The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 07, 1897, Image 1

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NO 24
fetrikers Preparation for the
Columbus Convention.
Some 'Will Contend fop 69 Cents,
the Majority Are Instructed
to Compromise.
Pittsburg. Sept. 6. Masa meetings
are being held today all over Pittsburg
district by striking miners for the pur
pose of appointing delegates to the dis
trict convention which meets here to
morrow to consider the Columbus com
promise, and elect delegates to the na
tional convention at Columbus on
While some of the leading miners
have stated they will contend for in
structions to the Columbus delegates to
vote for sixty-nine cents or nothing, it is
thought the sixty-nine cent men will be
in the minority and unable to farther
their plan.
A number of operators have received
assurances that the miners formerly at
work for them will ratify the agreement
arrived at Columbus, and will vote to
return to work at the Bixty-five cent rate.
President Dolan, Secretary William
and District Organizer Cameron Miller
say they fee1 sure the great majority of
miners will vole to accept the sixty-five
cent rate.
Mining officials say the struggle
against the New York and Cleveland
Gas Coal Company will be pushed. Ac
ceptance of eixty-five cent rate, they say,
in no way arfects the price to be paid
the diggers at the mines of this com
pany, and until the mineworkers can
force President W . P. DeArmitt to pay
the district price without a differential
in his favor, the fight against him will
be continued.
Absolutely Pure
Celebrated for Its great leavening strength aud
health fulness. Assures the food Bgainst alum
and all forms of adulteration common to the
Cheap brands.
royal Baking Powdeb Co. .New York.
New York, Sept. 6. A dispatch
the Herald from Montevideo says ;
The United States gunboat Castine,
which has been stationed in these waters
for some time, ran aground yesterday
outside the bay during aheavy wind.
The essel was unable to pull away, and
the steamers Plata and Eepublica . fin
ally went to her assistance. The Cas
tine, with their aid, cleared the reef and
was towed into the bay. Juet what
damage was done to the gunboat is not
known, but an examination is now .be
ing mada.
The gunboat Lancaster sailed yester
day from Montevideo for Rio de Janeiro
and Bahia. She will then proceed to
was received today by the Evening
News from Wa Wa City, a newly laid
out city in the Michipocoten gold country,
on Lake Wa Wa, Ontario. The embryo
town is located in a narrow pass which
leads to Lake Wa Wa from the landing
place on the shore of Lake Superior,
which is but six miles from the gold
discoveries. The special says:
Quartz has been found here that as
says over $300 a ton. It is found not in
one section, but in different places, ex
tending over several thousand acres.
Quartz Las been found here containing
free gold in chunks as big as kernels of
I wheat.' Prospectors every day are find
ing specimens that assay $50 to the ton.
"Probably 100 men are today working
in the hills. Another, partv of sixty-
five reached here yeeterday afternoon.
Several thousand acres have already
been claimed, but there are all kinds of
disputes about the priority of,caims.
The country where the discoveries were
made has never been opened for settle
ment. The only inhabitants about are
Indians and Hudson Bay traders, and
they are few.
Jose Dolores Rodriguez, minister of
the Greater Republic of Central America
to the United States, who is now in Cen
tral America, has cabled the following
statement to the Herald regarding the
assertion that Japan has been treat-
ng with the diet for control of the
Nicaragua canal project :
"Yoa may positively say that Japan
has made to us no overtures in reference
to a canal concession."
Vigorous Quarantine Regulations to Be
Austin, Tex., Sept., 6. State Health
Officer Swearington today issued an iron
clad quarantine against Ocean Springs,
Miss., and all other points now affected
or likely to be affected by yellow fever.
Reports from the Gulf coast are to the
effect that the inhabitants are badly
frightened, aud some are talking of re
organizing their shotgun quarantine
force which patrolled the Gulf shore
some twelve years ago to keep oat all
persons, and thereby prevent the
disease from entering the Btate.
Genuine Yellow FeTer.
Jackson, Miss., Sept. 6. Governor
McLaurin has just received the follow
ing telegram from two members of the
state board of health, who went to Ocean
Springs, Miss., yesterday to investigate
the yellow fever scare.
"After the most thorough investigation
in every conceivable light it is the unani
mous opinion of representatives of the
Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi
state boards of health and marine hos
pital service that the epidemic now pre
vailing in Ocean Springs is yellow fever
H. H. Harkason,
J. F. Huntbe."
May Not Be Yellow Fever.
Washington, Sept. 6. The Marine
hospital service is investigating the fe
ver at Ocean Springs, Miss., and the in
formation at hand inclines them to the
belief that the disease is not yellow fe
ver, though conclusive information is
not at hand.
A Leaky-
Hull Checks the Unhappy
Steamer's Voyage.
Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 6. The
steamship Capilano, Captain Powis, re
turned this morning from Juneau, Dyea
and bkaguay. She brings down one
miner from Juneau who is disgusted
with the outlook for getting to the gold
fields this fall. Her cattle and horses
were landed safely, but American cus
toms officials charged a duty of $30 on
each horse.
On the way down the Capilano spoke
the steamer Bristol and the sternwheeler
Eugene, which left Victoria last week, at
Alert bay. The Eugene commenced leak
ing soon after leaving Union, where it
will be remembered she was seized by
customs regulations, but' got away by
cutting her hawser. It took the Bristol
twenty-four hours to tow the Eugene
back to Alert bay. An attempt is being
made to patch her up, but the passen
gerB refuse to travel on her. They
wanted to charter the Capilano, but as
she had a passenger for Vancouver Cap
tain Powis was unable to assist them
He spoke the steamer Tees of Victoria
on the way down and doubtleBS she will
go to their assistance.
The (Japilona brings no news of lm
portance from the north. The crush at
t)vea aud Skaguay is as great as ever
and many disheartened people are daily
turning back.
Wonderful Strikes Reported from the
New Fields.
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 6. A special
"My Ears
were badly sunburned. I used Gar
land's Happy Thought Salve, and it
cured them in short order."
Edwin Tebkeix, Sunnydale, Wash.
"It is a grand thing for sunbnrn and
tan. I never used anything better."
Mks. Pott's, Tacoma, Wash.
"One jar of Garland's Happy Thought
Salve cured me entirely of the severest
caBe of sunburn I ever had. I have re
commended it to my friends, who have
all been benefited by it."
Benton Ave., Seattle, Wash. .
Decides Against the Government.
New Yoek, Sent. 6. A dispatch to
the Tribune from Washington says :
The report of Perry Heath, first as
Blatant postmaster-general, acting aB
referee in the controversy between the
Western Union Telegraph Company and
the federal government has been filed in
the court of Claims, though it has not
yet been officially made public.
The report sustains the telegraph com
pany's claim to a just compensation . for
services performed from 1889. to 1893;
which Postmaster-Generals Wanamaker
and Bissel, as may be remembered, re
peatedly refused to allow. The court is
expected to approve the report, and it it
is a fact it will be promptly certified to
by the department. The latter will then
submit the matter to congress.
Before the amount can be paid an ap
propriation will, of course, have to be
passed.' The amount involved is over
quarter of a million' dollars. . r
Gnnboat Castine Grounds
Near Montevideo.
Do You Appreciate
a Good Wearing Hose?
We have a few lines which we would like you to investigate.
i A Childs' and Misses' fast black, seamless ribbed Hose at 8c pr.
Sizes from to 8 J.
Childs' and Misses' French ribbed seamless Hose at 10c pr.
Two special good values in Ladies' Hosiery.
Ladies' Fast Black seamless full-fashioned Hose, fine gauge, at 15c pair.
Ladies' liibbed, very elastic Hose, seamless, double sole and high spliced heel
-a Hose that if once bought will be bought again. Per pair, 20c; 3 for 50c.
Shoe Department
Close Call For Ban Francisco Orpneum
San Francisco, Sept. 6. Fire in the
Orpheum theater just before the close of
the performance last night created much
excitement and a panic attended with
loss of lite was narrowly averted. The
casualities were confined to slight in
juries to a few persons.
In the theater there is an electrical
apparatus known as the cinematograph
by which pictures are thrown on a white
ground on the stage. It is operated
from a small closet built on the front of
the gallery. The sides of the closet were
of muslin. This material caught fire
and began dropping on the heads of the
audience below. A cry of "fire" was
raised and a rush for the exits was'made.
One man pushed bis arm through a
glass door and was badly cut. An elder
ly lady was thrown down and trodden
on, but was revived and taken away
by her daughter. A man jumped from
a second-story window and his head was
cut in several places.
The fir a was extinguished before it
spread. Within a few minutes the ex
citement had subsided and the perfor
mance was continued to the end of the
program with the exception af the cine
matograph pictures.
The Grandest Remedy.
Mr. R. B. Ureeve, merchant of
Chilhowie, Va., certifies that he had
consumption, was given up to die,
sought all medical treatment that money
could procure, tried all cough remedies
he could hear of, but got no relief ; spent
many nights sitting up in a chair ; was
induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery,
and was cured by the use of two bottles.
For past three years has been attending
to busines, and says Dr. King's New Dis
covery iB the grandest remedv ever made.
as it has done so much for htm and also
for others in his community. Dr. King's
New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs,
Cold 8 and Cosumption. It don't fail
Trial bottle free at Blakeley &Houghton's
Drue store. (2)
Sixty-nine Cents or Nothing.
Pittsbueg, Sept. 6. Fifteen hundred
miners of the Wheeling division of the
Baltimore & Ohio railway, - attended i
meeting at Gastodville last night to con
sider the proposed settlement of the
strike upon the basis of sixty-nine cents
per ton. After several speeches it was
unanimously decided to stand out for
the sixty-nine cent rate.
Notice is hereby given that the
annual meeting of the stock-holders of
the Wasco Warehouse Company will be
held at the office of French & Co., The
Dalles, Or., on Tuesday, September 28,
1897, at 8:30 p.m., for the purpose of
electing directors for the ensuing year,
and the transaction of such other busi
ness as may come before it.
The Dalles, Or., Sept. 4, 1897.
H. M. Beall,
Secy. Wasco Warehouse Co,
For Sale.
Lots A, B, K and L, block 80; AB
block 72; A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82
and A, B, C, D and E, block 25. Apply
to , . - Wm. Shackelford.
Men's Fine Calf Shoes,
Value $4.50,
to close at $2.50 pair.
-. .;-- !
Notine is herebv riven that the under
signed, as administrator of the estate of
t!j. r . uoe, aeceaseu, Dy virtue 01 an
order of tLe County Court ot the State
of Oregon for Wasco County, will, on
Saturday, the 4tn day. 01 freptemDer,
1897, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. eell
to the highest bidder, the following de
scribed personal property belonging to
the estate ot i. uoe.aeceasea, to-wit:
Thirty shares of the capital stock in the
Hood Kiver iownsite company, a cor
poration, said ehares being ol tne par
value of $100 each. The sale will take
place at the court house, Dalles City,
and the terms of sa'e will be one-half
cash, balance on time at 8 per cent.
The Hood .Kiver iownsite tjompany
has a caDital stock of $10,000, divided
into 100 shares of the par value of $100
eacn. It owns about 6io lots in ine
town of Hood River, valued at from $oO
to $200 each, all in the town of Hood
River Proper, and many ot them near
the business portion of the town and
destined to become very valuable soon.
The dividends of the company have al
ready exceeded the amount of its capi
tal stock, and in the near future its
present holdings will be worth several
times the amount.
For further information, address the
administrator, H. C. Coe.
Administrator of the estate oi tt.. e.
Coe, deceased. - a20-td
A Fine School.
St. Mary's academy for ladies, located
in this city and under the direction of
the Sisters, is one of the best educational
institutions on the coaat. The building
is of brick, large and well ventilated.
Besides the regular studies, especial ef
fort is made to inetil into the minds of
the pupils a desire to form their hearts
to virtue, and to fit them to be true and
noble women. Gratuitous lessons are
given in all kinds of plain and fancy
needle word, knitting, embroidery, etc
Pupils will receive the same watchful
care that would be given them by con
scientious parents. It is in fact an ideal
shcool and a pleasant home. Those who
have girls to send to school should write
to St. Mary s academy for terms. It.
asco Warehouse
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Snorts, o?m?"l
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
Tr"! Oil T This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
LiVJU. AJ VAX. . nge . every eack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our eoods lower than anv house in the trade, and if vou don't think bo
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
175 Second Street.
The Dalles, Oregon
3yCountry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
ThI? Is Tow Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
trate the great merits of the remedy.
56 Warren St., Kew York City.
Hev. JohriRoid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
oan emphasize bis statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."
Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm" is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. .Price, 50 cents.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co..
A Boarding: and Day School for Boys, Under
Military Discipline.
The 20th vcar under the present management begins Sept. 11, 1897. This institution
Is thoroughly equipped for the mental, social, physical and moral tralnf ug of boy. A.
thorough prepaVitfonfor any college or anient fic school. Graduates at present in Yte.
West Point, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, State Universities of California, Ore
gon, Pennsylvania. Btauford and McUilL During vacation visitors welcome trora 9 t 12
a. m. For catalogue and other informaiion, address the Principal, J. W. HILXmJ M. I.
Portland, Oregon. Postoflice druwer 17.
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