The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 21, 1897, Image 1

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NO 218
He Does Not Favor the Use
of Dasrer and Torch.
Anarchists Notified lliat They Bad
Ketter Withdraw From n
Sccial Democracy.
Chicago, Sept. 20. E. V. Debs at
tended a meeting of branch No. 1. social
democracy, at Journal hall last evening,
and lectures its members soundly on ac
count of the incendiary epeeches of the
preceding Sunday.
Mr. Debs told them in plain language I
that he did not favor the use of the dag- j
ger or the torch. He said he did not j
advocate arson and assassination. He i
repudiated the talk of revolution. He
declared that violence and bloodshed
had no part in the plans of social demo- j
cracy. He said the hope of Bocial demo- j
cracy lay in peaceful methods, and he
pointed to the ballot as the remedy for I
the evils complained of. He told the!
anarchistic element in plain terms that j
it had better withdraw from the organ-j
The hall was crowded and Debs was !
frequently interrupted Dy questions.
One questioner who asked if social demo
ciatcy was not virtually anarchy, seemed
to be hostile, but as a rule, the meeting I
seemed to be in sympathy with Mr.
Debs, applauding hia repudiation of
violence and laughing scornfully at the
hostile questioner. Several police of
ficers were present' in citizens' clothes,
but there was no excuse for their inter
ference. John J, Cook caused a mild sensation
by resigning his membership, and de
claring that Debs had partially
abandoned the colonization scheme and
was seeking to make a political party.
Fitzgerald Murphy, chairman of the
executive board of branch No. 1, frankly
acknowledged that he had committed an
error in making an inflammatory speech
and he announced he would endeavor to
carry out Mr. Debs' programme of peace.
Sylvester Kelliher, secretary of the
national organization, explained that
the national executive board had re
pudiated the resolutions paseed by
branch No. 2 on the preceding Sunday,
and had suspended its charter.
Branch No. 2, of which T. Putnam
Quinn is president, resolved last night
to stand by the fierv resolutions adopted
the previous Sunday, to resist any action
looking to the suspension of the
branch by the executive board of the
eocial democracy, and to prefer charges
of malfeasance against Debs and the four
members of the executive board.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening strength aud
healthfulness. Assures the food ogainst alum
and all forms of adulteration common to the
Cheap brands.
royal Bakixo Powder Co. New York.
Illinois Establishes a Quarantine Against
the South.
Spkingfii!LI, 111., Sept. 20. Mr.
Ejjan, secretary of the Illinois state
board of health, wired from Cairo,
establishing a general quarantine against
Louisiana, Alabama aud Mississippi, j
both passengers and trainmen being
prohibited from leaving Cairo en route
to the North.
try, still there are many vegetables that
will grow there. s
All Kite Records Again Broken.
Blue Hill Observatory, Mass., Sept.
20. All kite records were broken here
yesterday, when the topmost kite of a
string of seven, of the Hargraye type,
with four miles of wire, attained an alti
tude of 10.016 feet above sea level, and
3500 feet above the summit of the hill.
An aluminum box 'was seat up contain
ing instruments for recording pressure,
temperature and humidity, and was
swung 350 feet below the topmost kite.
At the highest point a temperature of
38 degrees was recorded, while it was 60
at the surface of the earth. At a height
of 4000 feet the humidity rose rapidly,
but sank again at a mile, where it was
quite low. At 7000 feet it again rose,
and soon reached a point where there
was almost a complete saturation in the
air. From there up the atmosphere be
came dry, until at the highest point
there was scarcely any moisture record
ed. At the ground the humidity all the
afternoon was quite low.
Iwehfl Sew Cases at Edwards.
Edwards, Miss., Sept. 20. Twelve
new cases of yellow fever since the last
report has developed. The total num
ber registered is 54.
One Physician's ICeport.
New Orleans, La., Sept. 20. Dr.
Joseph Hilt, ex-president of the board
of health, has reported nine -cases of
yellow fever in his practice.
All 1'atients Doing Well.
New Orleans, La., Sept. 20. Up to
9 A. M. no deaths have been reported.
All the patients except one or two are
doing well.
Little Doubt Remains That Andy Still's
Wife Was Murdered.
Warrensburg, Sept. 20. Six days
have elapsed since the youug wife of
Andy Still was abducted by the three
drunken farmer boys, Hull, McKeehan
and Jackson, yet no trace of her can be
found. Feeling is still running high in
Jefferson township, where the outrage
was committed, and the conviction has
become settled that murder has been
added to abduction and assault.
Advices says today that the missing
woman has not returned to Warsaw,
which disproves the story ot young Hull
that she was placed on the train at Lee
ton and sent to that place.
All concerned are now under arrest,
but they deny any knowledge of the
wherebouts of their victim.
The anger of the people of Jefferson
township will explode if the woman is
not eoon found. .
Actual Starvation Not Imminent, Says
Rishop. Kowe.
Sax Francisco, Sept. 20, Right Rev.
Peter Rowe, of the Episcopal church, af
ter an absence of two years in Alaska
and along the Yukon, has returned to
civilization, and is staying for a few
days in this city. He reached the Klon
dike about the time the mining excite
ment was at its height, and he is of the
opinion that tble stories told of the min
eral resources of that region are not at
all exaggerated. When asked as to his
opinion relative to the outlook tor those
who have gone into that country this
year, the bishop said :
"While there is sure to be some priva
tion and want, still I do not believe
there will be many cases of actual starv
ation." While on the Yukon, the bishop paid
considerable attention to the natural
features of the country, and he express
es the belief that while the Yukon val
ley will never be an agricultural coun-
A Message from Anctree.
Copenhagen, Sept. 20. A dispatch
from Hammerfest, the northernmost
town of Europe, in Norway, says the
whaling ship Palk has brought there the
third pigeon dispatch from Prof. Andree,
who left Tromsoe in a balloon July 11.
The message reads: "July 13th, 12:30
p. m. Latitude 82.2 north, longitude
12 :5 east. Good voyage eastward. All
Incendiarism Suspected.
Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 20. The tile
works of Mayer, Landis &. Co. were des
troyed by fire today. Loss, $20,000.
The building had scarcely been destroyed
when Harry A. Landis, a member of the
firm, was placed under arrest and held
in $1000 bail for a further hearing, being
charged with setting the place on fire.
There was $10,000 insurance.
A Daylight Holdup.
Minneapolis, Sept. 20. Three tramps
held up a Great Northern train at day
light this morning, near, Smith Lake,
Minn. They robbed several cattle-men
Two of the robbers succeeded in jump
ing from the train, while the third was
cornered and arrested. He gave his
name as Fisher.
To Keep Out Anthrax.
Washington, Sept. 20. Acting upon
the request of ;the secretary of agricult
ure, the treasury department requested
the secretary of state to instruct all the
consular officers of the United States to
refuse authentication of invoices of hides
of meat cattle from districts in which
anthrax exists.
If you suffer with headache or pain in
the yes, if print blurs when reading,
you should have your eyes examined.
Possible detective vision is the cause of
the pain and if corrected will relieve
the pain. Dr. Lannerberg, eye special
ist, office in the Vogt block, will examine
your eyes free of charge.
Nitrogene cures all liver and kidney
Salt Rheum
Two applications of Garland's Happy
Thought Salve daily cures Salt Rheum.
First wash with warm water and pure
Castile soap. Rub well with the Salvetf
and cover with rubber gauge to keep
the moisture in.
"Garland's Happy Thought Salve cured me In
sixty days of Salt Kheuiu that I had tor ten
years. It's worth 1 10 a jar to a man who has
uttered an I have." B. E. VAN OLIKDA.
'4'- ;. Vashon Island, Wasn.
Closed August 31st
That Schilling's Best tea missing-word
contest closed August 31st.
W,e shall announce the winners and the
word at the first possible moment.
A$ 2000.00 missing-word contest begins
at once.
Schilling's Best baking powder and tea are
.because they are money-back.
What is the missing- word?
Every ticket taken from Schilling's Best
baking powder or tea is good for one
guess at the missing word.
Send your ticket with your guess and
name and address to
You Are Invited
To view our Superb Collection of all that i? pretty and right-up-to-now in Neckwear
for Gentlemen.
Newest Tecks, Puffs,
Bows and Clubs,
In the "all-t he-rage" Tartan Plaids,
25 cents and up.
Newness in Shirts.
You have not seen the newest ideas in Shirts
until you have looked over our Fall lines of Manhat
tans. They are all here those swell Plaid Shirts
you have heard or read of ; also pretty Checks, rich
and exclusive in colorings. The Manhattan needs
no introduction. They are right. $1.50, $1.75, $2.00.
A glimpse at our window will tend to show you
some of the Shoes of the right kind.
Men's Bulldog Street Shoes in brown, oxblood
and green, $4.50 and $5.00.
Ladies' Calf Street Shoe. ' Ladies' newest reds
or greens.
Ask to see our "Puritan Black" Hosiery for
Ladies, Misses and Children. None better for the
. in the
Ready for
& GO.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of school district No. 12, ot Wasco
county, state of Oregon, that a special
school meeting for said district will be
held at the brick echool house on Court
street, on the 25th day of September,
1897, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for
the following objects : To further con
sider the question of erecting a new
school building and providing funds for
the same.
Dated this 9th day of September, 1897.
O. D. Doask,
Chair. Board of Directors.
Geo. P. Morgan, Clerk. s9-td
Wasco Warehouse Company
Notice is hereby given that the
annual meeting of the stock-holders of
the Wasco Warehouse Company will be
held at the office of French & Co., The
Dalles, Or., on Tuesday, September 28,
1897, at 8:30 p.m., for the purpose of
electing directors for the'ensuing year,
and the transaction of such other busi
ness as may come before it.
The Dalles, Or., Sept. 4, 1897.
H. M. Beall,
Secv. Wasco Warehouse Co.
ton Flour.
It Saves the Croupy Children.
SKAviEW. Va. We have a splendid
sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
and our customers coming from and
near, speak of it in the highest terms.
Many have said that their children
would have died of croup if Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy had not been giv
en. Kellam & Cubrex. The 25 and
50 ceat sizes for eale by Blakeley &
For Bale.
Lots A, B, K and L, block 30; A B,
block 72 ; A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82.
and A, B, C, D and E, block 25. Apply
to Wm. Shackelford.
This Is Tour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most tioDular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
66 "Warren St. , New York City.
Hev. Johr. F.eid, Jr. , of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."
Ker. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Free.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
ecire for catarrh and edntaina so mercury
Bor amy injurious drug. Price, 50 oeate.
for Seed Grain ofaii kinds,
for Feed Grain of ail kinds,
for Rolled Grain, ail kinds,
for Bran, Shorts, mTllfeed
for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
This Flour is manufactured expressly fop family
use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
175 Second Street.
The Dalles, Oregon
JPSCountry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
jus. Z. DONNE
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
A Boarding and Day School for Boys, Under
Military Discipline.
The 20th rear under the present management begins Sent. 14, 1897. This Institution
is thoroughly equipped lor the mental, bocial, physical ana moral training of boys. A.
thorough preparation for any college or scientific school.' Graduates at present in 1 ale.
West Point, Massachusetts lubtitute of Technology, State Universities of California, Ore
gon, Pennsylvania. Stanford aud McUill. During vacation visitors welcome trota 9 to 12
a.m. For catalogue and other Information, address the I'rinclptl, J. W. HILL. M. I.
Portland, Oregon, rostofliee diaer 17.