The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 04, 1897, Image 3

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"The Delft"
The Dalles . Daily Chronicle.
All persona having claims against The
Dalles National Bank, of The Dalles,
Oregon, must present the eame to H. S.
Wilson, receiver, with the legal proof
thereof, within three months from the
date hereof, or thev may be disallowed.
Washington, D. "C, Jms5, 1897.
Comptroller. .
Random Observations and Local Erenta
of Lesser Magnitude.
For rent New house, -just finished.
Five room 8 ; everything modern. Apply
to W. A. Johnston. e2-tf.
A girl wanting to attend school can
find a place to assist in light housework
and care of children bv calling at this
office. e3-tf
Wanted Capable lady or gentleman
as local representative. Salary guar
anteed. Call from 11 to 2 or 4 to 6 at
Mrs. Cram's. e3-2t
The Elite candy factory is being en
larged, and in the near future will sell
bread and cakes, as well as confection
aries, ice cream, etc. 2-tf
Lutheran services in the basement of
the new church tomorrow as follows:
Morning service at 11 a. m., Sunday
school at 12:05. There will be no even
ing service.
The Woodmen's Circle had a pleasant
social last night. Mr. Parkins managed
a fish pond, much to the amusement of
all, and the catch was abnormal and
surprising. Mrs. Varney presided at
the piano and dancing was indulged in
until midnight.
Mrs. Alma Howe, who for the past
two years has been confined to 'her bed
from the effects of a bruised ankle,
caused by a stick of cord wood falling
upon it. we are glad ts note is able to be
up and to get around with the aid of
cratches. Glacier.
Miss Mollie Bottorff, whose charming
creation b in the millinery art have de
lighted The Dalles ladies for the past
two or three years, ia now in San Fran
cisco studying the latest things in color
and form that go to make up literally
the crowning piece in . a ladies wardrobe.
She has had the privilege of studying
the very latest importations from Paris,
and will in a short time return to The
Dalles to assist Mrs. Briggs in preparing
for the grand opening of millinery this
The members of the Methodist church
gave a reception last night to their pas
tor, J. H. Wood, and his family ; also to
the presiding elder, J. R. Warner, and
his wife. Although the rules have been
so modified that a minister may remain
in one place five years, it is seldom they
are returned the fourth year, as is the
. case with Mr. Wood, which speaks, elo
quently for the good he has accomplished
here and the eBteem in which he is held
by his congregation. The church is
particularly fortunate in having Rev.
Warner and wife choose this as their
home, for though a presiding elder spends
little time in one place, yet his energetic,
talented wife is an acquisition to the
membership which is appreciate
At the Congregational church, corner
of Court nnd Fifth streets, Sunday ser
vices as follows: At 11 a. m. a short
sermon, followed by the administration
of the Lord's Snpper. At 7 :30 evening
worship and a sermon by the pastor, W.
C. Curtis. Sunday School immediately
after the morning service. Meeting of
the Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Topic, Our
gift from God ; our gifts to God ; Rom.,
viii :26-39. All persons not worshipping
elsewhere are cordiallv invited.
Master Ralph Ordway, a 13-year'
son or airs. who. iennedv, was seri
ously hurt Mondav morning, says the
GlacierAHe was oil LIU Way IU Oliei
county with Sherman Young and Dan
Smith, who were hauling fruit. The
brake on the wagon gave way and the
wagon was precipitated on to the horses,
and in upsetting, the boy was thrown
under the load. His leg was broken in
two places above the knee and he re
ceived other serious injuries. Dr. Bro
sins was called and the injured boy is
reported doing well as could be ex
Hood River Fair.
Hood River is going to have a frnit
fair Wednesday and ThnradaVjOctober
6th and 7 th. Committees naveoeen ap
pointed, arrangements made for reduced
fares on the boat and railway lines, and
it is going to be a success. The fruit
fair in Hood River some' four or five
years ago was a surprise even to the
people of Hood River, and we believe
that the finest exhibit, of the size, of
apples ever made in the world was made
there and then. The fair this fall
should show at least as fine a selection
and we advise all fruit growers of Hood
River valley to take an interest in the
matter. It is bread thrown upon the
waters in the shape -of advertising, and
it will return ere many days.
Council Meeting.
City council met last night with mayor
olan in the chair. Councilmen pres-
t were Thompson, Wood, Saltmarshe,
tack, Stephens, Johnston, Johns and
Minutes were read and approved.
Petition of Col. Patterson for permis
sion to snoot at target inside of city
limits by the O. N. G. was granted.
Kuctc and Stephens made a verbal re
port with regard to street lights, giving
prices, etc., and were instructed to con
sult with Mr. French in regard to incan
descent lights, and report at special
Reports of officers were read and
placed on file. All bills audited by
finance committee were allowed and or-
ered paid.
Ok motion the three men hired by the
hief of the fire department to watch
the Brittain building after the fire, were
paid $1.50 each.
Action on bills of W. H. Butts and
Chas. Newberger, was postponed.
Council adjourned.
C F Lauer, marshal $75 00
Geo C Brown, engineer 75 00
J J Wiley, night watch 60 00
R B Sinnott, recorder 50 00
C J Crandall, treasurer 20 00
John E Ferguson, hauling 25
Dalies tJity water Works 33 00
E Benjamin, sawing wood 100
Oaks & Stringer, hauling 50
.1 r Mclnerny, mdse 3o
Dalles Lumbering Co, mdse 7 05
Mays & trowe, mdse 3 50
onmngdc Hock man, labor 1 50
St. Arnold & Shoren, labor. ...... 2 00
M T Nolan, mdse 2 15
J T Peters, wood 9 00
H. LKuck.mdse 1 4 00
Dalles Electric Light Co 14 00
Jack Staniels, labor 22 90
C Jones, " 17 70
Joe Berger, " 23 90
S Klein, ' 4 00
A Kenechtly, " 4 00
J Like, " 17 70
C F Lauer, killing dogs 3 00
Mixed Blue and White out
side and White inside.
The Delft" is the latest
ware out in. cooking utensils.
Prices are about the same as
granite ware and a great deal
cheaper than the aluminum
waro, and-prettier than either
of them. Call and see the
crnn1 a or.
167 S&cond. Street.
1 ' r
II, mention.
Locks is in
IN the United States now enjoying food cooked in the MA
JESTIC affirm that the half has not been said in its
praise. The manufacturers of this Range pledge them
selves that all parts of the MAJESTIC except the firebox
and the new series Nos. 201 to 212, are made of steel and mal
leable iron, and purchasers are assured that it is as good and
a9 honest as skilled labor and money can produce. If the parts
now in malleable iron were (as in other so-called steel ranges)
made of cast iron, the price could be greatly reduced ; but the
MAJESTIC is not made with a view to furnishing extra
part 8 for repairs.
Sole Agents.
Jos. T. Peters & Co.
Agricultural Implements, Champion
Mowers and Reapers, Crave r Headers, Bain
Wagons, Randolph. Headers and Reapers.
Drapers, Lubricating Oils, Axle Grease,
Blacksmith. Coal and Iron.
' Agents for Waukegan Barb Wire.
2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, THE DALLES.
A Bold-Up.
T. W. Badder of Cascade
the city.
A. B. Craft, Biggs' popular merchant,
is in me city.
Miss Maybel Mack , left thiB
for San Francisco.
J. G. Griffith arrived home from
Heppner this morning.
Clyde F. Bonnell ' and C. B. Hinricbs
are up from Hood River.
Miss Anna Thompson left today for
Endersby, where she is to take charga
of the school.
C. M. Cartwright and wife came up
from Portland yesterday and left for
Hay Creek this morning.
Mr. George A. Sheppard is up from
Portland on business connected with
the re-modeling of the Commercial Ciub
W. E. Jones went to Portland yester
day, but will return to assist in purchas
ing the balance of the wool in the ware
houses here.
Mr. H. J. Brooks came up from Sell-
wood yesterday to eee bis son, who Is
quite ill at the home of his uncle, Mr.
S. L. Brooks.
Charles Butler and son, who have
been buying cattle in the southern part
of the county, left for Port Townsend
this morning. .
Mrs. T. A. Hudson and family and
Mrs. C. N. Thornbury came home yes
terday from Portland, where they have
spent some time.
Mr. Charles Lord, who went to Chilli-
cothe, Ohio, about four weeks ago, on
account of the illness of bis father, re
turned this morning.
Hon. W. H. Wilson, accompanied bv
bis wife and daughter, who have been
spending the summer at Seaview. re
turned home last night.
Miss Ada Cowan, who has been visit
ing in the Willamette valley, came up
last night. She was met here bv her
father, and they left today for the Warm
Judge W. L. Bradshaw and familv
and Miss Clara Davis returned vester-
dayfrom Seaside. They have Bpent the
entire summer at tne beach
the best time they have
Complete Line o
Fishing Tackle, Notions, Baseball Goods, Hammocks, Baby
Carriages, Books and Stationery at Bedrock Prices, at the
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
Where will also be found the largeBt-and most complete line
of Pianos and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon.
Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
"Didn't you say you've got a new
writing machine?"
"Well, I couldn't see anything but a
very stupid youg man in your ofBse
when I stopped in there this morning."
"That's it. He's the machine."
Philadelphia North American.
Buckien'B Arinca salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruiseB, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
eorea, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
ins, and all skin eruptions, and posi
vely cuiks piles, or no pay required
ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac-
, or money reranaea. .race zo cents
par box. f or saie Dy uiateiey and
Hbnghton, druggists.
For Sale.
.ota A, B, K and L, block 80; A B,
ck 72; A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82,
A, B, C, D and E, block 25. Apply
Wm. Shackelford.
Last night near the Mill creek bridge
a couple of boys got into a fight about a
pair of spurs. Mr. Horn, brother-in-law
of Rev. L. Grey, parted them. In
the meanwhile a telephone message had
been sent for the marshal to come up
that there was a bloody murder, or
something of that kind, being perpetrat
ed. The marshal and night-watchman
went out, and on the road met Mr. Horn
coming in. Being a stranger, the mar
ehal called to him to "hold up," and
Horn, thinking he waa being held up,
took leg bail. Marshal Lauer fired his
pistol to scare the man into stopping
but he didn't scare, or at least stop,
worth a cent.
Later the marshal tracked the fleeing
man to Rev. Grey'e house, "and upon
rattling the door that gentleman thought
burglars were about, or something of
that kind, and belonging to the church
militant, be loaded his revolver and
stepped out on the upper front porch.'
Explanations followed, the marshal
went home, the other people went to
bed, and the matter of spars is not yet
settled. .
asco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, "lfeId
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
OTI TrinilT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
IAJJ-L XJJ lAA use: every sack ia guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any bouse in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced. '
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
each, and report J
i vet had there.f
W. S. Lytle went to. Biggs this mornu
mg to take- charge dfthe office of the N
Columbia Southern yailroad. He is a f
very clever gentlenyfn , Whom the people I
of Sherman count,y will find it a pleas- J
ure to do business with. f
Mrs. Pendleton, daughter of A. T.
Higby of Lyie, Wash., accompanied by
per lour children, arrived on the morn
ing train irom tne ,ast. They were
met here by Mr. Higby, and will remain
wun. mm lor a month or two.
W. E. Niles, M. J. Bissell, F. A. Men
zies, A. MacCorquodale, J. W. Casey
and E. B. Duffey, all freight solicitors
for different railroads, are in the city.
This gives an idea of the importance of
The Dalles as a shipping point.
Dr. Lannerberg arrived heme last
night from an extended trip through the
southern portion of thff county. He
was accompanied by Jars. Lannerberg
ana ner niece, ftlies.tere. 1 be party
had a tine time cafe ping, fishing and
nunting; out, otourse, are glad to
get back to The Dalles.
"Have you any modern engines of
war?" asked the visitor.
"Yes," replied the Spanish general;
"we quit running oar printing presses
by hand long ago." Washington Star,
Successor to Chrlsman & Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
eee all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
has the best Dress Goods
has the "best Shoes
has everything to "be found in a
Jfclfcjfc : . first-class Dry G-oods Store.