AN OLD-TIME FRIEND. Dress Trimmings. The Chronicle Editor Meets One ' Twenty-Five Years Ago. of o 5 J We have placed on sale today the most complete line of Nov elty Trimmings in Silk and Mohair that has ever been shown in this city. Fancy Trimming In endless variety, by the yard. Mohair Braids In single and double sets. M ilitary Trimming. This is the latest fad in Trimming, and we prrpared to furnish the latest designs; in fact are All Our Trimmings are Up-to-Date. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAINFIGURES. PEASE & MAYS Thia morning we bad the pleasure of meeting Mr. George A. Ladd of Sparta, who is on his way home from Portland. Twentv-five years ago Mr. Ladd, with bis father, owned and operated the. saw mill at St. Helens. This property ; they sold and moved to Eastern Oregon, where for'a quarter of a century Georiie has vyootd the fickle goddess of Fortune by venturing into the. mining business. He was at one time part owner of the now famous Bonanza, has made and iost money and has the everlasting faith of yet striking it rich that sustains all true miners. It has beennearly twenty-five years since we saw George, but be is the same self-reliant, genial gentleman, whom nothing can keep down. In those days, at St. Helens, Tom McBride was wrest ling with "Parsons on Contracts," "Greenleaf on Evidence," and that sort of thing, while the present senator was studying human nature and getting an insight into politics. The Giltners were also at St. Helens in those days, and as we look at our own rotund form in the mirror, we cannot but feel that St. Helena produced some really great and good men. Mr. Ladd is engaged in quarta -mining near Sparta, and has some proper ties that will yet make him a bleated capitalist. , Tbo Waltz to Go. 1,000,000 People IN the United States now enjoying food cooked in the MA JESTIC affirm that the half has not been said in its praise. The manufacturers of this Range pledge them selves that all parts of the MAJESTIC except the firebox and the new series Nos201 to 212, are made of steel and mal leable iron, and purchasers are assured that it is as good and as honest as Ekilled labor and money can produce. If the parts now in malleable iron were (as in other so-called eteel ranges) made of cast iron, the price con Id be ttreatly reduced ; but the MAJ ESTIC is not made with u view to furnishing extra parts for repairs. MAYS &. CROWE, Sole Agents. J. T. Peters & Ths Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY - - SEPTE51BER?0?1 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS Random ODnetTitloDi and Local of Lesser Magnitude. 897 i V trenu V 1 I concerned, and the ordinance would deter others from coming in to set up i business except in a permanent wav and where there was a real good opening. The Good Intent Society of the The cartridge failing to explode, the boy unhinged the pistol. The cartridge then exploded, being defective and slow of fire, the cap striking the boy in front of and juBt above the eye, and the ball l . ... ..... Dasaini? out throucrh the barrel of the Aietnoaist cnurcn win meec ai tne nome . - ; , , . . I piatoi. a aocior uresaea tue wonna, Crispettes. Crlspettes are delicious. Nitrogene, the great blood purifier. Crispettes are sold by Pease & Mays. .Air-tight Trilby heaters at Maier & Benton's. - . " . 1 ' 1 1 t XJ L jum x rucm is in lue uoapikai vt uri land, recovering" from a severe attack of pleurisy. CriBpettes will be eaten by everybody, and are only five cents a package at Pease & Mays.' Two hoboes were up before Recorder Sinnott this morning, one being fined $5 and the other $10. Martin Spellman, section boss on the O. R. & N., cured of sciatica in ten min utes by Dr. Mullinnix. sp-20-lw The Waeco warehouse is being filled with wheat, and still it comes in as fast as men and trucks can store it. Justice ot the Peace Filloon is moving his office and also his stock of machinery to the Hood barn on Second street. The Regulator last night brought up a load of sheep, on their way home from the summer ranges back of Stevenson. If you do not know what Crispettes are, we would advise you to invest five cents and find out. You will never re gret it, and you will want more. Pease -& Mays Bell them. The Commercial Club is having its rooms re-modeled, and among other im provements a porch erected over the new new entrance, which is the center of the building on Washington eteeet. The 8-year-old 6on of Louis Camini, while playing with a cider press yester day, allowed one of his hands to get caught in the cogs, and as a result sev eral bones in bis fingers were broken The board of equalization wi the first Monday in October, at which time all who are dissatisfied with their assessment, will be given the opportun ity to correct any error. s7-d&wtf. of Mrs. Wm. Michell Wednesday after noon. All ladies of the congregation, and particularly members of the society, are requested to be present. The first rehearsal of the opera "Pina fore," which will be given in the early part of October, was held Saturday night at the residence of Mrs. Bchenck. Judg ing from the manifest enthusiasm, Dalies people are to have a treat. Deputy Sheriff Kelly, who has been looking after the prairie chickens on his ranch, presented a number of his friends with a brace of birds each, but they have not received them yet, owing to the per son by whom they were sent failing to show up. The regular overland train, due from Portland at 1 o'clock, passed through this morning about 8:30, having been delayed at Troutdale. The switch had been left open and the train ran into it, derailing several of the cars. No serious damage was done. Joaquin Miller says he knows a Klon dike miner who owns ,,200 tons of gold. Something may safely be allowed for Joaquin's poetical wy of expressing things, but 200 tons is ioo much to per mit even Mr. Miller Aithout violating his poetical license. Rev. J. B. Lister, state corresponding secretary for the Christian church, who was to have been here last week, will ar rive thia evening on the boat and will speak in the Christian church of this city on a very interesting theme. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The city council met Saturday night In the matter of granting pel mission to Captain Hosford to use the foot of Union 8 tree t for landing his steamboats, the atter was referred to the judiciary ommittee. The committee on electric ghts reported progress, verbally, and ot being ready to report finally, was given further time. Mr. U. S. Jo nes died at Dufur Satur- day. Some time ago he injured one of I his legs, an acute case of blood poison ing resulting. Finally this reached such i wnicn be tnines will not prove a serious one to the eyesight. ' Some vandal, presumably drunk, since a sober man would hardlv indulge in Inch things, destroyed the wind gauge placed by Mr. Brooke upon the D. P. fc N. wharf. The instrument was gov- rnment property, Mr. Brooks kindly olnnteering to look after it.i All statis- tics of weather 'are valuable, and the wretch who deliberately destroyed the wind gauge should be stood in its place for twenty-four hours when the thermo meter is berbw zero and a Walla Walla chinook blowing. The Pacific Gum Co. of Portland ad vertises for six girls to chew gum at the Portland fair.- We give the company the benefit of this advertisement in hopes that some of the Dalles girls will be found ornamenting the front benches in that chewing contest. It will require a large month, developed muscles and steady stroke to get away with the job, and certainly The Dalles can furnish the full supply, provided Cascade Locks does not compete. There is one girl down there that when she gives her maxillae a twist the cows all sneak away into the woods and drop their "cuds." Hoppicking is nearly finished in the Chehalis valley. It is impossible as -et to determine what the crop ia likely to be, suffice it to say that growers whose yards were well sprayed and properly cared for are all feeling very well satis fied with the way their yards are turn ing out, says the Chehalis Bee. Picking will last another week in some of the yards, and by that time it will be possible to size up the crop pretty closely. The splendid weather for the last 10 days has been most favorable tor harvesting crop, and loss from mould I will not be nearly as bad as was feared. In a few email yards where sprayingjwas neglected there has been much heavier losses. Growers are putting up a fine sample as a rule. The American society of the Professors of Dancing, has decided that the waltz must go. Of course it must, everybody knows that, and it will commence to go just as soon as the thermometers get settled down to business. The, beauty of the waltz is that when it gets to going it keeps whirling round and round, and it is a continuous round of pleasure too. The professors of dancing might as well try to dam the Amazon with faint praise, solve the mystery of Andrees' pigeons, make truth true even at the bottom of a well, or sort fact and fiction from a fall crop of Klondike stories. Ye9, the waltz muwt go, and when it does most of us will be anxious enough to detain it, that we will all attempt to trip it. One of the Luckiest. Co., -DEALERS Agricultural Implements, Champion Mowers and Reapers, Craver Headers, , Bain ' Wagons, Randolph Headers and Reapers. . Drapers, Lubricating Oils, Axle Grease, . Blacksmith Coal and Iron. Agents ior Waukegan Barb Wire. 2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, THE DALLES. Another of the argonauts, also a Swede, carries bis dust, as many did, to the ex- MilCDO i ' ' ' aid nauvcu uv? cuu1. i 11 the "government at San Francisco." I IvBked if he knew how much he had, he 4 " . II T . 1 T t . . 1 - 1 said : J. taoE j. uive twonijr uiuunuiu five huner dollar." When hia sack was put on the scales the clerk told him he had nearer $42,500, and his eye bright ened at the newB. C. A. Snowden in Harper's Weekly. Company 6 Attention! Order Mo. lO. Complete Line of Fishing Tackle, Notions, Baeeball Goods, Hammocks, Baby Carriages, Books and Stationery at Bedrock Prices, at the Jacobsen Book & Music Co. Where will also be found the largest and most complete line of Pianos and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. I a Stace that nmnntntinn hppomo nww. A dispatch from Olympia, Saturday, eary and the operation wa3 performed states that the state commissioners will ! by Dr. Dietrich Saturday morning. Mr. I Jones did not eurvive the shock, dyine some four or five hours after the opera- BO toLvle. Klickitat mnntv Ontnhor fith to investigate the advisability of selling chore lands there, and of fixing the I price. Just received by The Dalles Com. Co., new mackeral, whole codfish, smoked herring, wbite fish, salmon bellies, pickle pig pork, hams and breakfast bacon. New stock of nuta. Your orders will re ceive prompt attention. The Independence city council is pro posing to license nearly all kinds of business at from $10 to $25, those now in business being given - free licenses. The point aimed at seems to be that businesses of many kinds have been so overdone as to be unprofitable for all A peculiar-looking resident of the deep was found Saturday by H. P. Score. keeper of the light . Btation at Point J Wilspn, and, in the absence of a more fitting name, the object is called a eea j serpent. The . monster was found stranded on the beach near the light house, where it had been tossed by a heavy wave. It is nine feet long, the thickest tart of its body beinir 27 inches A l.w- ;nAw uu:. 1. . 1 itii,iv l auuiL -in iirinm(aranfa I ha hanH ia i out ior idb eisewnere, gand shaDed like an alligator's. Two when en Jet goa charge of shot, knock- Shnma an mrhu in inoth rt-,. t'm ing n over, vvnen ne went to piclc it ithe head. The animal, if animal it may up, ii was a igKer squirrel, snoi an to foe caUed. has massive iaws with laree pieces, and rfot a rabbit in sight. The !fteeth. has no lees or fins, and is of Tale i . . , ' - - ' ougeu into a noie ana ine Lereen coi0, LiehtkeeDer Score killed popped out just in time to ftne animal bv shootine it with a niatol. He towed it to the light station, where The officers and members of Company G will report; at their armory on Satur day, September 251897, at 7 :30 p.-jn. sharp, fully uniformed and equipped for company drill and quarterly inspec tion. By order ot A. L. Ressb, sp20-td Capt. Commanding. Taxpayers, Attention. This ia my last and final call to you, as the county court baa iesued an im perative order. By virtue of a warrant to me directed, issued, by the clerk of the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Wasco, commanding me to collect the delinquent, county, state and other taxes, I will, on the 1st day of October, 1897, without further notice, levy upon and sell all property upon which taxes remain unpaid. T. J. Driver, Sheriff. Wanted. A woman to do cooking on a' farm. Apply to John Fredbere, Gorman. Sher man county. Oregon. sl6-lw For Sale. Store fixtures, showcases, etc., also a good Hall's combination safe. Inquire of C. L. Schmidt. sl5-lw For Sale. Six lots, bouse and stable in Lyle, ap ply to G. Magan, Lyle, aept!8-d&wlm Bread, cakes and everything of that kind, as well as confectionery, icecream, etc., at the Elite, next door to Parkin's barber shop. 7-tf Nitrogene cures all female trnbles. tion. Fen Batty had anexperience in hunt ing yesterday that Afforded his com pan ion much amusement broke cover and rabbit bad squirrel bs lose his lue. A Bon of John Hendricks of McMinn ville, about 18 yeara old, went out to kill a chicken with a pistol last Sunday. it is now an oniect ot curiosity to many persons. Nothing eimiliar to it has ever been seen in the waters of the Pacific Nirthweet A NEWJflARKET. FRUIT, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, FISH AND GAME. Chickens Dressed to Order. Promt Delivery to any part . of the city. ' A. N. VARNEY, Phone 12. Third and Washington Sts. Three Trainloads of..... STEEL SUPERIOR RANGES Have been sold already this year. All prices, From $30.00 up. Eighty styles, from small family size to as large as wanted. There are more Superior Stoves and Ranges in use in this territory than all other makes of Stoves combined. This is con clusive evidence of the superiority of Bridge & Beach Co.'a cele brated Superior Stoves and Ranges. On sale at MAIER & BENTON, Sole agents for SUPERIOR Steel Ranges. THE DALLES, OREGON. WHO has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to he found in a first -classDry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS.