O) VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 1897 NO 208 DIRECT FROM DAWSON Returned Yukoners Tell of Conditions at the Camp. THERE IS A SCARCITY OF FOOD Fifty Deaths From Scurvy Some Vain able Claims--Yukon Klver Steamer Weare Aground. Eureka, Cal., Sept. 8. The news by the steamer National City, from St. Michaels, corroborates all that has been said of the prospects of short rations in the gold diggings of the. upper river daring the winter. This steamer, which connected with the river steamer Healy at the mouth of the river, brought three passengers. One of these is J. A. Ralston, of San Francisco. Six thousand men in the mines about Dawson City is the estimate of Ralston, who came down on the National City with F. E. Leonard, of Nanaimo, and R. B. Lamb, of Portland. The supply of the necessaries of life to feed these men, he says, is totally insufficient. In fact, he estimates that the stores will be ex hausted before the winter is half over, when the famine will be on jn earnest, especially as the number of men in the country will be greatly augmented by late arrivals over the passes. There is whisky, beer and all kinds of liquor in profusion, he says, but their places could have been better filled on the steamers with flour. It is not that the men in the country have not the money to buy supplies, but the stocks of the stores are inadequate. He says there is gold and lots of it in the Klondike, but it is generally still in the ground. It is believed that the claims now located will turn out fifty tons of gold this winter, if the scarcity of food does not prevent full operation. He gives a rough guess that the Klon dike is. good for $250,000,000 before "petering out." Mr. Lamb, of Portland, is authority for the statement that over fifty men have already died of scurvy this sum mer. On the way down the river from Daw son City, which place the Healy left August 14th, the steamer Weare was found bard and fast on a bar. She was passed on the 16th, being then about 1200 miles from the mouth of the river. The boat had been on the bar for twenty days and the Healy laid alongside, took off her passengers and some of the freight and then proceeded on the way, leaving the unfortunate boat hard and fast aground, with small chances of get ting off before the river closed. Ralston says that one of the best claims on Eldorado creek is. the property of James Hall, of Missouri. It will turn out at least $1,000,000. Claim No. 12 on the Eldorado is also very rich. It is no uncommon thing to take out two ounces to the pan from any part of the claim. What wealth is coming on by the steamer Excelsior cannot be estimated. Those of the passengers of the Healy whq came to St. Michaels were very ret icent as to their store of dust. With the exception of Ralston and his companions, all the passengers of the Healy took passage on the Excelsior. That vessel left St. Michaels the night of August 26th with 80. passengers. They put in Ounalaska for coal, and Captain Anderson, of the National City, is of the opinion that the Excelsior should arrive in San Francisco today. When the National City left St. Mich aels the Cleveland was taking ballast, and expected to sail for the Sound on August 30ih. Many of the passengers who had tickets for the Cleveland took passage on the Excelsior. E. Leonard eays that the Weare had Salt Rheum Two applications of Garland's Happy Thought Salve daily cures Salt Rheum. First wash with warm water and pure Castile soap. Rub well with the Salve, and cover with rubber gauge to keep tbe moisture in. "Garland's Happy Thought Salve cured me in sixty days of Salt Rheum that I bad tor ten years, it's worth $10 a jar to a man who has suffered as I have." JB. E. VAN O LINDA, Vashon Island, Was a. .. IMapk Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening strength aud healthfuluess. Assures tbe food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to tbe cbeap brands. . Royal Bakiks Fowdeb Co. New Yobk. on board 150 passengers and about $1, 500,000 in treasure. This was trans ferred to the Healy and taken to St. Michaels. A considerable amount of this will arrive in San Francisco on the Excelsior. When asked why he returned, - Leon ard said : "I found I had to get out or starve. There are about 4000 men in Dawson and not more than a third of them have work. If you have not a stock of grab you can't get work at any price. I bad provisions for three months, and no one wanted me. I had not enough to work my own claim until spring. Jim Duns muir, the Eldorado king, has - bad $30,- 000 worth of provisions ordered for some months, but has not been able to obtain more than a fifth of it, even with the cash put up in advance." Those coming out, however, did not bring all of their clean-ups with them. Leonard cites numerous instances of men who had cleaned up from $50,000 to $100,000, but had taken away barely a third of that. The men say they made nothing themselves except as wages at $15 for a month or so. In regard to discoveries on Stewart river, Rolston says 'that there were many rumors of rich strikes, bnt up to tbe time he had left Dawson nothing definite had been received. The National City made the trip in 11 days from St. Michaels, where she left 65 eager goldseekers. It is very doubtful whether any of the passengers who went up on the National City will get through this year. "The small boat which some of the passengers bad taken up on the deck of the steamer has proved a disappointment. Her ma chinery has gone wrong, and she draws too much water. There is enough pro visions in the party, however, to winter it out and proceed up the river when spring opens. The Cleveland was expected to sail on the day after the National City's depart ure. The Excelsior left St. Michaels twelve hours before the National City. Captain Anderson reports that on Aug ust 28th he passed the steamer Hum boldt, but did not speak to ber, and that she in all probability arrived at St. Michaels the following day. fine School. St. Mary's academy for ladies, located in this city and under the direction of the Sisters, is one of the best educational institutions on the coast. The building is of brick, large and well ' ventilated. Besides the regular studies, especial ef fort is made to inEtil into tbe minds of tbe pupils a desire to form their hearts to virtue, and to fit them to be true and noble women. ' Gratuitous leesons are given in all kinds of plain and fancy needle word, knitting, embroidery, etc. Pupils will receive the same watchful care that would be given them by con scientious parents. It is in fact an ideal eh cool and a pleasant home. Those who have girls to send to school should write to St. Mary's academy for terms. tf. Dr. TV.yman la Hopeful. Washington, Sept. 8.- Surgeon-General Wyman says. the yellow fever situa tion looks decidedly hopeful today. No new cases have been officially reported to him, although there are newspaper reports of three new cases at Biloxi. ' He has wired Dr. J. J. Lemon at Biloxi concerning this report. . . A cirl wanting "to attend school can find a place to assist ia light housework and care of cnuaren Dy caning at this office. : " : - . - '' ' s3-tf SONS OP VETERANS. Delegates to . tbe Encampment are Rapidly Gathering. Indianapolis, Sept. 8. The young men who sit in the councils of the Sons of Veterans of .the United States are registering at the hotels. The head quarters train that will bring Commander-in-chief James Lewis . Rake, of Pennsylvania, will come by way of Cin cinnati, and will arrive here this after noon. The Western men under" com mand of Rudolph Lobensteinof Chicago, the quartermaster general, and the bearer of official documents, will reach here today. Many Grand Army poets of this state have accepted invitations to participate in the parade and it. is estimated that 4000 veterans and eons of veterans will march. Cincinnati ia working for the next encampment. The contest for commander-in-chief promises to be spirited. Commander Rake is seeking re-election. The other candidates so far are John R. Neely of Washington, L. L. Dilley of Iowa, F. C. Stirhson of Michigan, and Charles P. Darling of Massachusetts. ANTI-MOB PEOPLS l'KEMAICKE. An Unnecessary Protest Sent to In diana's Governor. Indianapolis, Sept. 9. The report sent out from El wood, Ind., several days ago to the effect that the negro residents of that town bad been notified that they must leave town within a week has brought a letter of protest to Governor Mount from the anti-mob and anti lynching association 'at Springfield,, O. The association suggests that the gov ernor should exercise his authority and stop any such action. Upon receipt of this protest Governor Mount wrote to Mayor Finch, of El wood, asking for information that would tend to refute tbe reports, and expressing his determination to protect the inalienable rights of every citizen of the state with out regard to color. To this letter Mayor Finch has just re plied denying the truth of the report. The mayor says tbe story-is a manufac tured one, and that the Elwood negroes are not to be molested. Another Andree Pigeon. Nashville, Ills., Sept. 8. When Pro fessor Andree left in search of the north pole it was not made public that arrange ments had been made by William Os borne, a business man of Coultervllle, Ills., whereby he would be kept inform ed as to tbe whereabouts of tbe explorer by pigeons. One of the birds sent with Andree. has returned to this place, almost two months overdue, ine Dim carried a ncte about its neck written on extra heavy notepaper, but weather has ob literated the writing so it cannot be told whether the expedition is a success or a failure. The only word' of the note not completely rubbed out is "latitude." Tbe pigeon has a silver plate attached to its left wing with "Andree, 31," stamp ed on it. The next bird is due in a few davs. Health Board In Control. New Orleans, La., Sept. 8. The Louisana state board of health is today in full control of. the situation. Perfect arrangements' have been made for prompt reports of yellow fever or suspi cions cases. Up to 10 o'clock today there has not been a single report to tbe board, and the authorities frankly declare no more symptoms of a virulent type will be re ported. No advices have been received of the appearance of further cases at Biloxi, in the immediate' vicinity of Point Cadet. Biloxi and Ocean' Springs are in need of supplies, and are appealing to the railroad company to promptly arrange for sending them needed provisions. It Saves the Croupy Children. Seaview, Va. We have a splendid sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and our customers coming from and near, speak of it in the highest terms. Many have said that their children would have died of croup if Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy had not been giv en. Kllam & Curben. ' The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Bread, cakea and everything of that kind, as well aa confectionery, icecream, etc., at the Elite, next door to Parkin's barber shop; -. 1 7-tf Two special good values in Ladies' Hosiery. Ladies' Fast Black seamless full-fashioned Hose, fine gauge, at loc pair. Ladies' liibbed, very elastic Hose, seamless, double sole and high spliced heel a Hose that if once bought will be bought again. Per pair, 20c; 3 for 50ci Shoe Department SPECIALS. s Men's Fine Calf Shoes, Value $4.50, to close at $2.50 pair. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the under signed, as administrator of the estate of E. F. Coe, deceased, by virtue of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, will, on Saturday, the 4th day ol freptemDer, 1897, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. sell to the highest bidder, the .following de scribed personal property belonging to the estate of E. F. Coe, deceased, to-wit : Thirty shares of the capital stock in the Hood River Townsite Company,' a cor poration, said shares being of the par value of $100 each, the sale will taie; place at the court- house, Dalles City, ) and tbe terms of sa'e win be one-nalt caph, balance on time at 8 per cent. The Hood River Townsite Company has a capital stock, of $10,000, divided into 100 shares of the par value of $100 each. It owns about -375 lots in tbe town of Hood River, valued at from $50 to $200 each, all in the town of Hood River Proper, and many of them near the business portion of the town and destined to become very valuable soon. The dividends of the company have al ready exceeded the amount of its capi tal stock, and in the near future its present holdings will be worth several times the amount. For further information, address the administrator,- H. C. Cos, Administrator of -the estate of E. F. Coe, deceased. ' a20-td STOCK-HOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that tbe annual naeeting of the stock-holders of the Wasco Warehouse Company will be held at the office of French & Co., The Dalles, Or., on Tueeday, September 28, 1897, at -8:30 p. m., for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before it. . The Dalles, Or., Sept. 4, 1897. H. M. Be all, Secy. Wasco Warehouse Co. For Sale. Lots A, B, K'and L, block SO; A B, block 72 ; A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82, and A, B, C, D and E, block 25. Apply to Wm. Shackelford. Thi3 Is -roor Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, generous sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren St, New York City. Hev. JohnEeid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont, recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."-: Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged ore for catarrh and eon tains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, SO eentfb Do You Appreciate a Good Wearing Hose? We have a few lines which we would like you to investigate. A Childs' and Misses' fast black seamless ribbed Hose at 8c pr. . Sizes from to 8 J. .... Childs' and Misses' French ribbed seamless Hose at 10c pr. fasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. . Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shortsj 0?M?FEdE8D Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. BLAKELEY 175 Second Street. , .. ARTISTS .ATIERI.AXjS . aCSjF-Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES 7V. Z. DONNE Opp. A. M. Williams &. Co., BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY PORTLAND OREGON. 3 FOUNDED 1S70. ', A Boarding and Day School for Boys, Under Military Discipline. The 20th year under the present management begins Sept 14, 1897. This institution is thoroughly equipped for" the mental, social, physical aud moral train fug of boys. A. thorough preparation for any college or scientific school. Graduates at present in Yale. -West Point, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, State Universities of California, Ore gon, Pennsylvania, Stanford and McUllL During vacation visitors welcome trom ft to 12 a.m. For catalogue and other information, address the Principal, J, W. HILL,; M. D. Portland, Oregon. Postoflice drawer 17. . . S CO, This Flour is (manufactured expressly for family use: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. & HOUGHTON The Dalles, Oregon AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OR.