The Dalles Daily Chroniele. Tht only Republican Daily Newspapei Wesseo County. EASTERN OFFICE 830 to 834 Temple Court, N. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. Weekly Clubbing Rate. Chronicle and Oregonian $2 25 Chronicle and Examiner 2 25 Chronicle aod Tribune 1 75 Chronicle and N. Y. World 2 00 FRIDAY - - SEPTEMBER 24, 1897 TRUE TO HIS PARTY. Replying to The Chronhle's statement that Senator Mitchell in dorsed the national Republican plat form, an'I in dozens of speeches made during tfae last campaign he so stoted, the Oregonian of Thursday says: There is but a word to say here. Mr. Mitchell has always spoken in the senate and voted in the senate for free -coinage of silver. Mr. Ellis has tione the same thing in the house. Both Mr. Kins ana Air. Mitchell spoke for it and voted for it in congress, on every possible oc casion, down to the adoption of the Republican national platform of 1896; and, though both professed to "acqui sce in the demands of their party," and beth -supported McKinley, both have to this hour distinctly avoided i any declaration upon which tuey could be held, that they would not or will not speak and vote for free coinage of silver hereafter as hereto fore. Years before both declared their acceptance of te Minneapolis Republican national platform, which was not a free silver platform, and could not without dishonesty be con strued as such. What now is the declaration of such men worth, that they accept the St. Louis platform? The5' give platforms false interpreta tms, and profess to "accept" them on these interpretations; and then when elected to congress to continue to speak and vote for free coinage of silver. Morever, when asked what! their course will be hereafter, and distinctly whether they will continue to speak and vote on silver as here tofore, they refuse to answer, and take refuge in generalities. This will not do, either for Mr. Mitchell and for Mr. Ellis, or for others who may be candidates. Voters who un derstand this subject and realize its supreme importance will be juggled with do longer. The Oregonian's contention is that Mr. Mitchell has never said that "he would not. or will not, speak and vote for free coinage of silver here after as heretofore." Never said so? Is not the statement, made publicly, that he indorsed the platform a plain and unequivocal assertion that if elected to office he would vote to make the platform effective ? True. to "the urgent demands of his bitter est enemy, the Oregonian, that he explain to it, he made no repty; but to the Republican party of the state he answered fully and voluntarily. Mr. Miichell was elected senator for bis last term in January, 1890. In the following June the Republican state convention adopted a platform, the financial plank of which, we have been told (but know nothing" of per sonally) was written by Hon. II. W. Scott. Be that as it may, the finan cial plank of the state platform of 1890 reads: "Recognizing the fact that the United States is the greatest silver producing country in the world, and that both gold and silver are equally the money cf the constitution from the beginning of the republic until the hostile legislation against silver, which unduly contracted the circu lating medium of the country; and recognizing that the great interests of the people demand more money for use in the channels of trade and commerce; therefore, we declare ourselves in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver, and de nounce any attempt to discriminate against silver as unwise and unjust. This - was the sentiment of the party that elected Senator Mitchell, expressed within a few months afte that election. It was the instruc tions given by the party to its representatives in congress, and Sen ator Mitchell, in season and out, bent his energies and his talent to making the desires of his constituents effect- Oregon Republican convention has altered its instructions to its repre sentatives, except by a straddle that means, and was intended to mear. anvthinz. Senator Mitchell did not i construe, or misconstrue, platforms, j for there was nothing to construe. There was no ambiguity. As for the sound money proposi tion, the Oregonian is not now, nor has it been since the '96 convention, in accord with the Republican plat form ; but on the contrary has been rabidly against it. The financial plank in 189G, on which McKinley was elected, reads "We are there fore opposed to the free coin age of silver except by in ternational agreement with the leading commercial nations of the WOrld, -WHICH WE PLEDGE OURSELVES w promote, and until such agree ment can be obtained, the gold standard must be preserved." Senator Mitchell has asserted hun dreds of times, publicly, that he n dorsedthat platform unequivocally. Has the Oregonian done so, or will it ? We admit that the Oregonian s statement that ''voters who under stand the question will be juggled with no longer, is true,and suggest that our contemporary cork np its jug- The Oregon Press AssDciation meets at Baker City October 14th, and will leave that Oregon Denver on the afternoon of the 16th. The weather being propitious, we venture the assertion that Western Oregon neoole will so home with a better idea of the grandeur of the good old state than they ever had before. They will get an idea, though but a faint one, of the vast mineral re sources of Baker county. The meeting, for this cause alone, will be of incalculable benefit to the whole state. B1 ro-n it. o k:o n. RlnrfcweU's lienuine uuu Durham Is In a class Dy ltseu. xou win fonDon inside each two ounce bag, and two cou pons Inside cacti four ounce bo o Blackwell's lenuln Our Smoking Tobacco Buy aba? of thin celebrated tobacco and read the coupon lam CATARRH local'disease and is the result of colds and sudden climatic changes. For your Protection we positively state that this remedy does not contain mercury or any other injur ious drug. Ely's Cream Balm re acknowledged to be the most thorsngh cure for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay lever of all remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages, allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses of taste and smell. Price 60c. at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warren Street. New York. A. fine School. St. Mary's academy for ladies, located in tiiis city and under the direction of the Sisters, is one of the best educational institutions on the coast. The building is of brick, large and well ventilated. Besides the regular studies, especial ef fort is made to instil into the minds of the pupils a desire to form their hearts to virtue, and to fit them to be true and noble women. Gratuitous lessons are given in all kinds of plain and fancy needle word, knitting, embroidery, etc. Pupils will receive the same watchful care tbat would be given them by con scientious parents. It is in fact an ideal s h cool and a pleasant home. Those who have girls to send to school should write to St. Mary's academy for terms. tf. fi Special feature Wholesale Company O Attention! Orders No. lo. The officers and members of Company G will report at their armory on Satur day, September 25, 1897, at 7 :30 p. in. sharp, fully uniformed and equipped for company drill and quarterly inspec tion. By order ot A. L. Reese, ep20-td Capt. Commanding. If you suffer with headache or pain in the yeB, if print blurs when reading, you should have your eyes examined. Possible detective vision is the cause of the pain and if corrected will relieve the pain. Dr. Lannerberg, eye epecial st, office in the Vogt block, will examine your eyes free of charge. Joseph sHflfifioii HAS OPENED A Jlar9es5 Sl?op IS THE EAST END, in the Colum- bia Feed Yard, opposite Saltmarshe's Stockyards, where he is ready to do All Kinds of Harness Work. CCttnes and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSEft-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER and tn Dottles. Regulator Line. The Dalles. Portlani anJ Astoria Navigation Co.' WALL PflPEltf WALL PAPERl Just Received strs. Regulator S Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN I The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Looks and Port land daily, except ouiiuiiy. GOOD SERVICE. LOWEST RATES 5000 Rolls of Wall Paper, best patterns. The beautiful colors. New Invoice (down the yallet Of The Chronicle office is the Job prii?tii) . i D?partTei?t. We have better facilities for doing1 artistic work in this line than any office in Eastern Ore ) gon, and this branch of our busi- Vness is in the hands of expert T workmen. r Ue T ! 5omparisor i T y both as to high grade work and V J I v reasonable prices. Are you going " TO ; ( EASTERN OREGON ? if arv kvb monev and enjoy a beautiful trip on tho f-niumhia. The wes-t-bound train arrives at The Dalles in ample time for passengers to take the steamer, arriving in Portland in time for the ni.tdninir SiuthRrn und Northern trains; East- bound passengers arriving in The Dalles in time- to take tne tasi-Dounu tram. For further information apply to J. N. HAKNEY, Agent, Oak street uocje- r-ortiunu, ureiih Or W. c. ALLAWAY. Gen. Agt., . The Dalles, Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE- Southern Pacific Comp'y Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland, 6:00 P.M. 8:30 A. M. Daily except Sundays. 17:30 A. M, t4:50 P. M OVERLAND EX-1 press, Salem, Rose-1 burg, Ashland, Sac-1 ramento, Ogden,San I Franciseo, Moiave, f a& Angeies,i.i raso, i New Orleans and I East J Roseburg and way sta tions (Via Woodbnrn fori i Mt.Angel, Silverton, I i West Scio, Browns- I ville.Sprlngfleld and i. matron j (Corvallis and way) j stations ( (McMinnville audi (way stations 1 9:30 A. M 4:30 P. M Daily except Sundays. t 5:50 P. M t 8:25 P. M The most of Paints and Oils: Any color or brand supplied. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIREBRICK, FIRE CLAY, lime; cement, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. ZE3I. C3- Ij IE3 IEsT 3ST. Daily. tDaiiy, except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS BLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at Kan Francisco with Occi dental and Oriental and Pacific miiii steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates ou application. . j&ates ana iickcih to r.a&teru pom is mm nu- rope. AlsoJAPAjf, china, hojnuiulu ana AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from J. B. KlRKLA.ND, Ticket Agent. Throueh Ticket Office. 134 Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive at and depart from Grand Central Station. Fifth and Irving Btreete YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson strce. Leave for OSWEGO, daily, except Sunday, at 7:20 a. m.; 12:15, 1:45, 5:26, 6:45, 8:06 p. in. I (and 11:30 p. m. on Saturday only, and 8:40 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. on Sundays only). Arrive at Portland daily at 7:10 and 8;30 a m.; ana 1:30, 4:15, 6:35 and 7:55 p. m., (and JO a. m , 315 and 5:iu p. m. on Sundays oniyj. Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and ITridnv nt. Q--1A Tn Arrive at Portland. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. R. KOEHLER, Manager. , H. MARKHAM, Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Assignee's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has tiled his final account as assignee of the es tate of Young Quong Lee Juke Tow and Da-Ong Tong Tang, partners doing business under the firm name of Wai Tai, Young Quong Company and Young Quong insolvent debtors, with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County. That said final account will come on for hearing in tnid Court on the first day of the next regular term of said Court Court, to-wit: The second Monday in Novem ber, 1897, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.,or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard. junl6-6w-i J. O. MACK, Assignee. Administrator's Notice. For Rent. Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. 'Tiere is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flooa leads on to fortune. The poet unauestlonablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Farniture and Carpets at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at reatlv-reduced rat MICHELBACH BRICK. - - UNION ST. The Doc Lee ranch on High Prairie, Klickitat county. 560 acres fenced and 250 acres in cultivation. All capable of cultivation. Will rent for a term of years on easy terms to the right party. Call on or address, F. H. Rowe, The Dalles, Oregon. a21-wtf. tub Columbia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTUKER8 OF Fine" Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. JVC. As wc keep no servant girls and don't sport a horse and buggy, we can undersell anyone in the city. . Being a practical harness-maker,' we M.. Avn 11-L- I ' .1 r i 1) irii-,T"1 til TT1 i Tl f M aniui. T7rtm T,t i one Many. for snmpie or our nun, iw mo 1' rom that time Until 18Do no ' tilla House 'Bus. Job Printing at This Office. nrjLDDD poison u Doe! enry, tisrr BLOOD POISON DermanentM cured In 16 to 86 days. You can be treated a noDBiorwu pnoe naaer nme Kvaraa tT. If tou prefer to come here wewilloon. tract to DaTrmilroadfareaod hotel blllLani tamrge, if we fail to cure. If you hare taken mer ry, iodide potash, mod atill hare ache and ds. Mucous Patches in mouth. Sore Throat. Cains. Fimples, Copper Colored Spots. Ulcers on any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows fallinc out. It is this Secondary BLOOD POISON rertUMsnteetocure. We solicit the most obsti i&a rnnns and elimllaim th world fn. m. case we cannot cure. This disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent physi- eUuu. SAOO.OOO capital behind our. nnconiU. tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on application. Address COOK REMJSDY COL. Notice is herebv given that the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco Crunty, by an order dated the 3d day of April, 1897. duly ap pointed the undeisigned administrator of the estate of Andrew V. Anderson, deceased. All rersons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned at French & jeer's bank in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months trom tne aate nereoi. Dalles City, Oregon, May 19, 1897. mv2J-ii J. C. HOSTETLER, Administrator. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Silas W. Davis, late of Wasco County, and now deceased. All persons having claims against said estate or against the estate of Coram and Davis of Wapinitia, Oregon, of which said firm, said deceased was a partner, will present the same, duly verified, to me at The Dalles, Oregon or to my nttorneys, Dufur & Menefee, of Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 22d day of May, 1897. B. F. LATJGHLIN, Administrator of the estate of Silas W. Davis, . deceased. m26-5t-i Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed executor of the last will and testament of Mary Bill, deceased. All Sersons having claims against ihe estate of said eceased are herebv notified to present the same, with the proper vouchers therefor, to me at my office in The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated September 16, 1897. spl8-ii JOHN MARDEN, Executor. adBsV DR. GUNITS IMPROVED m LIVER. J 2 PILLS A ilill FhTHir. One Pill for a Done. A morement of tb bowels each aay m pqco ry for boalth. These pills supply what the system leeks to tnk it regular. They cure Headache, brighten the. Eyes, and clear the Complexion better than cosmetics. They neither gripe nor sicken. To convince yon, ws rill mail aiunptn free or fu!l box for 2fto. SoIdeTery Vkexe. lit- iOi'AN-; LO MKDl CO.. Philadelphia, Fa,