The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 12, 1897, Image 3

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Talking About Shoes
. l-J-W TO
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it I
i i w m
We have decided to close out our entire line of
Ladies' Ox-Blood and Tan Iiaeeand Button Shoes,
That sell regularty 'for from $3 to $5, at
$2.50 PER PAIR
Until sold out. They will not last long at this price,
and first comers have first choice. Displa?ed in
center window.
Travel in Style
Traveling Bags & Grips.
A Complete Line of Leather
and Wicker Grips,
Traveling Barn and Telescopes
Leather Grip9 at from $1.50 to 7.50
Wicker Grips at from 50 to 1.25
Wicker Telescopes at from 30 to 75
These goods are displayed
in our furnishing "goods
"The Delft"
Ware. -
Mixed Blue and White out
side and White inside.
"The Delft" is the latest
ware out in cooking utensils.
Prices are about the same as
granite ware, and a great deal
cheaper than the aluminum
waro, and prettier than either
of them. Call and see the
goods at
167 Second Street.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
AUGUST 12, 1897
All persons having claims against The
Dalles National BaDk, of The Dalles,
Oregon, must present the same to H. S.
Wilson, receiver, with .the legal proof
thereof, within three months from the
date hereof, or they may be disallowed.
Washington, D. C, Jnne 5, 1897.
James H. Eckels,
Random ODservations and Local Events
of Lesser Magnitude.
Schlitz and Hop Gold Beer on draught
at Stabling & Williams'.
Creamery batter, sweet potatoes,
lemons, etc., at Maier & Benton's, al-tf
Wanted Two nnfurnished rooms or
small honse, below the bluff preferred.
Inquire at this office.
A good gentle Jersey milch cow for
sale cheap. Call on J. A. Warner,
White Salmon, Wash. all-dwlt
A man with two daughters, aged- 10
and 12, desires board and lodging in
private family, call at this office, all 2t,
The Engene Gnard is - responsible for
the statement that "Fred Withrow had
one oi nis ngnc nanas cut by an acci
An exchange says that an Ohio man
started for the West with a wagon load
of nitro-glycerine and the last beard of
the outfit was the explosion.
Several of the young men belonging to
the fire department, are dressed np this
morning.Jbut whether from over-weening
pride, or damaged clothing, is open to
guess worn.
Congressman Ellis arrived at his home
in Heppner Tuesday. In an interview
at Walla Walla he expressed the opinion
that "the people will find it is not free
silver they want."
The ladies of the First Christian
church will give a lawn social at the
home of Mrs. James on Friday evening
Aug. 12th. Ice cream and cake 10 cent9
Everybody invited.
This thing of being a fireman Is not
all tournaments and parades, as was ap
parent last night. The boys got pretty
thoroughly wet, and several suits of
clothes are only fit tor the junk man.
Wheat is selling in Walla Walla at
734 to 74 cents, which is a half cent
better than the price quoted here today.
A small lot was sold ac that price, and
at the mill it is said 75 cents is being
. "Dear ant Jane," wrote little Bennie
Jimpking to hia father's sister, "I thot
I wood rite an' tell you that ma got a
baby hopin' thes' fue linnes will fia' you
the same your nefyou benny." Harper's
Miss Jennie Smitson, who fell while
getting off a train at Albany sometime
ago and lost both of her legs by the cars
running over them, has brought suit
against the Southern Pacific for $20,000
From the account of the Arlington
fire given by a dispatch to the Telegram,
it appears that the fire was caused by
the explosion of a lamp. A Miss France
was in the house, but escaped by jump
ing from the window.
One of the most delightful places on
the Columbia is the Jewett farm at
White Salmon. The views are magnifi
cent, the fishing good, while the table
is supplied with every delicacy. Bates
from $5 to $7 per week.
Mr. Tom Harris is in from Nansense.
He expresses himself as well satisfied
with the McKiulev tariff, and with the
wheat outlook, both as to yield and
prices. That broad smile of bis is ac
counted for by the fact that he has just
Bold his wool.
The committee appointed to collect
money for the tournament has not met
with the success anticipated, and will so
report to the executive committee to
night. What the outcome will be will
be know later, but it is a foregone con
clusion that without money the tourna
ment cannot be carried out.
Over the 'Phone "Yes, this is Maud.
Oh, is that you, George? Well, what
did papa say? What's that? You
didn't mind what he said? Well what
did he do? Good gracious! Did he?
And you can't sit down? Where are you
now, George? In the hospital! Dear!
dear!" Cleveland Plain Dealer.
head of 2 and 3-
was shipped East
Mr. A. S. MacAllister received a letter
from Dr. Siddall this morning, written
on board the Bteamer. The doctor and
his party were all well, delighted with
the scenery and full of .vim and courage,
They have their own horses and the doc
tor thinks will get over the mountains
and started down the river among the
A trainload of 350
ar-old stock cattle
flom Eugene yesterday. The train will
main about thirteen cars, and will be
consigned to Chicago: Mr. C. N. Thomp
son has been in Lane for some time,
gathering up the load, and Mr. Frank P.
Gardiner arrived from Chicago Sunday
night. The same firm will ship about
1500 head from La Grande in a short
The ladies of St. Peters church will
give a moonlight excursion on the
steamer Regulator next Saturday even
ing, leaving here at 9 p. m. and return
ing at 12. The profits arising from this
excursion will go into the fund for the
new church, and being a worthy cause
should be liberally patronized by tbe
people of The Dalles. Music for the ex
cursion will be furnished by the band
TicketB 50 cents.
upon the ground, and ran away, throw
ing the driver out of the cart. After
going a short distance the animal ran
into a barbed wire fence and cut bis
throat so badly that he bled to death.
Alexander Bovell, an ex-sailor, jtged
about 38 years, was arrested yesterday
at Portland charged with criminally as
saulting Hazel Fields, a little tot aged 5
years. He would undoubtedly have
murdered the girl, had not S. H. Pow
ers bravely gone, to her rescue, and
fought the brute. Powers was getting
the worst of the fight, and being deter
mined not to let the villian escape, drew
a razor and commenced slashing away
with it. Bovell managed to break away
from him and fled, but forfunately a
young man named Sammons saw the
whole affair and taking after Bovell suc
ceeded in capturing him, acd lodging
him in jail.
Mr. E. P. Whipple, representing the
C. B. Jeffries Fruit Company, says the
Register, has half a dozen men at work
at the E. C. Smith warehouse in Eu
gene, manufacturing tables and boxes.
Mr. Whipple expects to ship about fifty
carloads of green fruit East this season.
Tbe fruit will be shipped to all the prin
cipal Eastern markets. He has placed
orders for material for 4000 pear boxes,
3000 prune cases and 12,000 baskets.
They are being shipped from Portland
and Grant's PaBS. The demand for
pears in tbe East is quite brisk, and Mr,
Whipple expects to make the first ship
ment of the product next Thursday.
Next week he will commence shipping
prunes. Pickers and packers are now
gathering and preparing the pear crop
at the Sladden, Campbell, Weider. Bar
ton and Wallace orchards.
Prospecting in Alaska.
Mlchelbach Banding on
Street Barned.
An alarm ot fire aft 2 ;30 last night
brought the el umber Ufa Dallesitea hnr
riedly from their betls, and the fire had
gotten such headway that its location
was easily discovered, it being tbe frame
building back of the Union street lodg-
ing house on Second street.V The
son cart got first wa
N. fire plug at the corner
Bi Drop ip priee5
of Bieyels.
The season is getting late, and 'to close out
our stock now on hand we have marked them
down to
Less tl?ai Qast
Jos. T. Peters & Co.
Agricultural Implements, Champion
Mowers and Reapers, Craver Headers, Bain
Wagons, Randolph Headers and Reapers,
Drapers, Lubricating Oils, Axle Grease.
Blacksmith Coal and Iron.
Agents lor Waukegan Barb Wire.
2nd Street, Cor. Jefferson, THE DALLES.
The main coast of Alaska, to tbe
northwest of Sitka, has never been pros
pected until this year. A number of
men have gone oat with the intention of
making a general examination of the
formation. For years past good speci
mens of ore have been obtained from
this district, bat as a trip necessitated
the outfitting of a good boat, it has been
rather beyond the means of the average
prospector. W e may, however, get some
information about this coast before the
season is over which may throw con
siderable light upon its possibilities as a
mining area. There has been eome gold
found in tbe ruby sand about Yak n tat
bay, but no important quartz discovery
has yet been made.
Meeting Tonight.
ad P
an i
M. B. Murcbie lost a fine horse yes
terday a few miles from town. He had
just had tbe animal shod, and a man
who was going to work for him drove it
in a single rig out toward 5-Mile. The
animal bad not been driven much, and,
when trotting along, a hard piece of road
was struck and the horse became fright
ened at the sound of his own shod feet
The members of the executive com
mittee of tbe firemen's tournament are
requested to meet at the council cham
bers this evening at 8 o'clock, as there is
business of the utmost importance to be
ttended to. H. J. Maiee.
The merchant who tells you he has
Something else as good as Hoe Cake soap
s a good man to keep away from. a2-3m
Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco
Warehouse. Best feed on earth. m9-tf
rS the O. R. &
of Union and
Second, having a full stream playing on
the fire in less than five minutes after
the alarm was given, in a few minutes
the other comDanies.iSad- streams play
ing, one from the company ping on First
street, one from the engine and one from
tbe city hydrant. The fire was soon
under, control, but it hung on persist
ently, refusing to be put out. The
building is partitioned into many email
rooms, which prevented the water
reaching all parts of4t, and underneath
was a couple oy cords of stove wood,
which burned fiercely,
At one time the shingles on Mrs. E
M. Wilson's house caught fire, but was
extinguished with a bucket of water,
A big burning shingle fell on tbe roof of
tbe Columbia hotel, but it, too, was
soon taken care of.
The building belonged to the Michel
bach estate, and was insurejUor $1000
inTne Hamburg .Bremen (Jo. it was
occupied by Mrs. Brittain, who used it
as a lodging bouse. She was away at
tbe time, and whether the furniture was
insured we are unable to learn. Com
ing as it did in the middle of the night,
nothing was saved from tbe building,
and a lady who was lodging in the house
came near being seriously barned. As
it was her hair was singed, and she was
nearly frightened to death.
Tbe origin of the fire is a mystery,
though the indications are that it caught
from tbe stove in the northeast corner
basement room.
The building was hard to get at, tbe
companies using from 500 to 650 feet of
hose each. .
As is usual at fires same ludicrous
things occurred. Joe Bonn rode his
wheel to the fire, and tnthongh it has
rat-trap pedals, did no discover that he
had started without is shoes until he
hurt his feet on the locks.
At one time th nozzle on the hose
from the engine nearly got away from
the boys, and they all piled on it until
it looked libe a struggle at a foot-ball
This morning at an early hour, wLile
assisting in putting out the slumbering
embers Mr. Schooling slipped and fell,
cutting his wrist badly on a piece of
broken glass.
The members of the fire department
deserve praise for their quick response
and tbe business-like manner in which
they went to work.
There is nothing so thoroughly appre
ciated by tbe ladies daring tbe hot wea
ther as a delicious dish of genuineice
cream. The Elite candy factory serves
just that kind. Also soda, ice cream
soda and milk shake. ao-tf
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
Bed-Rock Pries and terms to suit purchaser.
New Vogt Block,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds.
eadquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds,
eadquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, mSed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
TfiVI Tloilf ThisFlour is manufactured expressly for family
L-VJU. AvIlAx. nse. every Back is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any bonse in the trade, and if yon don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Snccessor to Chrlsman Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
has the best Dress Goods
has the best Shoes
- - s
has everything to be found in a
first-class Dry Goods Store.