The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 21, 1897, Image 2

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    Tha Dalles Daily Chrocida.
The only Republican Daily Newspaper
Wasco County.
EASTERN OFFICE 230 to SS4 Temple
Court, N. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent.
Weekly Clubbing; Rates.
Chronicle and Oregonian $2-25
Chronicle and Examiner 2 25
Chronicle and Tribune 1 75
Chronicle and N. Y. World 2 00
SATURDAY - - - AUGUST 21, 1897
Oregon, and in fact the whole Pa
cific coast, was peculiarly fortunate
in the appointment of Hon. Binger
nermann to the position of commis
sioner of the general land office. It
was proper that a western man
should be appointed to the office, for
all the government's land, or practic
ally all of it, lies west of the Missis
sippi. Eastern men do not under
stand the surroundings and condi
tions as do those who have been
raised in the West.
The most important matter in this
line, both to the government and the
settler, is the forest reserves, recently
established in Oregon, California and
Washington. They cover an area
half as large as the New England
states, and they contain a wealth of
timber that is not equaled in the
world. At the same time there are
large tracts of fine fruit lands includ
ed within their limits that should be
thrown open to settlement.
To post himself thoroughly on the
matter Commissioner Hermann is
now on the coast. Having as thor
ough a knowledge of the subject as
he has to start with, it is safe to saj'
that his conclusions concerning the
management of these forest reserva
tions will cover the whole ground.
He is a thoroug'ti land lawyer, with
an unlimited knowledge of conditions
on the coast, and when he goes back
to Washington we may expect a sen
sible lot of regulations concerning
torest reserves that will hereafter
prevent any protests against the gov
ernment's action upon them, for Mr,
Hermann's opinion will carry weight
with the interior department.
will settle at. Harvest conditions in
Europe, and in fact all over the
world, indicate the greatest shortage
the world has had in years, and the
prices will not become steady UDtil
more definite knowledge of harvest
conditions is known. It is quite
certain, however, that wheat is going
to command a bis once. Of course
the hih price will cause the use of
corn nnd other substitutes, which will
fix the limit of price.
As explaining a sudden rise in
wheat, the statistics of the New York
World give some satisfactory reasons.
In the first place the "visible supply"'
has run down from .164,319,000
bushels in 1894 to 67,000,000 bush
els in August, 1897. This alone
makes a shortage of 100,000,000
bushels, enough to cause a sharp rise,
but on top of this somes a shortage
in the European crop amounting to
222,000,000 bushels, or a grand
total shortage of more than 300,000,
000. On top of this still, the corn
crop shows a shortage of 250,000,000
bushels, and a corresponding ad
vance in price caused by the defi
ciency. Xhe world estimates mat
increased prices will mean this year
more than , $500,000,000 to the
Charles S. Mellen has been elected
president of the Northern Pacific
railroad. He is said to be a first
class railroad man, and is not the
pioprieter of the food for infants sold
under his name.
ELY'S CREAM BALH is a positive cure.
Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60
cents at Druggists or by mail ; samples 10c by mail.
ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warren St.. New York City.
Charles Austin Bates' Criticisms,
a variegated advertising journal,
that, as its name implies, furnishes
Charles Austin Bates a chance to
criticise newspaper advertisements
and rates, is a piebald specimen of
journalistic tommy-rot. To show
the value of his criticism let us ex
amine a statement purporting to
come from a correspondent, but
self-evidently written by Charles
Austin Bates. He says: "Women
do nine-tenths of the buying, 99
hundredths of the reading of adver
tisements, and are influenced 999
times as much as a man. Nine
multiplied bv nine equals eighty-one ;
this multiplied by ninet3'-nine equals
691; and this multiplied by 999
equals 890,100. It follows, there
fore, that Charles Austin Bates thinks
that for every man influenced by ad
vertisements, 890,109 women would
be so influenced. As there are about
15,000,000 women in the United
States, according to Mr. Bates, if the
whole lot of women were attiacted
by the advertisements, only about
seventeen men would be.
Charles Austin Bates is a chump,
and he should avoid figures as he
would a pestilenee. Mathematics is
an exact science, and Charles Bates'
criticisms are not exactly a science.
Remarkable Care of Chronic Diarrhoea,
In 1862, when I served my country as
a private in Company A, 167th Penn
sylvania Volunteers, I contracted
chronic diarrhoea. It has given me
great deal of trouble ever since. I have
tried a dozen different medicines and
several prominent doctors without any
permanent relief. Not long ago a friend
sent me a sample bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
and after that I bought and took a 50
cent bottle; and now I can say that I
am entirely enred. I cannot be thankful
enough to you for this great Remedy,
and recommend it to all suffering veter
ans. If in doubt write to me. Yours
gratefully, Henry Steinberger, Allen
town, Pa. Sold by Blakeley & Hough
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy always affords
prompt relief. For sale by Blakeley &
Dollar-a bushel wheat is no longer
a legend. Thursday the market took
a jump, going to 97 cents a bushel in
New York, $1 in Minneapolis, and
staid old Philadelphia "went them
all better" and gave the highest quo
tations $1.02. The rise was 'not all
speculative, having behind it sharp
advances in Liverpool and on the
continent. The market is unsteady
and excited, and it is impossible to
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, as administrator of the estate of
E. F. Coe, deceased, by virtue of an
order of the County Court ot the State
of Oregon for Wasco County, will, on
Saturday, the 4th day ol September,
1897, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. sell
to the highest bidder, the following de
scribed personal property belonging to
the estate of E. F. Coe, deceased, to-wit :
Thirty shares of the capital stock in the
Hood River Townsite Company, a cor
poration, said shares being of the par
value of $100 each. The sale will take
place at the court bouse, Dalles City,
and the terms of sale will be one-half
cash, balance on time at 8 per cent.
The Hood River Townsite Company
has a capital stock of $10,000, divided
into 100 shares of the par value of $100
each. It owns about 375 lots in the
town of Hood River, valued at from $50
to $200 each, all in the town of Hood
River Proper, and many of them near
the business portion of the town and
destined to becowe very valuable soon.
The dividends of the company have al
ready exceeded the amount of its capi
tal stock, and in the near future its
present holdings will be worth several
times the amount.
For further information, pddress the
administrator, H. C. Coe,
Administrator of the estate of E. F.
Coe, deceased. a20-td
Do you want the earliest and best
range in Washington, with 640 acres of
deeded land, and a chance to raise un
limited quantities of alfalfa? If you do,
call on or address
J. H. Cradlebaugh,
ag21-tf The Dalles, Or.
The highest claim for other
tobaccos is " Just as
good as Durham."
Every old smoker
knows there is none just
as good as
OSf )
You will find one coupon inside
eacn two ounce bag, and two cou
pons inside each tour ounce
bagot iilackwell 's JJurham.
Buy a bag of this cele
brated tobacco and read the
coupon which gives a list
of valuable presents and "low
togetutem. -
'Mi Ja
Of The Chronicle office is the
Job prii7tii7
We have better facilities for
doing- artistic work in this line
than any office in Eastern Ore
gon, and this branch of our busi
ness is in the hands of expert
$om pari sor?
both as to high grade work and
reasonable prices.
1 v OT W T -
Just Received
Rolls of Wall Paper. The
best patterns. The most
beautiful colors.
I New Invoice
of Paints " and Oils. Any
color or brand supplied.
Regulator Line.
ipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
The Dalles. Portlani aid Astoria
Navigation Co.'
strs. Regulator S Dalles City
The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port
land daily, except Sunday.
Are you going
" ' ' '
f Special peatur y
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sieht Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
II so. save money and enjoy a beautiful trio on
the Columbia. The west-bound train arrives at
The Dalles in ample time for passengers to take
the steamer, arriving in Portland in time for the
outgoing Southern and Northern trains; East-
bound passengerB arriving in ioe navies in time
to take the East-bound train.
For further information appiy io
. N. HARNEY, Agent,
Oak Street Dock, rortiana, uregon.
Or W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt,
The Dalles. Oregon
Tfie DolumDia Packing Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
We -will pay the
Highest Market Price
for Pure Tallow.
Penileton fool Sconrii Company,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Administrator's Sale.
Creamery butter, sweet potatoes.
form any idea as to what the price lemons, etc., at Maier & Benton's. ' al-tf
"There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flooa
leads on to fortune"
The poet unauestionablv had reference to the
Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets
Who are selling: these goods out at greatly-reduced rat
Notice is herehv eiven that under and by vir
tue of an order of the Conntv Court of the State
of Oregon for Waco County, the undersigned,
as administrator o. the estate oi r.uoe, ae
ceased. will, on Baturdav. the 4th day of Septem
ber, 1897, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock p. m., sell at
public auction, to toe mgnesi Diaaer,we ioiiow
lnar described rjersonal nrooertv. belonging te
the estate of E. F. Coe, deceased, to-wit: Thirty
shares of the capital stock of the Hood River
Townsite Company, a corporation, said shares
being of the par value of one hundred dollars
The sale will take rlaee at the courthouse,
The Dalles, and the terms of sale will be one-
naif casti, balance in one year ai s per cent.
Hood Klver, ur., August la, iM7.
H. C. COE.
Administrator of the estate of E. F. Coe, de
ceased. au(r21-ii
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby eiven that tbe undersigned
has been appointed administrator of the estate
ot biias w. uavis, laie oi wasco l ounty, ana
now deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate or against tbe estate of
(jorum ana uavis ot vvapiniua, Oregon, oi
which said firm said deceased was a partner.
will present tiie same, duly verified, to me at
'l ne Danes, Oregon or to my attorneys, uuior x
Menelee, oi ualies city, wasco county, uregon,
within six months from the date hereof.
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 22d day of
aiay, 1SS7.
Administrator of the estate of eilas W. Davis,
deceased. jnzb-ot-i
t&lines and Cigars.
tiory BLOUD 1'OISON permanently
cured In 16 to 35 days. Yon can be treated at
home for same price under same guaran
ty, if you prefer to come here wowillcon
(ran to pay rauroaa rareana notei dii is.and
HOP GOLD BEER and tn oottles.
iodide potaHh. and still have aches and
1 any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows fallin
I Bains. MnooasPatchefl in month. Sore Th.roa.t-
X'itnpled, Copper Colored Spots Ulcers on
Anhenser-Bnsch Malt Nntrine, a non-alcoholic
beverage, unequaled as a. tonic.
Bocharge, if we fail to core. If yon have taken mer
.cous I'atenes in mc
Copper Colored
out. It Is this Secondary BtOOD POISO
we eiimrantee toenre. We solicit the most ohiti-
lutte cases and challenge trie world for a
case we cannot cure. Tbis disease has always
baffled the skill of the most eminent physi
cianj. 8500,000 capital behind onr uncondl
tfonai gnarnnty. Absolute proof sent sealed on
application. Address COOK REMEDT CO)
fw Awuguvk vii jrfmvn - - r
Job Printing at This Office.
A. Tllilfl L livair. ft! Pill fni m nAM.
A movement of the bowels each day is necessary Cor
Kaalth ThMut naUfi annnlv wh&t the system lacks to
snake it remla; They care Headache, brighten the-
r ,ym, n1 ciear tneJompiexKn oeuer wan oosmvues.
They neither erripe nor sicken. To convince too, we
will mail sample free, or full box for 25o. Bold every
traara DA, BOSAJikO JiXX CO.. Philadelphia, Pa,
TWO Transcontinental ROUTES!
St. Panl
Salt Lake
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
OCEAN 8IEAMER8 Le Portland
Every VIto Days for
For full details call onO.B A Cn.'s Agent at
The Dalles, or address
W, H. HDELBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt
Portland. Oregon
A. U MOHLER, Vice President.
No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern arrives
at 6 p. m., leaves at 6:05 p. m. No. 2, to Pendle
ton, Baker City and Union Pacific, arrives at 1:15
a. m., departs at l :20 a. m.
No 3, from Spokane and Great Northern, ar
rives at 8-30 a. m., departs at 8:35 a. m. No. 1,
from Bakir City and Cniou Pacific, arrives at
3:55 a. m., departs at 4:00 a. m.
Nos. 23 and 24, moving east of The Dalles, will
carry passengers. No. 23 grrives at 6:30 p.m.,
departs at 12:45 p. m.
Passengers for Heppner will take train leaving
here at 6:05 p. m.
Window-Glass and
Picture Moulding.
si. a- IEi IE 2ST zsr.
Tkbascbt Department,
Office of Comptroller of Currency,
W . auTtinvnia TV 4V . Jnn A. 1AQ7
Notice fs hereby given to all persons who may
have claims against "The Dalles National Bank"
of the city of The Dalles, Oregon, that the same
mnst be presented to H. S. Wilson, receiver,
with the legal proof thereof, within three
months from this date, or they may be dis
allowed. JAMES H. ECKELS,
unl6-w3m-i Comptroller.