The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 24, 1897, Image 3

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"The Delft"
Talking About Shoes
We have decided to close out our entire line of
Ladies' Ox-Blood and Tan haee and Button Shoes,'
That sell regularly for from $3 to $5, at
Until sold out. They will not last long at this price,
and first comers have first choice.1 Displaj'ed in
center window. ' .
T ravel i n Sty le
o o
Traveling Bags & Grips.
A Complete Line of Lther
and Wicker Grip,
Traveling Bs(i sad Telescope
Leather Grips at from $1.50 to 7.50
Wicker Grips' at from 50 to 1.25
Wicker Telescopes at from 30 to 75
These goods are displayed
in our furnishing goods
Tbs Dalles Daily Chronicle.
AUGUST 24. 1897
All persons having claims against The
Dalles National BaDk, of The Dalles,
Oregon, must present the same to B. 8.
Wilson, receiver, with the legal proof
thereof, within three months from the
date hereof, or they may be disallowed.
Washington, D. G-Jne 5, 1897.
st a
Kudom ODservationa sad Local Event
of Lesser Magnitude.
Leave yonr order for dry fir cord wood
with us. Maier & Benton. a24-tf
Wanted A young girl to do light
house work and take care of children.
Apply at this office. a24 tf.
This afternoon Dan Maloney's condi
tion is reported as much worse, and it is
sot now expected that he will live
through the night.
The first paeeeiUfer coach for th
Colombia Soother Railroad passed up
the road last nnght. It ' was newly
painted and looked as neat as a woman.
The score at the Umatilla House
last week was as follows: Monday. C.
E. Porter, 48; Tneodav. Porter, 65;
Wednesday, Bnrget. 51 ; Thursday, Este
benet, 62; Friday, Maetz. 49; Saturday,
Porter, 44; Snnday, F. Johson, 52.
Yesterday Dr. Brnsins of Hmd River,
was called in consultation with Dr. H-l-lister
on Maloney's case. Yesterday
Maloney had a high fever and symptoms
of peritonitis, and this morning there
is little if any hope of his palling
One of the laree mats from the jetty at.
the month of the Sinslaw, containing 36
cords of hrah, broke np last Wednes
day, while efforts were being made to
Sink it, and the brush floated np the
river, canning something of a loss to the
At the teachers' examination in Lake !
connty last week, William Lemon paped
the examination for a state diploma.nnd
Miss Wingfield was eranted a first-grade
certificate. Mrs. Knox, Mrs. Houston
and Mrs. Cora Charlton made applica
tion for state certificates.
At the Independent Warehonse Com
panv'8 warehonse in Pendleton, there
has been received for the last two weks
an average of about 1600 sacks of wheat
daily. All the time six men are bnsily
employed and ' the warehouse is kept
open until 8 o'clock at night.
A convention the beekeepers and all
interested in bee culture, will be held in
Toledo, on Thursday, August 26, 1897.
The ohjct of the convention is to organ
ise the interests of all beekeepers of the
connty for mntual good, and to discuss
' the important topics of bee culture and
care of bees.
t Government by injunction is a rather
word she bad received from him for
nearly four years. The letter brought,
assurance that her father was alive and
prosperous, and sent her the means to
return to ber old home in Minnesota.
Some eight years ago, leaving four
daughters in Minnesota, Mr. Johnson
and his son went to Washington, where
they remained three years; then they
decided to try their fortnnes in Alaska.
During the first year of their stay in
that country the daughters heard from
them occasionally; then nearly four
years passed with no news from the ab
sent ones', and his daughters had given
them up for dead, when the father re
turned to his old home having been one
of the lucky men in Alaska.
An Unknown Han Killed
log a Ride.
While .steal-
uncertain method.' In Kansas the attorney-general
had commenced proceed
ings to enjoin the railroads from charg
ing by the 100 pounds for carload lots,
bnt Judge Randolph said he did not be
lieve in government by injunction and
put the hearing off. .
Mr.O.W. Cook brought to this office to
day some specimens of corn grown on his
place on 3-Mile creek that reminds one
of old days back in Illinois. The ears
are about a foot long and are well filled
clear to the tips. We note though that
the cobs are larger and the grains shorter
than on the EaBtern corn, but this is
true of all corn grown on the coaBt. The
specimens brought by Mr. Cook are way
beyond the average for Oregon.
A man named F. P. Riley has been
trying to stoff the Tacoma papers with a
story that he had come back from the
Klondike with $85,000 in gold, which he
had taken out in a few months, and
which he carried on his back a distance
of 600 miles on the Da! ton trail. As $85
000 in Klondike gold would weigh about
425 pounds, and as Riley carried that
weight 26 miles a day for 23 days, he is
entitled to the championship as the
itrea'test pedestrian in America, or else
the greatest liar.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Elizabeth
Bolton took place this afternoon at 4
clock, from the family residence.
Some time ago Mrs. Bolton had ar
ranged for ber fqneral, selecting pall
bearers, and requesting tbat Rev. Wm.
Michell conduct the .services. In com
pliance with this request, the services
were conducted today. A telegram was
received this morning from Zenas Bol
ton, and, as it was impossible for him to
get here today, the funeral, which other
wise would haye been postponed, took
place this afternoon. '
The hose team is still practicing fi
the tournament, though up to date it
somewhat of a question whether tbt
tournament will be held or not. bo fai
onlv one hose tpam has ei.rni fan A ;ia m)J .miin afa. onan:nn : Ir
t! tr. oJ ,K. . .. . t TXn near rinfnr Jhe Services Of Col
. . civ... w lhiv j ci i j in ak ib a Kraiu iruui u"p - - - i
The body of a man was found .on the
O. R. & N. track between Wallula and
Umatilla Sunday morning by the train
men. The bead, shoulders and arms in
one piece were first found and a mile
further down the track the remainder of
the body was picked up. The man was
probably stealing a ride on the passenger
which backed down the track Saturday
evening to Umatilla, when the accident
tbat deprived him of bis life occurred.
The body was cat in twain immediately
below the arm pits. There was a fairly
good, watch on the remains when found,
but further particulars of the affair
coma not oe learned today. Ahe name
of the unfortunate could not be obtained
Mixed Blue and White out
side and White inside.
"The Delft" is the latest
ware out in cooking utensils,
Prices are about the same as
granite ware, and a great deal
cheaper than the aluminum
wan,, and prettier than either
of them. Call and see the
goods at
167 Second Street.
A Pamphlet on Oregon and Washington
to Be Issued by tbe O. K. & N.
Mr. Beatty of Wamic is in the city.
Mr. John Fender of White Salmon is
in the city.
Roy Grimes, who haB been camping
down tbe river, came borne yesterday.
Miss Hilda Beck returned yesterday
r . t u . : XT'; -i - "
"vc-I4Jered bv that road. The O. R. & N. de-
Mr. F.Menefee and family are homejLervea a great deal of credit for securing
the Fourteenth Infantry at Vancouver.
The old veterans of Portlond will not
come, and Astoria, Pendleton and the
balance of the teams depended on will
not be present. If The Dalles doesn't
want to pat itself on the back and have
a good social time, it had better let go
of tne tournament. ,
Heavy holders of wheat at Athena
could not withstand longer the presenre
of high prices and "let go" Friday after
noon. Sales aggregating 180,000 bushelB
were made to the Pacific Coast Eleyator
Company at 76 cents for club, and 78
cents for blnestem. About 160,000
bushels of this amount were sold by
funr large holders, T. J. Kirk, Mr. Cop
pock, the First National bank of Athena,
and C. W. Hollis. Tbe other 20,000 was
made up of small holdings. Tbe receipt
of over $135,000 at Athena for this "lit
tle dab" of wheat alone will add much
to the bneiness activity of that progres
sive town. -
A few days ago Misss Maggie Johnson,
of Florence, in Lane' county, received a
letter from her father, being the first
Mrs. J. H. Wood and family returned
on tne boat last night from a camping
ptrip to Wind river.
Mrs. Norman and daughter, who have
been at Wind river for some time, ar-
ived home last night. ' ,
Mr. Gas Bonn, who has been spend
ng his yacation at Trout Lake, rnir rir
on the boat yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barnett and Miss
Edna Barnett returned last night from
an extended outing at Wind river.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Van Duvn. wb
have spent some time with the family
of S. French at Sea view and at Portland,
came up on the Regulator last night,
and are guests at the borne of B. t
Have Tour Grain.
Few realize that each squirrel de
stroys $1.50 worth of grain annually,
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm
inator is the most effective and econom
ical poison known. ' Price reduced to 30
cents. For sale by M. .Z. Donnell,
Agent.. 'x
Creamery butter,,, sweet potatoes,
lemons, etc., at Maier & Benton's, al-tf
Col. Pat Donan was here ' yesterdav,
gathering statistics for a book wbich be
will get out for the O. R. & N., showing
the resources of the country. Col. Donan
prepared the copy for a similar work for
tbe Rio Grande road, tbe first edition of
which cost the company $40,000 dollars
Donan has a style all bis own, ana to
say that it is "catchy," does not do it
justice, for while tbe qnaintness of bis
arguments is always visible, it must not
be lost sight of that there is always
substantial facts behind them. One of
the most startling calculations ever
made! was that of Donan's concerning
tbe unlimited wealth of Salt Lake. He
proved by the analysis of the water and
the accepted area and depth of the lake,
tbat the minerals contained in solution
by the waters of Salt Lake would load a
train of cars reaching from the earth to
the moon. That its value was greater
than the entire national debt. He also
made the statement wbich was laughed
at at the time, tbat in one vailey in
Utah was a bed of asphalt in which
cattle stuck like flea in sticky fly-paper.
Yet he was correct.
Above all things Donan is observing.
He noted as a remarkable coincidence
tbe fact that Moses led the Hebrew
hosts through the wildernees to tbe Jor
den, which rises in a fresh water lake to
empty into the Dead Sea. Tbat Brigham
Young led his followers across the desert
and located them just as Moses did, be
yond the Jordan. Tbe old Jordan flos
from a fresh water lake sooth 70 miles
into the Dead Sea, the new Jordan flows
70 miles north into another dead sea.
Pat Donan 'eft last night for Walla
Walla, and from that point will follow
the O. R. & N. line and branches, and
will write concerning the territory cov-
Donans' facile pen
to make known in his own inimitable
way the facts concerning this section
of tbe great West.
Hundreds of thousands have been in
dnced to try Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy by reading what it has done for
thers, and having tested its merits for
themselves are today its warmest friends.
for earn by uiakeley & Houghton.
- The merchant who tells you be has
something else as good as Hoe Cake soap
a good man to keep away from. a2-3m
Do you want money 7 If so, catch on
to this. A 7-year-old orchard, twenty
acre tract, seventeen acres in choice
fruits, bearing trees, new btuse of eix
rooms, barns, outbuildings, etc., all new ;
two horses and harness, two wagons, one
road cart and one cow. Will eell at a
bargain and on easy terms. Call ' on or
address C. E. Bayard or Chas. Frazer,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Biff Drop ir; priee5
of Bieyels.
The' season is getting late, and to close out
our' stock now on hand we have marked them
down to . ,
Ijsss tfyap QDst . . . .
'aVm 'taa5ayt'a
Jos. X. Peters & Co.
Agricultural Implements, Champion
Mowers and Reapers, Craver Headers, Bain
Wagons, Randolph. Headers and Reapers.
Drapers, Lubricating Oils, Axle Urease,
Blacksmith Coal and Iron.
Agents for Waukegan Barb Wire.
2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, THE DALLES.
Complete Line of.
Fishing Tackle, Notions, Baseball Goods, Hammocks, Baby
Carriages, Books and Stationery at Bedrock Prices, at the ,
aeobsen Book & Music Go.
Where will also be found the largest and most complete line
of Pianos and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon.
Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
Nevr Vogt Block, , The Dalles, Oregon.
Successor to Chrism an A Corson.
Again in business at tbe old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
Wasco VJarehouse Oompany
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ofaii kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, s?M?"i.k 1
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle-
TTMonT This Flour is manufactured exprecsly for family
l,,-'.AA nee: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
has the best Dress Goods
has the best Shoes
has everything to be found in'a
first-class Dry Goods Store,