"The Delft" 1,000,000 People o 9 WATCH THIS SPACE ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS O 0 1L mJL'G1L'G1L'r4L'r4L O The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 1897 NOTICE. All peraona having claims against The Dalles National Bank, of The Dalles, Oregon, must present the same to H. 8. Wilson, receiver, with the legal proof thereof, within three months from the date lirrrnf nrithrar rpnj be disallowed. Lane 5, 1897. H. Eckels, Comptroller. . Washington, B. U.,1 GLEANINGS. Random ODservatiom mnd Local Ereati of Lesser Magnitude. For rent New house, just finished. Five rooms ; everything modern. Apply to W. A. Johnston. s2-tf. A girl wanting to attend school can find a place to assist in light housework and care of children by calling at this office. s3-tf Pear Trvan, a young man engaged in packing supplies to the sheep camps back of Dufur, killed two cub bears last week. Wanted Capable lady or gentleman as local representative. Salary guar anteed. Call from 11 to 2 or 4 to 6 at Mrs. Cram's. - s3-2t The Elite candy factory is being en larged, and in the near future will sell bread and cakes, as well as confection aries, ice cream, etc. 2-tf Port Townsend reports a violent thun der storm Tuesday, a very rare thing for this time of the year. A thnnder storm generally does its own reporting. The weather continues showery, but the rainfall is very light, not enough so far to do any damage, or even to stop threshing more than an hour or so. On the wharfboat this morning was a large lot of lounges and furniture, which made it look like a parlor. It is the most elegantly furnished wharfboat in the Northwest. Hard luck comes to all of us. The Hon. Ml S. Quay of Pennsylvania has lost his railroad pass over the Pennsyl vania & Fort Wayne railroad, but then he will perhaps be able to get another prices, and, as a consequence, hundreds of bushels will rot on the vines, as the hot weitber has ripened them very fast. By the breaking of a bridge with a steam threshing outfit in Washington county Thursday morning, the engine and wagon were thrown into a ravine fifteen feet deep. Rufus H. Norman was killed instantly and a man named Harkins was badly scalded by escaping steam. The latter may recover. , Dan Murphy's United States district attorney term of office expired Tuesday. Should he see fit, Associate Justice Field, of the United States supreme court, may appoint a successor to Mr. Murphy, said appointee to hold office until the permanent officer selected by the president qualifies. Messrs. McNair and Giles, of the Cline prospecting party that went into the Olympics in July, have come out. The party made five locations on mineral claims, and Mr. Cline, instead of accom panying the returning pilgrims, has gone in on another stream to prospect for mineral. Samples of the ore from the claims located were brought put for as say. Dr. B. E. Fernove, chief of the forestry division at Washington, D. C, and A. J. Johnson of Portland, forestry col lector, were in Albany Monday, on their way to Mount Jefferson and the head waters of the North Santiam. They bad just returned from a trip to Mt. Shasta, the Josephine county caves, and Crater lake, where they obtained many valuable specimens. Mr. Fernow is looking over the timber reserves of the West, and his trip to Santiam is for the purpose of acquainting himself with the value of the timber and the lands along the river, so as to report intelli gently upon the question of restoring to settlement a strip of the reserve along the river and railroad.- They will re turn in a few days and make a trip to Mount flood, Blue mountains, and afterward the Rockies. THE VERISCOPE LAST NIGHT. A Wonderful invention. That Pots Life Into the Inanimate. The Misses Taylor's School. The select school for children will open September 13th. This school combines the Kindergarten, .with the primary studies. Course of studies Appletou's series of charts and readers, with Barnes as supplementary; White's Cards were received in the city this .'First Steps in Number ;" Milne's Ele- morning announcing the marriage of Mr. Frank Garretson and Miss Annette Perkins at Winterset, Iowa. Frank is a former Dalles boy, and his friends here wish him well in his new relation in life. The D. P. & A. N. are having two lockers put on the wharfboat for the benefit of the stewards. Supplies can thus be ordered a trip ahead, and when the boat arrives all that will have to be done is to open the locker and put the supplies on the boat. Fruit has been shipped from Wena't chee at the rate of a carload a day for the last few weeks. The shipments con sist mostly' of tomatoes, pears, peaches, watermelons and apples. The market ing of tomatoes has ceased almost en tirely at present, owing to depreciated entary Arithmetic; observation les sons and talks upon geography and his- orical subjects ; vertical writing taught y request; clay modelling and draw ng. 1'oet for the year, Eugene Field. Recess time spent in playing the Kin dergarten games. Session from 1 to 4 p.m.. This is for children from 4 to 10 years of age. Private instructiongiven in higher branches. "So that yonng man wants to marry you?" said Mable's father. -''Yes," was the reply. "Do you know how much his salary iS?" ; "No. . But it's an awfully strange co incidence." "What do yon. mean?" "Herbert asked the very some ques tion about you." Washington Star. The veriscope last night at the V presented the Corbett-Fitzslmmons con test to a fair-sized audience, in a manner that pleased all. Outside of the subject of the photographs, the life-like pictures considered as a triumph of American genius, were well worth the money it cost to see them. When it is taken into consideration that 143,000 distinct photographs were taken by the use of electrical appliances in fifty-two minutes, that these photo graphs were developed, and being placed in another electrical machine, are made to pass a given point at the rate of 2700 a minute, and that each photograph is stopped for an instant in front of the lens, and that too each within the one' hundredth part of an inch of the same spot, it may well be considered one of the most wonderful inventions of the age. N The pictures are very life-like ' and from the time the first one was thrown on the screen until the last one had dis appeared, the profound silence in the big hall told the eloquent story of the absorbing interest the scenes awakened. We do not believe in prize fighting, but in the pictures the "manly art" seems robbed of its brutality. The science displayed, the grace and quickness of action could not fail to awakes admira tion in anyone. Corbett was particularly active and it hardly seemed possible that a person could dodge, advance and retreat as quickly as he did. Fitzsimmons was somewhat slower, but his blows were tremendous. Some doubted the pictures being ac curate, that is, thought that the move ments were in the pictures more rapid than in the real battle. This is not the case, as the pictures were put on the screens at the same speed they were taken into the machines, that is, three minutes to the round. Mr. Wheelock who explained the pictures! between acts, is a very pleas ant talker and interested the audience while new films were being put-in place, it reqniring four sets to show the four teen rounds and the scenes at the end of the fight. Those who failed to go missed a treat. '"Gone to Chicago." Enameled Ware. Mixed Blue and White out side and White inside. "The Delft" is the latest ware out in cooking utensils. Prices are about the same as granite ware, and a great deal cheaper than the aluminum wart,, and prettier than either of them. Call and see the orrtrtrle at. MAIER& BENTON'S 1G7 Second Street. the murder of another. It had been shown that the two brothers had been deer hunting on an island in the Willamette; that the dead man was pos- essed of a large amount of money. eeks after the day of the outing the ody of the murdered man was found the island; search by detectives lo- ted the murderer in Victoria and .in tbk possession of personal - property wn to have belonged to the deceased. hen asked by the detectives where his brother was, the prisoner replied: 'He has gone to Chicago.' Judge Caples was closing the case to the jury. He had carefully reviewed all of the evidence and then turning pointed to the accused and said, in a voice of thunder: 'Gen tlemen of the jury ! Look at that man. Eighteen hundred years ago, in the Gar den of Eden, one brother's hand was raised in murderous" assault against another. As his victim lay bleeding and dead; when the voice of an offended diety demanded of that evil doer, Cain ! Where is thy brother Able? The lie leaped to his lips as it did the lips of this defendant, and be replied, gentle men of the jury, 'He has gone to Chi cago.' " ' I. B. Harerly Dangerously Hurt. IN the United States now enjoying food cooked in the MA JESTIC affirm that the half has not been said in its praise. The manufacturers of this Range pledge them selves that all parts of the MAJESTIC except the firebox and the new series Nos. 201 to 212, are made of steel and mal leable iron, and purchasers are assured that it is as good and as honest as skilled labor and money can produce. If the parts now in malleable iron were (as in other so-called steel ranges) made of cast iron, the price could be greatly reduced ; but the MAJ EST1C is not made with a view to furnishing extra parts for repairs. MAYS &, CROWE, Sole Agents. Jos. T. Peters & Co. . . DEALERS IN ' Agricultural Implements, Champion Mowers and Reapers, Craver Headers, Bain Wagons, Randolph. Headers and Reapers, Drapers, Lubricating Oils, Axle Grease, Blacksmith. Coal and Iron. Agents lor Waukegan Barb "Wire. 2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, THE DALLES. " FiBhing Tackle, Notions, Baseball Goods, Hammocks, Baby Carriages, Books and Stationery at Bedrock Prices, at the - L Jacobsen Book & Music Co. Where will also be found the largest and most complete line of Pianos and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. Ne-w Vogt Block, , The Dalles, Oregon. About ten days ago Tom McCoy and J. B. Haverly got into a quarrel, the merits of which we know nothing about, and during its course some pretty bad language was used, it .is said, by Hay erly. At any rate, later in the evening the parties met in a saloon and a fight ensued, in which Haverly was beaten over the bead witn a piece or milliard cue. At the time it was thought no se rioua damage was done, though Haverly had several scalp wounds, and next morning he asked us not to say any thing about the matter, with which re quest we complied. Since then, however, it has developed that the injuries were really of a serious nature, and last night word reached town that his skull was fractured and that there was little hope of his recoyery The Olympia Standard tells a good story on our Judge Caples, who is now on his way to Valparaiso, as follows : "As a prosecutor the judge was a ter ror to evildoers, and though of Teutonic origin was at times, given to uninten tional perpetration of 'bulls,' during the heat of debate, that were decidedly 'Irish' in character. "One is related on the judge that ib worthy of perpetuity among the mem ories of the -Northwest bench and bar The judge was engaged in the prosecu tion of a.homicide case at 'Portland in the early '80s. The evidence against the accused was wholly circumstantial Briefly, one brother was accused with Survey Completed. Complete Line of. asco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ?kFEdE8D Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- xy IT1! OUT This Flour b manufactured expressly for family vKJIA. -i- cLUUli use: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wq anil nnr onnrta lower than anv house in the trade, and if vou don't think SO call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Deputy Surveyor Campbell and party returned from the Locks Tuesday even ing on. the Regulator, having completed survey of the sections and subdivision lines of tp 2 n r 8 e, just south of that point. This township includes the forks of Herman creek, and source of one branch of Hood river in the "south east: the southwest corner reaches across Eagle creek, and the northwest corner reaches over the Columbia to Stevenson. - It is well timbered in many localities and contains considerable arable land, destined some day to be brought nnder cultivation. Mr. Campbell goes on today by team to complete surveys in the Wallowa and Harney countries, returning some time in November. Wanted A suite of furnished rooms. Address A" this office. Creamery, bntter, sweet potatoes, lemons, etc., at Maier it Benton's, ai-tf GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER, Successor to Cbrisman & Corson. FULL. LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. - Again-in business at the Old stand. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. who has the best Dress Goods has the best' Shoes has everything to he found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. G. F. STEPHENS.