Tbs Dalles Daily Chrc&cle. TUE DALLES, OREGON Advertising Kates. Per inch. One Inch or less in Dally f 1 60 Over two inches and under four inches 1 00 Over tour Inches and under twelve inches. . 75 Over twelve inches 50 DAILY AND WEEKLY. One inch or less, per inch 12 50 Over one inch and under four inches 2 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches . 1 50 Over twelve inches 100 THE LARGEST NUGGETS. F. Drake, of Sonora, Tells of Some Hage Gold Chunks. To the Editor of the San Francieco Call Sir: I note in yesterday's issue you give Trinity county, Cal., aa bavins; unearthed the largest nugget ot gold in the world. Permit me to correct such an erroneous statement. The largest piece of gold yet found was worth nearly $150,000. I herewith append a list for your information, taken from the Aus tralian government statistics, which are authentic : 1. The largest piece of gold in the world was taken from Byer & Hattman's gold mining claim, Hill End, New South Wales, Australia, May 10, 1872. Its weight was 640 pounds; heigth four feet nine inches; width, three feet two in ches; average thickness, four inches; worth $148,800. It was found imbedded in a thick wall of blue slate at a depth of 150 feet from the surface. The owners of the mine were living on charity when they found it. 2. The Welcome was found at Bakery Hill. Jim- 9, 1859. It weighed 184 pounds, 9 ounces, 16 pennyweights, and was worth $44,356. 3. The Welcome Straneer nugget was found on Mount Moliagel, February 9, 1869. It weighed 190 pounds and was worth $45 600. 4. The Lady Hotham nugget was found in Canadian Gully September 8, 1854. It weighed 98 pounds, 10 ounces ami 12 pennyweights. It was sold for $23,557. 5. The Leg of Mutton nugget was found at Bailarat Januarj 31, 1853, at a depth of 65 feet. It weighed 134 pounds, 11 minces. It was sold to the bank for $32,380. 6. The Oats & Delson nugget was found at Donnolly in 1880 at the foot of a tree. It weighed 189 pounds and was eold for $50,000. There were 12 other nuggets found in Victoria, Australia, in value running from $5620. the smallest, to $22,350, the largeetof 12. The nuggets above men. tioned included the Union Jack, the Kohinoor, the Sir Dominic Daily and ight nnguets no name given. In addi to the above were the Huron nugget, worth $20,000, and the Empress nugget, worth $27,661. All of these nuggets came from the great Anstrailian gold- fields. W. Frank Drake, Sonora, Cal Advertised Letter. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the poBtoffice at The Dalles un called for Aug. 21, 1897. Persona call ing for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Bartmees, Millie (2) Blakeley, Martin Bell. Ada Betting, J L Blodgett. D D Burleigh. Carrie Creairer, M Davis, Wm C Faean, M Gilmore, Anna Hansen, Hy Irvine, Lavtd Mathewe, F H Mitchell, Frank E O'Neal, Wm Kohherson, Burrell Robinson. Mary I,ay, Frank Wing, Bettie J. Bolton, Rose Clark, L A Cooper, Clifford Erikson, Victor Farleigh, Thos Gilmore, Alice Hall, Mrs L J Johnson, A S Mana, B F Obers, Mr Pendegast, John Robinson, Wm Sanford, Lutie Turner, A W Williams, W S A. Crosses, P. M. SMILES. "There's another grievance Japan has aeainet us." "What's that?" "Go on a football field in the fall andeee to what use we've put her sacred chrysanthe mum." Philadelphia North American, "General," cried the orderly, riding op to headquarters in great excitement "our left wine is gone." "Then it is no longer possible to fly," returned the gen eral thoughtfully. "However, we should not forget that our legs are left." There' upon be led the way. Chicago Post. "The hotel," explained the clerk, in the hands of a receiver." "Where can I find him?" "Well, an hour ago he was receiving breakfast; shortly afterward he received three cocktails and in about ten minutes he'll be here to receive his salary. Take a chair!" Atlanta Constitution. Have Your Grain. Few realize that each squirrel de etroys $1.50 worth of gram annually, Wakelee'e Squirrel and Gopher Extern in -cor is the most effective and econom ical poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnell Agent. Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco warehouse. Best feed on earth. rn9-tf Baby Second Summer s the time that tries all the care of the mother and all the skill of maternal management. Baby comfort comes from fat ; fat babies have nothing to do but to sleep and grow. If your baby does not seem to prosper, n ne does not gain in weight, you must get more at there. A few drops of 0 each day will put on plump ness; fat outside, life inside, baby and mother both happy. Your baby can take and rel ish Scott's Emulsion as much in summer as in any other season. For sale by all drug-gists at 50c and txuxx Something to Depend On. Mr, James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with' LaGrippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, he took a bottle home, and to the surprise of all she be gan to get better from the first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. ;5) Old People. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts aB a tonic and alternative. It acts mildly on the stomach and Dowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the rierformance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exact ly what they need. Price 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle at Blakeley & Hough ton's Drug Store. 5 When a person begins to grow thin there is something wrong. The waste is greater than the supply and it is only a question of time when the end must come. In nine cases out of ten the trouble is with the digestive organs. If you can restore them to a healthy condition you will stop the waste, put on new flesh and cause them to feel better in every way. The food they eat will be digested and appropriated to the needs of the system, and a normal appetite will ap pear. Consumption frequently follows 1 wasting of bodily tissue because nearly all consumptives have indigestion. The Shaker Digestive Cordial will restore the stomach to a healty condition in vast majority of cases. Get one of their books from vour druggist and learn about this new and valuable remedy, When the children need Castor Oil, give them Laxol ; it is palatable. Caih In Tour Checks. All countv warrants registered prior to March 11, 1893, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Aug 5, 1897. U. L. Phillips, County Treasnrer. For Sale. Lots A, B, K and L, block 30; AB block 72 ; A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82, and A, B, C, D and E, block 25. Apply tO WM. SHACKELFORD, There is nothing eo thoroughly appre ciated by the ladies during the hot wea ther as a delicious dish of genuine ice cream. The Elite candy factory serves just that kind. Also soda, ice cream soda and milk shake. a5-tf Hundreds ot tnousanas nave been in duced to try Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy by reading what it has done for others, and having tested its merits for themselves are today its warmest friends, or sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Do you want your windows cleaned carpets taken np, beaten and re laid, or janitor work of any kind done by a first-class man? If so, telephone Henry Johnson at Parkins' barber shop, 'Phone 119. alO-tf The merchant who tells you he has something else as good as Hoe Cake soap is a good man to keep away from. a2-3m yvlH ?m fl H A ATI SUBSCRI f TWICE ( A 1 And reap the benefit of the following CLUBBING RATES. CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Week World $2 00 CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune 1 75 CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian 2 25 CHRONICLE and S WORLD TRIBUNE OREGONIAN EXAMINER We now have for sale at our County, Oregon, 260 head of THREE-QUARTER-BREED Also fifty head of THOROUGHBRED SHROPSHIRE BUCKS. The above Bucks are all large, fine fellows, and will be eold to the sheepmen of Eastern Oregon at prices to suit the times. The thoroughbreds were imported by us from Wisconsin, and are the sires of the three-quarter-breeds. Any information in regard to tbem will be cheer fully furnished by applying by letter to the owners, il. YOUHG RIDGEWAY, C. W. PHELPS & CO. DEALERS IN- Agricultural Drapers Manufactured and Repaired. Pitts' Threshers. Powers and Extras: Pitts' Harrows and Celebrated Piano Header. Lubricating Oils, Etc. White Sewing1 Machine and Extras. EAST SECOND STREET, HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK. THE FIRST BATTLE STYLES AND PRICES: Richly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au thor forming the design on cover ; autograph preface ; magnificent pre nnt.nt.inn nlnte in pilvrer. crold and bine: containing 600 Daees and 32 fall-page illustrations. ; $1 75 In half-Morocco, marble edge 2 25 In full-Morocco, gilt edge 2 75 M. J. WOODCOCK. Agent, Wamlc, Or. F. Weekly Examiner 2 25 FOUR guest ffiBS ranch, near Ridgeway, Wasco : SHROPSHIRE : BUCKS. OREGON" Implements. Cultivators. THE DALLES, OR THE FIRST BATTLE is an interesting story of the great political struggle of 1896, its most Important events ana me many issues invoiveu; a logical treatise on Bi-metallism as uttered bj eminent exnonents. including the Dart taken bj Ho . V. .. Bryan in the silver agitation prior to l ie 1 !L en. ratio National Convention, and dur-n- ihe -v-mpaign; the best examples of his won derful oratory, the most noteworthy incidents of L"S famous tour, a careful review of the political kl niRtimi. a discussion of the election returns and the significance thereof, and the future possibilities of Bi metallism as a political Issue. NOTICE-SALE OF CITY LOTS. Notice is hereby given that by au thority of ordinance No. 292, which passed the Common Council of Dalles City April 10th, 1897, entitled, "An or dinance to provide for the sale of certain lots belonging to Dalles City," I will, on Saturday, the 15lh day of May, 1897, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, all the following lots and parts of lots in Gates addition to Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, to-wit: Lots 9 and 10 jointly, in block 14 ; lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, jointly in block 15; lots 7, 8, 9, and 10, jointly in block 21, known as butte ; lots 10, 11 and 12, in block 27; lot 9 in block 34; lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, in block 35; lots 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, in block 36; lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, in block 37; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, in blork 42; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 9, 10 and 11, in block 43; lots 1. 2, 7, 10, 11 and 12, in bloo 41, and lots 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, in block 4b, The reasoca Die value of sa.'! lots, for less than which they will no- !-e sold, as been fixed end determines ty the Common Council of Dalles City as fol lows, to-wit: Lots and 10, in blocs 14, sfiou; lots 8. 9 and 10, jointly ia block 15, $200; lots 7. 8. 9 and 10. jointly in block 21, $200; lot 10, in block 27, $225; lot 11, in block 27. $225: lot 12, in diock z, sow: lot 9. in block 34, $100; lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11, in block 35, each respect ively $100; lots 6 and 7, in block do, each respectively $125 ; lots 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11, in block 36, each respectively $100; lot 12. in block 36, $125; lots 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11, in block 3, eacn re spectively $100; lots 6, 7 and 12, in block 37, each - respectively $125 ; lots 2, 3, 10 and 11, in block 41,- each respectively $100; lots 1, and 12, in block 41 , each respectively $125; lots 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11. in block 42. each respectively $100; lot 8 , 6 and 12, in block 42, each respectively $125; lots 2, 3,4, 5,9, 10 and 11, in block 43, each respectively $iuu; lot i, in block 43, $125 ; lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, in block 40, each- respectively $100; lots 1 and 6, in block 46, each respectively $125. . Each of these lots will be sold upon the lot respectively, and none of them will be sold for a less sum than the value thereof, as above stated. One-fourth of the price bid on any of said lots shall be paid in cash at the time of sale, and the remainder in. three equal payments on or before, one, two and three years from the date of said sale, with interest on such deferred pay ments at the rate ot 10 per cent per annum, payable annually; proviaeu that the payment may be made in lull at any time at the option of the pur chaser. The said sale will begin on the 15th day of Mav. 1897. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, -and will con tinue from time to time until all of said lots etiall be sold. Dated this 13th day of April, 189. Gilbert W. Phelps, Recorder of Dalles City. J. S. SCHKNK, H. M. Bsall, Cashier. President. First Hational Bank. tAe DALLES - - OREGON A tieneral Banking JBuBiness transacted Deposits received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on uay oi coueuuoa. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on Hew York, Ban Francisco anc Port land. DI RBOTOKS D. P. Thompson. Jno. S: Schenck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbb. H. M. Bbaix. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Mckaker1 Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE. Throueh by daylight via Grass Valley, Kent and cross uoiiows. DOUGLAS ALIEN, The Dalles. O. M. WH1TKLAW, Antelope. Stages leave The Dalles from Umatilla House at 7 a.m., also irom Anteiope at i :au a. m. every Mondav. Wednesday and Friday. Connections made at Antelone for Prlneville. Mitchell and points beyond. Close connections made at The Dalles with railways, trains and boats. Stages from Antelope reach The Dalles Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1 :30 p. m. BATBS or FA EE. Dalles to Deschutes ?1 00 do Moro l so do Grass Valley 2 25 do Kent 3 00 do Cross Hollows 4 50 Antelope to Cross Hollows 1 50 do Kent 2 00 do Grass Valley 300 do Moro 3 50 do Deschuees , 4 00 do Dalles 5 00 Executor's Sale. Pursuant to an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Wasco County, made and entered on the 3d day of May, 1897, in the matter of the estate of James McGaban, deceased, directing me to sell the real property belonging to the estate of said deceased, I will, on Satur day, the 5th day of June, 1897. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at the courthouse door in Dalles City, Oregon, sell at pubUc sale,' to the highest bidder, all of the following described real prop erty belonging to said estate, to-wit: The Southwest quarter of Section Eight, Township One South, Range Fourteen East W. M., con taining 160 acres more or less. m5-i B. F. GIBON8. Executor. HOORTHERN PACIFIC RY. H s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. PAXIL. MINSEAPOLI DVLUTB MKGO GRAND FOR CSOOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA an BUTTE TO Through Tiekets Chicago T WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA XK W YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, time cards, maps and tickets, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland. OVERLAND EX-1 nrMK. 1 m . RmA. ' burg, ABhland, Sac ramento, Ogden.San 6:00 P. M. Franciseo, Moiave, 9:30 A. M. Los Angeles, 1 Pi New Orleans am 1 East 8:30 A. M. Daily except Sundays. 17:30 A. M. t4:50 P.M. Roseburg and way sta tions 4:30 P. M f V ia Woodburn for l I Mt-Angel, Silverton, t West Scio, Browns- ville.Springfleld and I I, Natron j Daily except Sundays. ICorvallis and way! (stations ) jMcMinnvllle and) 1 way stations ) t 5:50 P.M. t 8:25 P. M Daily. fDaiiy, except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains.- Direct connection at San Francisco with Occi dental and Oriental and Pacltic mail steamship Hues for JAPAN and CHINA. Bailing dates on application. Kates ana tiCKets to tasiern points ana Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where throueh tickets to all uoints in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates trom J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive at and depart Irom Grand Central Station. Fifth and Irving street YAMHILL DIVISION. Pasenge Depot, foot of Jefferson street. Leave for OSWEGO, daily, except Sunday, at 7:20 a. m.; 12:15, 1:45, 5:25, 6:45, 8:05 p. in land 11:30 p. m. on Saturday only, and 8:40 a. m. and 3:30 v. m. on Sundays only). Arrive at Portland daily at 7:10 and 8:30 a m.; and 1:30. 4:15, 6:35 and 7:55 p. m., (and 10 ,3-15 and a: 10 p. m. on bunaays oniyj. i Leave for Sheridan, week days, Ht 4:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and Fri-lay at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, To dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. Except Sunday. Except Saturday. S. KOEHLER, Manager. G, H. MARK HAM, Asst. G. F. Pass. Agt TH E NEW YORK WORLD TH5ICE-H-WEEK EOITTOJI. 18 rages a 'Week. 1S6 Paper a Tear It etands first among weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication freshness, variety and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and its Vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a ton series of etories by the greatest living American and English authors. Con an Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome. -Stanley Weyman.. Mary K. TVilklna Anthony Hope, Bret 11 arte, Brander Matthews, Etc. We offer this nnequaled newspaper and The Dalles Twice-a- Week Chronicle to gether one year for $'2.00. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. SURE CURE for PILES Itching mud Blind, Bteedtns r Protruding Pile Wt4 at mme ta DR. BO-SAN-KO'8 PILE REMEDY. 8 top. itch- log, absorb tumors. A positive cure. Circular eot fre. Prias . JtucciirMlL JB. JMIbAK&Oi fkUn, Pa,