J III fill II VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 1897 NO 21 C 1 REMEDY FOR FEVER A Denver Physician Said to Have Discovered It. CURES BY REMOVING THE i CAUSE Animals Are Immersed In a Solution Which Causes Ticks to Leave Their Bodies. Denver, Sept. 17. After many months of effort and repeated experi ments, a care for cattle fever has been found. Dr. V. A. Norgaard, of this city, is the discoverer. Solution after solution was tried by him in the effort to find one that would be effectunl and cheap, as well as immediate in its results. The plan is to exterminate the insect known as the tick, which abounds on fever-stricken cattle, and through the means of which the disease is communi cated. To do this the cattle are forced to swim through a solution in a vat. What the solution is, is not known at present, but crude petroleum is used. When the successful experiment was tried 27 head of very "ticky" cattle were forced to swim through the solution, and it was noticed that while standing on the dry boards there was almost a pertect rain of ticks falling off the cattle. They were put into a special pen, and the next day, just 17 hours after the ex periment, a rigid examination was made and the examiners failed to find a single tick in the whole herd. There was no damage done the eyes of the cattle dipped, and not a single bad effect resulted. If the remedy proves to be all that it claimed it can do, the cattle market will experience somewhat of a revolu tion, and about 500,000 head of cattle will be shipped north each year during the now prohibited season, which ex tends from Febiuary 15 to November 15. The "fever line," from beyond the limits of which no cattle can be shipped to the North during the pro hibited period, as it now stands, stretches from ocean to ocean and Ari zona, New Mexico, TexaB, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Virginia, part of West Virginia and Louisiana from the district affected. State Veterinarian Goswell is much pleased with the results of Dr. Nor gaard's experiments, and says without doubt the long-sought remedy has been found. A convention of men from all states and territories that handle cattle has been called to meet at Fort Worth, September 27, and at this meeting it is expected the new scheme of dipping cattle will be shown, and should it prove a success, many of the states will be ready to so modify their laws that the cattle of the South can enter Northern Markets. Absolutely Pure, Celebrated for Its gTeat leavening strength aud he<hfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Koyai. Baking Fowdib Co. New York, were afraid that they might do so last night. That the - police did not has given them much encouragement, and will make an opening for more such events in the future. A FLOOD OF CRITICISMS. rain north of the Snake river are in correct. A Tacoma grain buyer, who has just returned from a tour of the Palouse towns and country, from Riparia, on the south, to Spokane on the north, states, that if the damage by rains exceeds 5 per cent he is no judge of grain. Where the rainfall was greatest, the grain is bleached, but has thoroughly dried and is being threshed and will grade high. The only important damage reported is to 80 tons of wheat in sacks stacked on the Snake river awaiting transpor tation. Much of it was rained. The Fotlatch country reports that not 5 per cent damage has been done. About Moscow, Idaho, and on the Nez Percea reservation 3 per cent will fully cover all losses. In the Big Bend country, th great wheat belt of Central Washington, the prospects are glowing. Not 2 per cent of the crop, which is the largest ever raised, is damaged, or will be lost. C. P. Chamberlin, general manager of the Central Washington railroad, which handles nearly all the Big Bend wheat says absolutely no loss will occur to standing or stacked grain from rain. r New b all Dress Goods. 5 IMPROVEMENT IN FERRIES. London Newspapers Incensed at the fianlc of England. London, Sept. 17. The Westminster Gazette thia afternoon referring to the letter of Governor Hugh C. Smith, of the Bank of England, to Sir Michael Hicks-Beach on the subject of the bank's reserve, says : "Although the governor's statement is perhaps meaningless so far as practice is concerned, it is to be deeply deplored that the bank bas budged from its principles. It is not dignified for the 'old lady of Threadneedle street' to flirt with the bimetallic faddists. "We .want gold against notes and there is no reason why the old statute, when silver bore an entirely different character, should be refurnished at the bidding of those who want to dispose of silver. The bank's reserve is not so large that it can be tinkered with. Moreover, by yielding in these matters of principle we open the way to the thin edge of the wedge. If the threat is carried oat, what would happen is ex emplified by the statement of the trustee who declares be would feel compelled to sell his bank stock and close a risk." St. James' Gazette says on the same subject : "The scheme seems to be knocked in the head for the present, but the recep tion of even the feeble announcement in the city will have the effect, if anything, of being favorable to the bimetalists. The United States bas done nothing to make such risky politeness to the silver men on our part popular in this country The.Globe says : "The whole scheme is innovating and mischievous. It seems to us wholly undesirable and even perilous to subject our monetary system to foreign in fluence through the government." BAD COLLISION IN WISCONSIN. HAT BE A BRUlSEK.S HAVEN. 'Friend- Inspectors Edwards and McDermott on the Colombia River. Pobtlakd, Or., Sept. 17. Inspectors Edwards and McDermott left for up the Colombia last evening to inspect, under the- new law, the ferries fitted with gasoline engines now plying on the river. They will look after the napbita launch Rufus, ferrying from the town of Rafus; the gasoline barge Yukon, crossing from Arlington, and - the newly built ferry steamer Cuban Queen, at Columbus, Wash. The ferries of the Columbia river have been greatly improved during the last year, increased business, due to better times, having encouraged the owners to put on new and modern boats. The Laetgert Trial. Chicago, Sept. 17. The Luetgert trial pened this morning with the cross-ex amination of Professor Dorsey. lbe questions of the attorner referred entirely to the various kinds of bones of animals and human beings. The answers of witness were technical, but of a character supporting his original identification, and the testimony with reference to the bones in evidence. Police Disposed to Countenance ' ly Contests." St. Louis, Sept. 17. While the benefit given last night at Armory hall to Dan Creedon, the pugilist, who returned recently from Europe, was not a success financially, the- friends of pugilism in this city were much pleased with the result, for the police made no inter ference, as bad formerly been the case The programme consisted of boxing and wrestling bouts, feats of heavy lilting, etc. In a boxing boat between Fitzsimmons and Connors, both of Springfield, 111., the latter had bis right wrist broken. Three rounds were boxed by Creedon and Joe Choyinski. Heretofore the police have interfered with all boxing matches held in St. Louis, and the local sporting fraternity Salt Rheum Two applications of Garland's Happy Thought Salve daily cures Salt Rheum. First wash with warm water and pure Castile soap. Rub well with the Salve, and cover with rubber gauge to ' keep the moisture in. "Garland's Happy Thought Salve cured me in sixty days of Bait Rheum that I had tor ten years. It's worth (10 a jar to a man who has suffered as 1 Hare. E. E. VAN OUNDA, Yashon Island, Wash. Two Trains Came Together Near Chip pewa Falls. Milwaukee, Sept. 17. A special to the Journal from Chippewa Falls, Wis., eays : A disastrous wreck occurred on the Wisconsin Central railroad six miles west of this city this morning, resulting in the death of five people and the seri ous injury of four others. Two free trains, through a mistake in orders, while going forty miles an hour met on a carve and came together with terrific force. The dead are: Engineer Warren, En gineer Smith, Fireman Smiley, Brake man Miller, and an unknown man rid ing between the cars. It is thought others are buried in the wreck. The two brakemen were taken from the wreck about 7 a. m. and are serious ly injured. Two passengers in the ca boose are slightly injared. Engineer Warren and Smith and Fireman Smiley and Brakeman Miller, all killed, were residents of thia city. Their bodies were terribly mangled. , It is not known where the blame lies but it is rumored both trains were given the right of way. DAMAGE NOT GREAT. Reports as to Condition of Eastern Washington Wheat. Spokane, Wash., Sept. lb. roe re ports that trom one-third to. one-half of the wheat crops has been ruined by Don't think because you are sick and nothing seems to give you relief that you can't be cured. There must be a cure for you some' where If your doctor can't cure you, perhaps be bas mistaken the cause. Anvbody is liable to make a mistake sometimes. One in three of us suffer from indiges tion, and one out of three dyspeptics doesn't know it. That is, he may know he is sick, but he blames it to something else. indigestion is tne cause of naif of our dangerous diseases. Shaker Digestive Cordial, made from tonic medicinal roots and kerbs, is the most natural cure for indigestion. It relieves the symptoms and cures the disease gently, naturally, efficiently, giv ing strength and health to sick dyspep tics. At druggists. A trial bottle for ten cents. - Lord Sbolto and Wife En Ronte East, Seattle. Sept. 16. Lord Sholto Doug las, second son of the Marqnis of Queens berry, whose sensational marriage to an actress in San Francisco not long since was the talk of two continents, is in the city, accompanied by his wife. They are on tneir way to jNew York ana were registered at the Northern hotel this morning as "S. Douglas and wife." Bnokun'i Annci salve. ' The best salve in tne world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevet sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaine, corns, and all skin eruption", and posi tively cm tw piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley and Monghton, druggists. ATTENTION, SHEEPMEN! Do you want the earliest and best range in Washington, with 640 acres of deeded land, and a chance to raise on limited quantities of alfalfa? If you do. call on or address ' J. H. Ckadlebacgh, . ag21-tf . ' The Dalles, Or. Subscribe for The Chbomicle. We are showing at the opening of the season the nevest things in Fall Novelty Dress Goods in large variety.. BROCADES in two-toned effects, start at 15c per yard. ' Beautiful colorings and designs, embracing all the attractive ness of goods, much higher priced, are here at 20 and 25c per yard. Our strictly all-wool two and three-toned Checks, in newest col ors, are values exceedingly good at 40c per yard. We have a number of pieces of high-grade Novelties in the new est Fall weaves, in all-wool and silk and wool, in two-toned effects. These goods come in dress lengths of 7 and 8 yards, and styles aud colors vary with every piece. These are the latest fall productions. Prices vary from 75c to $1.50 yd. r We call especial attention to our stock of Fall Styles in Silks. Plain China, Fancy Anstrian, Changeable Taffettas, Novelty Brocades and Roman Stripes. Prices from 25c to $1.45 per yard. Is one of the newest departments of our ever-growing store. We ex tend a cordial invitation to our lady friends to call and get ac quainted with our facilities and low prices. We are ready for the Fall Business. a. zyi. wiiziiirjzs go, SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of school district No. 12, of Wasco county, state of Oregon, that a special Echool meeting for said district will be held at the brick school house on Court street, on the 25th day of September, 1897, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the following objects : To further con sider the question of erecting a new school building and providing funds for the same. Dated this 9th day of September, 1897. O. D. Doane, Chair. Board of Directors. Geo. P. Mokgan. Clerk. e9-td STOCK-HOLDERS' MEETING. Wasco Warehouse Company Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stock-holders of the Wasco Warehouse Company will be held at the office of French & Co., The Dalles, Or., on Tuesday, September 28, 1897, at 8:30 p. m., for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before it. The Dalles, Or., Sept. 4, 1897. H. M. Be all, Secv. Wasco Warehouse Co. Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts,. 0?M?LVkFEdED Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- 4-fiy- U'l f.fT This Flour is manufactured expressly ' for family A use: everv sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. ' We sell our eoods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think eo call and get our prices and be convinced. It Saves the Cronpy Children. Seaview, Va. We have a splendid sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and our customers coming from and near, Bpeak of it in the highest terms Many have said that their children would have died of croup if Chamber- Iain's Cough Bemedy had not been giv en. Kellam & Cubbek. The. 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. For sale. Lots A, B, K and L, block 30; A B, block 72 ; A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82, and A, B, C, D and E, block 25. Apply to wm. Shackelford. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON 175 Second Street. The Dalles, Oregon ARTISTS MATERIALS Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. PHESCHIPTIOH DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. 7V. Z. DONNE Thl3 Xa Tour Opportunity. On receipt of ten cento, cash or stamps, a generous sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon, at rate the great merits of the remedy. . ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St, New Tork City. Hev. Johr Esid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me.. I can emphasize bis statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Bev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged enre for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drag. Price, 60 csata. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR. BISHOP SCOTT RCRDEJVIY PORTLAND OREGON. POUNDBO 1S70. A Boarding and Day School for Boys. Under Military Discipline. The 20th year under the present management begins Sept 14, 1897. This IpstltaUoa Is thoroughly equipped lor the men tul, social, physical and moral training of boys. A, thorough preparitf oh lor any college or scientific school. Graduates at present In Yale, West Point, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 8tnte Universities ot California, Ore gon, Pennsylvania. Stanford and McGlll. Daring vacation visitors welcome trom 9 to 12. a. m. For catalogue and other information, address the Prinolau, J. Vk. Hll4 M, Jf Portland, Oregon. Pon lattice dxaver 17. -