J Tt3 Dalles Daily Chrcui More Bills Allowed. THK ITALIKS, OBEOUN Advertising; Katea. Per inch One Inch or less In Dally r.. fl'BO Over two inches and under four inches. . . 1 00 OTer four inches and under twelve inches. . 75 Over twelve inches 50 DAILY AND WEEKLY. On inch or less, per inch J2 50 Over one inch and under four inches .2 00 Owct four inchus and under twelve inches.. 1 50 Over twelve inches 1 00 Following is another' grist of bills al lowed at the last meeting of the connty court. The remainder will be published tomorrow : .. C L. Schmidt, jaror I M F Rice, do I Fred Fisher, do " 1 Wm iBbell, do ,. 1 J Doherty, do 1 George E Johnson, witness 2 rXKSONAL MENTION. H. town &. ,Yorke of Hood River, wa'a in yesterday. J. Freeman went to Portland on the Dalles City today. Deputy Sheriff Kelly is spending his vacation week at Kingsley. R. H. Guthrie returned Saturday from bis sheep carap in the mountains. W. T. Wiseman went to White Salmon this morning to look after his sheep. Eady Cradlebaugb has coma up from Hood River to attend school during the winter. r P. C. O'Reilly, general manager of the Columbia and Southern railway, was-in the city yesterday. Mrs. Robert Mays, Jr., accompanied ber sieter, Mrs. Mitchell, to Portland on the Dalles City today. Mrs. A. J. Tolmie returned yesterday from a six-weeks visit with her par ents at Dayton, Wash. Rev. Archer of Belmont was in the city yesterday, and occupied the pulpit at "the Methodist church last night. Mrs. C. E. Haight left Saturday night for New York, where she will spend some time with relatives in that state. Editor E. M. Shutt, of the Antelope Herald, arrived it the city this morning on his .return from a trip to Pennsyl vania. Hon. Geo. W. Barnes the well-known attorney of Prineville, arrived in town .Saturday evening and will .remain sev eral days. J. M. Bently, deputy United' States marshal, came down from his home in Pendleton yesterday .and 6pent Sunday in The Dalles. Misa Gertie Reederof Goldendale, who lias been visiting in The Dalles and Portland for a couple of weeks, left for home this morniDg. Mr. Pound of Denver arrived this morning to accept the position in French's iauk made vacant by the resig nation of Mr. Keister. Jndce Bicknell and Dr. Bicknell of Los Angelos, who have been -the guests of Mr. T. A. Hudson, left for home on the Dalles City this m'orning. Mr. Hugh Glenn came home Satur day from the Goble road. He reports work progressing rapidly, and says the road will be completed this fall. Mr. Wes Rice has returned from Cali fornia, where he has been some time for the benefit of his health. He will try the California climate again this winter. Mr. E. Jacobsen left on Wednesday's 6tage for The Dalles. He will return in a few days aud go on to Fossil, where he has opeue.l a music store. Condon Globe. Wm. ICahler returned Wednesday from the Sumpter and Cracker creek country, departing vesterday for his home in Hard man. Blue Mountain Eagle. Mr. Kahler was a former resident of The j Dal lee. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Mitchell, who have been visiting Mrs. Mitchell's par entis, Mr. and Mrs. Sommerville, at Hay Creek, (arrived in town Saturday, and left for their home in Portland on the boat today. Arthur Stubling has returned from Sherman county, where ho has been at work during the summer. He will leave Wednesday morning for Eugene, where he will enter the collegiate department of the University of Oregon. Mr. E. Keister. who for several years has been bookkeeper in French's bank, has resigned his position and leaves to morrow evening for his old home in Pennsylvania. Mr. Kei ater's health has not been the best of late and he hopes to find restoration in a change of climate. Both Mr. and Mrs. Keister" have made many friends who are loth to see them depart, but who wish them success M E Montgomery, P Stadleman, James Welsh, Pat Abenn. H S Hannah, ' S J Hannah, Frank Bonner, Dr O C Hollister, Dr O. D. Doane, W H Butte, J C Hess, Chronicle Pub Co, do do do ... do ... do ... do ... do ... do ... do do do printing. . 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER, Successor to Chrisman A Corson. - . FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again, in business at the old' stasd. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivory to any part of town. 12 60 9 00 31 00 82 50 00 00 55 CO 90 90 50 22 2 25 5 00 0 00 16 00 .6 20 212 3 5 7 3 11 13 25 Dr H Logan, services A A Javne, dist atty fees. . Dr F C Brosius, exam insane 5 G T Prat her, exam iueane. ....... 5 A Bettingen, meals for jury ...... 4 W H Whipple, assessor GeoT Prather, justice fees E S dinger, constable C Detbman, labor Harbison Bros, lumber Colombia Packing Co, meat for paupers R B binnott, commitment insane. C F Williams, sprinkling street'. . . Mamie Driver, work on tax" roll. . O T & T Co, telephono messages. . F C Brosius, post mortem exam ination Columbia lee Co, ice Times-Mountaineer, printing .... Dr O C Hollister, post mortem. . . Jos T Peters & Co, lumber T J Driver, sheriff. . . ' .147 F B Stimson, expenses bringing Prahl Dalles Lumber Co, lumber. Mays & Crowe, supplies. ...... . . Dulles Citv Water Works, water. . Pease & Mays, sullies Lewis & Dryden, printing. . Jos Purser, supervisor . J B Gpit, surveyor A A Bonney, -viewer A C McCown, viewer .1 G.VanMetre, viewer Andrew Kestner, chainninn Ira Decker, cbainmaii .1 B Goit, survevor.- H H Baily, road vivwer 2 R Howell, road viewer 2 G R Castner. road viewer 2 A S Blowers & Son, supplies 14 00 13 30 00 8 64 0 Glass & Prudhomme sup treas E J Collins, juror coroner inquest D S Dufur, F W Wilson, D B Gaunt, J W Fisher, J H Cross, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 33 00 4 80 3 00 15 25 60 13 3 50 20 00 12 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 20 00 00 00 00 55 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 50 50 40 SUBSCRIBE : twice ( FOR THE f A J FOR THE I G il E And reap the benefit of the following CLUBBING RATES. CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Week World... CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian .. ..... CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner $2 00 75 25 25 CIihs Newberger, witness 1 F C Brosius, expert 5 Lawrence Jsolan, witness . . 1 H Allen, witness. .. .' 1 W H Butts, coroner'9 fees 19 W A Langille, mealy coroner's jury, hot allowed D R Cooper, juror cor jury (Kern) Geo Perkins, do do do S B Hess, do do do W A Langille, -do do do Bert Sandman, juror coroner's jury (Kern) 4 Bert Stranahan, juror coroner's jury (Kern) ". 4 W A "Langille, witness 1 W H Butts, coroner's fees' . . . 31 Wm Shakfilford, professional ser vices 6 00 Adeline Kaeeveny.n ursine pauper 6 00 Glass & Prudhomme, supplies. .. . 2 JO A E Lake, lumber... 11 74 Ward fc Robertson, rent of team. . 2.50 Mavs & Crowe, supplies for roads , and bridges '. 22 40 WORLD TRIBUNE OREGONIAN EXAMINER before Vaccination. Uefore the introduction of vaccina tion, now admirably supplemented by isolation, smallpox was never localized, and it was always with us. No one-was safe from it. and there was a German pro verb to the effect that o ve and small pox were the two things from which no one could hope to escape, l rust worthy estimates fix the annual death rate from smallpox in England during the latter part of the eigh teenth century at the propor tion of 3,000 to every 1,000,000 persons living, which would" mean, with our present population, a death rate from this cause alone approaching 100,000 year. Even if this estimate, is much too large, there oiin be no question as to the enormous difference between then and now. It is going too far to say with Mr. HuttOn that . "smallpox, in L !! Hew-York 80 lo 05 Ik f-?5 . A. BBfiBEHT PAPERS NOTICE SALE OF CITY LOTS, Notice is hereby given that by au thority of ordinance No. 292, which passed the Common '.jouncii oi uaues City April 10th, 1897, entitled, "An or dinance to provide for the pale of certain lota belonging to Uallea tjity, i win, on Saturday, the 15lh day of May. 1897, -sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, all the following lots and parts of lots in Gates addition to Dalles City, Wasco county . Oregon, to-wit: Lots 9 and 10 jointly, in block 14 ; lots 8, 9 and 10, jointly in block 15; lots 7, 8, 9, and 10, jointly in block 21. known as butte; lots 10, 11 and 12, in Dlock 27 ; lot 9 in block 34 ; lots 2, 3, 4, . 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, -10-and 11, in block, 35; j lots 2, :., 4, 8, , io, ai ani iz, in diock 36; lold 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, 10, 11 and in block 6t ; lots l. z, a, 4, o, o, a. 9, 10, 11 and 12, in block 42; lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5 9, 10 and 11. in block 43 ; lots J . z. 3, 7, 10, 11 and 12, in bloc' 41, and lots 1, 2. 3, 4, o, 6, in block 4b.. The reasonable value of sa.J lots, for less than which they will no sold, has been fixed ii:d determine iiy the Common Council of Dalles City as fol lows, to-wit: - Lots 9 and 10. in block 14, $150; lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, jointly in block 15-, $200; lota 7, 8, 9 and 10, jointly in diock $200; lot 10, in block 27, $225; lot 11, in block 27, iSSo; lot vs., in oioct z, ouu; lot 9, in block 34, $100 ; toFs 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11, in block 35, each respect ively $100; lota 6 and 7, in block 35, each respectively ?ico ; lots ,a;-,o,v,. 10 and 11, in block 36, eacn respectively $100; lot 12, in block 36, $12o;. lots o, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11, in block. 37, each re spectively $100; lotB b, ana i-j, m block 37, each respectively- $125; lots 2, 3, 10 and 11, in block 41, each respectively $100; lots 1, 7 and 12, in block 41, each respectively $125; lots 3. 4, 5,8,9, 10 and 11. in block 42, eacb respectively ? iuu ; lot , 6 and 12, in block 42, each respectively $125; lota 2, 3, 4, 5,9, 10 and 11, in block 43, eacb respectively $iu; 101 1, in block 43, $125 ; lots 2. 3, 4 aud 5, in block 46. each' resnecti ely siuu; lots A and 6, in block 46, each respectively! $125. I Each of these loti will fee sold upon the lot respectively, and none of them will be sold for a less sum than the value thereof, as above stated... One-fourth of the price bid on any of said lots shall be paid ' in cash at the time of sale, and the remainder in three equal payments on or before, one, two and three years from the date of said sale, with interest on such deferred pay ments, at the rate of 10 per -cent per annum, payable annually; provided that the payment may be made in full at any time t the option of the pur chaser. The said sale will begin on the 15th day of May, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock Dm. of said day, and will con tinue from time to time until all of said- lots shall be sold. Dated this 13th day of April, 1897. Gilbert W. Phelps. Recorder of Dalles City ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. ,. s Pullman Elegent -t Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars . Sleeping Car bT. PACT L. ' Ml.VNEAFOLI DCLCTH kVkgo jo grand fob crookstos' wissipeo HELENA an BUTTE Through Tickets CHICAGO ' ' WASHINGTON , PHILADELPHIA SBW YORK , ' BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For iuformatioxt, time cards, maps and ticket, cal on or write to , : - ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon w. c. A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A 25o. Morrison Cor. Third. I'ortland Oregon . , 1 TO THE Weekly Tribune Farmers and Villagers, FOR Fathers and Mothers, FOR Sons and Daughters, FOR All the Family. ERST! eiVES THE CHOICE of - TWO Transcoatinsntal ROUTES! GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- J. S. BCHENI, President. H. M. Beali., Cashier. sDite of all the fuss" made about it is wherever they go and a speedy return to pretty nearly as extinct as the plag-ue,' The Dallee. How' This: We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be--lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able-to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon fhe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. V Price, . 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free 1-5-9 - Baekleo'B Aim salve. The best salve in the world for cute, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi . tively cui .s piles, or no pay required It is guar t teed to ttive perfect satisfac tion, or mo 1 lev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. for though preventive measures keep it within an extremely narrow, compass, we have seen how readily it may revive. In the year 1890 there were only 16 deaths from this disease -registered in 1 the whole of England. Westminster Review. - -: With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the tight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day. and won its ereatest victories. Everv possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent', to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. First flational Batik. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A treneral Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. -Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day ot collection. Sight and Telegraphic Excnange sold on New York, San Francisco ani Port land. D1REOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schbnck. Ed. M. WuxrAMa, Geo. A. Likbb. H. M. Bkai.l. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL - WatchmakerlJeweler All work promptly attended to, -and warranted. -' 174 VOGT BLOCK. Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Salt Lake ; Denver City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities We furnish "The Chronicle" and "N.T. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. mJf Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W, Best, ibune Office, New York City, aci a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib- Tribu une will be mailed to vou. C. W. PHELPS & CO. Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE..' Through by daylight via Grass Valley, Kent and Cross Hollows. DOUGLAS ALLEN, C. M. WH1TELAW, The Dalles. Autelope. The "Heathen Chinee." The Chinese are not always honora ble in their dtealing-s with foreigners. Col. JefPerds, of Texas, who has recent ly returned from China, and is now in Washing-ton, tells a remarkable story of the manner in which he lost a big contract through the- duplicity of Mr, Sheng, and a number of other gentle men English, ' Germans and Ameri cans are complaining of unjust treat ment. The "heathen Chinee" can- be dlepended upon, to look after his own interests and take advantage of the in nocence an trustfulness of others. People who engage in trade with, him mus-k.eep their- eyes open, for he has learned a lot of tricks from Christians of Europe, and has a retentive memory, Chicago Record. to wait on table at s9-2t -DBALEE8 IS- Agricultural ; Implements. Wanted A girl Europeah'House. . Subscribe for The Chbonicle.v Drapers Manufactured and Repaired. Pitts' Threshers. Powers and Extras. Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators. Celebrated Piano Header. Lubricating Oils, Etc. White Sewing Machine and Extras.' Stages leave The Dalles from Umatilla House at 7 a. m., also from Antelope at 7:30 a. m.' every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Connections made at Antelope for Prineville, Mitchell and points bevond. Close connections made at The Italics with railways, trains ana boats. Btapres from Antelope reach The Dalles Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1 :30 p. m. RATES OP FA BE. Dalles to Deschutes. 1 00 do .Moro .- iau do Grass Valley 2-26 do Kent 3 00 do Cross Hollows. . 4 SO Antelope to Cross Hollows 1 50 . do Kent 2 00 do Grass Valley 3 00 do Moro 3 SO do Deachuees 00 do Dalles : ... 5 00 OCfcAN- STBAMEKS Leave Portland Every Five Days for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. at For full details call on O. R & Co.'a Agent The Dalles, or address W, H. HUELBURT, GeU." Pass. Agt Portland, Oregon A. L-MOHLER; Vice President. - TIMK CARD. No. i, to Spokane and Great Northern arrives at 6 p. m., leaves at 6:05 p. m. No. 2, to Pendle ton, Baker City and bmon Pacinc, arrives at l:lt a iu., departs at 1 :20 a. m. ' No 3, from Spdkane and Great Northern, ar rives at 8-30 a. m., departs at 8:35 a. m. No. 1. ' from Bakir City and Unioi. Pacinc, arrives at -3:53 a. m., departs at 4:00 a. m. Nos. 23 and 24, moving east of The Dalles, will enrry. passengers. No.- 23 grrives at 6:30 p. in., departs at 12:45 p. m. . Passengers for Heppner will take train leaving here at 6:05 p. m. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRIGE-fl-TtfEEK EpITIOlL 18 Pace m. Week. IBS Papers a Tear EAST. SECOND STREET. THE DALLES, OR. Executor's Sale. Pursuant to an order of the County Court of the State of Oreaoh for the Wasco County, made and entered on the sd day of May, 1897, in the matter of the estare f James McGahan, deceased, directing me t.. se! -e real property belonging to the estate of a.. 1 -ceased, I will, on Satur day, the 5th day ''me, 1897 at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.. ' - ourthonse door in Dalles City, Oregon, . - ftiblio sale.'lothe highest bidder, aU of il.-5i owing described real prop erty belonging to said estate. o-wit: The Southwest quarter of Section Eight. Township One South, Kange Fourteen East W. M., con taining 160 acres more or less. ma-. R. F. GIBONS, Executor. It etands first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication freshness, variety and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily at the low price 6 a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, wili . vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. ' It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features - are a fine bumor page, exhaustive market reports, all the' latest fashions for women and a Ion eeries of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, . , . Cooan Doyle, Jerome K- Jerome, Stanley Weyman Mary IS. TVUklos Anthtfny Hope, Bret Harte, Brander Matthews, Ete. We offer this unequaled newspaper and . The Dalles Twice-a-Week ChroniclsT to gether one year for f 2.00. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. y 9 V DR.SC Vis. Ut-.l: I tf ltfjfe.iUb 3 . Pa.