorably impressed with the
American colony in Hawaii."
Returned Prospector GItps Glowlnc
' Accounts of Their Rlchnrss.
Nog ales, Ariz., Sept. 29. Captain T.
C. Cox, and old and experienced mining
man from Tuolumne county, California,
has just returned from the Yaqui coun
try in Mexico, and brings the first
authentic information about the gold
region there. . '
He described the country as of a roll
ing surface, about thirty-five by sixty
miles in area, and says the gold is found
in the foothills at the edge. It is reached
by road from Ortiz station on the Sono-
ra railway, 215 miles south of Nogales,
and 40 miles north of Guaymas. Cap
tain Cox says the ground is very rich
placer. The gold is coarse and heavy
and is well washed. Captain Cox re
ports that in the vicinity are many
quartz ledges, from six to ten feet of free
milling ore.
If you eat what you like,, and digest it,
you will surely be strong and healthy.
But if you don't digest it, you might
almost as well not eat, for what good
can your food do you if it doesn't nourish
If you find that you can't dfgest it,
there is a simple help for your stomach.
It is Shaker Digestive Cordial,-made
by the Shakers of Mount Lebanon. It
has never failed to cure the worst case
of indigestion. ' , .- v
Strength and health comes from the
food you eat, after it has been digested
and has gone into the blood.
. The best tonic is digested food. The
best aid to digestion Shaker ; Digestive
Cordial. , .
When you have acid eructations, nan
sea, headache, wind,' dizziness, offensive
breath, or any other symptoms of dys
pepsia, Shaker Digestive Cordial will
cure you.
At druggists. Trial bottle 10 cents.
Cured by
"Happy Thought"
Salve. "i
"I was troubled with an Eczema or
eruption on the ' bands for two years. I
spent quite a sum of money without get
ting a-cnre. -' Then I commenced using
. Garland's Happy Thought Salve.- I have
used sir or eight jars, and am cured.' It
is a great medicine, and lean fully reo
ommend it to anyone troubled with skin
disease." J. M. E. ATKINSON,
City Treasurer, -Seattle,
Did Ion Ever.
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for
your troubles? If not, get a bottle now
and get relief. This medicine has been
found to be peculiarly adapted to the re
lief and cure of all Female Complaints,
exerting a wonderful direct influence in
giving strength and tone to the organs.
If you have Loss of Appetite, Conetipa
tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are
Nervous, Sleepness, Excitable, Melan
choly or troubled with Dizzy Spells,
Electric Bitters in the medicine yon
need. Health and Strength are guaran
tppd hv its nHA- T.ftrcft rtnr.r.lAfl rmlv fiftv
w ' - j j
cents and $1.00 at BlaKeley & Houghton,
Druggist. 6
There fs Nothing So Good.
There is nothing just as good as Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do
not permit the dealer to sell you some
substitute. '' He will not claim there is
anything better,' but in order to make
more profit he may claim something else
to be just as good. You want Dr. King's
New Discovery because you know it to
be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to
do good or money refunded. For Coughs,
Colds, Consumption and for all affec
tions of Throat, Chest and Lungs, there
is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New
Discovery. Trial bottle free at Blakeley
& Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size
50 cents and $1.00. ;3)
Special Bates to Portland..
From Sept. 22d until Oct. 1st the O,
R. & N. Co.- will sell special round trip
tickets from The Dalles to Portland,
good until Oct 3d, at the rate of one fare
for the round trip, namely $3.45. Ad
mission to exposition free.
J. Ireland, Agent.
Some cheap baking' powders
are like'the man who complained
that he had a powerful weak
ness." "' " ' . -
I Ybar;'m6n ey h'blc'k ? if , y o u
It Saves the Croopj Children.
Ssavikw, Va. We have a splendid
sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
and our customers coming from and
near, speak of it in the highest terms,
Many have said that their children
would have died of croup if Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy had not been eiv'
i. K ell am & Uueren. The 2o and
50 cent sizes for sale by Blakeley &
A Rich Treat Is Premised.
To the Oregon State Fair for 1897,
September 30th to October 8th the
O. R. & N. Co. will sell tickets at one
fare rates for round trip from all points
on their lines in Oregon. .
You. will be entertained from morning
until night. No time to rest. Liberal
prizes offered for all kinds of sports,
such as baseball, tug-of-war, chopping
contests, foot races, hammer throw,
shot put, and various other sportB in
in charge of a competent committee,
Don't overlook the date and the eheap
railroad rate of on fare for the round
Popular admission of 25 cents.
A Murderer Sentenced.
St. Louis, Sept. 29. Henry Clay, col
ored, who killed William Amend, i
newsboy, was today sentenced to bang
on Thursday, November 18th, next
The condemned man's attorney aBked
tor a new trial, and the motion was
taken under advisement.
How's This!
We offer one hundred dollard reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan & . Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Price,
75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists
Testimonials free. ' 1-5-9
k Schilling & Company . .
ban t rancisco
A Steamer for Alaska.
Tacoma, Sept. 29. The steamer City
of beattle sailed this morning for Alas
ka with a good cargo of , freight, among
which was two carloads of portable
houses for Skaguay. Very few passen
"gers left from Ihis port.'
Married ladies should; see Dr. Mullin
nix. They ? will learn? something that
they have always wanted to know.
Any good (?) clothing" Is
good; until something
happens to it and then
you wish it were one of.
our Kuhe Nathan & Fischer
Co. suits. A guarantee,
ticket with every garment
bearing this label.
Ml ' IH "
Disappointments have'nt
built up our growing trade
it's good quality, good
taste, good variety, good
workmanship, good trim
mings, good treatment.
That's our way!
' i
21. YH. WISiLiliimS & GO.
One brown horse, black stripe down
the back ; harness marks ; branded H.
W. on reft shoulder : 7 years old: weighs
about 900 pounds; bad a bell on when
last seen.
One sorrel horse, white mane, lays on
both sides of neck , no brand or mark ;
8 years old ; weighs about 900 pounds.
One bay horse, colt, 18 mos. old ; no
Two dollars and a half per head will
be paid for their recovery. Address
Geo. Booth, and
C. D. Henhich,
811-1 to Hood Eiver, Or.
A Fine School.
St. Mary's academy for ladies, located
in this city and under the direction of
the Sisters, is one of the best educational
institutions on the coast. -The building
is of brick, large and well ventilated.
Besides the regular studies, especial ef
fort is made to inetil into the minds of
the pupils a desire to form their hearts
to virtue, and to fit them to be true and
noble rfomen. Gratuitous lessons are
given in all kinds of plain and. fancy
needle word, knitting, embroidery, etc
Pupils will receive the same watchful
care that would be given them by " con
scientious parents. It is in fact an ideal
shcool and a pleasant home. Those who
have girls to send to school should write
to St. Mary's academy for terms. tf.
Do you want the earliest and best
range in Washington,' with 640 acres of
deeded land, and a chance to raise un
limited quantities of alfalfa? If you do,
call on or address
J. H. Cradlkbaugh,
ag21-tf The Dalles, Or. i
To Cattlemen, Batchers and Others.
Wanted To pasture for two months',
100 head of stock on the overflew bottom
lands at Lyle, Wash. Magnificent feed.
For particulars apply to
T. Balfour,
spll-tf Lyle, Wash. '
This Xs Toot Opportunity. , , ;
On receipt of ten cent, cash; or stamp,
a -. cenerous samrjle will be 'mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate tne great merits oi me remeay.
. 0 , , 50 Warren St., New JoxV City.
ev. Johc P.eid, Jr. , of Great Falls, Mont.',
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi-
-rre-owe for -oatarrU it uea.-as directed."
Rot. Francis W. Poole, Pastor .Central Prea.
Church, Helena, Mont. t
Otrre lor xsatarwr ana eont&insno mercury
nor any usjarioua drag. Price. 60 oenta.
Is York Weekly
Farmers and Villagers.
FOR i . "
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters.
. FOR '
Ail the Family.
With the close of the Presidential.Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the
fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and
business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and
prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the
fight for the principles' for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception
to the present dav. and won its greatest victories.
Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family, j
We furnish. "The Chronicle" and N". Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W-. Beet,
Tribune Office, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une will be mailed to vou.
A Boarding and Day School for Boys, Under
Military Discipline. .
"The 20th year under the'present roanneeraent begins Sept. H, 1897.' This institution
is thoroughly equipped for the mental, social, physical and moral training of boys. A.
thorough preparation for any college or scientific school. Graduates at present in Yale,
West Point, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Btate Universities of California, Ore
gon, Pennsylvania, Stanford and McGllL During vacation risitors welcome trom 9 to 12
a. m. For catalogue and other information, address the Principal, J. W. HILL, M. 1.
Portland, Oregon. Postofnce draver 17.
1 :- - :
175 Second Street. - ; The Dalles, Oregon
Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.